GGT 345 Now Has Enhanced Jiggle Physics

I dunno wtf happened last night man lol. I was on at 9pm until 11pm waiting on you and Zeki to get on; but it seems I was suppose to coordinate when we played according to Zeki, and I didn't know cause I thought he was doing it. So I sat and played the AI for 2hrs waiting on you guys but then found that out lol. Then I left to eat, and the time I got done I had to go to bed so I can have 3hrs of sleep so I could go to work. So yeah last night was a mess. However tonite seems good to go. I work 3rd shift tomorrow so I can stay up late and Zeki is down so if you're free man we can play. I got my mic setup I think so we can party chat and play. I'll need either you or Zeki to make the room though and make sure at least 3 spots are private.
Okay, sorry! I'll coordinate this time! What timezone are you in and what times are good for you?

Actually guys Zeki isn't sure he's going to play tonight. Oh wait, he just got Andrew to buy DOA, oh wait Zeki is playing now. Oh wait, you guys made other plans cuz he said he wasn't going to play and now you can't play with him? weird.

Don't ignore me bitch


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I meant games that are still being made. I don't even remember the last time I saw a new release for that series.

When can you play, Zerki?
Contra 4 on GBA was pretty awesome.

Hard Corps Uprising was essentially Contra and it was #SWAG as hell... however, Konami let it die on PSN/XBLA and is missing out on the gold mine of putting it out on PC. >_>

Straight up, WanderingFlame is one of the greatest 3D fighter players I've ever seen in my life. It really shows that he was schooled by Hank.

Zeki and I just probably had the greatest match of all time as well. It almost outranks the Q vs Q match that I had with Josh.
It's because Zeki is crazy skilled with Honoka. I haven't ever seen someone as good as he is with her. I need to really up my skills to be able to compete.
Good games, WanderingFlame and Whoknows! You guys are crazy better than me and that makes me super glad because it gives me something to work at! Definitely gotta work more at my Ein. I'll upload some of our fights tomorrow!
If I grabbed the F2P "trial" version, could I jump in and get schooled by you fellas?  If so, I'll download it to my PS4 for the next time you're on.

DoA5 has a super convoluted lobby.
I still don't know wtf was going on with it. Like I think one person has to be a spectator and then the other two have to be ready and hit x or something. it's like if all three are ready or just sit there as the other two are ready it doesn't know what to do. I went and chose to be a spectator in the options as you two were ready and then the countdown started. Super confusing lobby. I should read up on that cause we literally sat there for 5mins before it went lol

Straight up, WanderingFlame is one of the greatest 3D fighter players I've ever seen in my life. It really shows that he was schooled by Hank.

Zeki and I just probably had the greatest match of all time as well. It almost outranks the Q vs Q match that I had with Josh.
Thanks my friend, that truly means a lot to me. =) Hank taught me how to play 3D fighters back when SCIV first came out. Ever since he dominated me that one night I vowed to get better at 3D fighters. He gave me pointers, worked with me, taught me tricks, and now in SC we can almost go even every match. DOA I played him a few times I think he mains Lei fang? and just expanded on my skills there. I owe a lot of my skills to Hank. Hank was talking about getting the full version soon and I hope he does. I'd love to play him and you guy's again.

If I grabbed the F2P "trial" version, could I jump in and get schooled by you fellas? If so, I'll download it to my PS4 for the next time you're on.
I'm pretty sure you could man, but don't quote me on that. We need to get you and Inufaye in with us.

Good games, WanderingFlame and Whoknows! You guys are crazy better than me and that makes me super glad because it gives me something to work at! Definitely gotta work more at my Ein. I'll upload some of our fights tomorrow!
Good games for real Joel, and Zeki. I had a freakin blast tonight, it was just what I needed. =) Time seriously flew and damn Zeki for ending my 17 win streak lol. Oh man seriously upload some of those matches please!!! I was trying to save all the replays but half of them didn't save for some reason on my PS4. It felt good to be able to show you guys I'm good at something especially since I did so horrible at Smash. It's just not my fighter I guess lol.

DOA and SC <3

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It's because Zeki is crazy skilled with Honoka. I haven't ever seen someone as good as he is with her. I need to really up my skills to be able to compete.
He's really good with her, Kasumi, and Kokoro. You're good with Zack, and Ein. Like once your Zack starts you gotta be on your toes. I think you should stick with Ryu too I didn't get to play yours enough. I'm gonna work on my three mains a bit. Laura Bailey, Ayane, and Marie Rose. Unless you guy's think I'm better with someone else? My MR needs some work I think. I just couldn't get a lot going with her. After you left Zeki and I played straight MR and Honoka for a few. I started to do a lot better with her and Zeki started doing better with Honoka too. Real close good matches. Can't wait to do it again guy's we need to set up a day and time again for real.

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Here are some of the videos my PS4 saved and I uploaded from last night. I'm bummed that more didn't save hopefully you got some of the ones I missed Joel and Zeki. I tried ranked while these were uploading and got demolished by a Ryu lol.

Here are some of the videos my PS4 saved and I uploaded from last night. I'm bummed that more didn't save hopefully you got some of the ones I missed Joel and Zeki. I tried ranked while these were uploading and got demolished by a Ryu lol.
I only saved ones I did okay in because I have self esteem issues or something.

If I grabbed the F2P "trial" version, could I jump in and get schooled by you fellas? If so, I'll download it to my PS4 for the next time you're on.
I'm not sure. I tried looking it up and couldn't find anything. It's the same game though, so you should be able to. It'd at least be worth the download to check it out!

I still don't know wtf was going on with it. Like I think one person has to be a spectator and then the other two have to be ready and hit x or something. it's like if all three are ready or just sit there as the other two are ready it doesn't know what to do. I went and chose to be a spectator in the options as you two were ready and then the countdown started. Super confusing lobby. I should read up on that cause we literally sat there for 5mins before it went lol

Thanks my friend, that truly means a lot to me. =) Hank taught me how to play 3D fighters back when SCIV first came out. Ever since he dominated me that one night I vowed to get better at 3D fighters. He gave me pointers, worked with me, taught me tricks, and now in SC we can almost go even every match. DOA I played him a few times I think he mains Lei fang? and just expanded on my skills there. I owe a lot of my skills to Hank. Hank was talking about getting the full version soon and I hope he does. I'd love to play him and you guy's again.

I'm pretty sure you could man, but don't quote me on that. We need to get you and Inufaye in with us.

Good games for real Joel, and Zeki. I had a freakin blast tonight, it was just what I needed. =) Time seriously flew and damn Zeki for ending my 17 win streak lol. Oh man seriously upload some of those matches please!!! I was trying to save all the replays but half of them didn't save for some reason on my PS4. It felt good to be able to show you guys I'm good at something especially since I did so horrible at Smash. It's just not my fighter I guess lol.

DOA and SC <3
Yep! I looked it up and I think I figured out what we were doing wrong. I think the host needs to press L2 to bring up the menu to start the fight after all fighters have readied up. It doesn't seem like it's that complicated, but goddamn, it seemed super difficult to figure out last night. I really hope Hank does get it. I would love to play with him!

I had a ton of fun too! Next time we play I'll probably talk more. I was trying to be quiet because of my girlfriend being asleep. I can't believe how nice online play was too! I think the lag only got noticeable 2-3 times. Super stoked to play again! I will try to upload some matches in a little while.

He's really good with her, Kasumi, and Kokoro. You're good with Zack, and Ein. Like once your Zack starts you gotta be on your toes. I think you should stick with Ryu too I didn't get to play yours enough. I'm gonna work on my three mains a bit. Laura Bailey, Ayane, and Marie Rose. Unless you guy's think I'm better with someone else? My MR needs some work I think. I just couldn't get a lot going with her. After you left Zeki and I played straight MR and Honoka for a few. I started to do a lot better with her and Zeki started doing better with Honoka too. Real close good matches. Can't wait to do it again guy's we need to set up a day and time again for real.
Thanks! I will definitely work on them more now that I know who I'm good with. I need to practice more with most characters, though. I would love to be like you and be pretty great with most of the roster. We should definitely play again soon! I'd be down this weekend if you would like.

Maaaan, today has been busy. I just want to play DOA.

I only saved ones I did okay in because I have self esteem issues or something.
You did good man honestly, you have one of the best Honoka's out there. I don't know why but a lot of my matches with you didn't save. Particular our MR and Honoka matches which were great. So I was bummed those didn't save.

Yep! I looked it up and I think I figured out what we were doing wrong. I think the host needs to press L2 to bring up the menu to start the fight after all fighters have readied up. It doesn't seem like it's that complicated, but goddamn, it seemed super difficult to figure out last night. I really hope Hank does get it. I would love to play with him!

I had a ton of fun too! Next time we play I'll probably talk more. I was trying to be quiet because of my girlfriend being asleep. I can't believe how nice online play was too! I think the lag only got noticeable 2-3 times. Super stoked to play again! I will try to upload some matches in a little while.

Thanks! I will definitely work on them more now that I know who I'm good with. I need to practice more with most characters, though. I would love to be like you and be pretty great with most of the roster. We should definitely play again soon! I'd be down this weekend if you would like.

Maaaan, today has been busy. I just want to play DOA.
The host has to press L2 when everyone is ready? That helps to know then cause that lobby last night felt like a test I didn't study for the night before lol. We were all pretty quiet last night lol. I was trying to figure out if you guy's could hear me okay cause I turned my mic settings down because theres a lot of background noise here and I didn't want you guys to have to constantly hear that going on. I could hear you pretty decently, Zeki I had a bit of trouble hearing but we also figured out he didn't know he could change his mic settings which does make a difference. We'll all have to talk more next time, you guy's should feel special that was the first time this gen I've mic chatted lol.

I was actually surprised the online was that smooth too. Especially considering we're all in different time zones. Zeki and I being the furthest from each other. I only noticed lag about twice as well the whole night. Which is kinda surprising considering my PS4 is on wifi, and at the time we were playing I was sharing the net with two other people; it's kinda shocking it was that good. Haha can't wait for you to upload some matches too man. Btw Hank said he does have the "trial" version already d/l'd on his PS4. =)

Haha, thanks man! =) If there is one thing Hank taught me it's to play everyone a couple times, and then pick two of those people you feel you're the best with and concentrate on learning their stuff. To play better players than yourself once you have chosen your two mains, and to learn from them. That's how you truly get better. If you want any tips I'm happy to help! I know I need to learn my critical bursts more, the only one I know for sure is Laura Baileys. I only did it like once though and then didn't even bother to follow up with a decent combo lol. Ayane and MR I had no idea how to do theirs, I'll have to work on that.

I'd be down Saturday night to play if you guys are free. I'd be able to hop on around 11:45pm-midnight my time which is like 10:45pm your time Joel, and 9:45pm your time Zeki. Just let me know guys!

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bread's done