Search results

  1. F

    Arcania GOTY (lol? actually complete) edition $20 pre-order on Amazon (360 only atm)

    Really enjoyed it but it bugged out on me about 85% done. Very frustrating. I really enjoyed it, it's more polished than Two Worlds II (which I love as well). There is a demo in the XBox Marketplace. The game has a patch that I believe makes it run smoother than the demo.
  2. F

    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread VI

    Bought a MW3 PC from the Warehouse. I initially tried entering the registration code directly into Steam, and got an error the code was already used and tied to another count. Curses. Tried to install from the disc, but it too checks the code up front. I really didn't want to have to go through...
  3. F

    What CheapyD uses to play PC on TV?

    I seem to remember he has some product that takes the HDMI signal and pipes it out to his TV on his command (as opposed to his PC Monitor). I'm pretty sure I didn't daydream this.. he can switch between his PC Monitor and the TV in his living room...
  4. F

    What CheapyD uses to play PC on TV?

    What's the details on the product Cheapy has on his PC that lets him play games on his TV? I'd love to play games on TV in my living room...
  5. F

    Trade: My Vita 8 GB/Disgaea/Uncharted Your:MOT Xoom

    Interested in trading my Sony PS Vita WiFi for a Xoom, possibly with accessories? Vita is the WiFi model 8 GB SD card Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention Uncharted (missing case) Unit will be factory reset upon shipping. Charger included. Unit very clean, bought new from Amazon. Traveled with it...
  6. F

    CAGcast #292: An Incredible, Exceptional Podcast

    Specific to OEM's, I believe Gabe is talking about the "bait and switch" that Microsoft has pulled with respect to the Microsoft Surface tablet. It's been fairly widely reported (a recent article is here...
  7. F

    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

    Ha, this is during my break from Skyrim. I crammed 70 hours of playtime into 2 weeks, and I'm still decompressing for my next 70 hour burst. Amazing game.. but I almost find it oppressive how MASSIVE the game is. 70 hours into Oblivion I felt like I had a command of most all of the game - the...
  8. F

    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

    Picked up a like new Kingdoms of Amalur for $29.99. I'm sure it'll be lower than that new 6 months from now, but I want to scratch an RPG itch right now.
  9. F

    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

    Just missed out on a $187 Like New Vita. Man, I'm getting a bit compulsive checking my amazon wish list.
  10. F

    Gamestop PS3 RPG Price Drops

    Enjoyed the Trinity demo. Will pick up for sure.
  11. F

    Call of Juarez: The Cartel 15.99 @ Newegg (Xbox 360 Only)

    I beat it, only 75% out of masochism. There are some decent ambitions (unrealized) and a few interesting bits. It won't be the worst game you ever played. If you can convince a friend or two to buy it so you can co-op through together, I would say you will have fun.
  12. F

    Want a BC PS3. What's the best approach?

    How would you go about scoring one? I've been watching CL for months, with only 2 postings, both asking >$400. Har har. If you wanted one, how would you get it? eBay, CL, Amazon, Gamestop?
  13. F

    Sacred 2 (360) $11.22 shipped and sold by Amazon

    Strange game. Absolutely loved the graphics, and the scope of the game is beyond almost anything. The overworld is easily bigger than Oblivion, fer example. Massive! It's pretty easy to play, and you can be successful. But still, if you want to have an idea of what you're doing (the mechanics...
  14. F

    The Cursed Crusade $19.99/17.99 @ and in store

    How does gameplay, production, storyline, graphics compare to The First Templar?
  15. F

    Lucha Libre - PS3/360 $10 Walmart

    Found in Commerce, MI store. Multiple copies of both available. Looks like it's $18.48 right now on Amazon.
  16. F

    First Templar - $39.99 @ Walmart

    Broke down and bought it tonight. Gameplay is enjoyable. I'm a total sucker for underdog games in general, and I don't mind a nice hack and slash with some RPG elements. This reminds me of Viking, with built in co-op and an interesting story. Some weirdness... there simply isn't enough...
  17. F

    First Templar - $39.99 @ Walmart

    Saw in store @ Commerce, MI. I'm very interested in the game... but didn't pull the trigger... yet.
  18. F

    Assassin's Creed for $4.99 at Gamestop (Xbox 360)

    Bought for $4.99 today in store in Michigan (360). Case marked $7.99 and GameStop employee was surprised at lower price.
  19. F

    Wanted: BC PS3

    No takers, I guess...?
bread's done