Your collection - post a photo - show us what'cha got!

Getting close to a complete set :)

If you have guides, I'll hold them for know. Like a bank. Except that, you know, better than a bank because, you know, banks are always knocked off. And no one knocks off old slow.
I'm seriously trying to clean out my guides and will be slowly listing them on eBay. I was surprised how much I got for some of my trade guides. I have about 350 now and wanna bring that down to 150 or less. I'm mostly gonna keep my PS1, (most) PS2, and the pre-32/64 bit era guides.

Getting close to a complete set :)

Out of curiosity, what's the reason you (seemingily) work so heavily with the Micro? Do you like the system or is it simply because of the customizable face plates?

I had no interest in the Micro back in the day (due to it being way to small to hold/play comfortably) but those look so cool now.

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Like you, I had ZERO interest when they came out. I don't really work with them very much. I only started making the faceplates because I bought one that didn't have one and it's really hard to find one for a reasonable price :(

But, once I got one, I became totally entranced by them. They're so gem-like. Beautiful anodized aluminum shells, cool interchangeable faceplate thing going on, super portable, etc. I honestly can't stand playing games on them. The screen is too damned small. Usually play GBA on one of my modded AGB units. But they're just so damned cool!
@ Vinny, if your seriously not considering staying at your place for too long you should seriously consider just keeping your stuff packed away and keep at your parents house for the time being. You can slowly bring your stuff back with you as your parents get closer to moving, I still have stuff stashed at my parents house. >_<

I also have (too much actually) stuff at my parents house. It is a good temporary solution. I have about 85% of my empire at their house right now, but they know not to get rid of anything. Now that I have more time on my hands, I can start getting rid of stuff. I've been trying to get all of my games/systems together, but it is an ongoing process. I keep finding least 20 of them now that arent boxed or different colors.

Is there a good way to store controllers? I've seen shoe organizers that people have used. I've also been looking for a way to easily wrap cords. I need to make a template...I was thinking something out of foam or flexible plastic, so I can squeeze the template and get it out while keeping the cords wrapped perfectly. I did try it in the past, but the foam wasn't big enough. Maybe a reusable zip ties to secure the cords? IDK. Maybe it isn't a big deal to a lot of people, but when you have hundreds of controllers, wrapping the cords can be a PITA.

I also have (too much actually) stuff at my parents house. It is a good temporary solution. I have about 85% of my empire at their house right now, but they know not to get rid of anything. Now that I have more time on my hands, I can start getting rid of stuff. I've been trying to get all of my games/systems together, but it is an ongoing process. I keep finding least 20 of them now that arent boxed or different colors.

Is there a good way to store controllers? I've seen shoe organizers that people have used. I've also been looking for a way to easily wrap cords. I need to make a template...I was thinking something out of foam or flexible plastic, so I can squeeze the template and get it out while keeping the cords wrapped perfectly. I did try it in the past, but the foam wasn't big enough. Maybe a reusable zip ties to secure the cords? IDK. Maybe it isn't a big deal to a lot of people, but when you have hundreds of controllers, wrapping the cords can be a PITA.
I use a variety of these to store controllers and older consoles/games, they work really well and hide in the closet really well.

I just finished packing my collection for storage. I got 8 of these 64 liter Really Useful Boxes;ssp=true and wrapped most stuff in garbage bags inside the box then sealed the box with another bag over the top. 8 of those fit most of my stuff but I am going to have to get a few more I think.
I hope you didn't pay that much for them, I've seen bigger bins for as low as $6. I try to stock up on them at Target, every once in a while some good ones go on clearance. It's gotten a bit harder since they don't order too many seasonal colors anymore.

I use a variety of these to store controllers and older consoles/games, they work really well and hide in the closet really well.

I hope you didn't pay that much for them, I've seen bigger bins for as low as $6. I try to stock up on them at Target, every once in a while some good ones go on clearance. It's gotten a bit harder since they don't order too many seasonal colors anymore.
I like these particular bins because they are well reinforced and also stack very well. I got them on a buy 2 get 1 deal so it was not too bad and the shipping was free. The handles on them are also great since they snap over the top of the lid to help create the seal when there is a bag over the top of everything.

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I use a variety of these to store controllers and older consoles/games, they work really well and hide in the closet really well.
Yeah, I have stuff like that now. I was hoping there would be a better solution to keep the cords form getting tangled. Those work well if everything is twistied together though. I might get a shoe hanger for individual controllers I use regularly and stick with the shelf bins for long term storage. That way I can keep my 'test systems and controllers' easy to access and keep the extra stuff stored.

I use gallon generic ziplock bags to organize controllers with power/tv cords for each system. For extra controllers I tie with zip cords. I store pretty much everything in the sturdy cardboard boxes that office paper comes in. The only perk of my job lately.
My problem is that I don't know how long my parents are going to keep the house. The housing market here is so different than the one in Arizona (current house isn't worth much, AZ house prices are rising). 

I'm just done thinking about for it. 

For the record though, I do not like those storage bins because they're all have curved edges/corners, which can damage sharp corners/edges. But they're definitely great for storing/moving. I wish I could find something with wheels though (kinda of like the luggage with wheels). I could have sworn I've seen one like that but not sure what they're called... 

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My problem is that I don't know how long my parents are going to keep the house. The housing market here is so different than the one in Arizona (current house isn't worth much, AZ house prices are rising).

I'm just done thinking about for it.
Going off topic (but relevant to you), I just bought a home in AZ a couple of months ago, and it can be hard getting a good house here. It took my wife and I getting outbid on 3 or 4 homes over the course of 4 months before we won our current house (and this is with bidding over the asking price on most of them).

So unless your parents are bidding strong in AZ (or are willing to move to less central areas), it could be some time before they close on a house.

My dad and brother are already there. They got a really good deal on a rental house and an awesome landlord, who hasn't raised rates even though the surrounding area is going up (like the rest of AZ). 

Problem is that my mom wants a mansion but has no understanding of money or that they can't afford it. 

My dad and brother are already there. They got a really good deal on a rental house and an awesome landlord, who hasn't raised rates even though the surrounding area is going up (like the rest of AZ).

Problem is that my mom wants a mansion but has no understanding of money or that they can't afford it.

lol.... Your mom hasn't been watching that show on tv has she? I know it's based in the Phoenix area, with house prices on the rise and the fed jumping the gun on eliminating the stimulus it's making more people want to go out and buy a home since we have already hit the housing market seems to be past the bottom.

Well... we're from South Asia so we watch a lot of South Asian shows and doesn't watch any western shows other than the one with Kim Kardashian and her sisters. That might actually explain why she has no concept of money... 

Holy crap! Ive played titanic on the PC too. Its quite scary on some parts.

Oh man your collection makes me feel nostalgic.

I was born in 1990 lol and i grew up playing Doom

My dad bought me doom when i was 4, and doom 2 in 95 i believe.

Heres a list of games i remember playing on the PC growing up:

My dad was able to afford them because they were bootlegs. We lived in Indonesia from 1994- 2000, and PC games costed $3-$4 each.

Doom 1
Doom 2
Monkey Island
King's Quest
Sam and Max
Stat Wars: Dark Forces
Star wars: Rebel Assault
Rogue Squardron
Dark forces 2
Mysteries of the Sith
Tie fighter
System Shock
Ultima (cant remember which one exactly)
Battlezone!!!! The 3d strategy game
Grim fandango
Sim theme park
Corridor 7

Theres more but thats all i can think of at the moment
My problem is that I don't know how long my parents are going to keep the house. The housing market here is so different than the one in Arizona (current house isn't worth much, AZ house prices are rising).

I'm just done thinking about for it.

For the record though, I do not like those storage bins because they're all have curved edges/corners, which can damage sharp corners/edges. But they're definitely great for storing/moving. I wish I could find something with wheels though (kinda of like the luggage with wheels). I could have sworn I've seen one like that but not sure what they're called...
I hate that as well. its one of my biggest pet peaves. im surprised someone hasnt done it yet.

My dad and brother are already there. They got a really good deal on a rental house and an awesome landlord, who hasn't raised rates even though the surrounding area is going up (like the rest of AZ).

Problem is that my mom wants a mansion but has no understanding of money or that they can't afford it.
isnt that true for alot of people, like all the ones living in debt?

Here is my XBox 360 collection. My camera battery died so this was as far as I got. Will have to upload pics for my other games later on. 





My back log, just for my 360, is approaching insane levels. Then I have like 250 XBox Live Arcade games, like 300 games on Steam, like 100 on, like 75 on Desura, plus my all of my other consoles including my PS3, PS2, original XBox, etc... If I never bought another game, I would still have a hard time playing everything I have. Yet I continue to buy more and more. I wonder what a psychiatrist would say about that, lol. 

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^I thought I owned a lot of 360 games.

I've got like....100? Lol

From what I can see you have quality and quantity.

Do you primarily buy new or used? Early in release cycle or wait for sales?
^I thought I owned a lot of 360 games.

I've got like....100? Lol

From what I can see you have quality and quantity.

Do you primarily buy new or used? Early in release cycle or wait for sales?
I only buy new games. Have tried buying used a couple of times and hated it as the games came with generic cases and the discs were all scratched up, They still worked but the condition was not great by any stretch of the word. I consider myself a game collector so I want the proper game case, the instructions, and a game disc that doesn't look like it was used as a dog's chew toy. So I never buy used anymore. Besides, I like my money going to the developer and not some company like Gamestop. As for price, I usually buy games at the mid price point, usually around 30 bucks. I have an 11 year old son as well so its not always about what games I consider to be quality games. If he wants a game, I buy it for him regardless of what I might think of the game.

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Did some re-arranging and cleared up some much needed space for more anime, although you may not be able to tell since a good chunk of the free "space" is already filled in by more anime since last time. :*(

Of course Vinny will blow his top once he gets a hold of my new LE/CE/SE set-up.

"Breaking news, man died of heart attack after viewing a picture from another man who dies not long after having been crushed to death by his anime collection."












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Square, how big is your anime backlog out of curiosity? I'm sure it competes with many of our game backlogs.
It's actually not as bad as you would think. I watch anime pretty often, and generally I can even bring it with me when I'm on public transportation, and I sometimes even use that time to catch up on anime since the commute is over an hour each way. I say I've probably already seen more than 70%-75% of everything I own, and it's only not more because there are only so many hours in a day, and also I'm usually following about 20-25 new shows each season, so that kind of takes up that time too.

But yeah, not as backlogged as you would expect.

I'll try to kick things off again with a new update. Its a work in progress. I need to unpack the rest of my ps1/GB/DS games and put them up too.

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Wow, it has been awhile since the last post, wtf!

I guess I'll have to update again on Friday since I got a pretty good number of additions since last time. @_@

I've actually been meaning to post; I just need to dust off my shelves and figure out how to squeeze in the Genesis and N64 games I recently acquired.  Sadly, my toy shelves aren't even close to ready, but they're not going to be until I can order a new shelf and also figure out what to do with all of my Skylanders.  In the meantime, I might just take a work-in-progress photo.

I am now really really for reals this time out of room.


I've resorted to putting two layers of Genesis games on the bottom shelf:


Missed a few things, going to take and post a few more pics later.

Also running low on room, and I still have about 125 games to case up. I'll stuff em in there somehow.


Repurposed this shelf


And repurposed this to house some special goodies :)


360 is all that's missing, since it took a crap, working on a trade to get another ASAP :(

Wiggy, I aspire to have a gaming room like that someday! I am thoroughly impressed! If I carry my own weight, can I move in? Ill sleep downstairs... Just a thought, run it by the Mrs.

Also to wiggy... Congrats on your Luigi DS! Apparently a lot of people thought it was real, I would take that as a compliment of your work! I've only seen a few pics but once again, way to go!

Just finished my woodshop project, and quite happy with it! Has my gamertag on the side if you were wondering (TKSJOHN) and also TKS Collection up top. Quite proud of how my collection is coming out so far, especially for only being 17. Anyways I've been dying to show off my cabinet. The PS4 and Xbox One I have pre-ordered will be going where my 360 and ps3 are now, then the 360 and ps3 will be going under the TV by the prestige editions.
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I recently bought a house so i've been trying to figure out the best way to display my collection.  I had a lot of extra wall space in the dining room so I figured why not use that.  Sadly i do not have much room to display my big box CE's so those are all missing from the photos.  I'm going to try and figure out the best way to display those.  I combined multiple photos to make one, so imageshack thumbnails are not working, but I posted lots of links:

Some of your pics are sideways dude... :p Nice stuff as always. BTW, you might wanna put that Skyward Sword box in some kind of a protective, acid free baggie. The foil finish on that box comes off so fucking easily. 

I miss my collection. I went to my parents home yesterday and saw all of it just sitting there... collecting dust and not being looked at. There's a huge box of stuff that's still unorganized from the last 2 months. And with winter coming, I'm wondering if the cold is gonna damage anything (our thermostat is set at 60F since no one is living there now). 

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I recently bought a house so i've been trying to figure out the best way to display my collection. I had a lot of extra wall space in the dining room so I figured why not use that. Sadly i do not have much room to display my big box CE's so those are all missing from the photos. I'm going to try and figure out the best way to display those. I combined multiple photos to make one, so imageshack thumbnails are not working, but I posted lots of links:
I like the steelbooks. Good stuff.

Just finished my woodshop project, and quite happy with it! Has my gamertag on the side if you were wondering (TKSJOHN) and also TKS Collection up top. Quite proud of how my collection is coming out so far, especially for only being 17. Anyways I've been dying to show off my cabinet. The PS4 and Xbox One I have pre-ordered will be going where my 360 and ps3 are now, then the 360 and ps3 will be going under the TV by the prestige editions.
How do you post pictures large? I was having a lot of problems ;last night trying to post large pictures (or any pictures for that matter)

bread's done