20 year old baby sitter accused of sleeping with 14 year old boy.

[quote name='nasum']. . .must also explore this incident from all available angles...[/QUOTE]
This is why man put an angle button on the DVD remote. I mean seriously, why else is that button there except for porn?
what did you expect to happen when you put a 14 year old boy in the same room with a 20 year old chick, hormones are raging and any normal 14 year old male would pounce on that like a cheetah, if there is any crime here it is the stupidity of the parents. wtf did u think would happen?
If she was fat and ugly people would say the boy was victimized, but because she is fairly attractive he's applauded. The true story here is how blatantly blind and forgiving the masses are towards the pretty people.
[quote name='Deadpool']If she was fat and ugly people would say the boy was victimized, but because she is fairly attractive he's applauded. The true story here is how blatantly blind and forgiving the masses are towards the pretty people.[/QUOTE]

Besides forgiving pretty people, we live in a sexist world. That's life ^_^
[quote name='gargus']And if it was a 20 year old man that screwed a 14 year old girl youd be outraged.

I know youll say differently though because thats how you are. Your diametrically opposed to everything so you think you sound suave and savy on the internet to a bunch of people who dont care.[/QUOTE]

"In fact, I care so little, I'm now going to take the time to tell you all about how little I care."

[quote name='MSI Magus']Gonna call bunk on this one. If a man looks at another woman he is demonized as a pig and a louse. If a man sleeps with a younger woman he is thought of as a sexual predator. If a man hooks up with a girl thats 22 and he is 50 he is thought of as using the girl and demonized for it.

There are sexual double standards both ways, just as it stands political correctness deems its appropriate for woman to complain about it and not men. Men have it bad in some ways women in others, so stop complaining.

Edit - And btw again a lot of this is stuff men are programed for. We are born with a different set of sexual wiring then women, we evolved to be a certain way and now we are vilified for it. Does our hard wiring give us an excuse? No, we also have a brain. But does it at times make certain things VERY difficult for men which are much easier for women? Yes.[/QUOTE]

We're taught to believe that women are the inherently weaker sex, which is preposterous. We're taught it's unacceptable to hit them, we're taught to protect them as if they can't protect themselves. If men sleep around, we're legends, but if women sleep around they're whores. It's absolute nonsense. I'll very openly and readily admit I'm not as strong as the women I know. Which is why I think it's OK to punch them.

[quote name='Broken Cage']Well, Tracy Morgan has had his career threatened several times recently for making comments about homosexuals and the handicapped.[/QUOTE]

That's because we're so goddamn self-righteous and uptight that we're actually shocked and offended that a comedian told some politically incorrect jokes. Give me a break, America.
You guys are forgetting one of the biggest double standards of modern times one that nearly everybody universally agrees on. Two "supposedly straight" dudes make out, they are gay. Two "supposedly straight" females make out and they are hot. As long as both chicks are above averaging looking they can pretty much do anything they want to each other and no one will bat an eye.

That's the biggest one I have noticed. I swear every hot girl I encounter during a party situation at least puts on that she's into other females. Every damn one.
I have a question for all you double standards people: How young does the boy have to be before it's considered predatory? And what if it was a woman molesting a 14 yr old girl?
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Obviously this is even more hot.[/QUOTE]

Why don't you have a seat over here....
[quote name='Javery']As a parent I'd probably go mental if this happened to my kid but as a freshman in high school I definitely would have gone through with it and it definitely wouldn't have screwed me up at all - it is all 14 year old boys think about! Also, who needs a babysitter at 14????[/QUOTE]

exactly. the chick should have the bootk thrown at her since it sucks that if a guy nails a younger chick hes always seen as a perv but when older chicks nail young guys more times than not they get off light.

that said like many of you if i were in that kids shoes id have nailed her and bragged about it. maybe even tried to get pics for proof.........
[quote name='lokizz']exactly. the chick should have the bootk thrown at her since it sucks that if a guy nails a younger chick hes always seen as a perv but when older chicks nail young guys more times than not they get off light.

that said like many of you if i were in that kids shoes id have nailed her and bragged about it. maybe even tried to get pics for proof.........[/QUOTE]
She also gave the kid booze. If that isn't a sign of predation, I don't know wtf is.
[quote name='dohdough']She also gave the kid booze. If that isn't a sign of predation, I don't know wtf is.[/QUOTE]

Context is still important tough as we don't know the facts.

Did she bring the alcohol and pressure him to drink? Or did he ask her to bring it?

Whatever the case a 14 and 20 year old relationship raises red flags. But I won't label it predation without knowing the whole story.

While it's not right, I can certainly say that when I was that age there would have been no pressure or predation involved if some hot 20-year-old chick was wanting to drink and fuck. But of course that doesn't mean their wasn't predation in this or other cases.

But on the surface it's hard for me to see predation here. It's a stereotypical view for sure, but guys that age are raging hormones and obsessed with sex so it's just hard to imagine much pressure was involved in a case like this with a hot girl and a six year age difference. But that doesn't mean there wasn't pressure involved, so just best to not make assumptions without knowing the whole story.
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"This isn't a victimless crime. I think that this is really a double standard," said family therapist Terry Real. "I think the idea that all boys are ready to have sex at all times with their hot babysitters doesn't really take into account the sensitivity of a young boy."
I'd just like to know what exactly about the sensitivity of this young boy we aren't taking into account.

Also, Terry Real is an idiot. I can't even read that quoted segment without laughing out loud. What a tool.
At 14, I was ready to have sex at all times. I mean, at that age, it was difficult not to have an erection.

Of course, I can't speak for everyone...
Yeah, that's just it. Thinking back how sex obsessed we were at that age, and that this is an attractive girl and not a gigantic age difference, it's just really hard to see the predation angle.

But, as gunm, say we can't speak for everyone. Anything like this is a case by case basis and needs investigated. If the boy defends her and says it was totally consensual and he asked her to bring alcohol etc. then she shouldn't get much of a punishment. Statutory rape with this level age difference is a BS offense in cases like that IMO.

If it comes out that she got him drunk and had sex with him, and he felt like he was raped or taken advantage of, then it's a whole different story obviously.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']So this babysitter was getting paid when she was sleeping with this boy...[/QUOTE]


I never had hot babysitters. Just some old lady. I still hitted it.
While not the hottest girl out there, she's still attractive. Could she not get anyone her own age?

Kids aren't ready for relationships. At least that's what I tell myself when the hot 13 year old jailbait spends the night with my daughter and flirts with me.
[quote name='slidecage']love how people go

14 year old boy has sex with 20 year old girl.... You go man wooo good work

BUT if it was

20 year old man has sex with 14 year old girl

People would be screaming he be put away for years and have his #$#()@( cut off cause he is a sicko..

love how one way people go no big deal but the other way people demand JAIL[/QUOTE]
there is a double standard. this is no question. the question is whether or not you care that there is a double standard. and to this i say no, i don't care. not everything has to be equal.
I think its pretty obvious that the 14yo wasn't going to turn her down, obviously and the only reason this is getting attention is not because of the age gap so much but because she is over 18. If she was 17 and he was 14 this would never be reported.

In any case, I think people are making a pretty big deal about a pretty small story. The thing's people are sooo interested in...
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']I think its pretty obvious that the 14yo wasn't going to turn her down, obviously and the only reason this is getting attention is not because of the age gap so much but because she is over 18. If she was 17 and he was 14 this would never be reported.

In any case, I think people are making a pretty big deal about a pretty small story. The thing's people are sooo interested in...[/QUOTE]

the biggest issue is her breaking the families trust. you leave your kid in their care expecting them to do whats right for them and obviously getting them drunk and nailing them isnt what they had hoped for.

its wrong but as a guy we all know if in that situation wed bust them guts so yeah. she should be punished but were all hypocrites in a way because if it was us we wouldnt have felt like a victim wed feel like the shit on steroids.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']There is no way this boy did any of this against his will. If my 14 year old self was forced to author the shortest book I could think of, it would have been titled "Things I Wouldn't Stick My Penis In".[/QUOTE]

Why would it be a "short" book? :roll:
Damn I could only wish for this to have happened to me when I was a 14. This was probably one of my top 3 wishes at that age. I agree that this would fall into the whole double standards thing, if this was 20 yr old male having relations with a 14 yr old girl that wouldn't be called "sex" it would be called "RAPE." What a world we live in.
This story is actually very much like a situation I'm in right now. Er. That came out all wrong, I swear!

One of my younger cousin's friends (14) admitted that she's thinking about sleeping with some 20+ year old guy she met. From what I was told, they have already met twice, and the real kicker is that he has a wife and a family. She doesn't even know his last name. So fucked up!
I'm scratching my head how this is that big a deal...

[quote name='Ziv']
Kids aren't ready for relationships.[/QUOTE]

There are some adults that aren't too...
[quote name='lokizz']that said like many of you if i were in that kids shoes id have nailed her and bragged about it. maybe even tried to get pics for proof.........[/QUOTE]

Which is retarded, as it absolutely guarantees no more booty. Once word gets 'round and she hears, you're shut off. But as a young teenage boy, you're not smart enough to know this yet.

Least I wasn't. #-o

(Unless, of course, you hooked up with one of those few-and-far-between freaky girls that was down with it...they're defintely out there. This girl might have been one of them.)
[quote name='CosmosTheMouse']All I can think of is the "related" story in the sidebar of the page.
"Mom Charged With Raping 2-Year-Old"

What a sick f**k[/QUOTE]

Yeah I saw that and couldn't help but think wtf. I mean when someone has sex with someone that is starting to have an adult body I can at least understand it. By this I mean if you sleep with a boy who is in transition to being an adult and has some adult features or a 13 year old girl who has fairly developed breasts and has lost the childish baby fat then I can wrap my mind around it. I am not saying its right, generally its going to be horribly wrong. However I can at least understand where someone can be attracted to a teenager as they are from purely a sexual/evolutionary stand point ready to procreate. An infant or even a kid that is like 8 or 10 or something like that, its just sick as there is no biological reason for it other then a malfunction in that persons brain.
question, how does an adult woman rape a 2 year old boy? Either she played with his butt, or she made the kid fist her or something? I just don't see how its physically possible is all.
[quote name='nasum']question, how does an adult woman rape a 2 year old boy? Either she played with his butt, or she made the kid fist her or something? I just don't see how its physically possible is all.[/QUOTE]

"Post of the year" early contender.
[quote name='nasum']question, how does an adult woman rape a 2 year old boy? Either she played with his butt, or she made the kid fist her or something? I just don't see how its physically possible is all.[/QUOTE]

Who wants a Pampers ride?

[quote name='nasum']http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/nyc-teacher-accused-of-sex-with-student-20110805-akd#73462921-2


Got to disagree, the 20 year old was way hotter. Plus a 14 year old pulling the babysitter is hotter then the 17 year old thats almost out of high school pulling a teacher....though damn thats still hot.
[quote name='nasum']question, how does an adult woman rape a 2 year old boy? Either she played with his butt, or she made the kid fist her or something? I just don't see how its physically possible is all.[/QUOTE]

I knew parts of her family through school- I grew up in clinton-moved away in '98. The cop mentioned as Sgt. Flyn was still a Sgt. back then, way to not move up in the world lol.
Yeah nothing like knowing a 14 year old is getting hotter women than you are. You know what, pretty soon porn movies are going to start with "Based on a true story....."
[quote name='nasum']question, how does an adult woman rape a 2 year old boy? Either she played with his butt, or she made the kid fist her or something? I just don't see how its physically possible is all.[/QUOTE]

maybe she forced his head up into her snatch? what really constitutes rape vs molestation? for it to be rape id assume shed have to pepetrate him someway or him her so yeah gotta be some kind of penetration.do they count finger banging as rape or molestation ? or maybe its sexual assult.
[quote name='Clak']Yeah nothing like knowing a 14 year old is getting hotter women than you are. You know what, pretty soon porn movies are going to start with "Based on a true story....."[/QUOTE]

so chicks nailing pizza guys isnt real ? guess its time to resign at dominoes lol.
Wow I haven't had sex since 2009 I was 19 then and now 14 year olds are getting tail from second rate salena gomez look alikes. I don't know what the word pig or slut means to men and women but to me pig is bacon and slut is someone mistaking spelling the word slug. Interesting....
bread's done