GGT 258 Continues to Celebrate Leda's Birthday with Shots Shots Shots!

I like Halo a lot. Also enjoying Killzone 2 which I'm playing now. Other than the control options all being a bit wonky to me. Holding down L2 to stay in cover, up on left stick to look over feels very clunky, as does clicking the right stick to aim down sights. But I'm getting used to it and liking the game a lot. Only through the first couple of sections though.

Playing through this and then the third to decide if I want to make Killzone 4 my ls4 launch ame pickup. Trying to stick with only one disc game at a time on ps4 to avoid the backlog pressure.
First of all about that Capcom stuff, just also wanted to say that while it's unfortunate overall, it makes sense from a business point since they know they have a better chance at making a profit off of these cheaper mobile games in the industry currently, which is a bummer.

Eh, usually they're mutually exclusive. If you like something like Halo, Killzone is going to be too slow/heavy for you.

I don't understand Halo. Story/aesthetics aside, to me the gameplay is mediocre at best and I'd rather play Killzone/Call of Duty/Resistance/etc. I don't like the multiplayer either or the firefight modes. It just doesn't click. But then you have people who love Halo more than most FPS (you, I think?) and usually that group doesn't like Killzone or any of the other shooters except maybe Call of Duty, but even then, I think Halo wins for them.

I love the Killzone MP, always have since Killzone 2... thought 3 was fantastic and was happy when they released the stand alone MP package though I haven't played it lately. I'd love to have a competent FPS on the go, especially one that's score attack based and set in the Killzone mythos with pretty graphics and competent gameplay.

I'd like to get in the closed beta, but not sure I'll be able to find a key (or pry myself away from P4G).
That makes sense, they do play pretty differently but I just remember the first one being toted as a "Halo Killer" so I always have that comparison stuck in my head. I would definitely say that Halo is a top FPS for me, I hate CoD as well though. Some other shooters I really like are the Half-Life franchise, Battlefield, Unreal, Turok, Resistance was good as well, FarCry, and a bunch more actually, don't wanna make a huge list lol, but I would say I'm a pretty big fan of FPS game's overall, so I'm not sure what it was about Killzone that didn't draw me in as much, I'm sure I'll give it another go someday though and I may like it more the second time trying it, which would be nice since I own it!

I like Halo a lot. Also enjoying Killzone 2 which I'm playing now. Other than the control options all being a bit wonky to me. Holding down L2 to stay in cover, up on left stick to look over feels very clunky, as does clicking the right stick to aim down sights. But I'm getting used to it and liking the game a lot. Only through the first couple of sections though.

Playing through this and then the third to decide if I want to make Killzone 4 my ls4 launch ame pickup. Trying to stick with only one disc game at a time on ps4 to avoid the backlog pressure.
Change your control scheme to the one that's close to CoD4.

And most of the time, you don't really use cover, so I kind of forgot that existed. :)

Change your control scheme to the one that's close to CoD4.
And most of the time, you don't really use cover, so I kind of forgot that existed. :)
I've been using cover a lot so far. I didn't see any scheme that was close to CoD though. I'm just on the second option that just flips fire to R2. Will look through them again though.

I think Killzone 3 has a CoD like control option. I checked out the MP briefly a while back
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I've been using cover a lot so far. I didn't see any scheme that was close to CoD though. I'm just on the second option that just flips fire to R2. Will look through them again though.

I think Killzone 3 has a CoD like control option. I checked out the MP briefly a while back
There's one that's relatively close where it makes L1 sighting in and click L3/R3 for run/melee, I believe. It's not perfect, but it works.



:rofl: @ BoF6 "belonging on iOS".

That's a whole 'nother can of worms right there.


fuck, I missed the GF deal for $15 Mirror of Fate. :\

I decided to test out the uploading feature on my Elgato so I made a ~7ish min video of me playing some short levels in Cloudberry Kingdom. I did pretty bad for some of them haha, I was trying to focus on seeing the program and making sure everything was working right so I didn't focus on the game as much as I should have! Plus, I was using the controller that has the joystick that sticks right since I didn't intend to make a serious video, just testing the water. I'll hopefully start doing some more (maybe for Cloudberry but definitely other games as well) and now that I know how stuff works it should all work out better!

NOTE: I know it sounds like I'm complaining but in a game like this that sticking joystick is life or death, I'll definitely use a different controller next time I do something like this :D

One last note is I forgot to switch on the audio button so there was no audio, due to that I added in some generic free techno song directly through Youtube but it wasn't as long as the video so there's like 2 minutes of silence at the end!

I like halo too but indidawg refuses to play with me.
We haven't played together yet either! We should def do that sometime, gotta play some multi!

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Yes, everyone should own this game.
Already there, man. I donated to the indiegogo. :p

That game looks infuriating.
If by infuriating, you mean AWESOME, then yes -- infuriating.

To be accurate, it is infuriating in a way -- that Pwnee/Ubisoft/Sony couldn't get their heads out of their asses long enough to figure out if the game will be cross-buy when the Vita version is released in the future BEFORE the pre-order window for the PLAY promotion on PSN ended.
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That game looks infuriating.
Haha oh it totally can be, the video wasn't even the hardest preset difficulty, there's one higher that's locked at the beginning and you can also do Custom difficulties and choose what kind of stuff is in the level and how much you want. I would very much call it a precision platformer on the higher difficulties, since one slightly wrong move can kill you, and it's all about trial/error and learning the pattern on the level.

There are a lot of easier options as well though for people who do want to play a more relaxing quick platformer which is nice, another really cool feature is all of the different versions of the characters, like you can do a double jump version, jetpack, wheel, tiny character, huge character, pogo stick and a bunch more which make the levels even more interesting, plus there's a "wall" mode where there is a giant spike wall chasing you as you do the level. I can easily recommend it for $10 if you are into that kind of platformer though, I'm sure I'll do a few more vids sometime.

You can support it twice as hard by buying it for me.
Heck, if this is an open offer then it could become thrice as hard if a copy is bought for me as well :p

You can support it twice as hard by buying it for me.
Alright i'll get it for you when it hits 90% off in about 5 years.

Heck, if this is an open offer then it could become thrice as hard if a copy is bought for me as well :p

Could always go in on a four pack. I'm sure enough of people in here would be interested.
A 4-pack does sound good...

buuuuut i don't have paypal and the only way i'll be able to pay on my end is through my steam wallet and i don't have any money in it right now anyways so that'll be a problem. Oh well.

Capcom sucks lately, they need to bring Bionic Commando Rearmed and Super Street Fighter IV to the Vita. Those IOS\Android games look to be of low quality.

Just checked the eshop on Wii U and saw that the original Harvest Moon launched today, got that downloaded and am looking forward to playing that sometime, definitely a game I'll be happy to play again even though I know I'll end up putting a lot of time into it :D 

Huh, I listed an old textbook on Craigslist for $5 since that's about what it's going for on Amazon, but since the school store sells it for a lot more (like always) the person who bought it gave me $10 for it since they said it was such a good deal....I've never been reverse bartered before on Craigslist, not complaining though, just kinda weird.
I don't think you know what bartering is.

Sounds like the guy just gave you a tip. I would be offended.

That's where BoF belongs.
I pushed the green Like This button next to this post.

Booooooo Anti-Like!
I pushed the green Report button next to this post.

I like halo too but indidawg refuses to play with me.
I didn't want to interrupt your dad's Birthday shenanigans.

Yes, everyone should own this game.
You just say that cuz you're in the credits.

Stop trying to get paid.


There's one that's relatively close where it makes L1 sighting in and click L3/R3 for run/melee, I believe. It's not perfect, but it works.
Cool. I'll give that one a try. I prefer using R2 for shooting though. And will have to see how that one works with cover being L2 and sighting in L1 since I've been using cover a ton.
Cool. I'll give that one a try. I prefer using R2 for shooting though. And will have to see how that one works with cover being L2 and sighting in L1 since I've been using cover a ton.
I guess it depends on if you're using a 360 controller on your PS3. I know you prefer that controller generally, so if you're doing one of those, you're going to find it awkward... PS3 shooters have reversed shoulder buttons because of the nature of the l2/r2 triggers... I'm used to it, but if you're not, it'll be awkward. Since I only played COD4 on 360 (WaW and MW2 were on PS3 for me), I've already adjusted.

I guess it depends on if you're using a 360 controller on your PS3. I know you prefer that controller generally, so if you're doing one of those, you're going to find it awkward... PS3 shooters have reversed shoulder buttons because of the nature of the l2/r2 triggers... I'm used to it, but if you're not, it'll be awkward. Since I only played COD4 on 360 (WaW and MW2 were on PS3 for me), I've already adjusted.
I'm using the Dual Shock. But I have the Pelican real trigger attachments, so I prefer using those when given the option.

Using L1/R1 is fine. Played the Uncharted series and Last of Us with that set up (as you can't switch to triggers) recently, so I'm used to it.

I'm more interested to see how L1 to Zoom and L2 to crouch in cover (since you have to hold it down) will work vs. having R3 as zoom since I've been using cover so much.

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You refuse to play with me too :(
I don't even had you added on my xbox tag doe.

I've had the halo itch this past month got to playing it again today was fun still need to play the borderlands 2 dlc joeldawg won't play with me either I'm about to say YOLO and just play it solo

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Didn't you have some choice negative words about the PS3 version?
Which is why he won't buy it, but doesn't mind if others buy it for him.

I don't even had you added on my xbox tag doe.

I've had the halo itch this past month got to playing it again today was fun still need to play the borderlands 2 dlc joeldawg won't play with me either I'm about to say YOLO and just play it solo
Stop celebrating birthdays then.

I don't think you know what bartering is.

Sounds like the guy just gave you a tip. I would be offended.
I know what bartering is, I've played Fallout! Plus I use Craigslist/eBay a bunch and my dad runs a toy store :p

You might be offended but I'm not, more goods for me! :D

Anyone getting Diablo 3? Now that it seems Dragon's Crown is going to suck with no voice chat and a lot of janky things that will make it hard to enjoy as an online MP game I need to know if I should keep this discounted preorder of D3 or not.

Anyone getting Diablo 3? Now that it seems Dragon's Crown is going to suck with no voice chat and a lot of janky things that will make it hard to enjoy as an online MP game I need to know if I should keep this discounted preorder of D3 or not.
which platform are you getting it on, i am planning to get it on ps3, but still undecided, because i am worry about the lack of userbase. Since pc version still has most of the userbase.

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I'm personally not super worried about the lack of mic support in DC. I seldom mic up for that type of game though.
i do not even own a mic. lol. with dragon crown, the max 4 players are basically forced to be in the same room/ screen every second.

I'm not worried because Skype.
Yep, I'll use this or even the 360 party system when chatting/playing with people on PS3 since that's where my good headset is at :p

To buy the Doom BFG edition or not. Should I go to Quakecon for a day this weekend?
Doom BFG is worth getting, especially since it's so cheap right now. If I had the choice to go to Quakecon I would definitely do it.

I know what bartering is, I've played Fallout! Plus I use Craigslist/eBay a bunch and my dad runs a toy store :p

Which toy store?

Anyone getting Diablo 3? Now that it seems Dragon's Crown is going to suck with no voice chat and a lot of janky things that will make it hard to enjoy as an online MP game I need to know if I should keep this discounted preorder of D3 or not.

Nope. No D3 until GOTY edition.

Plus, I'm still getting Dragon's Crown. Skype or no, I don't want anyone to hear my lame ass voice.

Which toy store?

Nope. No D3 until GOTY edition.

Plus, I'm still getting Dragon's Crown. Skype or no, I don't want anyone to hear my lame ass voice.
Just a local shop, he called it Replay Toys. For D3 I'll be waiting for the next gen versions before I pick it up on consoles since I already have it on PC.

I reserved Dragon's Crown today.

I'm not sure what exactly that even means.
I'm still not sure I'll reserve it, there's a good amount of games I want in August and that comes out 2 days after Pikmin 3 and the same day as Xillia :/

Just a local shop, he called it Replay Toys. For D3 I'll be waiting for the next gen versions before I pick it up on consoles since I already have it on PC.

I'm still not sure I'll reserve it, there's a good amount of games I want in August and that comes out 2 days after Pikmin 3 and the same day as Xillia :/
Do what I'm doing and don't buy just another sequel rehash and instead get both Xillia and Dragon's Crown.

oh wait...

bread's done