GGT 346 Left Konami to Work at Imageepoch

- Far Cry 4 is dope

- I've been busy getting ready for a student art show and I finally got everything submitted today, so life's cool

- I have MKX paid off and the launch trailer that came out for it is the most amazing thing ever

- I went and saw Furious 7 the night it came out and it was also amazing

- SMT x FE looks like my kind of game

- I'm finally moving on and seeing someone right now (she's actually older than me, which is a first)

- Life is good

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They set that shit to a System of a Down song wat

Yah, Furious 7 was good. Needed more Lucas Black and his country accent tho. Hopefully he'll have a bigger role in 8. "Hey ya'll, I c'n drift!"

Thanks for the love guys. I'm back home now and back to a pretty normal life. I have to take lots of anti seizure meds now, though and that's not fun. Especially since they're super expensive. Yuck.

Here's hoping this week will be good. I hope all of you have a great day.
Vin let slip that #8 is supposed to be in New York and have more Kurt Russell, so there's at least a script outline already formulated. I think most of the big names had already signed on for a couple more sequels even before Walker's death. However, 7 was a pretty good ending to the series if they wanted to end it there. But they ain't because money. And family.

So I went to twitch and on the front page there was this black guy playing the FF demo and the first words I heard him say was "The followers are Kawaii as fuck, the subscribers are Kawaii as fuck, I'm just saying ya'll are some Kawaii ass people," and then I immediately followed and subscribed but then this white gurl showed up and kind of ruined it for me.

So today hasn't been terrible. I talked to a neurologist this morning about my MRI results and he said that my brain was unremarkable and that a few seizures in life are nothing big to worry about. He also was dead set in his belief that the seizures were because of somethingi ingested, but all I ate that day was a Reese's peanut butter cup and McDouble, so I doubt it was that. Dude was honestly really convinced that I had done some type of drugs, but I hadn't done anything at all. He said I can't drive for a month, but that I should slowly get back to my normal day to day living after this week. I just wish my mouth would heal already. I have a ton of cuts in my cheek and a couple through my tongue from where I kept chomping down during my seizure.

Also, he said I don't actually need my meds that I already bought. Sucks because that's $80 I could have saved, but whatever.
So today hasn't been terrible. I talked to a neurologist this morning about my MRI results and he said that my brain was unremarkable and that a few seizures in life are nothing big to worry about. He also was dead set in his belief that the seizures were because of somethingi ingested, but all I ate that day was a Reese's peanut butter cup and McDouble, so I doubt it was that. Dude was honestly really convinced that I had done some type of drugs, but I hadn't done anything at all. He said I can't drive for a month, but that I should slowly get back to my normal day to day living after this week. I just wish my mouth would heal already. I have a ton of cuts in my cheek and a couple through my tongue from where I kept chomping down during my seizure.

Also, he said I don't actually need my meds that I already bought. Sucks because that's $80 I could have saved, but whatever.
Don't underestimate the power of Reese's candy.

A little tidbit I learned recently, if you're dehydrated enough you can have a seizure. Were you at least hydrated?

Don't underestimate the power of Reese's candy.

A little tidbit I learned recently, if you're dehydrated enough you can have a seizure. Were you at least hydrated?
I'm not sure actually. I may not have been. I know I was pretty thirsty all that day. Thanks for the tidbit! I can't believe after all the tests I went through they never checked that.

How have you been lately, btw? I have missed you.
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So today hasn't been terrible. I talked to a neurologist this morning about my MRI results and he said that my brain was unremarkable and that a few seizures in life are nothing big to worry about. He also was dead set in his belief that the seizures were because of somethingi ingested, but all I ate that day was a Reese's peanut butter cup and McDouble, so I doubt it was that. Dude was honestly really convinced that I had done some type of drugs, but I hadn't done anything at all. He said I can't drive for a month, but that I should slowly get back to my normal day to day living after this week. I just wish my mouth would heal already. I have a ton of cuts in my cheek and a couple through my tongue from where I kept chomping down during my seizure.
Good to hear that it's nothing major hopefully man, and here's to hoping that it doesn't happen again.

Pure Platinum > Gold

Bayonetta taught me that.

Picked up the Toad game on sale. Its not terrible; pretty fun actually, but I'm glad I never spent $40 for it. I wish Nintendo did better eShop sales more often for their 1st-party stuff, I'd spend more money and play my Wii U more than once per week. There's several 1st-party games I'd like to have, even if just digitally, but I'm not paying MSRP. I'd love to have Wind Waker, but I ain't payin $50. I miss the days of the Gamecube when Nintendo had their Player's Choice titles for $20 all the time.

Team Ninja ain't been the same since Itagaki left.

Itagaki (and a bunch of ex-Team Ninja devs) is working on Devil's Third, a Wii U exclusive. #lolnintendo

Don't forget Nintendo has that Pokemon fighter arcade game. #lolnintendo

Seriously tho, I hope we find out more about Devil's Third soon. The Wii U is gonna need something to fill that Zelda void, and Mario Maker sure as hell ain't gonna do it.

DOA got better after Itagaki left.

Good riddance. I'm surprised anyone is willing to pay for Devil's Third to be made. Looks terrible.

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I've never been a huge SNSD fan.

Kpop is becoming dangerously close to just being trap music. Everyone is following the same style with their singles.

Although, there's a few Babymetal wannabes popping up now, it seems...

It's nowhere as good though.

Babymetal just signed with Sony doe. They're rereleasing their album in the states with 2 new songs so that's hopeful news I guess.

MKX seems to have the same issue as the past two games in that the 3 bar moves just never come into play in competitive gaming. It's either save for your ex moves to extend combos or save for your combo breaker to break said combos. It kind of sucks that a lot of these bombastic moves are just thrown to the side (but it's probably for the better since they're always the same and are sometimes way to long for their own good).

I think Green Arrow was like the only character you would actually do his move with just because he had an easy 100% hit confirm on it and didn't really need meter to zone.

Why am I even posting about games here?

Should be posting on GAF where opinions are vauled and discussions matter and toxic trolls are banned.

bread's done