PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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I believe since he mentioned going for the all dead run, he would not have picked up that collectible. If he had then Josh would have lived.

Pete, I am glad I am not the only one that liked Heavy Rain better even on the first playthrough. I do not hate the game, but I do not understand all the praise it has gotten. Everyone wants to complain about Telltale games and how the decisions do not matter, but I have not really heard anyone say that about this game. When the most important decision early on is
do I shoot a squirrel or not
then that is pretty terrible IMO.
I suspect that most of the praise stems from the fact that we replayed the game almost immediately to go for trophies, so we noticed the issues. Anyone who played the game just once and moved on would think it was well-made and full of life-or-death choices.

I suspect that most of the praise stems from the fact that we replayed the game almost immediately to go for trophies, so we noticed the issues. Anyone who played the game just once and moved on would think it was well-made and full of life-or-death choices.
Maybe for you. I thought all that before run 2. Sounds like Pete did too.

until dawn postmortem. I did not care for it (spoilered for long and actual spoilers, beware):

so I thought this game sucked. more on that in a minute. here's what I thought was cool:

- it's pretty good looking with the expected amount of jankiness in control/facial expressions

- the story is at least initially interesting

- the qtes and the controller sound is pretty novel. the qtes are also fast (except for aiming ones).

- collectibles actually add to the game and story (and even affect some of the outcomes of the game). way better than filler. as I discovered this morning though it is literally painful to have to sit back through all of the dialog to pick up ones that I missed.

So I know that a bunch of people really liked this game and I have no problem being in the minority. Maybe it's really great and just not for me. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't even stack up with the walking dead s1 from telltale. Here are a couple of the major problems I had:

- no redeeming characters - why make a story driven game where everyone is entirely unlikable? from the onset with the 'prank' you know it's going to be like this and I guess that it's supposed to follow in the vein of a slasher/horror movie but outside of that cheerleader from heroes (who is absent for a lot of the game) the characters are completely obnoxious. no fun playing them.

- the illusion of choice/danger - once I discovered that the saw scene with josh/ashley was rigged I started just blowing off a lot of qtes and choices because so few of them actually matter. you can miss a bunch of the button prompts and still survive with no impact on the outcome. climb or jump? doesn't matter, it just seems to change the difficulty of qte (I'll admit I never failed a climbing qte so I don't know if you die or just have to start over). around chapter 8 I went to the trophy guide to figure out the steps to kill everyone and while there's probably more options than listed there, it's not nearly as easy as it should be to kill everyone given the presentation of 'danger at every step.'

As a manner of combining those two points, if you choose to shoot ashley with chris during the psycho's second 'test' - ashley doesn't seem to be the least bit bothered with chris's decision... until he's in mortal danger and then suddenly she's all like 'fuck him, let him get torn apart'. if you choose to shoot emily with mike? sam is totally put off ... for about 5 minutes of that chapter and then the two of them are yukking it up in the mines like best pals. I get that making a choice have lasting consequences and different behaviors is probably really hard - but then don't make such a big deal about your amazing butterfly effect system unless you can bridge that gap.

I did like the psychosis of josh and the general story of how it worked through that - even the weirdness of the therapist and how the room kept changing was a nice touch (although goddammit all of the interactivity in therapy seemed to have zero impact on the story too making it a big ol waste of time). the wendigo thing was ridiculous and funny and confusing (anyone that wants to clarify this feel free - there was a cave in at the mines and miners died? or did they go to the nuthouse and get experimented on? or did they eat each other in the mines thus triggering the cannibal curse of the mountain turning them in to wendigos? and why was josh's sister a wendigo? did she eat someone?)

Anyhoo, I might re-borrow it from the library in a couple weeks just to do the 'save everyone' trophies and finish up the plat. I still prefer heavy rain/the walking dead.
Sounds like at least some of your complaints are about annoying things you had to deal with to get trophies, which shouldn't actually be knocks against the game. I get your complaints about the characters, though. I didn't find them to be especially unlikable, but I also probably gave them slack since I was expecting your typical shallow horror characters. I haven't replayed yet, so can't speak to how different the story is if you change your choices. The Telltale games are similar in their "none of these choice matter much" ways.

I actually really enjoyed the wendigo stuff. I've never heard of them before, but they seem like a perfect supernatural horror thing. It's nice to see something that hasn't been done before.

Regrading the miners (I may not have this 100% right), but there was the cave in, they ended up having to eat people to survive since they were down there for awhile. Then I guess once they got them out they brought them to the asylum for treatment since it was nearby. Then they turned full wendigo and everyone in the asylum got killed. Or at least most of the people did and the few inmates that survived ended up resorting to cannibalism and turning into wendigo's too. For Josh's sister, you actually can find a note she wrote where she talks about having to eat the other sister's dead body. Then she turns.

Edit: Kinda ninja'd by a bunch of people. I'm slow.

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You didn't get the collectibles which confirmed that Hannah turned into a wendigo because she ate Beth's dead body?

I believe since he mentioned going for the all dead run, he would not have picked up that collectible. If he had then Josh would have lived.

Pete, I am glad I am not the only one that liked Heavy Rain better even on the first playthrough. I do not hate the game, but I do not understand all the praise it has gotten. Everyone wants to complain about Telltale games and how the decisions do not matter, but I have not really heard anyone say that about this game. When the most important decision early on is
do I shoot a squirrel or not
then that is pretty terrible IMO.
yep, I have no idea what's in the last twins collectible (well I guess I do now). wrt to that dopey rodent I actually really liked the game's balance of nature thing that seemed like it was going to be a theme - the idea that how you handle animals would influence the rest of the game had me super intrigued. until they just abandoned the whole concept like a third of the way through.

I've only ever played the walking dead from telltale but the decisions/conversations seemed to have considerably more meaningful impacts (even if they just created a better illusion). and I actually felt invested in the characters instead of them being obnoxious post high school brats.

I suspect that most of the praise stems from the fact that we replayed the game almost immediately to go for trophies, so we noticed the issues. Anyone who played the game just once and moved on would think it was well-made and full of life-or-death choices.
nah, the illusion fell apart for me pretty early on. it starts to shatter if you fuck up anything (which I imagine you wouldn't being a wicked pro gamer).

but unfortunately it's also a requirement for this game - they would've either had the ability to 'restart' if you died and have a scripted final life or death for a character (blowing their whole concept) or they have to keep things sort of on rails lest the game be over in under an hour (which would've been much cooler imo).

anyhoo, my 2c.

So that Bob's Burgers pinball table from Zen is part of the "Balls of Glory!" pinball pack which will also contain the previously announced Family Guy table and a newly announced American Dad table.

I know Tyler reviewed it earlier, but if any of you liked Portal or Magrunner, you definitely should check out Q.U.B.E at some point.  There are so few options in the genre, and this is a well done example, IMO.

There are separate trophy lists for PS3 and PS4 and it is cross-buy so even Zimm could play it ;) 

Sounds like at least some of your complaints are about annoying things you had to deal with to get trophies, which shouldn't actually be knocks against the game.
I actually decided I'd play the game with no regard for trophies since everyone seemed to insist on the untainted playthrough. so strangely they didn't factor in at all. after I met the characters I hated them so much that I decided that I'd try to keep them all alive, but if I lost just one they were all going down no matter what. I only glanced at a trophy guide in chapter 8 to try and figure out what I had to do to sew the last of them up (since I have to take it back to the library). ironically:

I thought jessica had died when she dropped down the shaft because any normal human would so it was after that that I started my murderous spree. she was the first one I lost. I didn't find out until 3 chapters later that she actually survives that fall and I could've saved them all if I hadn't been a huge dick.

so I think every trophy I got was just from playing the game with that goal.

I actually decided I'd play the game with no regard for trophies since everyone seemed to insist on the untainted playthrough. so strangely they didn't factor in at all. after I met the characters I hated them so much that I decided that I'd try to keep them all alive, but if I lost just one they were all going down no matter what. I only glanced at a trophy guide in chapter 8 to try and figure out what I had to do to sew the last of them up (since I have to take it back to the library). ironically:

I thought jessica had died when she dropped down the shaft because any normal human would so it was after that that I started my murderous spree. she was the first one I lost. I didn't find out until 3 chapters later that she actually survives that fall and I could've saved them all if I hadn't been a huge dick.

so I think every trophy I got was just from playing the game with that goal.
With that part in the spoiler, you now realize why I put that ABSOLUTELY sure thing in the spoiler when I responded a couple days ago.

While I do agree Heavy Rain was better (well I actually enjoyed Indigo Prophecy the most) I still really enjoyed playing through Until Dawn.  
The characters were the least fleshed out compared to their other games and Haleys character was just stupid but I enjoyed the whole campy feel in the game.  

Also I didn't have to do the collect all collectibles playthrough so I didn't feel worn out with multiple playthroughs.

Aw man, I shouldnt have quit trying to stay alive then I guess. After the 5000 kill trophy popped I was just running and gunning through a few more levels until I died.
I love how it is hard to believe, but that all 3 of us near the top (wren/sim/myself) all say that we died because we got bored, not because of over whelming odds. It is so much tougher at the beginning, then it just becomes how long do you want to play before you give up, lol.

Also I didn't have to do the collect all collectibles playthrough so I didn't feel worn out with multiple playthroughs.
I haven't done any additional playthroughs yet but I did go back to chapter 3 after I finished the game to pick up the first two collectibles that I missed and it felt like watching a wedding on youtube. I just couldn't be less interested. I'll definitely have some trophy shame if I try finishing up the 6 or 7 collectibles I'm missing tonight.

I actually decided I'd play the game with no regard for trophies since everyone seemed to insist on the untainted playthrough. so strangely they didn't factor in at all. after I met the characters I hated them so much that I decided that I'd try to keep them all alive, but if I lost just one they were all going down no matter what. I only glanced at a trophy guide in chapter 8 to try and figure out what I had to do to sew the last of them up (since I have to take it back to the library). ironically:

I thought jessica had died when she dropped down the shaft because any normal human would so it was after that that I started my murderous spree. she was the first one I lost. I didn't find out until 3 chapters later that she actually survives that fall and I could've saved them all if I hadn't been a huge dick.

so I think every trophy I got was just from playing the game with that goal.
I still think it was dumb that
Matt dies if you try to save Emily unless you give him the flare gun and had him disagree with Emily's plan to call for help.
It's like the game wants you to make the "wrong" choice there.

800lb dude got kicked out the hospital for ordering a pizza. Sucks that he got kicked out and now has no where to go, but idk why the article makes it seem like the hospital is at fault. I didn't think they normally took people that big in in the first place. 

Do have to wonder why a guy with massive food/health probs and a addiction mentality was given access to a phone that could call out tho. 

I haven't done any additional playthroughs yet but I did go back to chapter 3 after I finished the game to pick up the first two collectibles that I missed and it felt like watching a wedding on youtube. I just couldn't be less interested. I'll definitely have some trophy shame if I try finishing up the 6 or 7 collectibles I'm missing tonight.
Oh well I mean I didn't have to do it as in I let my friend play through it. He doesn't collect trophies but he's really anal about completing everything like Gator so I let him have a go at it since I was already worn out.

I still think it was dumb that
Matt dies if you try to save Emily unless you give him the flare gun and had him disagree with Emily's plan to call for help.
It's like the game wants you to make the "wrong" choice there.
Well the other way

he dies is just about as stupid. Let me walk through this entire heard of animals until the very last one. Now I think I will start swinging the axe at one of them for shits and giggles.

In JC2, it was actually pretty easy (though not too easy if you moved around a lot) to die on the hardest difficulty. They probably played on Easy for that trailer.
Just Cause 2 definitely was not that way, but I agree that trailer makes 3 appear like it is that way.
Even on normal difficulty if you got too overwhelmed with gunfire you could die, especially in the beginning before you get many HP upgrades.
Gotcha. That would really hurt the game for me, I wouldn't enjoy it if I was just in god mode all the time.

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Gotcha. That would really hurt the game for me, I wouldn't enjoy it if I was just in god mode all the time.
Just Cause is like nearly every other game out there. You will die more early on when you dont know how to play yet. As you get more upgrades and figure out how to use the tools your given you will die less. But only if you use the tools. If you just stand in the open you will get overwhelmed and die in seconds.

The great thing about JC2 (and assume with JC3) is that those tools are so badass and fun to play with. When you get into a firefight in JC2 you could grapple out of harms way in seconds and then swing back around with the parachute to get right back to blowing shit up. And you can blow shit up while your parachuting around. So much fun.

Heroes of Loot leaderboards update. Globally, Wren is in the top 50, Simmias in the top 5, and somehow im still 1st with an 80,000 point lead. yup
I still haven't gotten the 5000 trophy but I played other stuff on the Vita the past few days, and I definitely give you all props...but it's kind of weird how you keep following the progress of this little game. If I ever get the last trophy I expect you to let everyone know.

Aw man, I shouldnt have quit trying to stay alive then I guess. After the 5000 kill trophy popped I was just running and gunning through a few more levels until I died.
It's ok a minotaur or 3 that didn't exist would pop out of thin air to kill you anyway.

You didn't get the collectibles which confirmed that Hannah turned into a wendigo because she ate Beth's dead body?
You also pretty much summed up how I felt about the game after getting the plat--after the first playthrough I liked the game, but after doing everything else for the plat, I noticed how "fake" everything felt, especially the choice illusion. I kind of liked getting everyone killed, though, even if some of the deaths didn't make a lot of sense.

When no one has died in your playthrough, it's weird to watch that scene where Mike and Sam discover where the dead bodies of your friends would be (the room immediately before they find Josh). They both seem to really freak out (including Sam screaming "Noooo!") over just the one guy's body hanging there. It's like the programmers assumed you got people killed, which is just lazy IMO.
Though that's pretty much the case with a lot of the visual novel type games. Walking Dead S1 is much the same way that you only have the illusion of choice. Though that's only revealed if you go back and play it differently, perhaps that's why they didn't have any trophies for making certain choices. You're expected to play it like life, no second guessing decisions you've made because they can't be taken back.

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Damn even the mcDs all day breakfast menu is halfassed.
I assume all the places here would be on the biscuit menu option. That would make it serviceable I guess. The best option for me would be if they had the big breakfast with hotcakes option. We get that on occasion and I will eat the sausage with the biscuit, one kid gets the hash brown, another splits the pancakes with his mom, and she eats the eggs.

Zen Pinball will also be releasing an American Dad table in the pack with the Family Guy and Bob's Burgers ones.

There's at least one more table in it.  Doubt it would be the Simpsons...hope it isn't The Cleveland Show.

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So MM Legends was on the store for one day and that was enough time to get to #5 in the classics.
Is that game really that good or just nostalgia? I think I started once a few years back and it was like all RPGs...just started too damn slow.

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On a separate note (as someone who generally doesn't know) is Halo going downward at all yet? I just thought that Halo 4 wasn't as loved as the previous games (also not Bungie anymore) and then you had the whole Halo Collection nonsense. I'm guessing at least some of the people in the know would be sticking with Destiny? Then again I guess the average consumer doesn't really care to give a shit.
I don't know what the mass perception is for the new Halo, just that a friend of mine who is a huge Halo fan, even going so far as to read the novels because he loves the world so much, has zero interest in Halo 5. I'm sure he'll break down and buy it but the fact that he isn't lined up day 1 for it seems telling.

He couldn't get into Destiny at all so it doesn't seem to be a Bungie thing. Just Halo 5 being taken in a direction he didn't want.

I don't know what the mass perception is for the new Halo, just that a friend of mine who is a huge Halo fan, even going so far as to read the novels because he loves the world so much, has zero interest in Halo 5. I'm sure he'll break down and buy it but the fact that he isn't lined up day 1 for it seems telling.

He couldn't get into Destiny at all so it doesn't seem to be a Bungie thing. Just Halo 5 being taken in a direction he didn't want.
He is probably not the norm though. If you are that into the story and universe, the fact that the premise is you are taking down Master Chief is likely hard for him to deal with. I am guessing most fans just think... cool another Halo game.

So two orders from are being sent out in 4 packages. And one order from is being sent out in 3 packages. Gonna make it rain with shipping boxes.

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