2 for $60 select games at TRU from 9/2 - 9/8


2 (100%)
I haven't seen an ad or anything, just some signage that will be going out. I'd guess it's the weekly ad. as the dates specified are 9/2 - 9/8. It does also state 360 & PS3 for each game, along with both item numbers.

Amazing Spiderman
Arkham City
Battlefield 3
Darksiders 2
Mass Effect 3
Max Payne 3
Modern Warfare 3
NCAA Football 13
Prototype 2
Sleeping Dogs
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Went to TRU no copies of sleeping dogs or Darksiders 2 anywhere in sight. Went to BB next door and said they would not offer it as they didn't have any in stock at TRU.

Love how TRU advertises games they don't carry the clerk said they never had any in and I didn't even see a place holder for either game.
[quote name='TooPoor']So what was your math?
Assume your tax rate is x, you paid 60*(1+x) for 2 games. NCAA trades for $37.8 today, P2 you would have paid 20*(1+x), so in essence you spent 60*(1+x), in exchange for P2, 1 other game that is not NCAA, and a 17.8-20*x BBY gift card.[/QUOTE]
The point is I NEVER said that I got $40 in credit. I said "ABOUT $40."
In which case I was absolutely right.
$37.00 = about 40.

That troll GBAstar sure seemed awfully butthurt, maybe he couldn't find a copy of NCAA 13 for himself.
[quote name='TooPoor']I think he was being sarcastic? No way a 3 year member doesn't know anything about the flipping scene...[/QUOTE]

I am still learning the flipping scene and I've been here since 05
Buy low. Sell high. Don't trade in more than 3 copies of the same game for the same platform. Make sure to open the seals to make it less obvious you bought something just to flip.

It's that simple.

(Though others would add the following: ignore taxes, ignore gas money, ignore opportunity cost of your time spent, always round down your buying costs, always round up your trade in income.)

(That last paragraph was a joke. The rest was not.)
[quote name='CaseX']Buy low. Sell high. Don't trade in more than 3 copies of the same game for the same platform. Make sure to open the seals to make it less obvious you bought something just to flip.

It's that simple.

(Though others would add the following: ignore taxes, ignore gas money, ignore opportunity cost of your time spent, always round down your buying costs, always round up your trade in income.)

(That last paragraph was a joke. The rest was not.)[/QUOTE]

Pretty much summed it up except you forgot: check your dignity at the door.
So, people are doin' alright with BB PMing? I went to TRU today and only saw Darksiders II for 360, completely out of Sleeping Dogs... apparently the employee bought the last ones, he told me, and the manager denied giving me a Sunday ad due to not being a paying customer. >.>

Went next door, to BB, and picked up both games at full price and going to price adjust tomorrow with the printed up ad you guys provided. Or attempt to anyway. If I get hassled, I'll just return the games and try out Walmart... I've just never PM'd at BB with a printed ad before, now.
Ugh! best buy closed early today so I had to go to Walmart, good thing Toys R us didn't post this as buy one get one free, apparently Walmart doesn't price match buy one get one free (didn't know that), had to wait half-hour for the manager to approve though...
Went to one of the Bestbuy in Houston, TX. The manager only agree to price match the Xbox360 version of DS2 and SD, which I don't have a Xbox. He argued the PS3 Version was not printed on the actual ad from Toyrus. WTF.
[quote name='kevbat']My advice for price matching is 1. Bring in the print ad from the other store if possible (looks better than showing the sale price to them on your smart phone) 2. If you have anything else you are buying at the store have it in hand or in your shopping cart 3. I like to use the subtle approach saying that I am on my way to another store that will price match the sale item or items but since I am already buying something else at their store I want to see if they can match what the other store is already willing to do. 4. Last but not least.....Always be as nice as possible to the sales rep,
if you piss them off you have most likely lost the battle.[/QUOTE]

Good tips. Thank you. :cool: I'll try another BB and WM later.
I got best buy to price match for sleeping dogs and darksiders. I just showed the manager my phone with the toys r us website. Easy as that.
I got a price match at best buy no problem. I ended up getting spider man(to get the nice slip cover) and darksiders II with with limited slip cover and the best buy exclusive stuff.
I was debating between SD and DS2 or SD and NCAA (to trade back in since I have it) but I ended up getting SD and the DS2 BB limited edition (price matched at best buy no problem with the full ad in hand). Very good deal. Doubt I will ever get around to playing DS2 anytime soon but that's what happens when you're a cag.
If there are people getting multiple copies of Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs on the 360, I would be willing to buy them. PM later this week.
Thanks Guys!

I was able to price match at Best Buy in Fayetteville NC. Printed the Ad's and the PM receipts you guys posted for further proof!

Walked out with Sleeping Dogs PS3 and Darksiders 2 PS3. Also i bought Protoype 2 and Battlefield 3. (Used BB's Coupon for those though)

The manager who did the PM also took $5 off my order for free!! He said just for being a Good customer by choosing them over ToysRus! .....YMMV
Best Buy in Sugar Land TX price matched it without a hitch.

They looked up the price online and saw the ad and adjusted it accordingly.

They even let me use my Darksiders 2 preorder so I got them both for $60 w/ tax!
NCAA 13, Darksiders 2, and Sleeping Dogs.... Free + extra giftcard balance and cash back @ BB after some mean talk game and trading Madden 13.

I was tired after all of that.

In the end, I returned Darksiders 2 because the guy @ another store wouldn't give me the limited version so I'll go back tomorrow (yes I am picky about what version I want0
[quote name='MariDave']Went to one of the Bestbuy in Houston, TX. The manager only agree to price match the Xbox360 version of DS2 and SD, which I don't have a Xbox. He argued the PS3 Version was not printed on the actual ad from Toyrus. WTF.[/QUOTE]

Really? What a jerk. He can't read under the picture where it says offer valid for XBOX 360 & PS3?
Got it price matched at Walmart easy as anything, in Kissimmee FL. The lady walked me from costumer service to electronics, found the games for me and rang me out. The guy working electronics asked if he could have the ad so he could get the deal too, so i gave it to him cause I got what I wanted. I got Sleeping Dogs and Spider-man, Thanks OP
[quote name='confoosious']Pretty much summed it up except you forgot: check your dignity at the door.[/QUOTE]

:applause: Haha I definitely laughed out loud at that one.
I picked up Sleeping Dogs and Darksiders 2 this morning while I was in Fargo, ND. We got there at 12 when they were opening and by the time I got back to the games there was already a guy with 2 copies of Darksiders 2, Sleeping Dogs, and something else in his hand. I am just glad I was able to get my copies.
[quote name='Raccoon2117']So the local TRU only had Prototype 2 in stock (and it looked like they didn't even carry the other items on the list) and is in the midst of a "moving sale".

And then the local newspaper doesn't have the ad.


I thought it only happened to me. Are you in the Royal Palm Beach area?

Walmart would not price match me but Best Buy did with no problems. Got Darksiders 2 and MW3. I'm going to wait for the GOTY or complete edition of Sleeping Dogs since there is 6 months of DLC planned for it. CAG 4 Life.
so many guys complaining about people flipping

about gas and time my bestbuys/ toys r us and gamestop are with in a mile of eachother on same street so little gas and time spent
for you guys trying to pricematch at bestbuy

watch this video .....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt8UnS2ns6s

walk to the back ask some random manager you see in a odd department if they can pricematch show them the ad they say yes . remember his name and when the people up front say no let them know their manager said yes

i never had a problem and only had to do that once. last years 2 for 50 that toys r us had on new games
[quote name='neil1115']Really? What a jerk. He can't read under the picture where it says offer valid for XBOX 360 & PS3?[/QUOTE]

That's what I said, "it is for both ps3 and xbox360." He will only do the exact 5 games for ps3, those 5 games for Xbox as show with pictures on the ad. WTF.
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[quote name='DontFlipout']Got sleeping dogs and ds2 at my tru in brooklyn, extremely easy process.[/QUOTE]

Just out of curiosity, which one did you go to in Brooklyn? The one by Caesar's bay? Because I went around the time they opened and they didn't have any Sleeping Dogs left... :( I ended up going to Best Buy and asking for a price match but got rejected, so I sucked it up and bought the game full price. But no loss there since I used my gift cards from trading from gamestop to BBY :D
I picked up Sleeping Dogs :360: and Amazing Spiderman :360: at my local TRU. Was thinking about trying to get BB to pricematch, probably would have been no problem, but in the end decided to show TRU some love for running the sale in the first place.
I met them at the door at my local TRU. They had 1 copy of DS2 and 2 copies of Sleeping Dogs....snatched one of each.
[quote name='Vigilante']According to this, only Amazon, BBY, and GS have/had exclusive bonuses:


[quote name='scblueeyedguy']The bonus at walmart isn't an exclusive. It's the Arguls Tomb DLC every LE gets.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the responses, guys. I ended up taking the drive out to Toys R Us for the flyer and then over to BestBuy for the Price Match instead, since they had a copy of the lenticular LE in stock (I called and verified it first.) I would have hit the other TRU and Walmart since they're closer to me, but the BestBuy version sounded like the one to get.
Scored a set of DS2 and SD exclusives at best buy, then helped a friend who met me at the store get the same set. Good day overall. =)
My BB wouldn't price match, but I went to Des Moines with my roommate and we each got DSII and Sleeping Dogs. Had to go to another TRU in Clive, IA first though, and they were sold out. Luckily the other one wasn't too far away and actually not far out of the way on our way home, so not too shabby. Overall, I'm pretty happy, I also stopped at a closing BBV and got my friend Skyrim new for 24 bucks and got him Witcher 2 for 20 bucks at Best Buy. Not a bad day at all.
Too the flipper who cleaned out my TRU in Pembroke Pines, Fl. fuck YOU

Clerks told me a guy came in earlier and loaded up on all the Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs for both systems. Douchebag flippers... I hate them.

But I see my savior might be this BB price match.
Deal title should be changed to "2 for $60 if you get lucky and manage to get someone else to price match at Best Buy or Walmart" because I'm pretty sure this deal was dead at TRU within hours of opening.

Or is that too long?
will try to get price adjustment at Best Buy. I picked up two DSII with the guide combo the week it came out as the preorders weren't the BB LE version. if they don't allow it I'd just tell them I'll come back and return everything instead!
[quote name='Kolgar']You definitely got the right version of Sleeping Dogs.

And Darksiders 2 is really close on both platforms, with some higher-resolution textures on PS3 and more lighting effects on 360.

I bought both for 360 myself.[/QUOTE]

i find most of these comparisons borderline ridiculous. yes, the occasional game has serious issues on one console or the other, but for the most part? you're never going to notice in game.

i plat'd Sleeping Dogs on ps3 and it's a superb game. Buy it on your favorite console without reservation.
Here's the direct from the TRU site you shouldn't really need the paper ads since most stores have them on their sites

[quote name='MariDave']Went to one of the Bestbuy in Houston, TX. The manager only agree to price match the Xbox360 version of DS2 and SD, which I don't have a Xbox. He argued the PS3 Version was not printed on the actual ad from Toyrus. WTF.[/QUOTE]I've seen that happen before generally just take the copy & the deal since it's YMMV anyways. Get a Gift receipt & come back later to do an even exchange.

[quote name='kevbat']My advice for price matching is 1. Bring in the print ad from the other store if possible (looks better than showing the sale price to them on your smart phone) 2. If you have anything else you are buying at the store have it in hand or in your shopping cart 3. I like to use the subtle approach saying that I am on my way to another store that will price match the sale item or items but since I am already buying something else at their store I want to see if they can match what the other store is already willing to do. 4. Last but not least.....Always be as nice as possible to the sales rep, if you piss them off you have most likely lost the battle.[/QUOTE]Don't be afraid to tell them the specifics either convo should go like this type of pm
"I was gonna buy these items @ ____ but I'm a RZ(silver if u are) member & a GC member(paid if you are). I'd rather spend $60(big #'s help) here then at ______ anyways."

For games that come w/GC's
Do the same thing as above but say "having credit @ ___ really does me no good since I do all my purchases @ BB." I do this all the time with TRU especially when they have the b2g $50 GC & just say "$100 @ TRU does me no good since I don't have kids I'm not buying action figures anymore or diapers & stuff"
got Darksiders II and NCAA Football 13, but sadly I could only get the PS3 version of DSII. Wish I could get it for Xbox.
I work in the gaming department at the local Best Buy. Had manager approval to price match this. Had tons of copies of Sleeping Dogs/Darksiders II go out.
[quote name='Guimengo']Because there's a reason companies do that kind of thing. Toys R Us' business hasn't really been booming, has it? Best Buy can weather the storm better than any of its competitors and while Target can do with people price matching and going elsewhere, TRU does such offers to drive business. See how long things will last once these shakers in the market leave or have to stop doing things differently, and you'll be stuck complaining about BB sucking.

[/ Dramatic Economics degree rant]. And I am not a TRU employee, I'm doing full-time MBA program in school.[/QUOTE]I'm guessing TRU makes a killing selling baby stuff I mean damn the supermarkets keep it locked up behind glass near the cigarettes. I'd say don't sell drugs sell similac that power can be sold by the scoop for what they charge for it. Halloween is big for them too.


[quote name='superhippy1986']I'm not making any babies!!!! Yet...[/QUOTE]But it's so much fun trying LOL just follow Jadakiss's advice
"even though you see me running in/outta house there's no way she can have a kid outta her mouth" :0

[quote name='Mako1215']Well I was going to get Sleeping Dogs, but after a $100 copay for a MRI my extra funds has died up. So I will wait for the BF sale.[/QUOTE]With the right flips you'd have BB credit that woukd be converted into pre-paid GC to pay your bills along with plenty left over to fulfill your gaming needs.

[quote name='skatz83']Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs are tempting but I'm going to go with other posters about BF deals. Plus I think Borderlands 2 will take up most of my time in September.[/QUOTE]I don;t know bout waiting for BF on these games though you'll see cheaper deals from the RZ or @gamer vs BF most likely. And usually the BF prices are $30-$35 anyways. I'm cool w/pm them to $30 now & having till Nov 7th to match it cheaper.

[quote name='Rodimus']Would that be Batman: Arkham City GOTY Edition?[/QUOTE]$30 @ GS

[quote name='Guilty']They aren't going to pricematch this for most people. If anything, they will just answer back with a better sale a few weeks later.

Call me a gambling man, but I may very well just wait and see if my hunch is right.[/QUOTE]Well, judging by alot of the posts your 1st gamble has put you in the hole but of course time is always on your side so you can wait for as long as like & they will get cheaper & cheaper.
TRU @ Anaheim/Fullerton - no DarkSiders II or Sleeping Dogs left as of noon yesterday, but the BB across the street PM'ed me (store manager) for their copies, SD with DLC and Dark Sider II Limited Edition /w 2 DLC's included and points for my rewardzone card. Win/Win. The Manager did flex on the limited edition, but when I explained its the only standard edition SKU (same price) BB caries, he let it go.

That TRU sucks, it has shitty reviews on Yelp and when I asked them for a circular on the way out, they said they didn't have one. Then they found one and said it had to stay in the store. WTF!

Good luck to everyone!

I price matched with BB no problem, but I didn't see any Angel of Death copies. Still a great deal but I would have loved to sell one of those to recoup $20.
[quote name='ghostman123']Deal title should be changed to "2 for $60 if you get lucky and manage to get someone else to price match at Best Buy or Walmart" because I'm pretty sure this deal was dead at TRU within hours of opening.

Or is that too long?[/QUOTE]

I didn't check all the games, or the 360 section at all, but I know at the TRU I went to last night in Albany, NY at around 6 PM, they had plenty of copies of Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs for the PS3. I just preferred price-matching them at the other stores for the exclusive content.
I got really lucky because I was able to PM two copies of Sleeping Dogs at Best Buy. There was only one register and I held up the line because the cashier needed to get a manager override. I then went on to flip one of the copies at Gamestop for $33 and bought Persona 4 Arena. Pretty nice haul. Too bad I couldn't do this on Friday or Saturday morning; would have loved to have had the extra day to play.
[quote name='Mazter']Just out of curiosity, which one did you go to in Brooklyn? The one by Caesar's bay? Because I went around the time they opened and they didn't have any Sleeping Dogs left... :( I ended up going to Best Buy and asking for a price match but got rejected, so I sucked it up and bought the game full price. But no loss there since I used my gift cards from trading from gamestop to BBY :D[/QUOTE]

Probably the 1 by kings plaza because that's where I went. There were no Sleeping Dogs and Max Payne's for PS3 left but basically everything else. I might've bumped into him and didn't notice because I was there around 12 and saw someone buy those exact same games for 360 before me.
bread's done