GGT 343 buys and resells amiibos for max profit!

Zeki, why am I so hot?


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Why did you edit your post?
Because the person in the text asked her about cutting her hair and i had asked if she cut her hair, so it didn't make sense since it was already asked.

Plus I wanted to say that it was good she was doing fine since she left the public eye.
How was it my friend?
It was good. It's weird, I don't know if I liked the story because it was good or because I saw so much of my own stuff I've been dealing with this past year in it. The backstory of the main character losing his Mother and doing everything to fulfill her final wish while traveling this whole new world and really finding himself without being held back by the ties to who he was before he came to Kyrat felt exactly like what I'd done since my Mom died last February. Getting my siblings and I our inheritance from our Father, severing his parental rights so he couldn't take them away to South Korea with him, and making sure that my Mom's wishes were carried out ended up causing a lot of bridges to be burned between myself and people that I had at one time considered family and friends and from the ashes, I have been slowly piecing together more and more of who I am as an independent adult. Then, with my biological Father dying in the fall, it's just left me feeling like I don't really have a past. There's nobody out there in the world right now that has unrealistic expectations of me or expectations that tie me to my past anymore, so I get to finally figure things out. It has been an adventure, but I still miss my family greatly and there's nothing I wouldn't give to have my Mother back... Still, it feels like it was all necessary in the end to get where I am now.

Far Cry 4 was the absolute best game I could have played for how I have been feeling lately. It gave me a lot to think about while giving me enough mindless missions to do with well designed gunplay so that I could actually think out my feelings on things while having fun.

My ending choices in the spoiler.

I sided with Amita through most of the game because Sabal came off like a creep to me after I found that note about him wanting to marry Bhadra after he takes down Pagan Min and kills Amita, so I killed Sabal at the end. Between all of Pagan's notes in the game and your Dad's diary, Mohan seemed to me like a fanatical asshole and Pagan seemed like a really alright guy. When I got to the Royal Palace I did not kill Pagan at the end. I even let him fly away in the chopper at the end after he revealed that your Dad really was an asshole that killed your half sister and caused your Mom to flee to America. I wish I could have just ruled by Pagan instead of him leaving.

Now, I'm going to play some more of either Second Son or Lego Marvel because I feel like I need something lighter after all the emotional ties I felt to the story of Far Cry 4.

I don't like this new look for CAG.

I think I might just go pull the trigger on Dying Light. This shit looks really fun.

Also think I'm closing in on the end of Bowser's Inside Story. I have until the 13th! Then it's Nintendo D-Day. Nintenday?

I just wonder if they finally fixed the eyesore that ignored users become when using the dark theme... 

Edit: nope... still a giant white stripe.

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Mobile version of CAG is still the same as far as I can tell.

Shadow of the Ninja on VC!!! I rented this game back in the day. It's kinda like the NES Ninja Gaidens except with co-op. Recommend 100%.

Also got the Metroid trilogy. Had to delete shit on my Wii U to get it to fit. What's the best solution to storage on Wii U? Do portable HDDs work?

Nintenday List:

Majora's Mask shit

Other Nintenday List:

Monster Hunter shit
Why you gotta make me spell it out... :p


Majora's Mask

Not Good:

Other shit.

Mobile version of CAG is still the same as far as I can tell.

Shadow of the Ninja on VC!!! I rented this game back in the day. It's kinda like the NES Ninja Gaidens except with co-op. Recommend 100%.

Also got the Metroid trilogy. Had to delete shit on my Wii U to get it to fit. What's the best solution to storage on Wii U? Do portable HDDs work?
Throw your WiiU in the trash.
Find the ISOs for Metroid Prime Trilogy (since you own the game an all, no moral quandries)
Play game using Dolphin on your PC which as the possibility of terabytes of storage.

Problem solved. :D

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This CAG update seriously does look like the page is broken. Really not feeling the way the user names are on their own line along with the user titles. It makes things confusing.

This CAG update seriously does look like the page is broken. Really not feeling the way the user names are on their own line along with the user titles. It makes things confusing.
Normally it's old people who are resistant to change and unable to adapt.

And yet, here I am, functioning fine and not complaining about the changes and a whippersnapper like you is all riled up... >_>

bread's done