Your collection - post a photo - show us what'cha got!

Here goes my collection:
XBOX 360 Games

XBOX Games

PS3 (not pictured Uncharted 1, and College Hoops 2k8

PS2 (not pictured Black, disc only)



I'll take pictures of my DVD/blurays later, once I straighten them up.
[quote name='gamerdogbert']some bullshit[/QUOTE]

How convenient for you. You can say all you want, but never have to prove anything.

it's cool, no one believes you anyway.
[quote name='karkyco']Barbie dreamhouse reflected in the TV for the mother fucking win!

HAHAHAHA!!! Nice to see other gamers with young daughters (presumably, at least!) like me![/QUOTE]

Why yes, yes it is! LOL! Hey, like I said it's my girls playroom, I have three, but that's where the other xbox and wii and what not are and it keeps them out of my mancave as well.:D

On another note...

Wow, this has gotten interesting lately... all the virtual smack talk is good for some laughs...
I'd say if you aren't here to show your stuff then pipe down, if you have it great, if you are just trolling to make yourself feel big then maybe it's time to go play some of that "backlog" you are talking about. I mean really, you could say you have a bazillion-gazillion games factory sealed or what ever but i doubt anyone believes it or cares.

As for most of us we just like to see the goods and there are some really nice collections on here to look at so keep them coming.

Btw, virtual boy? really? really? I wouldn't boast about that one LMAO!:bomb:
[quote name='perdition(troy']do you have friends?

borrow their camera.

do you have family?

borrow their camera.[/QUOTE]
No, I don't have any friends. I would rather play video games. I have never felt any emotional attachment to other people, and that includes family. However, even though I don't care about them, they insist on coming from out of town to visit me once in awhile, which I normally find highly annoying, but next time they come I'll borrow a camera.

[quote name='addicted2games']2000? I am over 6000 games and need a new game room. Some of my games are pictured in the classic NES/SNES thread.[/QUOTE]
Very nice. You have a larger library than I do. My goal was never to have a large collection, I sell games that I'm finished with if I'm not interested in playing them again. My backlog just got ahead of me, that's how my game library formed, and that's why I call it a library and not a collection.

My original comment was not directed at anyone, I was simply marveling to myself that I had a lot more games than any of the other posts that I had clicked on, and I was surprised because I expected there would have been a lot more CAGs with very large collections like yours.

[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']How convenient for you. You can say all you want, but never have to prove anything.

it's cool, no one believes you anyway.[/QUOTE]
[Edit] I never expected to be asked to 'prove' anything; I thought I was just participating in a friendly discussion about CAG game libraries. I'm disappointed that the world has come to the point where you guys just automatically call 'bullshit' on somebody for no justified reason. I just don't like being called a liar just because I happen to find cameras unnecessary. I would give you guys the benefit of the doubt unless you were claiming something ridiculously outlandish; so when I say "I own several thousand games" in a thread where the whole purpose is to tout your collection, the skepticism and hostility caught me by surprise.

Oh, and the Virtual Boy is fucking awesome. If you don't like it, you probably never played a real one. That's the exact reason why it bombed, they couldn't get people to try it, but once you actually tried it, you bought one. It took me a long time to assemble them, and I'm very proud of having all 14 North American VB games that were ever published, all in mint/complete condition, most of them purchased brand new/sealed, including Waterworld, Jack Bros, and 3D Tetris. I also have a few rare games for other systems that I'm proud of, such as the recalled Tengen Tetris for NES complete in box.
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i'll post my collection later today when i get the chance. i'm waiting on dq5 and valkyrie profile: cotp to come in, so i'll take the picture with those added to the collection.

my collection in its entirety isn't even half of square's ds collection :(
[quote name='dizz.lee']i'll post my collection later today when i get the chance. i'm waiting on dq5 and valkyrie profile: cotp to come in, so i'll take the picture with those added to the collection.

my collection in its entirety isn't even half of square's ds collection :([/QUOTE]

Haha, don't worry, Squarehard sold his family to slave labor to afford all the games.
I took this last year, but I have added a ton more to it... So much , that I need to expand out of this closet. For example, my Wii games are on another bookshelf and PS3 games now take over that shelf where the Wii games are in the Pic. And this does not include the 2 dozen bankers boxes of game guides, PC games and cart games.

This is going to be my final comment on the matter of this little sidetracking we've gotten ourselves into.

[quote name='gamerdouche']Wow, if you took and added together all the game libraries in this thread, and then doubled it, you'd almost have as many games as are in my library... LOL

BTW, I have every Virtual Boy game ever made, complete and mint. :D[/QUOTE]

That's your first post in this thread; we'll come back to it in a moment.

[quote name='gamerdouche']I never expected to be asked to 'prove' anything; I thought I was just participating in a friendly discussion about CAG game libraries. I'm disappointed that the world has come to the point where you guys just automatically call 'bullshit' on somebody for no justified reason. I just don't like being called a liar just because I happen to find cameras unnecessary. I would give you guys the benefit of the doubt unless you were claiming something ridiculously outlandish; so when I say "I own several thousand games" in a thread where the whole purpose is to tout your collection, the skepticism and hostility caught me by surprise.[/QUOTE]

The world hasn't come to anything new, so please get on down from your high horse while playing the world's smallest violin. The people in this thread didn't automatically call 'bullshit' on you for no justified reason. You've provided plenty of justification with your arrogance.

You thought you were participating in a friendly discussion about CAG game libraries, yet you come into said discussion treating it as some sort of pissing contest. Your first comment in this thread is both a truly pathetic attempt at bragging, backed by absolutely NOTHING, while in the same breath attempting to belittle everyone else in the thread. "BWAH, MY collection is bigger than everyone else's in this thread so far COMBINED...and NO YOU CAN'T SEE IT." In roughly 20 years of history of the INTARWEBZ, you should know the golden rule - PICS OR GET THE fuck OUT - especially when you're making sorry ass attempts at unfounded bragging. It's trolling plain and simple.

If you had posted pics along with those comments in the first place, everyone would have let it go (while thinking of you as an asshole). Now, especially after the followup comments, everyone thinks of you not only as an asshole, but an asshole that's full of shit.

The difference with everyone else is, other people are posting pics and talking about their HUGE collections without having to resort to making snide and snarky comments along the lines of "oh what a joke - I have more than everything posted/listed/pic'd COMBINED". It's been in fun and truly about sharing and pride in collections without trying to tear anyone else down. Then you come in trying to shit on the thread and everyone in it? Bitch please. Don't play the "woe is me" innocent victim here after your snide remarks. Edited, at that.

[quote name='gamerdouche']No, I don't have any friends. I would rather play video games. I have never felt any emotional attachment to other people, and that includes family. However, even though I don't care about them, they insist on coming from out of town to visit me once in awhile, which I normally find highly annoying, but next time they come I'll borrow a camera.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, with the attitude and arrogance you've exhibited, that's no surprise.

[quote name='gamerdouche']
Very nice. You have a larger library than I do. My goal was never to have a large collection, I sell games that I'm finished with if I'm not interested in playing them again. My backlog just got ahead of me, that's how my game library formed, and that's why I call it a library and not a collection.

My original comment was not directed at anyone, I was simply marveling to myself that I had a lot more games than any of the other posts that I had clicked on, and I was surprised because I expected there would have been a lot more CAGs with very large collections like yours.

Your goal was to try to turn this into a pissing contest, plain and simple. Appears as though someone's got a "small" "bit" of a Napolean complex. It must be difficult going through life always trying to compensate.

Many people on here have thousands of games. I've got a few thousand at least. Whoop dee fucking doo. I certainly don't have the greatest collection, the largest collection, a definitive collection, or a comprehensive collection of just about anything, but unlike you I'm not posting on here to try to put myself above others. I enjoy my collection as well as the pics of others' collections - some are bigger and some are smaller. For most here on CAG it's about sharing deals, scores, and comeraderie. There are plenty of things I hope to add to my collection, just as I hope my input on CAG adds something positive here.

[quote name='gamerdouche']
BTW, I have every Virtual Boy game ever made, complete and mint. :D

Oh, and the Virtual Boy is fucking awesome. If you don't like it, you probably never played a real one. That's the exact reason why it bombed, they couldn't get people to try it, but once you actually tried it, you bought one. It took me a long time to assemble them, and I'm very proud of having all 14 North American VB games that were ever published, all in mint/complete condition, most of them purchased brand new/sealed, including Waterworld, Jack Bros, and 3D Tetris. I also have a few rare games for other systems that I'm proud of, such as the recalled Tengen Tetris for NES complete in box.[/QUOTE]

Here, I'll hook you up with some pics of complete/mint Virtual Boy games from my collection. We can just pretend their yours. The only one I'm missing is Waterworld, the rest are complete/mint although IIRC, I only have pics of 8 or 9 of them, since the pics came from the guy I bought the collection from, he didn't take pics of everything but had 13 of the 14 US release games complete/mint...except for the Tennis game I think, which came with the system.

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Karkyco, thank you, now I understand that it was my original comment that was misinterpreted by everyone. This is exactly how I never was good at socializing. I would like to go back in time and rephrase it as follows:

"Hello CAGs, I see some very interesting looking collections in this thread. I personally have around 2000 games in my library, which appears to be somewhat larger than those pictured in the posts I clicked on. I do not own a camera (as a personal lifestyle choice) but I would share pics if I could. I am posting because I was initially a bit surprised as I thought there would be more CAGs that had very large collections than what I've seen here, but what you guys have looks great! Keep up the good work.

Normally I would have worded this comment in a manner which *I* perceive to be carefree and jovial, but it seems that on the internet people don't understand my tone and get the mistaken impression that I am trying to brag, troll, or make them feel bad, when nothing could be further from the truth. I respect everyone on this forum, and I'm happy to see you guys have collections that you are proud of.

My personal outlook is that I never intended to collect games just for the sake of having a collection; I only buy the games that I am interested in playing, and my backlog got way ahead of me over the years. I have actually sold off quite a few games that I am finished with, and I continue to do so as I work my way through my backlog. In the end, my library of games will be much smaller than what you guys have, because once I complete a game I'm only going to keep it if I wish to replay it again later. Although one thing that I am proud of is my collection of all North American Virtual Boy games because I really loved that system, and those games are so rare, so that's really the one part of my game library that I consider 'a collection'.

Perhaps if one of my relatives decides to annoy me with a visit, I can borrow a cell phone camera to snap a photo for you guys to see. Until then, Respectfully, GamerDogbert"
[quote name='douchebag']blah, blah, blah...[/QUOTE]

I couldn't be bothered to read this based on your first sentence. Regardless of your ethnicity, you still come off as an a$$hole, especially in this comment.

You can now enjoy the good life of my ignore list along with the other douche named Fire_Thief. Have a good time with him. He definitely has no friends like you. Who knows, maybe you two will hit it off.
It's okay gamerdogbert. At least you tried to make amends, but your attempt still came out a little arrogant, even though you may not mean it to be. But without pictures, they are just words for now, so that's fine, I don't intend to pursue this anymore as I didn't really care that much to begin with. Hope you can find a camera soon, or your statements will keep getting seen as brash and bastardy.
I am almost out of room on my shelves, so I'm going to have to figure something out before I am completely out of room for my games. Thinking about getting a friend to build some wall mounted shelves possibly so I have more space for games. I guess I'll have to see when the time comes.

Anyways here's what it looks like for the time being. It's a mess, I know. :*(


Squarehard, you have a very nicely organized collection. I have mine on similar styled black shelves except they are cheapo ones from walmart so they aren't as nice and tidy looking :(

As for the other matter, it's too bad that the internet can't convey tone. It seems that no matter what I say, people always take it the wrong way, in life as well as on here... It just frustrates me because in real life I am a very humble, laid-back, completely non-jealous, person who would never insult anyone or try to show off or brag. I just have poor communication skills, and unfortunately I always seem to be misinterpreted here on the interwebs... sigh.
I can't take a picture of my main console games because the majority of them are in steel cases or plastic bins and have way too many to fit on any of my shelves (especially since I have thousands of DVD's and hundreds of Blu-ray which are occupying my shelves). But I do have a picture of my DS/PSP and GBA games.


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[quote name='lmz00']You guys play a lot of hand held games. Wow.[/QUOTE]

Most of us with large collections have not and will play all of our games. I've only beaten 45% of my games (at my estimate). Of course, I've played/beaten other games too (my brother's or games I beat then sold) so it's to say how many I actually played/beat.
[quote name='Vinny']Most of us with large collections have not and will play all of our games. I've only beaten 45% of my games (at my estimate). Of course, I've played/beaten other games too (my brother's or games I beat then sold) so it's to say how many I actually played/beat.[/QUOTE]

It's a never ending backlog for the majority of us. Normally I try to sink at least a few hours into each game when I get it, but it has become increasingly hard at the rate that my collection has been expanding that it's near impossible to do that now, so the backlog just grows. :bouncy:
[quote name='dorino']I try to avoid backlog... I like PLAYING my games.[/QUOTE]

So do I, but deals don't last forever, so you gotta get the games while they're on sale. That's why many of us have backlogs. We buy games for cheap, but then don't get to play them for ages. It sucks, but if you want to be a CAG, that's the way it's gotta be.
Own/play... same thing. I only said that because the last one I bought was Ridge Racer for the PSP like five years ago when I was still a senior in high school. Never saw a need for them after that.
[quote name='dannyox718']I love how most of you alphabetize your collections! I did that with my ps2 collection and got a lot of flak from my buddies.[/QUOTE]

I work at a library, so I kind of have to, lol! But seriously, it makes it so much easier to find stuff. I can't even tell you how many times I haven't even had to look at the games when pulling one out, just because I know exactly where it is already!!!!
[quote name='Squarehard']I am almost out of room on my shelves, so I'm going to have to figure something out before I am completely out of room for my games. Thinking about getting a friend to build some wall mounted shelves possibly so I have more space for games. I guess I'll have to see when the time comes.

Anyways here's what it looks like for the time being. It's a mess, I know. :*(



is this rack the bigger version of this one?
[quote name='Animal7390']is this rack the bigger version of this one?[/QUOTE]

Yes it is. I actually bought the same exact one he has 2 weeks ago from Best Buy. I tried looking for it yesterday when I was entertaining the idea of buying a second one, but it looks like it got pulled from the site. For comparison purposes, that one was a 1080CD/504DVD.
right, im going back and forth with that one and the new atlantic elite one they have. i get them at employee cost and the one pictured is 15 more than the other one.
[quote name='TooMuchCoolness']Squarehard is that a life size PS3 on the left of that picture? I wonder how many GB that one has...:applause:[/QUOTE]
Squarehead can correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like a Lasko oscillating fan sitting in front of a tower speaker.
[quote name='dannyox718']I love how most of you alphabetize your collections! I did that with my ps2 collection and got a lot of flak from my buddies.[/QUOTE]
When I was in school I always insisted on keeping every system's games in chronological order by which I acquired them. That worked fine until 1995 when I started buying games 10x faster than I ever had before, and started not being able to find games easily. I switched to alphabetical (except that I put sequels immediately after the first game in the series, regardless of the name; i.e. Zoda's Revenge is in between StarTropics and Street Fighter 2010, and the Splinter Cell games go SC, Pandora Tomorrow, Chaos Theory because that's their release order) but I still keep the systems in chronological order (all my Atari games, then NES games, then SNES games, etc by the order I acquired the systems in).
[quote name='dannyox718']I love how most of you alphabetize your collections! I did that with my ps2 collection and got a lot of flak from my buddies.[/QUOTE]

How do they sort their games?

It is so much easier to find games/movies in alphabetical order.
[quote name='TooMuchCoolness']Squarehard is that a life size PS3 on the left of that picture? I wonder how many GB that one has...:applause:[/QUOTE]

LMAO! That is actually pretty hilarious. I didn't even realize it until I looked at it as a whole with the speaker behind it, LOL! It's a 100 TB HDD, fully compatible with everything, even future games! :D

[quote name='dannyox718']I love how most of you alphabetize your collections! I did that with my ps2 collection and got a lot of flak from my buddies.[/QUOTE]

All my collections are alphabetized, except for my DS one, since its so massive, I actually separated them all out by publisher and then in each section of publishers it is alphabetized. It's a little strange, but I only do that with the DS collection.
man, some impressive stuff here. i'll need to post a few pics some time later on. vast majority of my games are stored away at the moment :)
okay well here's my collection. somewhere in the neighborhood of the 27x's.. all DS games, all US releases except for Jump Super Stars and Jump Ultimate Stars

side shot

front shot
Here's my collection accumulated over 7 years, and I'm 15. :applause:

I've spent the past week looking for all my games and cataloging them.







Where the mario come from? Me want.

[quote name='dorino']Or maybe now?


My SNES is hooked up right now, and my PS1 and its games are in storage.[/QUOTE]
i sort my games in alphabetical order per console. drives me crazy for someone to play a game and just lay it down. i put lot of work into my collection and keeping it straight.

just wondering does anybody else catch greif about their collection, my ex wife use to hound me all the time, (at the time i had 2000 games, snes nes genesis,) till one day i got tired of it, took to a vintage store traded it in for cash and moved out the next day. (there was more to it but was final straw that broke camel back)

my new girlfriend is more understanding because she is hooked on her dsxl, and she has rode with me to see how i make money at this and can get her any game she wants for it
[quote name='henrylin22']Am I the only PC gamer here?[/QUOTE]

No, there are a few of us. Look in the PC gaming section.
[quote name='Estebon']Where the mario come from? Me want.[/QUOTE]
Custom build - It's pretty self explanatory, build yourself one (or if you want me to, send money/video games.)
[quote name='Estebon']Where the mario come from? Me want.[/QUOTE]

LOL it's made out of Legos...can't be that hard recreating it just by looking at the pic. But I'm sure there's instructions online if you need 'em. It looks fucking awesome that's for sure, and looks like it's probably buildable via one of those "bucket of bricks"/creator sets. You could even customize Mario to be a little more "ethnic" - tanner or lighter, depending on the Legos you use for skin tone and hair.
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bread's done