Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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I've bought a few new games and the one I've spent the most time playing so far is Broforce. It's Devolver, so no doubt it's bundle-bound, but it's a really fun game, so be on the lookout for it.

Imagine Contra in bite-sized chunks with 4 player co-op. There are 26 different guys to unlock. They all play differently and serve as in-game powerups. The controls are tight and it's a one-more-round kind of game.
If there's a knock on it, I'd say that the variety of enemies isn't great, but the levels are destructible and there are usually multiple ways to get to your goal. It's Early Access, so I assume it's only going to get better.
I brought my living room SteamBox into work yesterday. We didn't have anything to do and the market is dead so my boss (an occasional 360 gamer) and I just played games for a few hours. We tried a few different titles, had a few laughs, killed a little time. Mostly AAA stuff.

The game he liked the most?

I brought my living room SteamBox into work yesterday. We didn't have anything to do and the market is dead so my boss (an occasional 360 gamer) and I just played games for a few hours. We tried a few different titles, had a few laughs, killed a little time. Mostly AAA stuff.
I hate you.
Okay, Marvel Heroes update...  They are doing a free random costume for the next 21 hours or so. (2 AM CST)

Now, when I say random...  I mean random.  There's no guarantee, and in fact if you don't play allot the odds are stacked against you, that it will even be fore a character you own...  They are also not tradeable or have any sort of real value but considering that most cost between 5 to 10 dollars it might be worth logging into.

I suspect tomorrow, it will be the free random hero.

I'll do my best to let you all know but it will be much later in the day when I can tell ya all. :)

I brought my living room SteamBox into work yesterday. We didn't have anything to do and the market is dead so my boss (an occasional 360 gamer) and I just played games for a few hours. We tried a few different titles, had a few laughs, killed a little time. Mostly AAA stuff.

The game he liked the most?

You sound like you have a really stressful job. You should quit and let me have it.

I hate you.
hey man don't hate just cuz you don't have some cushy white collar job where you can do whatever the fuck you like and still get paid handsomely for it. take me for instance, i manage a chocolate factory run by big titted hookers... oh wait, that's Dave Attell's dream job...

Valve time-shifted the event to just before the sale this time. They've still been doing different events for each of these sales, though every time people complain that coal was better That, at least, hasn't changed in the couple of years I've been on CAG. Coal was better is the motto of every sale. and it's always the worst. And yet people still post their hauls after the sale, having found some nice deals hear and there. Every time.

I like the once-a-day votes. I like the increased grace period on catching flash deals. But I'm usually on the road traveling during part of the sale and busy with holiday stuff for part of the rest. Having more time available to catch sales and votes work for the way my holidays go.
I already explained my problems with the whole auction-gem thing. Why does Valve create some weird, economy-shifting scenario instead of doing something that incentivizes actually playing your games--you know, the way they used to? I really, seriously don't care about the coal thing either.

I don't mind the once-a-day votes too much, and that's really not what I'm complaining about. The sales genuinely are getting progressively worse as Valve continues to phone it in. And they don't really care because they don't have to. Of course people are still going to buy stuff because it's a big sale on Steam, but that doesn't mean we can't recognize that it's not as good as it was (ignoring the fact that sales lose value for veterans because of bundling). I don't live in some Panglossian Steam world and I'm not going to sit here and say, "It's the best of all possible sales."

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My complaint with the sales is that what tends to get the larger discounts are semi-old AAA games which are featured in nearly every Steam sale (Skyrim, Saints Row), while the rest of the discounts tend to be smaller % off of newer titles. This is to be expected, as this is what likely sells the best. However, I really wish they'd mix it up. Maybe have different genre themed days and then have "blockbuster" days specifically for the most popular AAA games, and then a "new release" themed day or two for newer games. The genre theme could be used to put a spotlight on games that tend to get shafted. Like have a first person shooter day which highlights not only games like Bioshock or Borderlands 2, but Hexen or Quake or Painkiller. Heck have a platformer day because you don't see platformers featured all that often, or combine that with a puzzle game day. 

There are definite annoyances w/the Steam sale from that perspective to me, but realistically, as a CAG we're never gonna see a sale blow us away. We already have the majority of the games that are gonna be 75% off, and most people eat up every bundle there is in addition to snatching up a game as soon as it hits their price point, which is often before a major seasonal sale occurs. That being said, the first few days of this sale, were pretty bad despite my low expectations. However, it's turned around a bit (for me, at least), and every sale I do bitch a little then at the end I'm surprised at how many games I picked up, despite my perception of the sale being bad. I feel like many CAGs follow this pattern, as well. For example, between gifts and my own purchases, I've already gotten 10 games in the Steam sale alone. Looking through my activity feed I can see that a lot of people have probably gotten just as many, if not more, games than I have. I guess I"m just wondering what people's expectations are for the sale (what would make people feel as if the sale doesn't suck). We're clearly not going to see new titles at 75% off because it's not realistic, so my next best wish would just be a spotlight on a combination of relatively more obscure titles with some more older titles thrown in. I feel like the oldest game that gets featured is stupid GTA IV and it gets featured EVERY stupid sale.

You sound like you have a really stressful job. You should quit and let me have it.
As regards the sale, all the best indie deals were in the gem auction. Less demand led to lower prices (usually around 85% off) which meant I could knock out a few wishlisted titles.

As for the "main" sale, I'm using it to pick up the AAA titles from a few years ago that have bottomed out price-wise. I think it's the only way to really take advantage of the sale. The 50%s of this sale will be 66%s in a few months time.
As regards the sale, all the best indie deals were in the gem auction. Less demand led to lower prices (usually around 85% off) which meant I could knock out a few wishlisted titles.

As for the "main" sale, I'm using it to pick up the AAA titles from a few years ago that have bottomed out price-wise. I think it's the only way to really take advantage of the sale. The 50%s of this sale will be 66%s in a few months time.
I tend to pick up a lot of older AAA games in these sales as well. My main qualm is just that I wish they'd throw some more variety in and pay attention a little to older or obscure titles...or not even that, just mix it up a little. I'm rarely, if ever, surprised by the offerings that are featured day to day, and you can already predict about 50% of the titles that will be featured before the sale even starts. Meanwhile, I"ve been waiting for Steam to put Rayman Origins at 75% off for what feels like years.

I brought my living room SteamBox into work yesterday. We didn't have anything to do and the market is dead so my boss (an occasional playa) and I just played games for a few hours. We tried a few different titles, we laughed, we cried, and then we made love. It was rough and awkward, but we didn't care. Years of unspoken feelings flooded out of both of us and mingled together in a magical brew of sweat and tears and fluids. It wasn't long before I understood why they designed the Steam controller to have a vibration function and no thumbsticks. Our favorite game was BroForce.

Thank you, thank you, thank you GabeN and your magnificent Box of Steam for teaching this lonely soul how to love again!

TL:DR - Flowette bangs boss at work. Steambox FTW.

Okay, Marvel Heroes update... They are doing a free random costume for the next 21 hours or so. (2 AM CST)

Now, when I say random... I mean random. There's no guarantee, and in fact if you don't play allot the odds are stacked against you, that it will even be fore a character you own... They are also not tradeable or have any sort of real value but considering that most cost between 5 to 10 dollars it might be worth logging into.

I suspect tomorrow, it will be the free random hero.

I'll do my best to let you all know but it will be much later in the day when I can tell ya all. :)
yeah last year I got the enhanced rocket racoon outfit. don't have nor do I care to have him.

Seems like Kabam is making the same mistake with the new Marvel fighting game that Gazillion did at first - giving you "random" heroes. It's what caused me to quit MH2015 originally. There's only like 4-5 heroes I am interested in playing as, and when your game is entirely luck based random hero drops and I keep getting ham and eggers like The Thing and Hawkeye, you're going to lose new player interest real quick; before the possibility of cash purchases.

Not that anyone is actually buying anything from Steam with their own cash but...
I am lazy and don't want to drive anywhere to buy Steam Wallet cards.  I want digital, want it fast and was very annoyed that no one seemed to be selling anything but physical cards.  Every once in a while I do a search to see if this has changed and found that Paypal actually sells digital gift cards.  I don't know when they started this and maybe this is old news but for anyone who did not know here are a few links.  
Paypal Gifts Steam digital wallet code
Through ebay

I bought a $20 code through ebay and received it within 30 minutes or less although they do say on the auction page that delivery could take up to 24 hours.  If you use ebates or fatwallet you can get 3% cash back for gift cards if you buy through ebay.  I will be 60 cents richer (or only $19.40 poorer) on my next payout in february.  Heh.

My complaint with the sales is that what tends to get the larger discounts are semi-old AAA games which are featured in nearly every Steam sale (Skyrim, Saints Row), while the rest of the discounts tend to be smaller % off of newer titles. This is to be expected, as this is what likely sells the best. However, I really wish they'd mix it up. Maybe have different genre themed days and then have "blockbuster" days specifically for the most popular AAA games, and then a "new release" themed day or two for newer games. The genre theme could be used to put a spotlight on games that tend to get shafted. Like have a first person shooter day which highlights not only games like Bioshock or Borderlands 2, but Hexen or Quake or Painkiller. Heck have a platformer day because you don't see platformers featured all that often, or combine that with a puzzle game day.
That's a pretty good idea, actually. I'd like that.

There are definite annoyances w/the Steam sale from that perspective to me, but realistically, as a CAG we're never gonna see a sale blow us away. We already have the majority of the games that are gonna be 75% off, and most people eat up every bundle there is in addition to snatching up a game as soon as it hits their price point, which is often before a major seasonal sale occurs. That being said, the first few days of this sale, were pretty bad despite my low expectations. However, it's turned around a bit (for me, at least), and every sale I do bitch a little then at the end I'm surprised at how many games I picked up, despite my perception of the sale being bad. I feel like many CAGs follow this pattern, as well. For example, between gifts and my own purchases, I've already gotten 10 games in the Steam sale alone. Looking through my activity feed I can see that a lot of people have probably gotten just as many, if not more, games than I have. I guess I"m just wondering what people's expectations are for the sale (what would make people feel as if the sale doesn't suck). We're clearly not going to see new titles at 75% off because it's not realistic, so my next best wish would just be a spotlight on a combination of relatively more obscure titles with some more older titles thrown in. I feel like the oldest game that gets featured is stupid GTA IV and it gets featured EVERY stupid sale.
This is a large part of what I'm talking about: not only does Valve not seem to really care about generating buzz and excitement for sales the way it used to, but every sale feels a lot like every other sale because it's the same garbage at the same not-really-great discounts ad nauseum. What would make it great? First, do something original and interesting like that year where you got prizes for playing games or getting certain achievements (kinda like what GMG does with Playfire rewards) not something gimmicky tied to how much virtual crap you have in your inventory or how much real world $ you want to spend on virtual crap for your inventory. Second, yeah, actually give us a mix of quality discounts on a variety of titles. Let's face it--nobody gets excited over 50% and 66% sales so save that kind of stuff for regular (non-event) daily deals. Personally, I'm a CAG for a reason, which is that I don't exactly have coffers overflowing for a games budget, so paltry deals that really aren't better than any generic daily deal don't excite me or motivate me to make a lot of purchases. Unlike you and (I presume) several others here, I haven't bought more than a couple of things in a mega-sale for what feels like years because the deals just haven't been there. Frankly, if something's not going to get a deep discount for a holiday sale, why bother? Yeah, part of this is backlog-related and part of it is the way that publishers market games, too, but all of it leads to crap sale. As an example, I'm not super motivated to buy Saints Row IV at $5 because it's one of those titles with huge quantities of DLC that have already been packaged into a GOTC edition which hasn't hit that pricepoint yet--and I still haven't played Saints Row The Third. Ditto with Dishonored.
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TL:DR - Flowette bangs boss at work. Steambox FTW.
You win CAG's "Somewhere in the night a stray rocket went off" award.

Not that anyone is actually buying anything from Steam with their own cash but...

I am lazy and don't want to drive anywhere to buy Steam Wallet cards. I want digital, want it fast and was very annoyed that no one seemed to be selling anything but physical cards. Every once in a while I do a search to see if this has changed and found that Paypal actually sells digital gift cards. I don't know when they started this and maybe this is old news but for anyone who did not know here are a few links.

Paypal Gifts Steam digital wallet code

Through ebay

I bought a $20 code through ebay and received it within 30 minutes or less although they do say on the auction page that delivery could take up to 24 hours. If you use ebates or fatwallet you can get 3% cash back for gift cards if you buy through ebay. I will be 60 cents richer (or only $19.40 poorer) on my next payout in february. Heh.
Thanks for the reminder. I'm an idiot and just went through the process of transferring funds from Paypal to my bank account, waiting the 2 days, and then using that account to add to my Steam wallet to avoid a potential lockout. Now I just gotta finish waiting for my alt—er, daughter's account—to unlock for resetting—er, forgetting—my—her—password.

I wonder if Valve cut down the number of rotating (community/flash) sales because of publishers complaining about price glitches, like the regional fuckups and the compounding percentage ones.

This is a large part of what I'm talking about: not only does Valve not seem to really care about generating buzz and excitement for sales the way it used to,
Probably because they're so satisfied with their money-generating machine that is the pixel marketplace, and that they only really have to put the initial effort in and then it just snowballs to ridiculous proportions. Why put more effort into it? There must be an inverse relationship between the various ways Steam wallet can be fattened and discount percentages over the past few years.

How could the backlogged bundle-veteran CAG be anything but disappointed by these sales?

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This is a large part of what I'm talking about: not only does Valve not seem to really care about generating buzz and excitement for sales the way it used to, but every sale feels a lot like every other sale because it's the same garbage at the same not-really-great discounts ad nauseum. What would make it great? First, do something original and interesting like that year where you got prizes for playing games or getting certain achievements (kinda like what GMG does with Playfire rewards) not something gimmicky tied to how much virtual crap you have in your inventory or how much real world $ you want to spend on virtual crap for your inventory. Second, yeah, actually give us a mix of quality discounts on a variety of titles. Let's face it--nobody gets excited over 50% and 66% sales so save that kind of stuff for regular (non-event) daily deals. Personally, I'm a CAG for a reason, which is that I don't exactly have coffers overflowing for a games budget, so paltry deals that really aren't better than any generic daily deal don't excite me or motivate me to make a lot of purchases. Unlike you and (I presume) several others here, I haven't bought more than a couple of things in a mega-sale for what feels like years because the deals just haven't been there. Frankly, if something's not going to get a deep discount for a holiday sale, why bother? Yeah, part of this is backlog-related and part of it is the way that publishers market games, too, but all of it leads to crap sale. As an example, I'm not super motivated to buy Saints Row IV at $5 because it's one of those titles with huge quantities of DLC that have already been packaged into a GOTC edition which hasn't hit that pricepoint yet--and I still haven't played Saints Row The Third. Ditto with Dishonored.
Agreed with pretty much all of this. There have been a few good deals though. The only AAA ish games I bought were Walking Dead Season 2, Saints Row IV GOTC, and Bulletstorm. Tbh I'm not sure what pricepoint youre looking for w/the GOTC edition, unless it's bundled I don't think it's getting below 7.50 for a long time. A lot of the games I've bought have been non-featured ones, though. I think about half the games I bought were puzzle games that were less than 1.50 a pop.

I don't know. I think if Steam would just mix in some titles along w/the typical things we always see I'd be happy. It's really annoying to see things on my wishlist that I know won't get featured and haven't been on sale for over half off in years, or never, even.

In plain English: About half of steam users are idiots.
Granted, this IS Cheap Ass Gamer, where we stalk bundle sites to save pennies on our purchases, but those people voted to save a fuck ing quarter on bundle trash! And not even a real quarter... a funbux quarter... one game's worth of card drops. I think you're being nice by calling them idiots.

I'm not sure why anyone cares about that vote. We all knew Dinosaurs were going to win because Dinosaurs. Those nichey simulators are overpriced for anyone but the most hardcore fans. They'd have to be 97-98% off for anyone here to even consider them, and then you'd all probably still pass on it and wait to see if it hits a bundle so you could save a couple more nickels.

Also the bus one looks terrible. And you know who it's for.


In plain English: About half of steam users are idiots.
No.. in plain English... we Steam users are saying fuck Steam fuck the shitty sale... here take this .25 cents off that should NEVER have been offered as a stupid fuck vote to begin with.

Just got home from work.. voted for Orion... Merry fuck Christmas.

(most you kids may not get that reference....)

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hahahah 10% off Garry's Mod

15% off Game of Thones... I do believe Steam is telling us something here.

Hell even the stupid Goat Simulator got a 33% discount :p

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Same discounts most of this stuff has had for a couple of years now... zzzz (and I'm talking about after the pricing update).

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Can you guys at least wait for the discount percentages to go through before making snarky comments? I swear we go through this every day.

Can you guys at least wait for the discount percentages to go through before making snarky comments? I swear we go through this every day.
I did, my comment applies to the same 50% off Goat Simulator we've seen in more than a few weekend/midweek deals, 75% off Derp Islands, 75% Garry's Mod, 75% off Payderp 2, 75% off Bioderp, fire sale discounts on Just Cause 2 and Derpsiders 2, etc.

And yea, another day of lackluster, but Game of Thrones is back to its pre-order price. Its absolutely wonderful and if you're a fan of the show, you need to get it. But if you want to wait for it to be cheaper thats understandable as well.

And yea, another day of lackluster, but Game of Thrones is back to its pre-order price. Its absolutely wonderful and if you're a fan of the show, you need to get it. But if you want to wait for it to be cheaper thats understandable as well.
Those Telltale games make it a no brainer to wait for a cheaper price by giving you only a small fraction of the content now and you have to wait for the rest anyway.

I honestly think they flow better if you binge them anyway. You kind of lose some of the impact between episodes with the long delay and the 'Previously on...' doesn't quite cut it.

Really the only reason to get them now is if you have money to burn and are super impatient and even then it will just end on some stupid cliffhanger and you'll get annoyed you have to wait even though you paid for the full game. :p

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Perfectly fine for television shows to be episodic but video games?  Nah, it's just the sign of a lazy developer/Early Access game in disguise.

This really maybe the worst of Steam's event sales. It's less about the deals (they mostly stink) but there's just no reason to care anymore. It used to be a regular thing to check every 8 hours at least for flash/cc. Now it doesnt even matter. The day is basically over immediately. 

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