Recent content by Diosoth

  1. D

    Someone's got a secret...

    From my website's stat service. That College Station, TX visitor has been poking around a LOT on my site and I suspect the other one will do so as well. So, which one of you secretly reads my stuff but will probably come here and call it crap, while denying you read more than 2 sentences...
  2. D

    Catholic Church Threatens D.C.

    Muslims don't attend Catholic church services, you dumb shit.
  3. D

    Catholic Church Threatens D.C.

    I don't put faith in some 2 thousand year old book to tell me what's right and wrong. Those who do... bleh, I can do without them. Just funny that gay marriage and homosexuality is THE ONE SIN these people make an issue of. If you're any other kind of sinner, they will still help you.
  4. D

    What happened to this country?

    1991. Four LAPD officers beat Rodney King. The courts refuse to do anything. The city of Los Angeles burns in angry riots. 2009. Police brutality is at a level never seen before. People are being tazed and abused left and right by the police and arrested for practically nothing. These officers...
  5. D

    Super Flimsy 360 cases

    In some lame attempt at using less plastic, they make the things 3X more fragile and more likely to need to be replaced. By cutting out 20% of structural plastic, they ensure a need to make more of them to replace the broken ones. Even Captain Planet would call bullshit on this attempt. Al...
  6. D

    Most you would pay for each classic console? Complete Listings.

    Atari 2600- $10. It's old, it's RF-based and most games in the wild are common titles. Atari 7800- $30 at most Master System- $15 for model 1, $10 for model 2. Unavailability of games locally means there is NO interest. NES- $20. I don't care if you shoved some 3rd party replacement pins...
  7. D

    uh... Why doesnt Amazon support PayPal??

    They have their own credit card setup, that's why. And noone should be using Paypal, in all honesty. They're a horrible company. Unless you're a thief, in which case you can buy stuff, get it in the mail and then file a bogus "claim" to get an instant refund.
  8. D

    Sarah Palin in 'Going Rogue'

    Don't care. She's a religious nutbar and she's about as attractive as being hit by a car.
  9. D

    Toys R Us offering MGS figures

    No articulation, no accessories. Not worth $17. But Metal gear fanboys will buy anything Kojima or his licensees crap out anyway so I guess it's irrelevant.
  10. D

    Gen Mobiles In Stock Now - Licensed Sega Genesis Handheld

    These are known to be rebranded AtGames hardware if that tells you anything. In other words, probably heavily overpriced for what little "quality" AtGames Genesis hardware is known for. Now, if these were $25 I'd buy one but at the $50-$60 range, pretty much overpriced. Especially the console...
  11. D

    Sesame Street has a liberal bias

    Most everyone with a working brain knows Fox News is biased. They've even been caught making stuff up about their competition.
  12. D

    Rate my (admittedly dodgy) purchase

    Well then, I guess everyone should start running background checks on anyone they buy goods from just to be sure they'll only do good, moral Christian things with the money. Gamestop ban? who cares? You shouldn't be shopping there anyway or trading in. If ANYONE is a thief, it's Gamestop.
  13. D

    Yet More Craigslist Stupidity! $35. SNES, 2 controllers, 8 games. Seems good but I emailed to ask WHAT 8 games and never got an answer, so no doubt there are 8 copies of fuck included rather than anything worth playing. Always figures. People should throw those sports...
  14. D

    Gamestop breaks Modern Warfare 2 street date

    Street dates are the most idiotic thing to currently exist in retail. Just let the stores sell it when they get it. If you want them to withhold that bad, don't even let them have it before the day you want it sold. The Transformers movie toys were street dated. Mother fucking TOYS!
  15. D

    New To America: What Can I Expect On Black Friday?

    I know better than to go into a store then. Not like I ever have the free cash to afford their "deals" anyway.
bread's done