GGT 258 Continues to Celebrate Leda's Birthday with Shots Shots Shots!

Today has legit been one of the shittiest days of my life.

Also, I like the sound of that multi in the new Batman game. I'll play Bane.

Other way around. Getting it on PS3.

Hope shit gets less shitty, Joel.
I pushed the green Like This button on this post.

Are we friends on PS3? I feel like we're not cuz you're always being mean to me or something.

Do you wanna critique Leda's wing drawing skillz?


What about her drawing of a cube? This one speaks a lot to me. This lonely cube floating along and kind of providing this light source to the darkness around it and stuff? Really deep shit.


Today has legit been one of the shittiest days of my life.

Also, I like the sound of that multi in the new Batman game. I'll play Bane.
Agreed with Action! Sucks to hear you had a bad day, hopefully tomorrow is an awesome day!

The Batman multi looks alright, I'll probably like playing as Batman/Robin more than the goons but I'll have to wait and find out!

Maybe, but it would also just be playing a 3rd person shooter then, which isn't as unique. Plus then I could play as Batman and just run around in circles shouting some days you just can't get rid of a bomb, which would be pretty awesome.

Anyone play Muramasa Rebirth yet? I kinda forgot it came out.
It was fun. It looks beautiful on the Vita.

I've been watching for the last 5 mins and all I've seen is menus and more menus.

Vita for me...if I get it.
Same. I've tried watching streams and each time I do the streamer is on the damn menus screen.

Muramasa on Wii is honestly one of my top games this gen, so I think I can recommend the Vita version by extension. Especially if you're in the Vanillaware mood already.

On the fence with Dragon's Crown. If there's a good GGT crowd on PS3 I might grab it, though.
If I were to get Dragon's Crown, it'd be on the Vita. Depending on how many of you plan on getting it on the Vita (and if on release day) I'll get it.

We should make a list or something.


If I were to get Dragon's Crown, it'd be on the Vita. Depending on how many of you plan on getting it on the Vita (and if on release day) I'll get it.

We should make a list or something.

Whoknows, Action, and I are confirmed release date for PS3. gunm, Panzer, and Mo are getting it on PS3, I'm not sure if they'll going release date though.

Frost is maybe getting it and that'll be on the Vita.

Pick your side.

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It would be unique in a game that is the third in a franchise where you play the majority of it as Batman.
Unique to the franchise sure, overall, not so much :p

If I were to get Dragon's Crown, it'd be on the Vita. Depending on how many of you plan on getting it on the Vita (and if on release day) I'll get it.

We should make a list or something.

Here's what I got looking through the thread, more of a list format then Indignates post, might not be 100% right since I just did a quick glance.










whoknows (forced by Indignate)







* The best around

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I was just going by what he said, since he posted he'd grab it for Vita if he does buy it, if you're right then it's just whoknows being whoknows

It was fun. It looks beautiful on the Vita.

Same. I've tried watching streams and each time I do the streamer is on the damn menus screen.

If I were to get Dragon's Crown, it'd be on the Vita. Depending on how many of you plan on getting it on the Vita (and if on release day) I'll get it.

We should make a list or something.

it will be a cluckster fack trying to find your char on the small vita screen, if you plan to play multiplayer

it will be a cluckster fack trying to find your char on the small vita screen, if you plan to play multiplayer
I dunno about this. Maybe... but maybe not. Depends on how they denote characters, etc.

I mean, you'd think the same thing would be true with Sony Smash, but it wasn't. Smash was actually better on Vita for me.

My Vita is collecting dust doe....
suit yourself, that is what all the pro " gaming review" site commented on as one of the downside. I already preordered at amazon for the ps3, but i doubt i will receive it on release, since i am not a member of amazon prime.

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I dunno about this. Maybe... but maybe not. Depends on how they denote characters, etc.

I mean, you'd think the same thing would be true with Sony Smash, but it wasn't. Smash was actually better on Vita for me.
I wouldn't think that. Sony Smash has only, at most, four characters on the screen at one time.

He wasn't forced, I just gave him a better alternative. Gosh.

You know what, fuck your list and fuck you.

I quit the GGT forever again until I have to post a Leda pic or something.

I'm probably going to end up with Dragon's Crown on both. I'm only getting it on PS3 also due to it being so cheap.
Well, now he directly said it at least! :p

$90 for that cross-buy version, right?
Yeah, I wouldn't really call it "cheap" either, it's still not a terrible price though for 2 copies of a game.

Im hooked on Cloudberry Kingdom right now bros. Made another 5 bucks in 3 days from steam cardz. Life is good.
It's pretty darn fun, I've been playing it on and off on the 360, hoping to get some people over to try the 4 player sometime.

If anyone here gets a Killzone Mercenary Beta key for the closed beta that started today and for some reason doesn't want it... good old Frost will take it off your hands.
That's the vita version, right? One of the mods on GAF had fairly positive impressions of it earlier this week.

For some reason I thought Dragon's Crown was only coming out for Vita.
Huh, I listed an old textbook on Craigslist for $5 since that's about what it's going for on Amazon, but since the school store sells it for a lot more (like always) the person who bought it gave me $10 for it since they said it was such a good deal....I've never been reverse bartered before on Craigslist, not complaining though, just kinda weird.

I own Killzone 1 and 2 and couldn't ever really get into it, just makes me want to go play Halo. I'll give the beta a shot on Vita when it goes into the open phase though to try it out, not sure how much I'll enjoy a 8 player online shooter only but I'll still give it a fair shot since it could surprise me!

So it turns out Capcom is completely and utterly stupid and clueless about everything.

Why the hell are they so interested in ios/android?

No wonder they're doing so bad lately.

I was gonna post something about Breath of Fire 6 coming out but being for PC/Mobile but never got around to it, I've wanted a new one forever and this actually makes me pretty sad to see, I also STILL would love to see Frontier get a western release, I would play that game so much it would be crazy, especially if it would launch on 360 :O

I own Killzone 1 and 2 and couldn't ever really get into it, just makes me want to go play Halo. I'll give the beta a shot on Vita when it goes into the open phase though to try it out, not sure how much I'll enjoy a 8 player online shooter only but I'll still give it a fair shot since it could surprise me!
Eh, usually they're mutually exclusive. If you like something like Halo, Killzone is going to be too slow/heavy for you.

I don't understand Halo. Story/aesthetics aside, to me the gameplay is mediocre at best and I'd rather play Killzone/Call of Duty/Resistance/etc. I don't like the multiplayer either or the firefight modes. It just doesn't click. But then you have people who love Halo more than most FPS (you, I think?) and usually that group doesn't like Killzone or any of the other shooters except maybe Call of Duty, but even then, I think Halo wins for them.

I love the Killzone MP, always have since Killzone 2... thought 3 was fantastic and was happy when they released the stand alone MP package though I haven't played it lately. I'd love to have a competent FPS on the go, especially one that's score attack based and set in the Killzone mythos with pretty graphics and competent gameplay.

I'd like to get in the closed beta, but not sure I'll be able to find a key (or pry myself away from P4G).

Beware the PS3 version of Dragon's Crown has no voice chat while the Vita version does have the systems' party chat option.

There's a lot of other janky things about the game. Someone posted about it in the Japanese game thread in the deals forum.

You don't level till AFTER your adventure (so if you do 10 stages, you won't gain a single level till you stop).
You can repair degraded equipment on allies.
You can only use X so many items per "build" per adventure. So if you got 9 bags, then you can make 9 different builds (with all different gear, which means each build with either suit a need or get worse) and continue to use them that way or wait till you're certain they're required.
Runes aren't shared between characters and a lot of people ignore them.
No point in finding secret items in room.
Can only accept 5 quests at once and most of them can and will be done accidentally only for you to redo them later with the quest.
Some skills take several skill points, which means it might take you several levels to actually level.
Can't use skill points / new gear / upgraded things mid adventure.
Game will disconnect human people that don't want to go the path you want to go.
Game will randomly start you in a new room if you don't have anyone with you, so you might start just before the boss fight or somewhere before that.
Every boss has some sort of mechanic to allow you a "prizeless' victory if you suck.
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