13-year old hung himself over wii

[quote name='mephitical']The Cho Aniki guys appear to be hung.


That is ten levels of win, good sir.
[quote name='mephitical']While you are technically correct, I think we need to look to the future on this one. At some point they (like all muscular fedora-wearers) will inevitably become terminally depressed about all the love-making time that was missed because of muscle-making time. They will each write two letters - one to Amy Adams because Enchanted is their favorite movie and one to Alan Alda because he is even more hung than they are (and they are alphabetically pretty close to the top), but the letters will go unanswered. Full of despair and pudding, they will put those neckties to their final use.

You would too.[/QUOTE]

I think most will have to agree that the letters would not go unanswered, I just can't see Amy and Alan being rude to such HUGE fans, incomprehensible.
[quote name='Strell']Maybe he didn't intend to actually die?

I know when I was a kid, I used to plan to do certain things, but wait out until the moment of maximum exposure. Like hiding on the side of the house with a water balloon, waiting for someone to walk by.

Just sayin' the kid might have wanted to stage it and wait for his parents to walk in, see him strung and prepared to jump, in hopes that they'd realize they were pushing him to the brink or something.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case (Botched fake attempt, that is). It seems that sociopaths and career criminals have found that faking a suicide attempt can get them out of more serious trouble (As they'll likely be carted off to a local hospital for evaluation before being taken to prison, if they go to prison at all). Ergo, it would follow that spoiled teenagers would realize that suicide is such a serious subject that they could instantly gain victim-level sympathy and attention by faking a suicide attempt. Of course in this case, when no one came to his rescue I mean really, with the sequence of events presented the way they are (Kid wants to play Wii, parents don't let him, kid hangs self), the only other reasonable explanations are:
1) There's more to the story that we may never know.
2) The kid had some serious problems. I'm talking borderline psychosis if his response to a trivial argument is suicide.

[quote name='NegativeZero']and quick question , how many games have included charcters that have hanged/hung themselves?[/QUOTE]
Now that I think about it... No I can't think of any suicides by hanging in video games. After looking at Persona 3, Killer7, Mass Effect, and Metal Gear Solid, it seems that the predominant method of video games characters offing themselves is to blow their brains out with a high-powered gun or explosive. The only thing that may come close may be that Fire Pro Wrestling game that Suda 51 directed, which had an ending where your character, after he beats every wrestler in the world, becomes fed up with the lack of worthy opponents and offs himself. I'm not sure what method is used though.
[quote name='Strell']Maybe he didn't intend to actually die?

I know when I was a kid, I used to plan to do certain things, but wait out until the moment of maximum exposure. Like hiding on the side of the house with a water balloon, waiting for someone to walk by.

Just sayin' the kid might have wanted to stage it and wait for his parents to walk in, see him strung and prepared to jump, in hopes that they'd realize they were pushing him to the brink or something.[/quote]

Someone actually died trying to fool his parents like that in my our local middle school many years ago.

Poor kid, the worst part is that the Wii stinks.
Suda 51 directed a Firepro game?! Which one? The only one I know of with anything of a storyline is Firepro G for the original Playstation but I certainly never stumbled across the suicide ending all those years ago.
[quote name='Strell']I like the people coming in here to make themselves feel better by posting an asinine comment.

Good show, kids![/quote]
Well, i'm still alive and that kid isn't, so obviously I'm better than he is.
[quote name='TimPV3']If my parents denied me something I bought with my own money I'd kill myself to make them look bad too.[/quote]

This come as no surprise, as we all know you're clearly retarded from all your previous posts.
[quote name='help1']This come as no surprise, as we all know you're clearly retarded from all your previous posts.[/quote]and we know the same thing about you for the same reasons:" Poor kid, the worst part is that the Wii stinks."

[quote name='Cao Cao']I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case (Botched fake attempt, that is).[/quote]There's more detail in the actual article which seems to indicate that
[quote name='Halo05']Suda 51 directed a Firepro game?! Which one? The only one I know of with anything of a storyline is Firepro G for the original Playstation but I certainly never stumbled across the suicide ending all those years ago.[/QUOTE]

I did some "research" (i.e. Wikipedia) and it turns out he wasn't the director, he was actually the scenario writer, but still, it was the position that put his foot in the door of the gaming industry. Anyways, he worked on two Super Famicom Fire Pro games: Super Fire Pro Wrestling 3 Final Bout and Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special. According to WP, the latter game is the one with the suicide ending.

EDIT: And after doing even more research, I found that I was wrong about the content of the ending too. According to this Killer7 fansite:
Although Suda51's first game was about Japanese pro wrestling you can still see signs of Suda51's trademark writing style.
The story mode of Firepro Wrestling had one of the most shocking endings of all time.
Largely due to the fact that it was so unexpected.
Let's just say that the ending wasn't a very happy one.
(The hero falls for Akira Maeda's fictitious sister, she dumps him. He becomes undisputed champion of the world, decides it's a hollow victory, and kills himself.)

Also found step-by-step screenshots of the ending, according to this site, you don't see anything, just a view of a house's front yard, and you hear a gunshot:

Of course, that last link makes me rather confused. From the screenshots, it looks like the champion guy (FPW name: "Slender") kills your hero/mentor (Sting, or his FPW name "Spike"), which causes you to fight the champion guy for vengeance, leading to the whole empty victory->Suicide scenario.
[quote name='SoulReaver']Anyone know if this is even real? You would expect this news to be on a more reputable site.[/QUOTE]

Good point. I guess the first time I posted, I didn't notice Destructoid's source, "The Daily Mail," I don't know much about them personally, but I remember from past gaming articles where UK blog commenters would remark that they are effectively considered a well-selling tabloid rag, certainly making it a possibility that they are stretching the truth or making this story up.
I suspect this boils down to poor parenting with a lack of emphasis on values. What sort of person puts more value in a superficial object than life?
[quote name='TimPV3']If my parents denied me something I bought with my own money I'd kill myself to make them look bad too.[/quote]

I think it would actually make them look even worse if you went out, took a few lives, and then offed yourself. After all, instead of living with just the guilt of your death, your parents would have to live with the guilt and shame of knowing you ruined other people's families, as well.
Geez... you guys are taking this a bit wayyyyyyyyy too far. I mean, seriously... this is stuff you'd think about doing? man. No wonder people today are so fed up.
[quote name='NegativeZero']I think most will have to agree that the letters would not go unanswered, I just can't see Amy and Alan being rude to such HUGE fans, incomprehensible.[/quote]
I hate it when you're right. I just wrote them both letters to test your theory and both replied instantly.
That, coupled with the fact that my ego is ten times the size (and quality) of Brak's, means that I will not hang myself today.
If it was an accident than the kid is not as stupid an pathetic as I originally thought. Kind of sad actually.

Though throwing a tantrum at 13?
I didnt realise this would spark this much discussion. I'm glad the kid didnt do it on purpose, but its pretty messed up now that his parents, freinds, sister and relatives have to put up with this crap over a single 'tantrum'.

A boy in my school recently shot himself. He put up a death note on MySpace, saying something about him 'becoming a hero' and saying thanks to 'everyone who made me happy inside'. It was pretty fucked up to do it, as his year was just finishing school and had to study for the final test.
Ya know, despite all jokes and rude comments..it makes me kinda sad.
If this really was a "aHA! I'll scare my parents!" gone wrong..that's just really sad and pretty horrible...especially if he was struggling before he died. (I admit, I haven't read both articles fully)
where did it happen at

and this story is so sad any kid killing them self
[quote name='Wolfkin']and we know the same thing about you for the same reasons:" Poor kid, the worst part is that the Wii stinks."


Worst part is that you act like it is a joke. It is 100 percent true.
[quote name='mephitical']I hate it when you're right. I just wrote them both letters to test your theory and both replied instantly.
That, coupled with the fact that my ego is ten times the size (and quality) of Brak's, means that I will not hang myself today.[/QUOTE]

the less hung the better
[quote name='SpazX']Do people normally have temper tantrums at 13? I know I didn't.[/QUOTE]

Today's kids are seriously fucked up... parents don't do their job anymore.
You know, the anti-Nintendo hate and trolling sure is being stepped up a lot lately. I mean really? In this thread no one can do anything but be a total little snarky greasy punk?

And to the guys talking about tantrums at 13: Are you guys serious? People throw tantrums all the time at various ages. Basically if you're under 18, you're still a clueless kid, but even then when you do become 18, you're still just a clueless kid.

Road rage, fights, disruptive behavior in public...it's all - essentially - throwing a tantrum. It's just that when you're a drunken frat boy getting your ass kicked in a bar, we call it a brawl.

You're thinking way too highly about the world based on - I imagine - what you consider your own level of maturity to be, which apparently is really huge.
[quote name='Strell']And to the guys talking about tantrums at 13: Are you guys serious? People throw tantrums all the time at various ages. Basically if you're under 18, you're still a clueless kid, but even then when you do become 18, you're still just a clueless kid.

Road rage, fights, disruptive behavior in public...it's all - essentially - throwing a tantrum. It's just that when you're a drunken frat boy getting your ass kicked in a bar, we call it a brawl.[/quote]

Sure, but I wouldn't exactly consider that normal either, but I guess it happens often enough. My brother has a shortass temper (or at least did, I don't know if he has grown out of that), but I think by 13 he had graduated from the "torn paper on the floor" tasmanian devil-style temper tantrum to like just punching walls and being a dick. Maybe I'm thinking of when he was older than that though. What is 13? Like 7th grade? I think by then he was just a dick. Definitely by high school.

In any case the kid might just have a short temper.

You're thinking way too highly about the world based on - I imagine - what you consider your own level of maturity to be, which apparently is really huge.

Thanks for noticing, but honestly it's the shaving that makes it look that big.
[quote name='SpazX']t I think by 13 he had graduated from the "torn paper on the floor" tasmanian devil-style temper tantrum to like just punching walls and being a dick.

Those behaviors sound pretty identical to me - same intentions, same desperate act to release anger, etc. Sure they are taking different forms, but that's only because as one gets older, you find different ways to express your emotions.

I think the thing I'm getting at is that people are calling it a "tantrum" which instantly conjures up kindergartners stomping their feet in the dirt because they don't want recess to end. It's a connotative label with built-in stigma.

Thanks for noticing, but honestly it's the shaving that makes it look that big.

I thought it was the magnifying glass.

Yes, you did indeed just get srrrrrrrved.
[quote name='Strell']You know, the anti-Nintendo hate and trolling sure is being stepped up a lot lately. I mean really? In this thread no one can do anything but be a total little snarky greasy punk?
Stop joking around and clear out guys. The Police For Necessary Internet Seriousness (PFNIS) are breaking up this little "party".
Being denied to play a great video game console for the first time is extremely horrible. The parents got what they deserved. That's what you get when you abuse your child.

I have had consoles taken away from me permanantly (SNES and Genesis to be exact), because of abusive parents. If I had concieved this kind of ideas back then, I would have done it.
[quote name='ClassicGamer26']Being denied to play a great video game console for the first time is extremely horrible. The parents got what they deserved. That's what you get when you abuse your child.

I have had consoles taken away from me permanantly (SNES and Genesis to be exact), because of abusive parents. If I had concieved this kind of ideas back then, I would have done it.[/quote]

Serious? It's... just... a... game... You'd kill yourself over that? wow... and how do we know it would've been permanantly? xD

Finally, Parents are called parents for a reason... Yeah, so maybe it was wrong and maybe they don't know what they are doing, but you having a "right" to play a game (as a kid) is like saying We have a "right" to drive... It's also a reason it's called childhood and that you can't "play" all the time. This alone tells me that kids have it way easier. I guess then again that shows my age too. :roll: Still thank god I'm not a kid to though.

[quote name='mephitical']Stop joking around and clear out guys. The Police For Necessary Internet Seriousness (PFNIS) are breaking up this little "party".[/quote] lool
bread's done