2010-2011 NHL Regular Season Thread

Wings slumpin. Need more than 2 goals a game to win guys. Montreal is exactly the team we don't need right now with their excellent GA number (54). I agree with Hudler not doing well. It sucks but he's an NHL worthy player that might do better elsewhere.
Crosby has like Hockey Aspberger's or something. Seriously. His boring personality, all that, it's not an act. The dude just doesn't understand anything except being the best hockey player in the world. Although I have heard that his number two obsession is fishing. He has a lake house in Nova Scotia and apparently his offseason is comprised of working out and fishing.

I wish Malkin had that kind of work ethic. Dude has been coasting ever since winning the Cup in 09.
I find it hilarious the Hawks are going with Crawford when they play us today.

Not that you'll have problems getting shots on us... :\
^Aside from the "showoff" waste of time move at the start, he basically whiffed on that shot that's why it went in and went 5 hole. It faked the goalie out like a change up. Other than that... Nothing special. Actually, on second look he didn't whiff he almost fell losing an edge which he had to fake a shot then since that froze the goalie he went five hole. Wasn't intentional by Omark, just lucky.

Wow, lol Sharts won? The NHL on the fly highlights made it seem we had no business winning that one either.

Can you say Life imitating EA?! LOL

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Holy fuck @ that hit! Tootoo is damn lucky his face didn't get sliced off by Frolik's skate as it came up. Hate to see that happen to a bright young star like him. I'm surprised he was able to skate away on his own.

Yeah, if Omark had missed that goal, his whole team would have been super pissed. But, I love the showboating and swagger. The only sport that athletes can get away with it (so far). I say we need more of it.
[quote name='VipFREAK']tOOltOOl a "bright young star"...? I'm assuming you're talking about Frolik getting knocked on his ass not tOOltOOl's hit?[/QUOTE]

Yes, I should have been more clear. I was referring to Frolik. They've got a couple of young guys who (I hope) will help them make it to the playoffs in the next couple years.
I'll be at the Wings game tonight... though I really wanted to see my Vikes play (Better than watching them against the Lions in the last week of the season).
Waiting for Pacioretty to get called back up to Montreal. I hope he can stick around a while. I think he's ready.

And Jonathan Quick is so underrated, it's embarrassing.
[quote name='shieryda']And Jonathan Quick is so underrated, it's embarrassing.[/QUOTE]

Quick played a hell of a game. The Wings threw the kitchen sink at him last night. It was the first time the Wings have been shutout in almost a year. Also there is no doubt to me that Drew Doughty is the best young all around defenseman in the league. The Kings better prepare to backup an amored car filled with cash to his house.

Also how bad is that Kovalchuk deal turning out now? Not just the contract, but the trade to bring him to Jersey in the first place. Yikes http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/teams/players/bio/?id=4964&hubname=nhl-thrashers
I'm pretty confident they should just fold up camp now and concentrate on next season. There's really no point at this point.

Islanders... well... dunno. I guess someone has to be last.
Yeah, I've been watching some Bergfors cards on ebay. Atlanta certainly got the better of the deal, at least for this season. I need to check on how many Doughty's I have, too. Maybe I'll pick up another one. Need to get the Quick first, though.

By the way, if you guys are interested, NHL Network will be showing Ovechkin's dvd "GR" tonight at 6 EST. I need to set the dvr for it.

Also, Sid, Roenick and Ovie will be on "The Price is Right" later this month, too:

[quote name='shieryda']Surprise![/QUOTE]

Haha Thats gif is hilarious. When I was playing a game years back I was flying down the wing and got a pass in my skates so I looked down to kick the puck ahead to myself. WHAM I skated right into the end boards going almost full speed. Ouch! Everyone was laughing their asses off. :D

Pavel Datsyuk broke his hand or wrist and they expect him to miss a month. So he'll be out a while. Please don't give Draper or Hudler more ice time. Those fools couldn't score on a garage door.
TC, what the eff is going on with Osgood tonight? I suppose that at least one of those goals were tough to stop, but 3 in the first period? We'll see if he starts #2...
Chris Osgood got win number 400 the other night. He's now 3 wins behind Grant Fuhr for 9th all time. In my opinion he's a lock for the Hall of Fame. He's won 2 cups as a starter and 3 cups total. Sure he's played for a great team most of his career, but so did pretty much everyone else on the all time goalies games won list. He's also only had one losing season his entire career which includes years with the Blues and Islanders so nodoby should say he only won because of Detroit. Also on a personal level Chris probably cares more for the fans than any other hockey player I've ever met and I've met many players over the years. I've spoken with Osgood on three different occasions and no franchise could ask for a better person to represent the team off the ice.
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oh san jose... winning 3 in a row and then losing 3 in a row is not a good formula.

oh well, i can live without winning the west or even the pacific, as long as they get to the playoffs they can make some noise.
Nice win Wings. SARS needed to be put in their place...

I'm pretty sure NJ should bring in some Pee wee players, they would've looked better against NY. lol
[quote name='TC']Chris Osgood got win number 400 the other night. He's now 3 wins behind Grant Fuhr for 9th all time. In my opinion he's a lock for the Hall of Fame. He's won 2 cups as a starter and 3 cups total. Sure he's played for a great team most of his career, but so did pretty much everyone else on the all time goalies games won list. He's also only had one losing season his entire career which includes years with the Blues and Islanders so nodoby should say he only won because of Detroit. Also on a personal level Chris probably cares more for the fans than any other hockey player I've ever met and I've met many players over the years. I've spoken with Osgood on three different occasions and no franchise could ask for a better person to represent the team off the ice.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I saw the wins the other day. I was surprised that Belfour had more wins and still isn't in the Hall, either. There was one other guy ahead of Osgood, too (maybe Brodeur?).
[quote name='shieryda']Thanks, but who is the other player(s) ahead of Ozzy not in the Hall yet? Is it Fuhr?[/QUOTE]

Martin Brodeu
Ed Belfour
Curtis Joseph
Cool. I'm also surprised that Florida has so many talented prospects. Picked up some Kulikov and Dadynov rookie cards yesterday.
[quote name='shieryda']Cool. I'm also surprised that Florida has so many talented prospects. Picked up some Kulikov and Dadynov rookie cards yesterday.[/QUOTE]

Well they should have one for sure NHL player each year with how high they're probably drafting in the first all these years. I'm impressed when teams grab guys out of the 3 round and deeper and turn them into NHL quality players. It's about making sure these young guys spend time in the minors. You pay attention to prospects so you know 99% of these drafted kids have no chance at competing with grown men at the NHL level right away. Bring them up preseason and let them see the big show as kind of a carrot on a stick and let them see first hand they need to get stronger. I don't want prospects playing 6 minutes a night or sitting in the press box in the NHL I want them playing 20 per night kicking ass & learning to dominate in the minors. Especially goalies and defenseman.
[quote name='shieryda']Anyone watching the World Juniors? Canada is a machine, and Brayden Schenn is a monster. The Kings are lucky to have him.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dafoomie']

Biggest comeback since Stalingrad, I was very pleased to see Canada get theirs.[/QUOTE]

Saw the highlights on TV earlier. Oh my Canada that was a tough way to lose. Nice to see Team USA didn't quit after getting their asses kicked. They played well and won a Bronze.
Too bad about Getzlaf. It could have been worse, though. I think visors should now be mandatory. One may not have helped him, but it could prevent a lot of the facial injuries in today's game.
Its debatable how helpful visors can be, I would rather not see it become mandatory since it would kill fighting in the NHL.
Nah. Guys are still gonna fight. It shouldn't matter that much. I don't think it dropped significantly once they started wearing helmets, did it? I mean, sure, you had the goons from back in the day, but I think there's still about an average of 1 fight per game.

Even guys in the CHL/OHL fight quite a bit, and they wear visors.
When modern-ish helmets first came about, you were considered a pussy for wearing one unless you had a head injury before. It might have been more acceptable if you were a pure finesse player, but back then, everyone was expected to fight and to be able to handle themselves. That part of the game has gone away since helmets became mandatory, it became more of the domain of the goon who could destroy his hands on helmets and not worry about his career.

Its different down in the CHL. In the NHL, if you play a certain way, its expected that you shouldn't wear a visor. Its fine for a guy like Iginla to play a hard, clean style and wear one, but it would be completely unacceptable for a guy like Lucic to. If you cross the line once in a while you have to back it up, and you don't hide behind visors, thats just part of the culture. A guy like Evgeny Artyukhin who hides behind the huge visor is not a respectable player at all, thats not where I want the league to go.

You'd have tons of guys breaking their hands on visors, like Mark Stuart last year when that faux tough guy Simmonds jumped him. Fights already aren't what they used to be, if everyone had visors it would be a complete joke, it would be wrestling with an uppercut here or there.

Plus there is the risk of getting sticks caught in between your visor and your face, bouncing around your eyes. Tons of guys already get cut by visors, and I think they contribute to the sense of invincibility and lack of respect that many younger players have. They don't keep their sticks down anymore, they don't hesitate to hurt people, and they also don't protect themselves the way they used to.
That Caps/Pens 24-7 thing on HBO was really entertaining. I still have to watch the final episode. Any hockey fan regardless of who you support would enjoy it.
bread's done