2 months in, has the Wii met all of your expectations?

Games: All I've really played is Zelda, plus GC games. Huge drought of games right now. I'm optomistic though. I'd say "Met Expectations"
Features (Wii Channels, Mii, Weather, Internet): Great stuff, I was really impressed. "Exceeded Expectaitons."
Virtual Console: Getting screwed over in games (compared to Japan), Rewards for buying/registering games like everywhere else being absent, no online multiplayer, no ability to transfer or even play games on other consoles, Wii Poitns Cards being MIA at all retail outlets and no key remapping means that the VC gets "did not meet expectations." That being said, I still have dled games.
Future: A Few good games later this year, but quite a drought between then and now. I'm mostly picking up old GC games I've never played. "Met Expecations."

Overall a "Met Expectations" but did not blow me out of the water for it's gaming, just the other stuff included on the Wii.
Well it's doing good so far. My expectations are that I get alot of great games over 4 or 5 years so it's going to take awhile before I know how that is going to pan out.
I have to side with mykevermin and say that I'm neither satisfied nor dissatisfied yet. I bought the Wii knowing full well that I'd only buy Zelda and some VC games, but most likely nothing else until Smash Bros. Brawl (save for any awesome sales for other games, of course ;)). So while I haven't been showing my Wii or Zelda much love (only at the Water Temple, need to make it last) as of late, I am definitely still very content with my purchase.
in addition to my earlier comment in which i left no details to support my statement which was:
No, it fails at life.
, i amend by saying:

I am not sure why but sometimes the onscreen cursor had becomes jittery. I move it to another tv, properly setting the sensor bar position options, and it doesn't happen. I'm going to be getting some gamecube games soon, but I am unsure to which ones are compatible. The browser doesn't even bother to try to fill the screen; it needs a lot of work before I'd consider paying for it. If only they could and would put Firefox, the greatest web browser ever, on the Wii if it is possible and there weren't a political issue about it, that'd be great. Otherwise, I'd say that it is a decent system. It is really sad how POKEMON of all things will be the first game with online support; they better add some online stuff for these games...I might die if Super Smash Bros. Brawl does not have an online component. In conclusion, quite a few loose ends need to be tied up, but overall it is "okay". The "innovation" factor, for me at least, wears off pretty quickly so I hope the Wii doesn't die out like the pogs, pokemon cards, and the yo-yo fads of the past.
I think the Wii has done better than any console I've seen in recent years. Launch titles are never the best of the bunch for any console (look at the PS2 launch years ago!) but the Wii's launch has been respectable, with one killer app (Zelda) and enough reasonably decent games (Trauma Center, Elebits, Rayman, Madden) to make it one of the better launches I've ever seen.

Yeah, there is a dry spell now, but what console doesn't have that?
[quote name='kmartbum001']in addition to my earlier comment in which i left no details to support my statement which was: , i amend by saying:

I am not sure why but sometimes the onscreen cursor had becomes jittery. I move it to another tv, properly setting the sensor bar position options, and it doesn't happen. I'm going to be getting some gamecube games soon, but I am unsure to which ones are compatible. The browser doesn't even bother to try to fill the screen; it needs a lot of work before I'd consider paying for it. If only they could and would put Firefox, the greatest web browser ever, on the Wii if it is possible and there weren't a political issue about it, that'd be great. Otherwise, I'd say that it is a decent system. It is really sad how POKEMON of all things will be the first game with online support; they better add some online stuff for these games...I might die if Super Smash Bros. Brawl does not have an online component. In conclusion, quite a few loose ends need to be tied up, but overall it is "okay". The "innovation" factor, for me at least, wears off pretty quickly so I hope the Wii doesn't die out like the pogs, pokemon cards, and the yo-yo fads of the past.[/quote]

I feel the same about the controller, the newness of it wore off quickly.
But just so you know, every Gamecube title will work on the Wii, so start picking them up, great stuff in that library.
The VC games met my expectations, but that isn't a good thing. I expected the games to be way overpriced, and they are.

Wii Sports exceeded my expectations in a good way. Tennis, Bowling, and Golf are all great. Boxing and baseball are worthless to me though.

Zelda has not met my expectations. Granted I'm only 10 hours in, but everything outside of the dungeons thus far has not been fun at all.

Numerous other launch titles will be picked up when they reach $10/$20 or less, depending on the game, so no opinion on those yet.
No I'm not feeling the worth of the Wii yet.

Nonetheless, every video game system suffers from a drought til about 6-8 months from its release. Honestly, the Wii probably has one of the strongest launch libraries since... jeez, I'd guess the SNES? Possibly the Dreamcast?

Wireless-only internet by default pisses the everloving crap out of me too. Obviously it was rational with the DS, since the thing's so portable that you can walk to a wireless area if you have to. But the Wii is sedentary, which suggests it'd have a better affinity for wired connections.

Was it really that bloody hard to include an ethernet port? Or, heaven forbid, a free USB -> ethernet port adapter?
[quote name='lord_ebonstone']Wireless-only internet by default pisses the everloving crap out of me too. Obviously it was rational with the DS, since the thing's so portable that you can walk to a wireless area if you have to. But the Wii is sedentary, which suggests it'd have a better affinity for wired connections.

Was it really that bloody hard to include an ethernet port? Or, heaven forbid, a free USB -> ethernet port adapter?[/QUOTE]

One is coming soon.
Its funny that gunstar heroes is better than all the wi games except Zelda, a port, and Trauma Center, a remake. Weeeeeeee!
I had an old friend of mine over last weekend to do some gaming. Like many, he hadn't played the Wii yet and was a little skeptical. We tossed in Wii Sports for three boxing matches, a few games of tennis, baseball, and golf, and then stayed with bowling for a couple of hours. It was awesome fun.

Then I let him dive into Zelda. He spent the next 2 1/2 hours with his jaw on the floor.

Needless to say, he'll be picking one up soon. My expectations for the Wii were actually fair-to-middlin'. I continue to be delighted by what Nintendo has done here. In my eyes, the Wii is a major achievement and will go down as a significant landmark in gaming history.

Now if only Ubisoft would knock it off with the shovelware...
[quote name='Scobie']Then I let him dive into Zelda. He spent the next 2 1/2 hours with his jaw on the floor.[/QUOTE]
Did he load one of your saves? Because the first 2 and 1/2 hours of Zelda are mad weak, and if his jaw was on the floor for that, I suspect his jaw would have been on the floor for Connect Four.
[quote name='kmartbum001']I am not sure why but sometimes the onscreen cursor had becomes jittery. I move it to another tv, properly setting the sensor bar position options, and it doesn't happen.[/quote]
You might be getting interference from fluorescent lights. I have a compact fluorescent in the lamp around the corner from my Wii, and the remote sometimes mistakes it for another sensor bar. You can test this by checking the remote's sensitivity in the system settings menu -- the interfering light source will show up as a third dot.

If only they could and would put Firefox, the greatest web browser ever, on the Wii if it is possible and there weren't a political issue about it, that'd be great.
I'm not sure if there are any political issues, but I think the reason they went with Opera is that Firefox uses too much memory. My current session is using over 100 MB of RAM, which is more memory than the Wii has. The Opera team has a lot of experience building browsers for low-power devices (phones, PDAs, the DS), so they're more experienced at designing software with lower memory requirements.

[quote name='lord_ebonstone']Nonetheless, every video game system suffers from a drought til about 6-8 months from its release. Honestly, the Wii probably has one of the strongest launch libraries since... jeez, I'd guess the SNES? Possibly the Dreamcast?[/quote]
Personally, I thought the GC and Xbox had better launches, just because Halo and Smash Bros. had so much depth and replayability (and their other launch games were pretty decent, too). They made the software droughts a lot more bearable. I can't see anything on the Wii right now holding my attention for nearly as long as SSBM or Halo did.
To reprise my earlier assessment, let me just say that Gunstar Heroes has given me respect for the Sega Genesis I never had in my life.
Two months in, has theWii met my expectations? Nope. But then, the games are only two months in. I don't expect games for a system to find their stride until at least six to eight months in.
You might be getting interference from fluorescent lights. I have a compact fluorescent in the lamp around the corner from my Wii, and the remote sometimes mistakes it for another sensor bar. You can test this by checking the remote's sensitivity in the system settings menu -- the interfering light source will show up as a third dot.

Maybe the two lamps but I'm not sure if they were turned on. I'm too lazy to move the wii from my room to there just to test, but next time I have it there I will check to see if that is the problem.

i would marry my wii and have 2.5 children and a white picket fence.

i would also talk dirty to it when the kids were away at summer camp and we had the house to ourselves.

bad wii, youve been a bad bad wii. time for your spanking! ohh you like that wii-mote dont you! youre a dirty wii arent you.... oooooo yeaaaa:booty:
Well, I am enjoying Wii Sports, and I haven't even started Zelda yet, but a few lock-ups, little downtime on my part (and therefore time to play), and a somewhat mediocre Rayman title have damped my spirits for it a little bit. The system is not bad, mind you, and I am still pretty happy with my purchase, but it is far from fully realized at this point (not that it necessarily should be 2 months in). As others have noted, it is still too early to tell whether it will meet all my expectations.

I am tempted to pick up Madden (I like the franchise, though I typically wait quite a while to get the newer versions), but after paying full price for Rayman on a whim, I don't think I'll be impulse buying any more launch titles.

The one game I bought for it so far is Zelda and I cruised through that in less than a week. Elebits and Excite Truck are fun but not $50 fun. The VC is a joke and I still think that Nintendo should have released Wii Play at launch instead of Excite Truck. I'm sure the console will be amazing by the end of this year but for now it's got no substance.
The only people who say the Wii has met their expectations are probably Nintendo fanboys/fans. You cannot honestly be happy with the Wii right now. Especially since the online network hasn't even been launched yet and we haven't seen the Wiimote put to good use yet. The Wii is impressive, but its not as "revolutionary" as Nintendo promised. Hopefully, we will see games that take good advantage of the controller and the rest of the hardware this year.
[quote name='ananag112']The only people who say the Wii has met their expectations are probably Nintendo fanboys/fans. You cannot honestly be happy with the Wii right now. Especially since the online network hasn't even been launched yet and we haven't seen the Wiimote put to good use yet. The Wii is impressive, but its not as "revolutionary" as Nintendo promised. Hopefully, we will see games that take good advantage of the controller and the rest of the hardware this year.[/QUOTE]

Or, low expectations?

And I don't see how you can't call the wiimote revolutionary!
[quote name='ananag112']The only people who say the Wii has met their expectations are probably Nintendo fanboys/fans. You cannot honestly be happy with the Wii right now. Especially since the online network hasn't even been launched yet and we haven't seen the Wiimote put to good use yet. The Wii is impressive, but its not as "revolutionary" as Nintendo promised. Hopefully, we will see games that take good advantage of the controller and the rest of the hardware this year.[/quote]Well, I'm having as much fun with the Wii as with any other system I've had, so what's wrong with that? If I had expected awesome online play out of the gate, then it obviously wouldn't have met those expectations. Luckily that was not the case.
[quote name='ananag112']The only people who say the Wii has met their expectations are probably Nintendo fanboys/fans. You cannot honestly be happy with the Wii right now. Especially since the online network hasn't even been launched yet and we haven't seen the Wiimote put to good use yet. The Wii is impressive, but its not as "revolutionary" as Nintendo promised. Hopefully, we will see games that take good advantage of the controller and the rest of the hardware this year.[/quote]

Really? Nobody can honestly be happy with it right now? Why--just because you aren't? My guess is that those are happy with the system didn't have unrealistic expectations.

Not everyone has high-speed Internet to use the Wii online, so it doesn't matter to any of those people (myself included--I live in an area where it's impossible to get a high-speed connection).

Also, we haven't seen the Wiimote put to good use yet? I completely disagree. Have you played Madden or Trauma Center? Those are prime examples of how the Wiimote HAS been put to good use.

As I said earlier in the thread, I'm a bit disappointed with the lack of quality games coming out in the few months ahead, but what can we expect? It's been on the market for less than 2 months.
yes i think its worth it, i think its awesome.
i cant really spend the money on new games to i dont feel like its a drought.

ps i got red steel and i love it.
the first time i played it was odd and kinda fun
the second time i stopped about a half hour
then since then i have been loving it

i find it odd how everyone who comes over the house to visit i end up showing off the wii and they get all hyped about it, its almost selling itself to our friends.
I have played Madden and Trauma Center on the Wii and I feel that its not so revolutionary. The gameplay is more "fun" using the Wiimote, but so far everything we have seen could be done using a traditional controller. It seems like everything so far (except Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Elebits) is just a traditional game using different controls. The Wiimote doesn't improve the gameplay, but it feels different and its amusing for bit, but that will soon wear off.

I didn't expect Nintendo to have amazing games out of the gate, but I do not feel Nintendo's decision to go with a non-traditional controller is justified. Even on the DS it seems that the only games that use the DS's unique features well are games with just a bunch of mini-games. What I want to see from Nintendo is a "real game" that uses the Wiimote to create a new form of gameplay that is not possible using a traditional controller. Kirby:CC did that for the DS, and hopefully we will soon see a game that will do that on the Wii.
Abso-freakin'-lutely it has. Even ignoring anything else I love about the software available for the console right now, the experience of Madden on Wii is worth the price of admission alone for me personally. It's the game I play most often, easily...I love it. Toss Zelda in there, Red Steel, Elebits, some Excite Truck action, Wario coming up, Sonic and Wii Play coming soon after, etc...and you have a happy gamer.

The 'drought' has been non-existent for me. I'm actually backlogged in my Wii playing. DS games have contributed to that, but I'm still not very far AT ALL in Zelda, I'm also still pretty fresh into Red Steel and Excite Truck, Elebits I've taken a bit of a break from, and so on. The 'drought' doesn't bother you if you are still actively enjoying the current games!
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']The 'drought' doesn't bother you if you are still actively enjoying the current games![/QUOTE]
I sure hope you're renting, because droping $50 on some of that crap is a terrible idea.
[quote name='ananag112']I have played Madden and Trauma Center on the Wii and I feel that its not so revolutionary. The gameplay is more "fun" using the Wiimote, but so far everything we have seen could be done using a traditional controller. It seems like everything so far (except Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Elebits) is just a traditional game using different controls. The Wiimote doesn't improve the gameplay, but it feels different and its amusing for bit, but that will soon wear off.

I didn't expect Nintendo to have amazing games out of the gate, but I do not feel Nintendo's decision to go with a non-traditional controller is justified. Even on the DS it seems that the only games that use the DS's unique features well are games with just a bunch of mini-games. What I want to see from Nintendo is a "real game" that uses the Wiimote to create a new form of gameplay that is not possible using a traditional controller. Kirby:CC did that for the DS, and hopefully we will soon see a game that will do that on the Wii.[/QUOTE]


Once Nintendo or the third parties start making true Wii games then I say it's good. Right now we have a few Nintendo games and the rest of the third party games are just GC/PS2 ports pointlessly using the Wiimote.
[quote name='lord_ebonstone']I sure hope you're renting, because droping $50 on some of that crap is a terrible idea.[/quote]

Speak for yourself.

The only game I regret buying is Super Monkey Ball...and I even got a couple of weeks of multiplayer fun out of that.

The other games I've bought, I've had hours of fun with...with more still to come.
It's one thing to discuss if a system is doing well based on sales trends, upcoming releases, price strategies, etc.

It's a whole 'nother thing to debate someone on their opinion. Jesus fucking Christ, people. Let those who like it have their say, and let those who may not have theirs.

[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']Speak for yourself.[/QUOTE]

That's the only thing I hope to see in this thread. I'm surprised, but thrilled, that nobody tried to assail me for claiming that I don't consider Zelda a "Wii" title. After all, it's nothing more than an opinion.
[quote name='mykevermin']It's one thing to discuss if a system is doing well based on sales trends, upcoming releases, price strategies, etc.

It's a whole 'nother thing to debate someone on their opinion. Jesus fucking Christ, people. Let those who like it have their say, and let those who may not have theirs.

That's the only thing I hope to see in this thread. I'm surprised, but thrilled, that nobody tried to assail me for claiming that I don't consider Zelda a "Wii" title. After all, it's nothing more than an opinion.[/QUOTE]

Well, it's a reasonable assertion. I'm not sure that I agree, but it's still a sight better than the "anyone who's enjoying the Wii now is a fanboy" douchebaggery from other posters.
[quote name='mykevermin']It's one thing to discuss if a system is doing well based on sales trends, upcoming releases, price strategies, etc.

It's a whole 'nother thing to debate someone on their opinion. Jesus fucking Christ, people. Let those who like it have their say, and let those who may not have theirs.

That's the only thing I hope to see in this thread. I'm surprised, but thrilled, that nobody tried to assail me for claiming that I don't consider Zelda a "Wii" title. After all, it's nothing more than an opinion.[/quote]
WHAT! how dare you assert LOZ:TP isnt a wii title!? you BASTARD!! HOW CAN YOU EVEN SLEEP AT NIGHT!!

I expected to love Zelda, get bored of Wiisports after a couple of weeks, and dick around with the VC sparingly because the prices are more than I'd like.

So yes it's met my expectations. :D

I've been through enough console launches to know what to expect, a great game or two at launch, and then a lull of dust gathering until spring/summer when the next batch of great games start rolling out.
Meet my expectations? For now...

There's still a lot of work Nintendo has to do to get the Wii at a level where I can say this is awesome and not a cheap gimmicky box.

The only three games I own for the Wii are Wii Sports, Zelda, and Elebits. I rented Raving Rabbids and was disappointed. Call of Duty 3 was okay, but glitchy in places, not as cool and action packed as its prequels, and the AI was iffy. I can't tell if the cutscenes are pre-rendered or not. They look much better than in-game footage and almost look like the 360/PS3 version.

Virtual Console updates feel like forever :D I'm waiting for Nintendo to up the amount of releases per week. I want to be able to completely reconstruct my NES (3 games) and SNES (a bunch) collections and start a new N64 collection of games I always wanted. The ESRB leaks of titles is reassuring, but I rather see these games NOW.

The developers really have to start cranking out games. Elebits is the only third party game that was worth my money. I'll wait for a price drop on Excite Truck. Then it's Wii Play and Wario Ware for the near future. That's a small amount of games compared to what I was buying last generation. Good for my wallet though :) And leaves room for Virtual Console. There's just been a disappointment by the lack of third party support early on. Ubisoft and EA are cranking out junk it seems. Third party support is still key.

The Opera browser and Weather channel have some kinks to fix. Nintendo should really consider allowing a Bluetooth keyboard to work with the Wii. Nintendo definitely seems more open to non-gaming ideas now, but the fact there's only still one Wii Ware available is a little discerning. I don't know what else I want, but there's minor things in the current channels that could use updating like the low-res of the Photo channel. A real movie channel should be a top priority. The Wii has the horsepower to compete with the 360 and PS3 as far as non-gaming capabilities go. It's a matter of Nintendo implementing them. I don't expect to see a DVR, but there's media capabilities that Nintendo should support. It would be real awesome if the DVD playing Wii only requires a software update for the current Wii's.

Not saying I'm disappointed with the Wii up to this point. I love it. But, the lack of announcements and real goals for the future sorta bothers me. Things will hopefully be cleared up before the end of this month or even next.
That Movie Channel is a good idea. They have ways of renting downloadable movies for a set time, so why not try to get some companies to back them.

Of course if Nintendo did that Sony would surely follow with there billion movies.
No, but I expect I'm going to feel better about things once Wario Ware finally comes out ;)

Also I'v been disappointed in the offerings on the VC. Thought there'd be more by now.
[quote name='David85']That Movie Channel is a good idea. They have ways of renting downloadable movies for a set time, so why not try to get some companies to back them.[/quote]Where do you want to store these movies, again?
[quote name='Genocidal']Where do you want to store these movies, again?[/QUOTE]

A 1 or 2GB SD card would be fine for temporary movie downloads. Of course they wouldn't be DVD quality though.

The movies/shows on iTunes run about 250MB per hour or so.
That would require the ability to download directly to SD cards. Which obviously isn't possible now, but should be something that can be added in the future.
I don't know about you, but I'd much prefer Nintendo spend some time developing new games for the Virtual Console rather then making movie/music downloads a priority. Though i would appreciate it if they make some sort of jukebox that let's you play music from an SD card while surfing the net or making Miis.
I like the Wii's features, but I can't help feeling that the controls are just buggy and unresponsive. Maybe it is a combination of the game just poorly implementing the controls and hardware problems, but every game I play leaves a sick feeling in my stomach since nothing seems sensitive enough.

It's depressing though, every time my friends come over they love playing tennis and bowling. But after awhile, they start seeing the flaws in the controls and want to do something else.

Great system with tons of potential.

So far I have enjoyed Wii Sports but it is getting old, I couldn't get into Zelda (not sure why it seemed to be a great game and I have loved every other zelda but I just couldn't get going. I'm sure I will love it in time.) Trauma Center was also fun although I had beat it on the DS so it didn't last long.

I am very anxiosly awaiting animal crossing (I know it will be awhile).

But so far I am a little underwhelmed, add to that the fact that I haven't been able to score component cables or a second controller for a month now and I am a little disappointed.

I have no qualms with buying it though this system is just getting started and will be an absolute blast.
[quote name='botticus']That would require the ability to download directly to SD cards. Which obviously isn't possible now, but should be something that can be added in the future.[/QUOTE]

yeah 1 GB SD cards are only $15 - $20 and you can also get a $GB for $60 onsale once and awhile. You would only be renting the movies, not keeping them.
It didn't feel impressed with it at launch. It was fun though. So i plan on getting it again at price drop which means new colors, and i already have a 360 and ps3 to hold me over till the price drop.
I didn't have high expectations so... yea. It let me play Zelda and Wii Sports for a week and since then its been siting in its box till another decent game comes out. PS2 and Xbox in the meantime :)
bread's done