GGT 346 Left Konami to Work at Imageepoch

But, but, I don't wanna spend any moneeeyyyy.

I wonder what DKC: Tropical Freeze trades in for. I could trade mine and replace it with a code.

The consensus seems to be Animal Crack: Tom Nook's Ultimate Mortgage Simulator, so I'll probably get that once the Club Ninty site isn't being slammed so hard. Thanks, all :)

I've also been preeeetty burned out on the 2D Mario games as of late,
I can't remember the last Mario platformer I played. I'm pretty devoted to the Mario RPGs and Mario Karts, but not so much the rest of the Marios. Nintendo makes too many damned games with "Mario" in the title.

I wonder what DKC: Tropical Freeze trades in for. I could trade mine and replace it with a code.
Half considered doing that for MK7, but I like cartridges too much :razz:
Wasn't expecting Atlus to localize the Attack on Titan 3DS game, but that series is pretty big now…

Also, damn, that green Yarn Yoshi might be my first (and only?) Amiibo.
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I was thiiiiis close to suggesting Waluigi to join Smash Bros, but I went with Bayonetta instead. I wanna change my suggestion now

But, but, I don't wanna spend any moneeeyyyy.

I wonder what DKC: Tropical Freeze trades in for. I could trade mine and replace it with a code.
That's what I'm thinking. I have most of those big name games already. Maybe Yoshi's New Island? Although I literally finished Yoshi's Island a month ago.

Potentially Pushmo for Wii U(is is better/worse than pushmo/crashmo for 3ds?) Or NES Remix 2 since I liked the first one that I got through CN.
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Dang just caught up on that Nintendo Direct, lots of good stuff. Those yarn Yoshi amiibos are so adorable :D Sucks that AC is only getting cards, but I don't think I'd buy AC amiibos anyways. Nice that 64 and DS games are finally coming to Wii U. I legit have every game on the Platinum list except Pushmo World (And SMG2 on Wii U, I have it on Wii), so I'll pick up one of those 2 I suppose :p

Oh man that Pac-Man amiibo costume in MK8 looks awesome, happy the Villager one looks bad since I don't have him, unless they rerelease now due to this

I was thiiiiis close to suggesting Waluigi to join Smash Bros, but I went with Bayonetta instead. I wanna change my suggestion now
Retract your Bayonetta vote for Waluigi? You crazy.

I haven't voted, but would go with either Bayo or Tom Nook (the latter for obvious reasons). Or maybe N or Cheren from Pokemon Black/White… or Phoenix Wright… so many possibilities...
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Retract your Bayonetta vote for Waluigi? You crazy.

I haven't voted, but would go with either Bayo or Tom Nook (the latter for obvious reasons). Or maybe N or Cheren from Pokemon Black/White… or Phoenix Wright… so many possibilities...
You realize you have a better chance with games that Nintendo owns the IPs for, right?

Which makes Phoenix Wright seem an unlikely possibility -- plus, why would you want him, look at the waste of a slot he was in UMvC3.

Also, why would you put Bayonetta in a party brawler? She's got (probably) hundreds of moves and combos and you'd get all of about 12 of them in Smash...


The gold options for 3DS are shite. No clue on what to do with mine since I already have the games out of the list that are actually worth owning (again). I mean, really, what the hell am I supposed to pick here:

Crashmo for 3DS
Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! for 3DS
Pushmo for 3DS
Super Mario Bros. 3 for 3DS
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe for 3DS
Mysterious Murasame Castle for 3DS

Super Mario 3 seems about the only thing worth half a damn but I've beaten it enough in my lifetime that I don't know that I ever need to play it again, especially on crappy 3DS hardware.
Shame I'm never platinum, I'd have snatched up Yoshi's New Island in a heartbeat...

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You realize you have a better chance with games that Nintendo owns the IPs for, right?
Which makes Phoenix Wright seem an unlikely possibility -- plus, why would you want him, look at the waste of a slot he was in UMvC3.
Also, why would you put Bayonetta in a party brawler? She's got (probably) hundreds of moves and combos and you'd get all of about 12 of them in Smash...
I can dream, can't I? :razz: Nick's not that far out of the question given the Layton crossover and Mega Man in Smash. Agreed that Bayo'd be a very tricky fit, but would be awesome.

More possibly interesting characters: Pokemon Trainer, Zoroark, Knuckles, Baby Mario and Luigi

Actually, I think I'll vote for Pokemon Trainer. I liked him in Brawl.
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Storms have killed my internet over the past couple days. Guess the GGT be stormin too?

Can't even download Mario64.

Not that I'd want to.

I hate that Mario game.

2D Mario 4 life!

Ended up voting for N in the Smash Bros. Ballot. I love him as a character and Smash needs more bishies.

Also got that Animal Crossing code from Club Nintendo after much trial and error. I named my previous two AC towns after Final Fantasy towns starting with J: FFV's Jacole in Wild World and FFVI's Jidoor in City Folk. That said, my New Leaf town, once I start the game, must be called Junon. Wonder if I can buy a giant fuck-off cannon at Nook's? :lol:

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I'm super bored. On Friday night my girlfriend and I went to a concert and I had a seizure while we were waiting for it to start. She took me to the ER and they ended up giving me meds to take and told me to see my usual doctor during the week, so she took me home. When I got home my girlfriend went to walk my dogs for me and I had another seizure in the kitchen. It didn't last very long, but when it ended I was out of it and she was terrified so she had to call an ambulance to come get me. Worst part? I don't remember any of that shit at all and my entire face hurts from slamming my face into the floor of my kitchen. Now I'm in the hospital overnight to see if I'm still at risk of seizures. I sure hope not, because I haaaaaaate this bed and I'm lonely.
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I'm super bored. On Friday night my girlfriend and I went to a concert and I had a seizure while we were waiting for it to start. She took me to the ER and they ended up giving me meds to take and told me to see my usual doctor during the week, so she took me home. When I got home my girlfriend went to walk my dogs for me and I had another seizure in the kitchen. It didn't last very long, but when it ended I was out of it and she was terrified so she had to call an ambulance to come get me. Worst part? I don't remember any of that shit at all and my entire face hurts from slamming my face into the floor of my kitchen. Now I'm in the hospital overnight to see if I'm still at risk of seizures. I sure hope not, because I haaaaaaate this bed and I'm lonely.
Get better soon, Joel. :shock:

I'm super bored. On Friday night my girlfriend and I went to a concert and I had a seizure while we were waiting for it to start. She took me to the ER and they ended up giving me meds to take and told me to see my usual doctor during the week, so she took me home. When I got home my girlfriend went to walk my dogs for me and I had another seizure in the kitchen. It didn't last very long, but when it ended I was out of it and she was terrified so she had to call an ambulance to come get me. Worst part? I don't remember any of that shit at all and my entire face hurts from slamming my face into the floor of my kitchen. Now I'm in the hospital overnight to see if I'm still at risk of seizures. I sure hope not, because I haaaaaaate this bed and I'm lonely.
Ugh, mystery illnesses are the worst >_< Hope you can get a diagnosis and get out of there.

Holy shit. I have found the GAF motherlode.
I'm not reading all that. That first Persona 3 spoilered paragraph alone is… something, even by normal text wall standards.

The summary at the top is pretty funny, though.

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GAF has too many idiots who don't care they are idiots. The mods are full of a-holes too.

Get better Joel.

Happy Chocolate Bunny Day GGT.
bread's done