2009-2010 NBA Thread

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Ouch, as a Magic fan, Antawn Jamison on the Cavs scares the piss out of me. I was hoping they'd get Stoudemire (if anyone) since he is so poor defensively and wouldn't be a good fit on their team (imo). Interesting to see if the Magic will try to make a move now, even though Otis Smith said they're standing pat.
Well as long as the Wizards release Z than it's a good trade. However, I still think that Amare would have worked better if they would have given up Hickson as well as Amare plays essentially the same way that Hickson does except much better.

Of course with Jamison's contract gumming up the works the Cavs will be forced to bring Shaq, Z, or both back next year since they'll have no other real options at the 5.
So isn't this a bigger theft than when the Lakers got Pau? I mean, who did the Cavs give up (especially if they get Z back in a month)? The Cavs got Antawn for a couple warm bodies. Where's Popovich to complain about this one?
Is Antawn Jamison still that big of a player to get this much hype? I haven't really been following him much for a few years, so I don't know if he's still any good or if he's the new Ben Wallace.
He's averaging 20.5 points and 8.8 boards a game this year, on a bad team where defenses could focus on him--especially after Arenas was suspended.

So it's a good pick up for sure. Like the other Magic fan, I hate to see it. I didn't like our chances against the Cavs before, and like them even less now.
These one sided trades have been so popular the last few years... These teams trying to pickup elite talent this summer better hope some players are willing to leave their teams.

It looks like Amare won't get traded but who knows, we still have 2 and a half hours to go til the deadlines over. Wouldn't be suprised to see a couple more small deals.
Although I do love the trade crunch, I am surprised at the lack of big big names being dealt. I cant believe Amare wasnt traded.

The Gilbert must be pissed since I believe he took a pay cut to get Antwan on the team and has always said he would do whatever it took to keep him from leaving. But it most likely doesnt even matter since no one knows when Gilbert will even be back.

Also did anyone know why Drew Gooden was traded again? This guy is such a chump, it didnt even look like he got traded for anything....just given away.

I am interested in the rumor of Nate the Great being traded for Eddie House. Nate on a boston team might be exciting. Although I dont know how they are suppose to lure LBJ away without him.
[quote name='Soodmeg']
Also did anyone know why Drew Gooden was traded again? This guy is such a chump, it didnt even look like he got traded for anything....just given away.

Cap space, same reason they got rid of Thornton. Wouldn't be suprised to see Gooden bought out by March
TMac is a Knick. Knicks trade Hughes, Jeffries, Jordan Hill, 2 first round picks that go between Sac and Houston. Knicks Recieve TMac, Rockets receive Kevin Martin.
I like Jamison to the Cavs(Amare may be younger but to keep him they would have to sign a large deal next year and we all know who's contact is up then) as long as everyone stays healthy, I see Cavs and Lakers on a crash course to the finals.
[quote name='DT778']He stole the superman gimmick from Shaq, no way it should be considered fresh. And don't forgot that he didn't even dunk, he just threw the ball in.

Snaq never donned the cape in a dunk contest. It was fresh.

And Snaq stole that gimmick from Clark Kent in the first place.

And just threw the ball in? That was still impressive from the distance he did it. To get up high enough to even attempt that is no small feat.
Daryl Morey (Rockets GM) has to be the league's premier GM. He just pillaged the Knicks and Kings and gave up nothing in return.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Snaq never donned the cape in a dunk contest. It was fresh.[/QUOTE]Being a copy cat is never fresh. If some asshole copied Kobe, started calling himself The Black Mamba and sported a snake costume for the dunk contest I would still think it was lame.

[quote name='GuilewasNK']And just threw the ball in? That was still impressive from the distance he did it. To get up high enough to even attempt that is no small feat.[/QUOTE]Yup, he just threw it in.
[quote name='2Fast']Daryl Morey (Rockets GM) has to be the league's premier GM. He just pillaged the Knicks and Kings and gave up nothing in return.[/QUOTE]

Carl Landry is hardly "nothing".
[quote name='Filbert']Carl Landry is hardly "nothing".[/QUOTE]

He's okay, but certainly nowhere near Kevin Martin's level and definitely the most easily replaceable "asset" they had.
[quote name='DT778']Being a copy cat is never fresh. If some asshole copied Kobe, started calling himself The Black Mamba and sported a snake costume for the dunk contest I would still think it was lame.

Yup, he just threw it in.[/QUOTE] I didnt think it was lame. Sure Shaq
used the superman thing before but D. Howard made it look so cool. Thats the most important part of the dunk contest making it look cool and getting the fans into it. That was missing this year.
[quote name='DT778']Being a copy cat is never fresh. If some asshole copied Kobe, started calling himself The Black Mamba and sported a snake costume for the dunk contest I would still think it was lame.


That's the problem. Superman is owned by DC comics, not Snaq O'Neal. Anybody can use it. Hell, Snaq called Michael Jordan Superman and himself Superboy. Now if Dwight Howard started calling himself Big Aristotle, The Answer, Black Mamba or Half-Man Half-Amazing, I'd agree with you because those names are unique.

Then again, Kobe probably stole his nickname from the Kill Bill movies.
[quote name='DT778']Being a copy cat is never fresh. If some asshole copied Kobe, started calling himself The Black Mamba and sported a snake costume for the dunk contest I would still think it was lame.

Yup, he just threw it in.[/QUOTE]

Not to be a buzz kill but if anyone's a copy cat it's Kobe....

From Tiger/MJ's fist pump.....to giving himself his own nickname....he's not really all the original.
[quote name='ph33r m3']Not to be a buzz kill but if anyone's a copy cat it's Kobe....

From Tiger/MJ's fist pump.....to giving himself his own nickname....he's not really all the original.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget the tongue.
If you are going to bite on someone's nickname you have to do things better than they did. Howard isn't even close to being the complete player that Shaq was. Who cares about some dunk contest that no one watched?
You know, I dont think a lot of younger people really remember how completely and utterly unstoppable Shaq was during his prime. Cavs shaq, Suns Shaq, Miami Shaq all of these a only a 1/3 of how strong he was in Orlando and LA.

Younger folks will be all about the Howard persona but anyone who really looks at the numbers will see that Howard doesnt hold a candle to how Shaq was.

I am on of the biggest Shaq critics with how the Refs simply let him get away with so many things but he is one of the best Center to play the game. Howard has a long time to go until he becomes in the same league.
Yes was....

Shaq didnt win a ring until he went to the Lakers...

As long as Howard doesn't produce a rap album he be better then Shaq in the long run
What? Thats like saying Jordan was....

Shaq has 4 rings and despite what Kobe nut suckers say was the centerpiece (no pun intended) of that dynasty.

Howard as good as he is is not the centerpieces of the Magic, yeah he the most popular player and what seems like a good guy. But Lewis and Hedo were the two main guys on that run to the finals.

Howard play is still really inconstant to really be considered a top center yet. He really just benefits from the fact that there is only like 5 good centers if that...and most of them are PF hybrids looking to dunk and not play D.
I don't think that like saying Jordan was....
I don't doubt he's the centerpiece but he's getting old and the Cavs should have tried to get a younger center to pair with him. I mean honesty Shaq has 1-2 season left if his knees hold up. Could the Cavs win w/o James no, w/o Shaq yes

So let's see do you think Shaq is/was a better Center then Ewing?
No, that isnt what I am saying or maybe it was, let me see here.

I am saying that Shaq in is prime was one of the best centers in the league. During that time there were multiple HOF and superstar Centers in the league. Better competition = better talent.

Howard is a great talent but you can see flaws in his game that are only covered by the fact that AT MOST 5 great centers in the league right now.

Its not about whether I think Ewing was better than Malone or The Dream...or even Mutumbo (not even going to try to spell it) its the fact that those guys where all great centers that Shaq had to mold his game to play against.

Who does howard have to go against?
Ducan who is still to me a PF (he himself wants to be known has a PF)
Shaq (how howard has lost against many times)
Okur who is an amazing inside outside Center
David Lee
al harrington

All of those guys are good but they are not the quality of Centers from the 90s who werent known just for dunking but shooting touches, blocks, passing and over all defense.

I like Howard but when a 37 year old center from yesteryear is still considered to be slightly better at best and on par at worst than a 24 year old you know something is wrong with your game.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']That's the problem. Superman is owned by DC comics, not Snaq O'Neal. Anybody can use it. Hell, Snaq called Michael Jordan Superman and himself Superboy. Now if Dwight Howard started calling himself Big Aristotle, The Answer, Black Mamba or Half-Man Half-Amazing, I'd agree with you because those names are unique.

Then again, Kobe probably stole his nickname from the Kill Bill movies.[/QUOTE]Of course anyone can use Superman as a nickname. The legal right or whatever to use it is not the issue. Everyone knows Karl Malone is the Mail Man. Duncan and Robinson are the Twin Towers. Shaq is Superman. That is his gimmick. And that's my point. Howard should concentrate on emulating Shaq's game instead of his persona.
Cavs were getting the arse end of the calls all game long. How does the shot clock go off before the ball is even caught is one blatantly obvious example. They'll bounce back, Jamison played a good game and it was nice to have another guy on the floor for Lebron to kick it to off of the drive that can knock down a 17-20 foot jumper.
All this to keep James happy so he doesnt leave for NY or Miami. :lol:

Too bad my Magic will still take them out come playoff time and cause James to leave next year :D
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Brandon Jennings. His team is still in contention for a playoff spot.[/QUOTE]

He is way to inconsistent. Tyreke Evans is definitely going to win it. And Steph Curry? Guy shows up in the stat line for maybe 1 out of every 5 games.
Tyreke Evens will def win, but hes on such a shitty team, should it even count?

I think players like Brandon Jennings from the Bucks and Taj Gibson of the Bulls deserve some credit, I know neither of them will win, but those are the only 2 good rookies that have a shot at making the playoffs.
But that is the folly of the ROY award. All of the best rookies will be on bad teams. Can you really knock a person because they were so good they got drafted to a bad team?

ROY should look at stat lines only, making the play offs has nothing to do with it.
[quote name='2Fast']He's okay, but certainly nowhere near Kevin Martin's level and definitely the most easily replaceable "asset" they had.[/QUOTE]

Kevin Martin is good... offensively.

He is terrible on defense.

As in he will score 20-30 points a night, but the guy he is "defending" will score at least 20-30 points in return.

But the Rockets needed a scorer badly so I think it might work out for them, at least on the offensive side of things.

Kings needed some big man presence and more cap space so I think they got what they wanted.

Knicks get rid of a hell of a lot of cap space for next year (Lebron + Amare/Bosh possibilities, yes Cavs fans it is possible especially if you guys don't win it this year with your crazy good team).

I think all teams got what they wanted, although the Rockets did pick up a lot of contracts in the process.

And on a side note - Tyreke is going to win ROY without a doubt.
Howard has a long ways to go before he should be considered as good a player as Shaq. I agree with Soodmeg. Go back and watch Shaq when he played for Orlando & LA.
[quote name='Soodmeg']But that is the folly of the ROY award. All of the best rookies will be on bad teams. Can you really knock a person because they were so good they got drafted to a bad team?

ROY should look at stat lines only, making the play offs has nothing to do with it.[/QUOTE]

Yep. It's not an MVP award. It's a best rookie player award. Team success shouldn't factor into it.
[quote name='slickkill77']He is way to inconsistent. Tyreke Evans is definitely going to win it. And Steph Curry? Guy shows up in the stat line for maybe 1 out of every 5 games.[/QUOTE]

Huh? 1 out of every 5?

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