Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

Wrestlemania would have made a lot more sense.

I'm wondering if they're doing it now because they wanted Taker/Sting for Mania. Uh oh.

On a related note, I feel really bad for Sting. Everything about last night is just depressing, other than him actually having an OK match with Rollins.
I Felt more depressed watching HHH-Sting mostly because it felt like all the old folks from the wrestling retirement home knocked out their orderly and yelled "WE'RE FREE!" and ran down to Wrestlemania to do...something. It felt like as good a match as he can muster at his age and I can respect him for that since I was expecting something from TNA and his last few matches where he can do 5 minutes tops before being super winded. That and I figured the match was going to come down to Sheamus making it a triple threat and giving Sting time to rest, while Sheamus-Rollins having to carry it the whole way through, so I was surprised enough.

Though me and my friend were joking the ending to Night of Champions would be Cena lays out Rollins and Sting comes down from the rafters to pin him immediately and gets the win and the belt and gets hoisted away back to the rafters all in under 15 seconds and that's how the pay per view ends.

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On a related note, I feel really bad for Sting. Everything about last night is just depressing, other than him actually having an OK match with Rollins.
I'd just like to say that for anyone who didn't watch the show, Sting/Rollins is nothing like Sting/HHH and I suggest people actually watch it. It's s 2 3/4 to *** match imo which may not sound that great but then you realize Sting is 56 years old and He deserves a ton of credit for being a 56 year old dude and doing some of the spots he did during it.

Also, Rollins was great last night. His endurance is crazy.
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woo called taker brock 3 hell in a cell months ago....
You also called a cm punk return, hbk return, and I think and eddie guerrero / chris benoit tag team reunion to win the tag belt in the past. Even a blind man manages to shit in the toilet once in a while so congrats on that.

You also called a cm punk return, hbk return, and I think and eddie guerrero / chris benoit tag team reunion to win the tag belt in the past. Even a blind man manages to shit in the toilet once in a while so congrats on that.
punk shall return and punk them all WOOOO. Taker should just retire he is going to look like very bad in the match all he can do is low blow people.

"Trombone blast" is clearly the most effective way to stop your opponent in his tracks. The end of that Rusev/ND vs. Dudleys/Ziggler was absolutely one of the funniest things I've ever seen in wrestling.

Those create-a-wrestler figures they've been pushing so heavily, they obviously won't mention it, but there's a Hogan figure in the line. I saw it yesterday in the store. I'm surprised it actually came out.

- Seems like such a waste to do Lesnar-Undertaker 3 at a throwaway PPV
- Seems like such a waste to announce Brock-Taker 3 at some random point during a throwaway PPV
- Sting's injury should shine a light on Old Man Taker doing a HIAC match at his age
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Those create-a-wrestler figures they've been pushing so heavily, they obviously won't mention it, but there's a Hogan figure in the line. I saw it yesterday in the store. I'm surprised it actually came out.
Those figures had just recently came out prior to Hogan being erased from WWE. Plenty of Hogan merchandise is readily available still, I just recently saw a Birthday card with Hogan on it in a Wal-Mart, on a side note they also had a giant Seth Rollin's Birthday card and a CM Punk Birthday card.

I laughed when the NXT crowd started chanting "All Botch Everything".


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Dunno if anyone here is interested in this (or if I should have put this in the auctions section, but since it's more wrestling specific, I thought I'd post it here) but I have a bunch of lightly used classic (late 90's early 00's era) wrestling shirts up for sale on Ebay.
Damn homie, you've got the entire KMart WCW collection... I still have a Hollywood Hogan and glow-in-the-dark nWo shirt.
Hahah oh man that's gold. As a gamer I give Xavier Woods extra points for squeezing in a very subtle gaming reference.
He has his own gaming YT channel, Up, Up, Down, Down (it is funded by WWE though.) Plenty of appearances by the mid card wrestlers plus one episode with Seth Rollins.
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they primarily use their real names, not their wrestling names unless it's the same.
I love the idea of Rusev's real name being "Tong Po."

Just off the top of my head, but I don't think anyone on there uses their real name (well, Slater being "Mr. Miller" is kind of close).

I love the idea of Rusev's real name being "Tong Po."

Just off the top of my head, but I don't think anyone on there uses their real name (well, Slater being "Mr. Miller" is kind of close).
I knew they were using nicknames for the Madden tourney, but that's not Rusev or Xavier's real names?

"– As you may recall, just before the story hit that Discovery was planning to cancel Impact Wrestling, Dixie Carter reportedly sent an email to Discovery network executives that was intended to go to someone else. The email was said to not be complimentary of Discovery and how they were handling Impact Wrestling.

The WON reports that Carter’s email was sent to Marc Graboff, the president of the network, and was a complaint about Discovery not releasing correct information for time-shifted (aka DVR) ratings. Carter called Graboff some derogatory names and insulted his intelligence; she also cc’d Group President of Destination America Harvey Schlieff and several other Discovery Network executives.
Schlieff replied the email and said he was sorry that Carter was upset with the way the information was being released. Graboff was cc’d on the response."
The opening Everyone Talks segment droned on even longer than Raw because of how out of nowhere everything in it was. LOLed at Roode talking about how important the KOTM Title was. Also loved Dixie looking forward to Bobby vs. Bobby on tweeting about the wrong Bobby. Can she please just wait one second to see who she is writing to ever? 

The X division 3-way was short, but super-fun. Lee, Z, and Ciampa shined brightly. LOLed so hard at EY eating mid-card finishers. It was a fine blowoff for that...and then of course it led to HIM BEING ANNOUNCED AS KURT ANGLE'S RETURN OPPONENT ON PPV. This was a really stupid way to get there. I did love Anderson saying he was so glad to finally find God though - that ruled. Main event sucked.

Screens - 


OH NO, I'VE BEEN...slightly grazed by something!



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He has his own gaming YT channel, Up, Up, Down, Down (it is funded by WWE though.) But he has the wrestlers on there & they primarily use their real names, not their wrestling names unless it's the same.
Yeah I've been watching it for a little bit now. The most recent one I saw was Miz facing off against some costume designer in a game of Madden and Damian Sandow in the background spitting rhymes.

Also, I have to say it, I really love the direction New Day is going. I actually hope they win against the Dudley's this weekend.

I knew they were using nicknames for the Madden tourney, but that's not Rusev or Xavier's real names?
Austin Watson. I remember this because they tried to team him with Percy Watson on the indies or something when he first started.

Also, here's Tong Po:

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Had a chance to see the film The Resurrection of Jake the Snake last night and do a Q&A/photo op with Jake, Scott Hall, and DDP.

The film was well done. Yes, of course it involves a lot of DDP Yoga, but it also shows Jake getting healthier and reconnecting with his family. In an odd way, it all seems familiar, but it's the opposite trajectory you saw in Beyond the Mat.

It's worth checking out if it's hitting your area - they're doing a short tour (NY next, followed by Pittsburgh, Baltimore, and a few cities in TN).

Jake sounded like he'd had better days, but it's early fall and was a hella gloomy day (allergies etc.). Also, decades of cigarette smoking. So while he does look good comparatively, it's worth going out to see him.

Had a chance to see the film The Resurrection of Jake the Snake last night and do a Q&A/photo op with Jake, Scott Hall, and DDP.

The film was well done. Yes, of course it involves a lot of DDP Yoga, but it also shows Jake getting healthier and reconnecting with his family. In an odd way, it all seems familiar, but it's the opposite trajectory you saw in Beyond the Mat.

It's worth checking out if it's hitting your area - they're doing a short tour (NY next, followed by Pittsburgh, Baltimore, and a few cities in TN).

Jake sounded like he'd had better days, but it's early fall and was a hella gloomy day (allergies etc.). Also, decades of cigarette smoking. So while he does look good comparatively, it's worth going out to see him.
I am jealous! They aren't doing any showings in my area. :(

Glad to hear you enjoyed the documentary though. I've heard a lot of great things from everyone who has seen it and am definitely looking forward to checking this out. I met Jake myself in 2010 and he was in bad shape and worked an absolutely terrible match while wearing sweat pants and generic snake t-shirt. Always good to see Jake doing well and I hope that he can keep it up.

I am jealous! They aren't doing any showings in my area. :(

Glad to hear you enjoyed the documentary though. I've heard a lot of great things from everyone who has seen it and am definitely looking forward to checking this out. I met Jake myself in 2010 and he was in bad shape and worked an absolutely terrible match while wearing sweat pants and generic snake t-shirt. Always good to see Jake doing well and I hope that he can keep it up.
Jake's doing his speaking tour thing here in a couple weeks. Thinking about it. There are not many wrestlers I'd go see just talk, he's one of them though.

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I went to a local NWA show last night and saw Rhyno vs. Dru Skillz and I also saw Too Cool vs. Pain Inc. (Joey Owens and Corporal Robinson, two awful wrestlers). Pretty cool show overall though and I met Rhyno, who was very cool. 

The Bryan/Ziggler/Ryback one is ok. Majority is forgettable but the last few minutes including the story about Ryback "wanting to impress Brock" is 100% worth it.
Yeah I saw that one as well, and the Divas one. It seems that Ryback has a huge stick up his ass about everything. I can't help but think that would've been 100% better with just about anyone other than Ryback. I know they wanted Ryback on there as he was the current champ when it was filmed, but he is just terrible.

The Divas one was just odd.

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Yeah I saw that one as well, and the Divas one. It seems that Ryback has a huge stick up his ass about everything. I can't help but think that would've been 100% better with just about anyone other than Ryback. I know they wanted Ryback on there as he was the current champ when it was filmed, but he is just terrible.

The Divas one was just odd.
I started to watch the recent Table for 3, but yeah Ryback was immediately annoying and I ended up turning it off, but I am sure I will finish watching it soon. Looking forward to this weeks with Owens, Cesaro, and Ambrose though, that should be great!

The Bryan/Ziggler/Ryback one is ok. Majority is forgettable but the last few minutes including the story about Ryback "wanting to impress Brock" is 100% worth it.
It took me watching it a second time to realize Bryan and Ziggler were just making fun of him for the entire thing. Hilarious, especially considering it seems Ryback has a mental breakdown at the end there.

WWE2k15 plus all the DLC is $20 this week. Worth it? I've purchased 2k13 and 14 for $15 in the past and found it worthwhile, if that helps.
Who knows, but if I were you I'd wait for 2K16. Last years game was alright, but it was missing a ton of features and the DLC was pretty meh. I was actually pretty upset that I bought the season pass because I didn't actually get all the DLC and had to buy the NXT pack separately, which was really the only good set of DLC last year.

I know there are so many people in 2K16, but I'm hella disappointed that Sasha Banks, Bayley, Charlotte and Becky Lynch aren't in the game and won't be planned DLC.

(or Demolition, but that's besides the point.)

EDIT: Baron Corbin made it in, but not *any* of those four? Harrumph.

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I know there are so many people in 2K16, but I'm hella disappointed that Sasha Banks, Bayley, Charlotte and Becky Lynch aren't in the game and won't be planned DLC.

(or Demolition, but that's besides the point.)

EDIT: Baron Corbin made it in, but not *any* of those four? Harrumph.
I'm interested in seeing his move set...meaning if there's more than four moves or if every move is just End of Days.

I know there are so many people in 2K16, but I'm hella disappointed that Sasha Banks, Bayley, Charlotte and Becky Lynch aren't in the game and won't be planned DLC.

(or Demolition, but that's besides the point.)

EDIT: Baron Corbin made it in, but not *any* of those four? Harrumph.
I think everyone is disappointed that the Four Horsewomen aren't in this years game. I believe that 2K really wanted to get them in the game too, but due to time constraints and the WWE, I believe that is what had prevented the inclusion this year. With that said this roster is still the best they have ever had. The inclusion of a lot of the NXT superstars like Baron Corbin is likely due to the My Career mode featuring NXT and wanting to have more NXT talent than what they had last year, which at the point all but a couple of them had already been on the main roster for several months. The career mode doesn't feature Divia's either so including them over someone like Baron Corbin wouldn't make much sense. I'm still surprised they aren't DLC though, a pack with just the four of them would have been awesome!

I rarely play with the Diva's in these games anyway, so it definitely won't hamper the experience too much for me. Still would have liked to have seen an actual wrestler included for the pre-order bonus though because I will never play with Arnold in this game, his inclusion is ridiculous.

EDIT: Just released the Season Pass trailer, not a bad line-up for DLC and we are getting Samoa Joe!

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I understand what the company line is - and I don't have any stake in whether it's legitimate or not. They're not my buds, so I'm not going to blindly believe them. But I also know that I don't have any evidence to counter their point, so I must admit the possibility that they're right.

I look at it as a simple allocation of resources: they spent time on Colonel fucking Mustafa instead of The Boss. They spent time on 2? 3? different Terminator models instead of Bayley.

Many of y'all roll your eyes at my ultra liberalism, and that's your right to do. But fringe characters from 25 years ago, fictional characters from movies, and *male* nobodies about says to me over those 4 (not even *one*)? That screams sexism (not overt, but accidental omission is still sexist. NXT and these four are helping establish that WWE = wrestling, not *mens* wrestling. Leaving them out of a video game in favor of any number of choices is very, very disrespectful - especially when so many NXT guys are in the game, including several who started on tv *after* most of these four. Hey, man, I'm excited that Samoa Joe is in the game, but he's been around for...5 months? Finn Balor is grand, but he's never been on the main show.

And I'll never forego an opportunity to point out that Corbin is a green as grass dude who has a good look and a charming outfit. But can't work for fuck-all.

I understand what the company line is - and I don't have any stake in whether it's legitimate or not. They're not my buds, so I'm not going to blindly believe them. But I also know that I don't have any evidence to counter their point, so I must admit the possibility that they're right.

I look at it as a simple allocation of resources: they spent time on Colonel fucking Mustafa instead of The Boss. They spent time on 2? 3? different Terminator models instead of Bayley.

Many of y'all roll your eyes at my ultra liberalism, and that's your right to do. But fringe characters from 25 years ago, fictional characters from movies, and *male* nobodies about says to me over those 4 (not even *one*)? That screams sexism (not overt, but accidental omission is still sexist. NXT and these four are helping establish that WWE = wrestling, not *mens* wrestling. Leaving them out of a video game in favor of any number of choices is very, very disrespectful - especially when so many NXT guys are in the game, including several who started on tv *after* most of these four. Hey, man, I'm excited that Samoa Joe is in the game, but he's been around for...5 months? Finn Balor is grand, but he's never been on the main show.

And I'll never forego an opportunity to point out that Corbin is a green as grass dude who has a good look and a charming outfit. But can't work for fuck-all.
The reason Mustafa is in the game, as well as a lot of the other legends, is due to showcase mode. The NXT roster is there for My Career mode, which doesn't include Divas. I still agree though that they could have easily put the Four Horsewomen in this game, they had all been active on the NXT roster for as long, if not longer than all of the other NXT talent in the game. I truly believe that 2K wanted to add them as well, Charlotte's t-shirt can been in the crowd, but due to WWE finalizing the roster prior to the whole "Divas Revolution" becoming a hashtag thing were not able to get them into the game. I also think that they could have and should have had the Dudley Boyz as DLC this year as well, they had been out of contract with TNA long enough and being legends they could have easily made the roster this year. At least this year we will have the option to create/download the Four Horsewomen from the community.

bread's done