Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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People here don't watch anime, they buy Miku figurines.
It's been awhile since I've seen someone use the word figurines.

You must be well over 80.

I always knew there was something different about you!

Jk, the word just still feels dated to me. :*(

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to me, "figure" suggests that they are pose-able and articulated.  "statues" have the connotation that it's made out of a stone-like material, metal, or another rock hard substance.  I think it sounds weird when publishers or people on here refer to Collector's Edition figures as "statues", as both terms sound like misnomers to me. 

I suppose it is possible that I also subconsciously chose the word "figurine" to be patronizing without meaning it. 

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Am I really in the minority when it comes to watching anime? I usually watch around 8 - 12 anime a season and always felt it wasn't enough as I usually still had about 10 or so I would put in the back burner that I would wait once it's over and or wait for the Blu-Ray releases.
Yeah, I'm surprised there's not more anime watchers here. I'd definitely take a good anime over a Japanese niche game any day of the week. I can go long stretches without playing Japanese niche titles, just because many of them are so formulaic, but I hardly go a month without trying to watch an anime series or two.

Just to chime in on the anime discussion, I also barely watch anime. About 1 show a year, I only keep up on the scene to see if anything comes out I might like and because I enjoy pointless fandom drama. Really, I just enjoy the tropes of JRPGs more than I enjoy the tropes of anime. Climbing a big tower, fighting God, and murdering him with a chainsaw; that's what gets me hyped. Friendship, powerlevels, and Japanese highschool just doesn't do it for me.

Though it might be that every time I get recommended a show I might like I end up disappointed. Oh you have to watch Soul Eater, oh you have to watch Hunter X Hunter. And I watch them, and they're great, and then at some point they turn to shit and I'm stuck with 30 more episodes of a show I'm not enjoying anymore because "I gotta see how it ends", but half the time it doesn't end because they're adapting a manga that's still ongoing so I'm doubly disappointed. At this point, half the shows I do end up watching are adapting from manga I've already read so I know I'll like.
yeah hunter hunter or as its known by its true name hiatusxhiatus is never going to finish since the writer is dying slowly. soul eater manga got cancelled before it could end things properly so all you get is a rushed mess much like bleach.

What's really killing me is world trigger has gone nearly a year with no updates or anything after the author was rushed to the emergency room. My guess would be that they died :/

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I try to keep hype at a minimum and not tell people that they have to watch anything,. Usually, the show just winds up disappointing them if you do.

I think that people in general should give a little more thought to the shows that they suggest when trying to get somebody else interested in anime. For example, I would never suggest someone's initial series be something with 50+ episodes like Soul Eater or HxH. I find that shows around the 26 episode mark are generally the way to go. The majority of shorter shows throw too much out too fast, and longer shows drag on too long to maintain their interest.

I think content occasionally gets overlooked too. Sometimes people lump all of it together into a single genre because that's just how it's been labelled since the days of the "Special Interest" VHS section at Captain Video. Higurashi, Planetes, Genshiken, and Guin Saga are no more similar than American Horror Story, The Expanse, Big Bang Theory, and Game of Thrones.
well longer series don't drag things out on purpose its just difficult to adapt a couple pages of manga into a 11-18 minute anime series. Then as mentioned you got the filler issues from animes catching up to mangas too quickly.

I never did finish Persona 3. I appreciated the big tower, but every time I tried to get my climb on my party would get tired and I'd have to take the rest of the week off, or the game would decide that I'd climbed enough before fighting the next boss and I'd have to take the rest of the MONTH off. That's no way to run a dungeon.


Also, still holding out hope for Battle Network Transmission 2.
what version did you play? The tired mechanic is nearly nonexistent in the psp version.

Yeah, I thought I was in the minority for not watching much anime, but now I think it's the opposite. In fact, I think I actually watch more anime than most of the other CAGs here. And I've only been watching more now due to the new Digimon series. You, Vic, Squarehard, and Neomonk seem to be the few that actually keep up to date with the new stuff.

I've actually stopped reading Naruto a bit after the pain arc as well. A little bit further though, it was when Kisame got bodied by Guy, and I got pissed off since he was one of my favorite characters, and I just dropped it after that.

Also, I actually agree with that image. I guess when he mentions foreign, it's Western games to us. And the only noticeable, cute female characters are like Aloy, Miranda from Mass Effect 2, the sniper from Killzone, Catwoman, Overwatch waifus, Chloe from Uncharted, Morrigan from Dragon Age, Red from Transistor, and Yennifer/Triss from The Witcher 3. And I guess maybe like Carmella from WWE 2K17 if that counts.
yeah naruto got stupid so be glad you stopped at the pain arc since it gets worse from there.

It's been awhile since I've seen someone use the word figurines.

You must be well over 80.

I always knew there was something different about you!

Jk, the word just still feels dated to me. :*(
I still use the word "figurines", and as a result, so does my 5-year-old. I know I saw someone use "figs" here a while back, and I liked the ring of it, so I've been going with that too.
Just to chime in on the anime discussion, I also barely watch anime. About 1 show a year, I only keep up on the scene to see if anything comes out I might like and because I enjoy pointless fandom drama. Really, I just enjoy the tropes of JRPGs more than I enjoy the tropes of anime. Climbing a big tower, fighting God, and murdering him with a chainsaw; that's what gets me hyped. Friendship, powerlevels, and Japanese highschool just doesn't do it for me.

Though it might be that every time I get recommended a show I might like I end up disappointed. Oh you have to watch Soul Eater, oh you have to watch Hunter X Hunter. And I watch them, and they're great, and then at some point they turn to shit and I'm stuck with 30 more episodes of a show I'm not enjoying anymore because "I gotta see how it ends", but half the time it doesn't end because they're adapting a manga that's still ongoing so I'm doubly disappointed. At this point, half the shows I do end up watching are adapting from manga I've already read so I know I'll like.
that's cause those shows get derailed, since at the time, they caught up to the manga so the anime ppl decide to make stuff up and go off in their own direction instead of waiting for the author to continue his script. also those are shounen, which tend to be meh unless they're light novel based or end within a year or 2. get better recommendations basically.

also gamers! is just ok, nothing special just probably more relatable to us cause they mix anime tropes with stereotypical casual/hardcore gamer tropes. but I'll watch it to see how it comes out.

I also like ED watch alot of anime each season and drop the crappy ones. I also avoid most shounen they are basically like the Michael Bay movies of the anime world. though, my hero academia is good.
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BTW second route in Wagama High Spec impressions:

I have to say I enjoyed this second route a lot more than the first. While the girl in the first was cute, the attraction didn't seem as natural and was kind of cliche and silly especially with the drama. I played the next route and wow this was actually a fairly realistic sounding route. The tone for all this was a lot different. You could tell somehow that the characters were way more attracted to each other than the last route. In fact the eroge scenes were very well written and I could even say hot. It's kind of weird but I feel a strong feeling of deja vu reading these routes. I think it's just my own experience with a pretty good amount of VNs, so the story and characters are nice but pretty typical, though the character route i was on was somewhat different than what I'm used to. Still high quality and a lot of fun.

3 routes done for Wagamama....likely going to take a day break before last route. This game is really, really cliche and even used the same twist for two routes (done differently though). This game is turning about to be Harem The Cliche VN. It's drawn decently well (though I think the body types are maybe too similar...) and the music is still good. It's just super, super typical. I would like to give it an average 7/10, but it's more a 6.5 just cause it's kind of boring. I really don't understand how this game won an award. There really is nothing special about it. It's likely a good early eroge for someone though since it really isn't trying to do anything different. I don't think i'd really recommend this one, as I keep rolling my eyes and predicting the stories. It's not bad though...just not really good either.

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Backloggers Anonymous CAG thread has Final Fantasy Type-0 ( :ps4: / :xb1: ) as the August Game of the Month! So feel free to join us and clear it from the backlog if you haven't already.

I'll start posting these here every month we change the game if no one minds.

Yeah I knew we were PSN pals but wasn't sure if you had an XB1 as well. If I remember correctly you also live fairly close. We gotta organize a NYC cag barcade funtime at some point....

But also yeah, I decided after years of waiting for it it was time for me to play through No More Heroes recently. I'm enjoying it, but I definitely don't find it as good as Lollipop Chainsaw or Killer Is Dead. I like the characters and feel of the world of NMH more than KiD but KiD just had more entertaining gameplay. Lollipop is still my absolute favorite Suda title. Still worth playing, since I know you like those kinds of games.
Yeah, there's tons of NYC CAGs around here. I'm sure one of these days, a convention or something could work. I've met Vic at the PS Experience thing already, and I'm pretty sure I've ran into a CAG or two in a Gamestop during the trading weekends. I live in Brooklyn now, but was in Long Island a year ago. The MTA is crazy convenient here, so if you live in NY, you can practically get to anywhere else in NY.

I too felt the gameplay in No More Heroes was outdated, the movement and fighting felt stiff. I guess due to it being a motion-controlled game before. I never got pass the baseball stadium stage. I think Lollipop Chainsaw's gameplay was well done, and Killer is Dead is one of the best, reminding me of Devil May Cry.

NMH's probably has the best character designs out of any of Suda51's games imo, besides maybe Ranko Tsukigime. All his games have crazy cool and elaborate designs, but NMH takes the cake, especially the other assassins. I think I already said this, but I highly recommend the Grasshopper Manufacture art book (its Japanese but everything is translated.)

KiD is my favorite of the series, mainly because of the DLC vampire chick Betty, and the final boss fight (one of the greatest.) I do have a special place in my heart for Lollipop though, and it's got one of the best and most fitting soundtracks ever. It was selected by James Gunn (of Guardians of the Galaxy fame) if I'm not mistaken. The lollipop song, Hey Micky, Cherry Bomb, were all awesome picks. Not really related, but there's a horror/comedy called "The Final Girls" that's got the exact same soundtrack and feels like it's inspired by the game.

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Not much in the way of big name titles, however I do recommend checking out the demo for Shadow Tactics when it releases Tuesday. Otherwise it's the usual ports and lower tier games. There was another interesting game I noticed on PC that didn't have a release date. It reminded me a little bit of of an unlocalized SNES/PS title that I can't recall the name of. It had some old pixel style pixel art and had some RTS/Strategy elements to it.

Other stuff that released without warning last week (Assume PC unless otherwise noted):
- Super Lovely Planet (3D Platformer)
- Pink Rage Otome (Visual Novel)
- 火箭星战 Star-Rocket Strike (Third-Person Shooter)
- Piece of Memory (Action / Adventure)
- Blind Men (Visual Novel)
- Winning Post / ウイニングポスト (Simulation / JP Only)
- NOBUNAGA’S AMBITION: Shouseiroku with Power Up Kit / 信長の野望・将星録 with パワーアップキット (Strategy / JP Only)
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII with Power Up Kit / 三國志VII with パワーアップキット (Strategy / JP Only)
- The Letter - Horror Visual Novel (Visual Novel / Horror)

Weekly Releases (July 30th - August 5th)

Blaster Master Zero - EX Character Shovel Knight (DLC)
- Platform(s): 3DS, Switch
- Genre: Platformer
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
- Platform(s): PS4, Xbox One
- Genre: Real-Time Tactics / Stealth
- Demo: Yes, releases Tuesday.
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Previously released on PC. Pretty good game. Check out the demo when it launches this week. Not Japanese though.

Patapon Remastered
- Platform(s): PS4
- Genre: Rhythm
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Pata, pata, pata, pon. Digital only in NA with 20% off pre-order discount with PS+ (Asian region has English Physical). Not a compilation and only includes the first Patapon game.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Best version and previously released on PS3 & Vita. Tons of dialogue is newly voiced unique to this version and will not be backported. 60 FPS and other graphical enhancements.

- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Action
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Wat. Red light, green light but styled for perversion?

- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Fruitbat published game.

Seven boys
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Chinese dev.

BULLET SOUL INFINITE BURST / バレットソウル - インフィニットバースト -
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: SHMUP / Bullet Hell
- Demo: N/A
- Online: Yes.
- Comments: Not sure if multiplayer is actually online or local only.

Sango Guardian Chaos Generation Steam Edition
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Fighting
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Blind Witch -Peek Window-
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Action / Adventure
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Japanese language only.

- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Action / Simulation?
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Chinese language only.

Winter Cold
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Not Japanese.

Piece of Memory 2:prologue
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Action / Adventure
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Past Releases
July 23rd - July 29th
July 16th - July 22nd
July 9th - July 15th
July 2nd - July 8th
June 25th - July 1st

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Is there any chance Patapon Remastered gets a domestic physical release in the US?  I'm assuming its currently digital only as I haven't seen it listed at Best Buy or Amazon yet.

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Is there any chance Patapon Remastered gets a domestic physical release in the US? I'm assuming its currently online only as I haven't seen it listed at Best Buy or Amazon yet.
I think it's digital only in NA. If you want physical, you need to import the Asian version that has English. Otherwise digital is 20% off on pre-order currently on PSN if you have PS+.

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I think it's digital only in NA. If you want physical, you need to import the Asian version that has English. Otherwise digital is 20% off on pre-order currently on PSN if you have PS+.
After they hyped them up so much it's strange that NA is only getting a digital release.

It's probably gonna suck be average/decent
It should be better than the pos Persona 4 Golden the Animation.

Hopefully itll have a better budget than the Vanilla Persona 4 Animation and be 24 episodes or something
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Are there any "filler" items on Play-Asia? I'm trying to use a $5 off $60 coupon, but the item I'm planning on getting is $59.99. >.>
If you can't find anything cheap, then just use the rolling codes, and save $3 off instead, no minimum, so you don't have to overspend on something else to meet that minimum.

GEMATSU is one that you can use.

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Wagamama High Spec Final Impressions as well as Princess Evangile W impressions after 1 route:

Okay so I finished all 4 routes of Wagamama High Spec. The VN got worse in my eyes. A very similar twist happened in this last route, so I seemed to read the same twist 3 times. The story wasn't even strong enough for any of the routes before these obvious twists happen. This is not a VN I would recommend at all because it's so cliche and the story is relatively weak, and the body sizes are all similar so stuff looks the same. What a big disappointment from an award winning game. 6/10 and a big pass if you're thinking about it.

Now Princess Evangile W seemed pretty nice. I did one of the newer girl routes and it was actually a pretty decent amount of fun, with good and not overblown twists and drama and frankly it seemed very natural for the progress of the relationship in the route. The route I think took me 5 hours or so. I'm enjoying it and the original Princess Evangile was one of my top VNs the year it was localized. If you've beaten the first this seems like a strong one to get enjoyment out of all the characters. It's also nice it includes the common route for those who didn't play the first, but you miss out on 4 of the characters story, so it's recommended you play the first. Seeming like an 8/10 so far, but will update later.

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Are there any "filler" items on Play-Asia? I'm trying to use a $5 off $60 coupon, but the item I'm planning on getting is $59.99. >.>
I had this exact problem last week. Ended up getting a Disgaea CD for $0.99. There's quite a bit of low priced stuff in the sale section.

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone DX Japanese limited edition box art, Blu-ray set contents revealed


Final Fantasy XV’s Patch 1.13 Update Now Live, Adds Magitek Suits, New Quests, More

The Game Paradise: CruisinMix coming west; first details, screenshots

Amakuni showed off two beautiful prototype figures of Makoto and Futaba from Persona 5

King of Fighters XIV’s Mai Shiranui to Receive Awesome Figure From Amakuni

Grab a Free Phantasy Star Online 2 PS4 Theme

White Day Gets Chilling New Character Trailer For Han So-young


Koei Tecmo Partners With Artificial Intelligence Developer HEROZ for New Games

Fire Emblem Warriors for Nintendo Switch and 3DS Gets New Trailer Showing Bonding Corrin and Xander

Granblue Fantasy Hits 16 Million Registered Players

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Not even gonna bother. All the P4 ones were bores and the less said about Danganronpa the better.
Vanilla P4 gave us Nanako saying "manwhore". The fight vs Mitsuo when Yu just dumps out persona after persona was great. And I really enjoyed how they handled the "Kings Game" scene. (Drunk Yukiko FTW!)

That said, I also liked the two "Future" and "Despair" arcs of D3 as well. I haven't watched much of the game adaptations though. To each his own, I guess.

hermit link in the anime trying to throw herself off the roof was funny but yeah the anime was pretty boring and shows the pacing issues among other problems the game had and amplifies. Festival section in the anime was cheat mode since you can't do multiple s links at the same time in the game.  As if you could it would not be such a pain.

Just remember when Amakuni comes up that usually means exclusive figures which means very expensive figures you can only get from certain stores. I collected Seven Deadly Sins Figures (may just sell to get money....anime sucked haha). It's very expensive and just warning as you look at those nice sculpts....very likely exclusive, exclusive, exclusive.

Also I have went through 3 of the princess Evangile W routes. They encompassed newer routes and I am currently doing an epilogue. So far the stories have been consistently nice and pretty natural. It's overall a love letter for the fans and I think is well worth it if you liked the original game. I'll give a more complete picture when I finish the last 6 routes.

Senran Kagura 7EVEN Announced for PS4, Coming in 2018

Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal PS4 HD Remake Announced with First Gameplay


Peach Ball: Senran Kagura for Nintendo Switch Announced; ShinobiRefle Gets First Gameplay




Senran Kagura New Link Announced With First Trailer


Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash Adds Bashou From Senran Kagura: New Wave

Should also be noted a new Senran Kagura anime was announced as well. What a time to be alive if you're a Senran Kagura fan.

This weeks free PSN junk

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun



Birthdays the Beginning


Cube Creator DX Set

Desert Rat Squad

Prinny Doll

Renegade Set

World Flag Set

World Monument Set

Zen Garden Set

Tekken 7


Taiko no Tatsujin Pack

Valkyria Revolution


Scenario: The Formation of Vanargand

Scenario: The Ring of the Contract

I listed the Vita equivalent of the Valkyria Revolution DLC last week, so it's not being re-listed. August PS+ Games are up as well. I do recommend checking out the Shadow Tactics demo though.

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I don't know if anyone cares but even more Princess Evangile W impressions. 2 more routes down and 4 to go. I really like how the game really feels like you're dating "sheltered" girls and the build up in everything is a little slow sometimes, but these characters are pretty awesome. It's quite a positive game after the original had quite a bit of drama. There is drama and twists here as well, but they seem a lot less exaggerated and likely something that would actually come up in a relationship, like trying to get along with parents and preparing for the future. I think it is a little overpriced and should have been maybe $29.99 MSRP, but I'm really enjoying the game a lot and it just reminds that I really enjoyed Princess Evangile, as all the characters are decently written well, and this just fleshes out secondary but important characters and lets you get more story out of the main heroines from the first. I do wish the epilogue chapters were as long as the other characters' chapters, but they're more a bonus and some cute stuff from later on in the relationships.

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There's one game that released today on Steam that I forgot to add, but may as well mention it here as I think it would hold some interest here. Slime Rancher came out of early access today on Steam and Xbox One. It's a pretty interesting game focused around ranching slimes, hybridizing them and selling off their shit (yes, literally). There's a demo that can be found on Steam and it's also 33% off making it $13.39. I don't expect it to really be in anymore bundles anytime soon since their launch out of early access had banner space on the front of the Steam store, but the current price isn't bad regardless. The Xbox One version also has a 'try for free' demo, however no sale. Unfortunately they haven't mentioned a single thing about a PS4 version and seem to actively avoid mentioning anything about it
Also, some Stardew Valley Multiplayer info. Its ETA is 2018 unfortunately.

[customspoiler='Article Excerpt']
Hi everyone! I’m the Chucklefish dev who has been coordinating with Eric on localisation, porting and multiplayer for Stardew Valley over the last year. I’ve previously worked on Starbound (the procedural quest generator was my baby), and I’m also developing Lenna’s Inception, another Chucklefish project, on the side.

I’m here with an update for those of you who have been waiting so patiently for news on multiplayer! Now that we’ve pinned down the main technical issues, we know enough to feel confident describing the gameplay you can expect from it.

Shortly after you begin the game, Robin will offer to build up to 3 cabins on your farm. Each cabin will house a farmhand, controlled by one of your friends.

Farmhands can do almost anything the main player can do. They can farm, mine, fight, fish, forage, marry NPCs and take part in festivals. Each player has their own inventory. When a farmhand is not connected, their inventory can be managed through a chest in their cabin.

Certain decisions can be made only by the main player: when to sleep, when to start and end festivals, and whether to side with Joja, for instance.

You won’t need to set up a server to run multiplayer. Friends can be invited onto the farm through Steam. The invite mechanism for non-Steam versions is TBD, but likely to be similar in most cases.

A lot of players have requested player-to-player marriage. It’s an idea we like a lot, and want to make available as a feature. Player-to-player marriage won’t use the mermaid pendant, but rather an alternative method that requires a similar amount of effort to wooing an NPC. We’re still working out what that will be.

Local multiplayer, split-screen and PVP are not planned at this point.

Effort so far has been focused on overcoming the biggest technical hurdle: synchronising multiple games over the Internet. Almost every source file has been touched, and 15,000 lines of code have been rewritten. Retrofitting multiplayer into a game that didn’t have it originally is notoriously hard.

Anyway, that chunk of work is almost complete now and we’re starting to look towards what’s next:

- Implementing the farmhand cabins
- UI and menus
- Events and festivals
- Multiplayer NPC relationships
- Polish, testing and optimisation

We currently expect to be able to start a beta test at the end of the year for Steam users to help us test the game. Mod authors will be encouraged to update their mods during this beta period. Then, in early 2018 we will release it as the 1.3 patch on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Consoles will get the patch too, starting with Nintendo Switch. This will be a bigger patch than usual, so be aware that it will take a while to roll out to each platform.[/customspoiler]

Sounds like they're making the multiplayer very worthwhile and not just some tacked on junk we commonly see. Although no splitscreen and local co-op will be available, which will certainly suck for some people.

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With all this Senran Kagura news I may be thinking of Beach Splash....need people to play it with though cause multiplayer by myself is boringggggggg.

bread's done