20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
CAG'ing for me means:

1) Teh obvious -- great games at lower prices
2) A newfound patience at being able to find the games I want and waiting out to get them at the prices I want (I love leaving a Gamespot retailer saying "Pfft. It's overpriced. I can get it cheaper online.")
3) In addition to all of the (over?) hyped AAA barnburning titles, a resource for insight on games that I otherwise would've never given a second look -- once again, at great prices.
4) An outstanding community of knowledgeable and incredibly entertaining people. My work day would be torture without it.
5) A place where I can come in contact with my feminine side -- I actually like shopping now.

I think that's it.
CAG is essentially about people helping each other out, which is a rare find these days. you and i and others come to this site every day to look for deals, post your own if you know of any, answer questions, play against people online, get in arguments over who to vote for for president and what constitutes good music. CAG brings a real sense of community to an internet website where you are posting messages to people you probably don't know and never really will, which is impressive. and besides all that, CAG allows us to know about deals before most of the employees working at their stores know about them. i've never had so many games as i do now, and i would never pay full price for a game again, or pretty much anything else for that matter. without trying to be too melodramatic, CAG has changed my life. the only thing that i dislike about the website is that i didn't come across it sooner.

CAG is the internet at its finest. end of story.
Cheap ass gaming is like....a box of chocolates. When there's a sale, you never know what games you gonna get.
CAG is a place where I can hang out with my peers and discuss everything from cheap games to politics to Mr. Anderson's love life. Long live CAG!
CAG means a lot to me for it saves me an immense amount of money and at the same time has all these cool people and hard workers trying to find a new deal. CAG community huzzah
Being cheap is not only my character. Its my way of life. If you embrace your fugality, you will learn that while being cheap its easy to spend gobs of money. Others will look down on your cheapness, but dont be dissuaded by their negativity.
Being a CAG to me is getting great games cheap. I remember the first CC sale (back in Nov/Dec) and I found some rare games...it may sound nerdy, but I got a rush from that. :p
CAG means great video game deals and also great information on those deals. From this site you can find out about a $5 game and then find out if the game is even worth $5.
Well as I believe the only active native american CAG'r... I feel good that the picture with the contest is representing. Jkin

Anyways, I feel that CAG is about the community and appreciation of gamers and games.
What it means to me:
It means that my wife won't leave me for spending entirely too much money on videogames (Though she might still leave me for playing them too much).
Congratulations Cheapy! 20,000 is a huge milestone!

It's been great to have a place to read and post dedicated strictly to saving money while enjoying a favorite pastime - playing games! We have all been very fortunate to have a forum to participate in that has honestly saved ALL of us a ton of money to this point. It's also a great place to make acquaintences that we can use for online gaming as well. Thanks for your hard work and dedication in making this forum site as successful as it has been and, I'm sure, will continue to be.
Thanks to CAG, instead of buying 2-3 games a year, I've bought that many in one trip/order.

It's also a nice forum to kill hours at work with a great community(except people who use GGC :wink: )
For me CAG was originally an alternative to the many deal sites I would check and occasionally get a good video game deal. By luck, last Dec. I learned of CAG through a link from a slickdeals video game deal. I added CAG to my favorites list simply to check the site every day or so to see if there were any great deals on the site. Then the first CC and BB clearances hit and I managed to pick up a few games. There was one that I wasn't able to pick up, but I decided to visit the trading board. I was able to make a friendly trade with another site reg and pick up the game I missed out on (Arc the Lad: ToS for any curious). I was actually surprised at how smoothly and painless the trade went down, it was actually easier than many of my EBay transactions. To have a small community of traders on this site that has a great amount of 'trust' for a newbie was simply amazing and made me feel welcome to the site. Granted I haven't had any need for trading since then, but if I do, I check the trading board before hitting up the Ebay auctions...

As far as the actual 'meat' of the site, the community on these boards is great. Coming from a large site (GameFAQs), I still see the occasional elitism and newbie-bashing, but overall this site has a great community and a great set of users and workers commited to simply spreading the word on great game deals and sharing their love of video games. I've been a user on this site for not quite a year now, and while at first I didn't expect to visit much, I frequently find myself checking the site several times a day to see what deals there are, what game news I've missed or just hear the general banter among this great net community. I know this thread is meant to be a submission for a contest, but I think far too often on internet message boards things are taken for granted. People are quick to dole out criticism or lash out at others simply because they don't like the way things are. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks to CheapyD, the mods and all the others users that make this site what it is and spending a chunk of their day commited to just helping others save money. Thanks for keeping me entertained and helping me save a dollar here or there, I'll now return to my lurking ways...
To me, CAG is my homepage, it is also the cause of losing about 2 hours a day looking at the deals, and the randomness that is known as the forum. Seriously, I open up Firefox to google something, or check my e-mail, and I end up looking around CAG. CAG is also the source of saving... and spending a lot of cash on video games, not a lot in sense that they are expensive, the fact that they are as cheap as a value meal at Wendy's. And when it comes to eating or video games... any true gamer knowns the answer! :p
Being a CAG means embracing my inner cheapness! It also means having a place to come to where I can find others as cheap and as weird as I am. This has become my home away from home. Sorry I haven't written much lately Mom....
CAG is like my family away from the family. Being one of the first members here I have enjoyed the wealth of being a cheapass since day one.
CAG is about trying to save money and having a good time. It seems like now I spend more money on games than I normally would thanks to this site, but I at least have a good selection of games now instead of my usual 1 or 2 games. Thanks CheapyD for this great site.
I can't think of my life as a CAG without thinking of Rygar. I don't think I'd still be gaming if it weren't for CAG. With it, I can get as many as ten games per $50 instead of one. It's amazing.
CAG's existance means I can actually enjoy my gaming hobby without having to spen 20,000 dollars a year on the games I want most.
Even though at 40 I find myself the resident old fart, in CAG I've found a community that keeps me coming back. Long before the acronym existed I've been a CAG. I just had to wait a while for my home to be built so I could step inside and get down to serious shopping.
CAG is a term of endearment to me! If it weren't for this site I would have been murdered by my patience-losing wife long ago due to being an overspending fool!!
Hey Cheapy, from a fellow NY'er...THANKS LOADS!!
CAG means buying far too many cheap games that sit around waiting their time to be played. I am also familiar with the 'look' that cornfedwb spoke of.
CAG means saving money on games, but finding too many good deals to pass on, so spending more than you would have to begin with.

Also, the “C” could stand for “community” as we have a great core group here.
C is for the community you gave us.
A is for the Awsome deals I see.
G is for, well what else Gaming!!
Put them all together they spell CAG.
the first place that I check in the morning...
CAG has meant a lot to me, probably a dozen games cheaper than I would have been able to find. Some great forums, and a nice community for boredom at work :lol: .
Being a CAG to me means I am part of a group of people who are all helping each other save as much money as possible in a very expensive hobby.
CAG means to me a cheapass gamer which essential to me in college because I am a broke Ass College kid. CAG means to save money on games and other things rather than spending a whole bunch of money on something we can find for 5 dollars at some other store. CAG is a community of money savers. That is what CAG means to me
CAG means finding awesome deals on video games and buying them from the links on the front page to help CheapyD and still get the great deal. Thanks for the website CheapyD!!
I've been a member of CheapAssGamer for over a year now, and rarely has a day gone by where I haven't checked out the deals and the forums. CAG has an outstanding community with members that are always willing to help answer any questions or tell others about great deals they discovered. Thanks to CAG I've been able to take advantage of deals I'd otherwise know nothing about.
CAG means no chance of ever saving up a nest egg, because I will always have wonderful deals on video games. That and the image of a shirtless Dragonlordfrodo haunting me forever.
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