20 year old baby sitter accused of sleeping with 14 year old boy.

MSI Magus

83 (100%)

You know I see these types of stories all the time and this chick has to be among the hottest and this kid among the wussiest. I mean first off that he is 14 and still needs a baby sitter! Second that he let this ever get caught or worse reported this himself. I think I would have threatened to cut off my tongue before I let my parents put an end to this!

O and one final thing. Niiiiiice.
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Yeah she ain't bad looking, I probably would now, I deffo would have at 14, well unless I was too busy playing Dizzy on my Commodore 64.
[quote name='jacobeid']All I cam think of is that one south park episode.

"so.....what's the crime?"[/QUOTE]

Thus why I said


Seriously a 20 year old tossing some to a 14 year old isnt a demon raping our children its an angel bestowing a blessing. I know when I was that age I got in trouble for hitting on older woman all the time ;) Heck both my Japanese teachers were drove up the wall by my flirting! They were demons though who believed in keeping their blessings to themselves...sniff.
As a parent I'd probably go mental if this happened to my kid but as a freshman in high school I definitely would have gone through with it and it definitely wouldn't have screwed me up at all - it is all 14 year old boys think about! Also, who needs a babysitter at 14????
[quote name='Javery']As a parent I'd probably go mental if this happened to my kid but as a freshman in high school I definitely would have gone through with it and it definitely wouldn't have screwed me up at all - it is all 14 year old boys think about! Also, who needs a babysitter at 14????[/QUOTE]

My wife always gets on my case because I openly admit that if we have a boy and a girl id treat them very differently. If my 14 year old boy pulled a 20 year old I have to admit while id be worried, I would at the same time think back to when I was 14 and be a little proud. If the chick did not seem wack a doo I may even let the relationship go on. If however I had a 14 year old girl and she told me she was seeing/sleeping with a 20 year old guy...well id say I would need to buy a gun but I think the anger and rage I would be feeling would be enough to take any guy out on its own ;)

I know that political correctness says its wrong, but I know when I was 14 all I and other boys thought about was sex and getting the best tail we could get. Meanwhile most 14 year old girls iv known and from what my other adult women have said it seems that while they have an interest in sex at that age its not all they can think about and relationships are more important. Thus that while I would think my 14 year old was just thinking about getting some id worry my daughter was trying to build a serious relationship with what is most likely a guy just thinking about sex.
There is no way this boy did any of this against his will. If my 14 year old self was forced to author the shortest book I could think of, it would have been titled "Things I Wouldn't Stick My Penis In".
[quote name='KaneRobot']His friends who mocked him for having a babysitter at age 14 are now very jealous.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm maybe the next time my wife is leaving and asks me "are you going to be ok alone or do I need to get you a babysitter" I should take her up on it. Lord knows I could use a 20 year old piece ;)
granted I skimmed the article, but was the kid developmentally disabled? I didn't really see that mentioned or not.
[quote name='nasum']granted I skimmed the article, but was the kid developmentally disabled? I didn't really see that mentioned or not.[/QUOTE]

Saw no mention of it either. I mean that would change things since again the kid may not have had the capacity to make his own choices in that case. Id hand the women an award for sleeping with a 14 year old if he is a normal kid, but if he is disabled then yeah thats a prison sentence or some serious consoling at least waiting to happen.
[quote name='MSI Magus']My wife always gets on my case because I openly admit that if we have a boy and a girl id treat them very differently. If my 14 year old boy pulled a 20 year old I have to admit while id be worried, I would at the same time think back to when I was 14 and be a little proud. If the chick did not seem wack a doo I may even let the relationship go on. If however I had a 14 year old girl and she told me she was seeing/sleeping with a 20 year old guy...well id say I would need to buy a gun but I think the anger and rage I would be feeling would be enough to take any guy out on its own ;).[/QUOTE]

I have a daughter and a son and this is 100% the way I feel even though I shouldn't.

[quote name='pitfallharry219']There is no way this boy did any of this against his will. If my 14 year old self was forced to author the shortest book I could think of, it would have been titled "Things I Wouldn't Stick My Penis In".[/QUOTE]

[quote name='KaneRobot']His friends who mocked him for having a babysitter at age 14 are now very jealous.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, that kid's no dummy. He's 14 and he's getting laid. I could hear that conversation: Mom & Dad, "Son your 14 you think you still need a babysitter"? Son: "Yes. Yes I do." \\:D/
[quote name='MSI Magus']My wife always gets on my case because I openly admit that if we have a boy and a girl id treat them very differently. If my 14 year old boy pulled a 20 year old I have to admit while id be worried, I would at the same time think back to when I was 14 and be a little proud. If the chick did not seem wack a doo I may even let the relationship go on. If however I had a 14 year old girl and she told me she was seeing/sleeping with a 20 year old guy...well id say I would need to buy a gun but I think the anger and rage I would be feeling would be enough to take any guy out on its own ;)

I know that political correctness says its wrong, but I know when I was 14 all I and other boys thought about was sex and getting the best tail we could get. Meanwhile most 14 year old girls iv known and from what my other adult women have said it seems that while they have an interest in sex at that age its not all they can think about and relationships are more important. Thus that while I would think my 14 year old was just thinking about getting some id worry my daughter was trying to build a serious relationship with what is most likely a guy just thinking about sex.[/QUOTE]

I think this is perfectly natural. I was allowed to have girls in my room with the door closed but my sister never could until she was practically engaged.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']So this babysitter was getting paid when she was sleeping with this boy...[/QUOTE]

Dads now days get screwed...but not in the literal sense. Used to be that the dad paid the babysitter to bone him, now you have to hand that sweet action to your ungrateful 14 year old and the best you can hope for is that he texts you a thx dad.

I keep waiting for a girl to drop in to the topic and call us all a bunch of sexist pigs or something!
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Hot.[/QUOTE]

And if it was a 20 year old man that screwed a 14 year old girl youd be outraged.

I know youll say differently though because thats how you are. Your diametrically opposed to everything so you think you sound suave and savy on the internet to a bunch of people who dont care.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']There is no way this boy did any of this against his will. If my 14 year old self was forced to author the shortest book I could think of, it would have been titled "Things I Wouldn't Stick My Penis In".[/QUOTE]

This is signature worthy man. Excellent.
[quote name='gargus']And if it was a 20 year old man that screwed a 14 year old girl youd be outraged.

I know youll say differently though because thats how you are. Your diametrically opposed to everything so you think you sound suave and savy on the internet to a bunch of people who dont care.[/QUOTE]

Not everyone is like that. I know a 13 year old that is dating a 17(about to be 18 year old)guy. I know though that they met at a comic book convention and after hanging out there and then a few times back in their home town fell for each other. They are two geeky kids that have both had a hard time finding people their own age in a small small town that they share a lot in common with. Its natural and makes a lot more sense and I trust them to handle it like a relationship vs an excuse to molest a youngun.

Thing is that every situation is different. I think far more often id be likely to say an older guy with a younger girl is wrong, but its because I know how guys minds work. More often then not guys ARE thinking about sex and not a lot else. But if I found out that an older guy went on a bunch of dates with a younger girl and it took a year for anything to happen it would not bug me as much as finding out that some neighbors left their 14 year old daughter with a 24 year old neighbor who then immediately went to work.

Every situation is different and if we as a society treat boys and girls differently....its because they are. I wont deny there is a lot of stupid knee jerk reactions envovled and that society often makes stupid taboos based around different races, classes and age groups, but in this case of sex difference I truly think it makes sense in most cases.
[quote name='gargus']And if it was a 20 year old man that screwed a 14 year old girl youd be outraged.

I know youll say differently though because thats how you are. Your diametrically opposed to everything so you think you sound suave and savy on the internet to a bunch of people who dont care.[/QUOTE]

My dad was 20 when he was dating my mom who was 14. When I was born she was 16. They are both college graduates and we live comfortably. Nice try though. You almost came off as a total snob.
[quote name='gargus']And if it was a 20 year old man that screwed a 14 year old girl youd be outraged.

I know youll say differently though because thats how you are. Your diametrically opposed to everything so you think you sound suave and savy on the internet to a bunch of people who dont care.[/QUOTE]

So what you're saying is I can't win this internet argument with you? Damn.
I'd just like to say that if I found out some 20 year old slut got my 14 year old son drunk so she could sleep with him, I'd be pissed. He'd definitely be getting a lecture on not banging psycho chicks trying to force a relationship on someone too young to understand they're being manipulated.

I'd also like to say my 14 year old wouldn't need a damn babysitter. Seriously, what kind of overly-protective parent does that?
[quote name='gargus']And if it was a 20 year old man that screwed a 14 year old girl youd be outraged.

I know youll say differently though because thats how you are. Your diametrically opposed to everything so you think you sound suave and savy on the internet to a bunch of people who dont care.[/QUOTE]

There's a double standard for a reason. Men are not demonized for our sexuality the way women are. This kid is probably the coolest kid in his class right now for getting a hot 20 year old to sleep with him. A girl in his shoes would probably be called a skank and laughed at. Traditionally women have been expected to come to the bed as blushing virgins. Men, traditionally, are told to go sow their wild oates. So the damage done can be wildly different between a boy and a girl.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']I'd also like to say my 14 year old wouldn't need a damn babysitter. Seriously, what kind of overly-protective parent does that?[/QUOTE]

I thought the same thing. I don't remember ever having a babysitter, and certainly not into my teens.
[quote name='Broken Cage']There's a double standard for a reason. Men are not demonized for our sexuality the way women are. This kid is probably the coolest kid in his class right now for getting a hot 20 year old to sleep with him. A girl in his shoes would probably be called a skank and laughed at. Traditionally women have been expected to come to the bed as blushing virgins. Men, traditionally, are told to go sow their wild oates. So the damage done can be wildly different between a boy and a girl.[/QUOTE]

Gonna call bunk on this one. If a man looks at another woman he is demonized as a pig and a louse. If a man sleeps with a younger woman he is thought of as a sexual predator. If a man hooks up with a girl thats 22 and he is 50 he is thought of as using the girl and demonized for it.

There are sexual double standards both ways, just as it stands political correctness deems its appropriate for woman to complain about it and not men. Men have it bad in some ways women in others, so stop complaining.

Edit - And btw again a lot of this is stuff men are programed for. We are born with a different set of sexual wiring then women, we evolved to be a certain way and now we are vilified for it. Does our hard wiring give us an excuse? No, we also have a brain. But does it at times make certain things VERY difficult for men which are much easier for women? Yes.
Those kind of stereotypes/labels/shunning are much less common for men than we see for a woman who sleeps around being called a slut though.

Look at it this way, both guys and girls will often call a girl who sleeps around a slut. A guy who sleeps around may be called a pig etc. by a lot of women, but he's probably envied by a lot of his male friends--the same who'd call a girl who slept around like him a slut.

So that double standard definitely still exists on that front.

And even on the age range thing, there's still a double standard, as shown by several in the thread saying they wouldn't be so upset if their son was involved, but would be outraged if their 14 year old daughter slept with a 20 year old guy.

Just because there's a double standard doesn't mean it's universal. It just means on average that men have a lot more leeway to sleep around without being negatively labeled than women do as men are still viewed as wired for sex and women expected to be more chaste.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Gonna call bunk on this one. If a man looks at another woman he is demonized as a pig and a louse. If a man sleeps with a younger woman he is thought of as a sexual predator. If a man hooks up with a girl thats 22 and he is 50 he is thought of as using the girl and demonized for it.

There are sexual double standards both ways, just as it stands political correctness deems its appropriate for woman to complain about it and not men. Men have it bad in some ways women in others, so stop complaining.[/QUOTE]

I have to disagree entirely. A fifty year old Hollywood actor just married a sixteen year old girl, and aside from a few grumbles, nobody did anything. While I will not say nobody ever reacts with disgust to an older man dating a younger woman, it is far more common and frequently accepted in our society than the reverse.

Edit: And I don't consider making a valid point that you happen to disagree with "complaining."
[quote name='Broken Cage']I have to disagree entirely. A fifty year old Hollywood actor just married a sixteen year old girl, and aside from a few grumbles, nobody did anything. While I will not say nobody ever reacts with disgust to an older man dating a younger woman, it is far more common and frequently accepted in our society than the reverse.[/QUOTE]

What the hell did you expect? Protesting in the streets? People arrested attempting to burn his house down. Its a really poor example because your example proves my point. The man was called a pig repeatedly and ostracized as a pedophile while also being sent death threats. The girl meanwhile was refereed to as a slut and a money grubber over and over.

Look you and dmaul can list a million examples of women being treated unfairly but I can do the same for men. The truth is that yes in the past the playing field has been unfair for sexual double standards, however they are a lot more even now days. If you want you could get in to the important sexual double standards like the fact that women still make less then men and I would 100% agree with you, but if you are talking about the every day name calling and thoughts on how a person behaves sexually, then well its pretty even.

Besides neither of you adressed the fact that as I said men are psychologically wired for much of this stuff. Society also pushes the womanizer role on a man. You yourself talk about how if a guy bags a girl his buddies all high five him. Well the same guy is called a twerp and teased when he settles down with his wife and treats her well. So you have a man who is programed to want to sleep with everything that moves and society telling him he is not a man if he does not sleep with everything that moves. Even girls tease guys for stuff like this and act like they expect it from men, but then go off the deep end when a man actually does it.

I am actually a pretty good example. My whole childhood my family, men and women alike thought I was gay. I was an odd duck and didnt really fit in as a kid so that combined with being over weight meant I never freaking scored which meant that I must be gay or something was wrong with me. Then I lost a lot of weight, became very confident and started dating and suddenly everyone was my best friend. I shortly after met my wife and knew right away she was the one. Guys gave me a hard time for not dating enough girls, women loved me for settling down vs playing the field.

Here is where it gets really interesting though and really shows a double standard for both men and women. See my wife likes a girl in the bedroom every once and awhile. We keep it private from most people, but a few that know us know about this. All those guys that before thought I was a wimp now think I am some kind of hero because I have had 2 girls at once and because my wife is ok with me doing stuff on the side without her(though I never have!). They also think my wife who before was not good enough for me is suddenly the catch of the century. The girls though, all of a sudden they think I am evil and convinced her to do stuff she does not want to. They think of her as a slut and me as luring her in to the life style she didnt want to get in to. When girls find out I slept with only 1 girl before my wife I am such a gentlemen and a catch, but when they find out iv slept with woman after my wife im the scum of the earth.

You guys may not like it, but society has a double standard for both men and women. We are both programmed in very different ways and political correctness now tries to tell us to deny this simple truth, that only woman have it bad or unfairly. If you just look its not hard to see how society treats men and woman both like filth just for doing what they were programmed to do. Only by accepting this and being honest with our spouse can we get any better. I know from talking to men and women both that most couples hide a LOT from their significant other because they are scared of being judged sexually. We are all so scared of those double standards that we deny ourselves to the ones we are supposed to be most honest with. THIS just further enforces those double standards but worse breaks up relationships.
Magus, you always fail to think of the issue of scale.

Sure, men get frowned upon often for sleeping around etc. That doesn't change the fact that it happens to women MUCH more often and that there are numerous studies showing this.

It is not even. Not even close to it. It happens to mean, but women get labeled negatively for being promiscuous much more regularly and severely than men do.

You're one of those people who has strong opinions with no backing other than your own personal anecdotal experience, and yet go around arguing like you're an expert on everything.
I think there's been a misunderstanding, the boy wasn't stupid by telling the cops about this. In fact, it's the exact opposite.

14yo kid sticks it in 20yo hot babysitter, tells the whole world, get's the chick arrested and will be forever known as the babysitter banger by friends, family and schools.
10 years from now, he'll be the greatest pimp who ever lived.
Men only get frowned up for cheating, as everyone should be.

The reason women get condemned for sleeping around is because it's very easy for them to do :lol:
[quote name='dmaul1114']Magus, you always fail to think of the issue of scale.

Sure, men get frowned upon often for sleeping around etc. That doesn't change the fact that it happens to women MUCH more often and that there are numerous studies showing this.

It is not even. Not even close to it. It happens to mean, but women get labeled negatively for being promiscuous much more regularly and severely than men do.

You're one of those people who has strong opinions with no backing other than your own personal anecdotal experience, and yet go around arguing like you're an expert on everything.[/QUOTE]

Sorry but I disagree. First off I would argue in this case that most studies do not look at a broad enough field, most stuides I have read tend to focus on a very narrow perspective such as just women, just men, only in the workplace or only in dating.

Second as for me always being right, maybe, we can never know that about ourselves. I would argue that you and others at the politics board show its more true of yourself though. First off almost everyone is hard to the left or right and never takes a centerist approach to things, if its not your view you blow up. Second I will point out that people at that board are hardly experts in every(or even any)field. I have believed things and bowed to scientists more times then I can imagine, same with the social sciences and lord knows the last few years iv had an education in economics where I have had to say I was wrong more times then I could imagine. I never claim to be an expert on these things, but I hardly think you, camoor, knoell or unclebob are either. We are all the same, except for the fact that again I tend to disagree with all of you vs picking the same side every time.

I will add to that being an Aspegers kid(I hate labels so I dont really consider myself one, but its what psychologists who know better then me deemed appropriate) gives me a VERY different view of the world. I dont interact with people the same way as you, im more of an observer then someone who interacts(and when I do interact it ends up like this!). Right or wrong its given me a very different perspective of things and to me it shows that you all run around making excuses for yourself to keep world views both yourself and society have placed on you. This is why people in the same social class or clique all just happen to listen to the same music, like the same hobbies, dress the same way and vote the same way, because it is what you have been trained to do and its what you must do to keep your view of the world and thus your psyche balanced. I know it sounds crazy, but its how I view the world and it really does make me laugh that you accuse me of it since its one of the few things I pride myself on not doing. My biggest fear in life is that I may be lying to myself the way I think you all do.

Just that I talk in such an honest way as this even though it isolates myself from the rest of you and gets me made fun of should say something. But eh as I said chalk it up as crazy if it helps.
*smacks himself for getting in an argument* I had actually planned on leaving the politics board yet again because of the exact reason I talked about above(arrogance, missunderstandings and everyones inabilty to look at things from the other side)...didnt think posting at off topic would cause such a stir, but it seems to happen everywhere. I just wish I could make my point in a few words like most people vs the long drawn out 3-5 paragraph posts I usually make ;(
[quote name='MSI Magus']What the hell did you expect? Protesting in the streets? People arrested attempting to burn his house down. Its a really poor example because your example proves my point. The man was called a pig repeatedly and ostracized as a pedophile while also being sent death threats. The girl meanwhile was refereed to as a slut and a money grubber over and over.[/QUOTE]

Well, Tracy Morgan has had his career threatened several times recently for making comments about homosexuals and the handicapped. Hutchison is producing yet another show about Vampires, and nobody seems to be hunting for his job. I would expect at least that much.

[quote name='MSI Magus']Look you and dmaul can list a million examples of women being treated unfairly but I can do the same for men. The truth is that yes in the past the playing field has been unfair for sexual double standards, however they are a lot more even now days. If you want you could get in to the important sexual double standards like the fact that women still make less then men and I would 100% agree with you, but if you are talking about the every day name calling and thoughts on how a person behaves sexually, then well its pretty even.[/QUOTE]

You're arguing that while women are treated as lesser in a professional enviorment, they are considered equals in a sexual one. How? How is it that you think women can be treated as lessers on a daily basis at work, but cannot and are not seen as sluts or skanks for being promiscuous?

[quote name='MSI Magus']Besides neither of you adressed the fact that as I said men are psychologically wired for much of this stuff. Society also pushes the womanizer role on a man. You yourself talk about how if a guy bags a girl his buddies all high five him.[/QUOTE]

I didn't address your statement because you answered it yourself. You have a brain, you have impulse control, you have the choice to live outside of that role. I don't cheat on my girlfriend for the same reason I don't commit homocide when someone cuts me off. I am in control of my actions. That, and it's easier to be pushed into the role of the guy that does that fun thing that everyone wants to do than it is to be pushed into the role of a celibate nun who can only give herself to pleasing her husband.

As for being ridiculed for settling down, yeah it happens. However, it's usually among friends who are involved. Very rarely (if ever) is a man publicly ridiculed for wanting to settle down like a woman would be ridiculed for wanting to sleep with a different guy every night.

[quote name='MSI Magus']Here is where it gets really interesting though[/QUOTE]

I'm going to cut the quotes here as this post must be getting long. Regardless, I have to argue that your personal experiences could have a lot to do with what we're talking about. Your wife's friends can't imagine that she would have a sexuality of her own. They assume that anything beyond pleasing you, her husband, must be your perversions being forced upon her. Now, if your wife liked another man in the bed every once in a while, do you think your friends would still approve of her? Don't confused the commonly accepted "lipstick lesbians are the best ever" with an acceptance of a woman's sexuality.

That said, you make some strong arguments from your experiences, but I can't agree that there is an equality among the sexes when it comes to promiscuity. It is fine for men, it is not fine for women.
I actually agree with Magus, well, the part about men and woman being different creatures, and they get sexually demonized in different ways.

There shouldn't be equality in terms of promiscuity, it doesn't even make sense. Treatment in the workplace though is an entirely different subject.
[quote name='MSI Magus']*smacks himself for getting in an argument* I had actually planned on leaving the politics board yet again because of the exact reason I talked about above(arrogance, missunderstandings and everyones inabilty to look at things from the other side)...didnt think posting at off topic would cause such a stir, but it seems to happen everywhere. I just wish I could make my point in a few words like most people vs the long drawn out 3-5 paragraph posts I usually make ;([/QUOTE]

I don't consider this an argument. (Maybe I'm just incapable of agreeing with you about anything?) I can understand your side (and often stand on in when it comes to things like child custody), I just happen to disagree that we are treated equally in regards to our sexuality.
Fair enough Magus. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

I'm not a person that give's a rats ass about other's opinions and anecdotal experience. Being a social scientist I only care what the empirical evidence shows on issues like this.

So like you I don't know why I waste so much time arguing this kind of shit online as it's just an exercise in frustration for me. Well I know why, I'm just burnt out and procrastinating like hell by killing time on forums lately! :D
[quote name='dmaul1114']Fair enough Magus. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

I'm not a person that give's a rats ass about other's opinions and anecdotal experience. Being a social scientist I only care what the empirical evidence shows on issues like this.

So like you I don't know why I waste so much time arguing this kind of shit online as it's just an exercise in frustration for me. Well I know why, I'm just burnt out and procrastinating like hell by killing time on forums lately! :D[/QUOTE]

You should mention more often that your a social scientist as well as explain more about why you believe your right. If you are a social scientist you should be able to give me example after example and be able to quote some studies very easy. If thats the case id be a lot more willing to bend my world view then to just some random guy on the internet.
[quote name='Broken Cage']That said, you make some strong arguments from your experiences, but I can't agree that there is an equality among the sexes when it comes to promiscuity. It is fine for men, it is not fine for women.[/QUOTE]

In stats, there is fun phrase:
"An anecdote is not evidence."

While compelling, you can not let it sway you from the statistical norm.

Do I think there is a difference based on gender norms and social expectations? Yes. Do I think there is something to be said with MSI's stuff (including your counter argument, which may be even more valid)? Yes.

Do I think it's ridiculous that a comedian who spends their time being offensive can make a joke or off-handed comment and be ridiculed while someone can do an act otherwise deemed vile and there be more of an uproar over a comment than an action? Yes.

Do I agree with either behavior? No, not that it matters. Opinions and ideas are fun that way. Society's decision means more than mine.
[quote name='MSI Magus']You should mention more often that your a social scientist as well as explain more about why you believe your right. If you are a social scientist you should be able to give me example after example and be able to quote some studies very easy. If thats the case id be a lot more willing to bend my world view then to just some random guy on the internet.[/QUOTE]

Well, I post online to get away from working, so I'm not willing to basically do work during breaks to win internet arguments. :D I'm just killing time, not giving a shit about bending random people's world views.

That said, I'm also a criminologist and not a sociologist, so I don't have citations of studies memorized in this case. Just recollections of them from gender classes I took in the past etc.

In any case, in the internet age it's easy enough to pull up info on your own and make an effort to be more informed before spouting off opinions. scholar.google.com is a great resource for pulling up studies. A lot you need a university library account to access, but there are still plenty freely available online for anyone.

As one example, from a quick search there, here's a study that reviews 30 studies published from 1980 and finds evidence of a continued sexual double standard.

love how people go

14 year old boy has sex with 20 year old girl.... You go man wooo good work

BUT if it was

20 year old man has sex with 14 year old girl

People would be screaming he be put away for years and have his #$#()@( cut off cause he is a sicko..

love how one way people go no big deal but the other way people demand JAIL
[quote name='johnnyRingo']I hate these stories even when gender is reversed who gives a a shit.[/QUOTE]

When it's this way round and the chick is good looking, it's hawt dude.

Fine looking woman committing sexy crimes is of great interest to the public :drool:
How are we so sure that this kid that apparently needs supervision didn't take some of ma and pa's hooch, shove it down this poor young girl's throat, and then shove it down this poor young girl's throat?

We need more evidence and must also explore this incident from all available angles...
[quote name='benjamouth']When it's this way round and the chick is good looking, it's hawt dude.

Fine looking woman committing sexy crimes is of great interest to the public :drool:[/QUOTE]

Dont you mean pubic
TBH I'm surprised the Dad didn't get involved for a three way.

Thats what usually happens in the Babysitter documentaries that I watch on the internet. Those Babysitters are seldom shy of the wang.
bread's done