2011 MLB Discussion Thread

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[quote name='Alex121006']what do you guys think about colby rasmus and edwin jackson being traded ? i think the rasmus deal was good for toronto and the jackson deal was so so for st louis.[/QUOTE]

I think it was a great deal for all teams. Jackson is a good viable 4,5 starter and now Dave Duncan has a chance to fix him. Dave Duncan is a guru for turning so so pitchers in to all stars. Case in point Jason Isringhausen. Part of a failed experiment known as Generation K and then signed on with the Cards to flourish as their dominant closer for nearly 8 years. I have all the faith in the world Dave Duncan can turn around Edwin Jackson.

They had to get rid of Rasmus. From hearing the reports, he wasn't getting along in the club house and you cant have that ruined during a pennant race. Also he was expendable with guys like John Jay playing so well..plus they have Holliday/Pujols/Berkman all killing the ball so losing Rasmus was not a big blow at all.

The white sox getting Jason Frasor was a great move too. They can not keep relying on one middle reliever. They will burn him out, so getting Frasor will take the load off.

I cant beleive Pheer Me or Beatofficer didnt post about the Beltran deal. I wonder what they think in losing Zach Wheeler. Im extremely happy the Mets got the top pitching prospect in the Giants Organization. They have a knack for drafting insane pitchers obviously, so i do hope Wheeler's future is bright.
I understand Rasmus had problems in the clubhouse, but he would have been a great building block for St. Louis' future. I don't see Berkman lasting much longer and I'm still not totally sold on Jay. Plus, Pujols may very well be gone after this season. It's always a shame to me when a good player that has a ton of potential go to a team that won't even have the slightest chance at going anywhere in the next 5 years.

This is what worries me about the Phillies. Obviously I want a right handed outfield bat and would LOVE for that bat to be Hunter Pence. But do I want to see Vance Worley get traded for him? No. Worley is the future of this rotation and I absolutely want to keep him. The rotation is in question somewhat after this year. Hamels is in his final contract year and who knows what's going to happen with Oswalt, I feel retirement is imminent with all his back problems. Then 2012 is the final contract year for Blanton and Halladay. Lots of questions and big money concerns are coming soon for the Phillies rotation and Worley can quell some of that. (I didn't mean to derail the conversation at hand but this is a main concern I've been thinking about for the past week)
[quote name='integralsmatic']I think it was a great deal for all teams. Jackson is a good viable 4,5 starter and now Dave Duncan has a chance to fix him. Dave Duncan is a guru for turning so so pitchers in to all stars. Case in point Jason Isringhausen. Part of a failed experiment known as Generation K and then signed on with the Cards to flourish as their dominant closer for nearly 8 years. I have all the faith in the world Dave Duncan can turn around Edwin Jackson.

They had to get rid of Rasmus. From hearing the reports, he wasn't getting along in the club house and you cant have that ruined during a pennant race. Also he was expendable with guys like John Jay playing so well..plus they have Holliday/Pujols/Berkman all killing the ball so losing Rasmus was not a big blow at all.

The white sox getting Jason Frasor was a great move too. They can not keep relying on one middle reliever. They will burn him out, so getting Frasor will take the load off.

I cant beleive Pheer Me or Beatofficer didnt post about the Beltran deal. I wonder what they think in losing Zach Wheeler. Im extremely happy the Mets got the top pitching prospect in the Giants Organization. They have a knack for drafting insane pitchers obviously, so i do hope Wheeler's future is bright.[/QUOTE]

I wish Wheeler the best, and there's no doubt in my mind he'll make it to the big leagues. He'll definitely be a #3 with an outside shot at being an average #2.

He's only 21 and has room for improvement, but to put it in a realistic view by the age of 20 MadBum threw a shutout in the WS against the Rangers.

He's in High A San Jose, I've seen him pitch twice, dude can throw gas, but he's erratic. He's like a right handed Jonathan Sanchez minus the head case problems.

I fully support the trade, it's win now time for the Giants, and if rolling over the Phillies wasn't enough incentive to do this trade I don't know what would do the trick.
[quote name='tcrash247']I understand Rasmus had problems in the clubhouse, but he would have been a great building block for St. Louis' future. I don't see Berkman lasting much longer and I'm still not totally sold on Jay. Plus, Pujols may very well be gone after this season. It's always a shame to me when a good player that has a ton of potential go to a team that won't even have the slightest chance at going anywhere in the next 5 years.

This is what worries me about the Phillies. Obviously I want a right handed outfield bat and would LOVE for that bat to be Hunter Pence. But do I want to see Vance Worley get traded for him? No. Worley is the future of this rotation and I absolutely want to keep him. The rotation is in question somewhat after this year. Hamels is in his final contract year and who knows what's going to happen with Oswalt, I feel retirement is imminent with all his back problems. Then 2012 is the final contract year for Blanton and Halladay. Lots of questions and big money concerns are coming soon for the Phillies rotation and Worley can quell some of that. (I didn't mean to derail the conversation at hand but this is a main concern I've been thinking about for the past week)[/QUOTE]

well the way i look at it, the blue jays are in the AL east and need all the big bats they can get, i dont think the jays getting rasmus was realy for this year, but for next year. insted of the jays trying to get a guy from the free agent market spending a lot of $CASH$ in the off season, i think they took care of part of that problem now with rasmus. its just to dam hard to sign big time players when NYY BOS are always in the mix. so i think for toronto it was a good deal.

and since st louis is trying to make the play offs jackson was a good deal. any time you can get a good not even great pitcher in a pennet race you are doing somthing big.
the phillies have acquired Hunter Pence from the astros for some single A and dobble A players + a player to be named later.

i think this is great for the phillies, they already have the best record in MLB and now they have a much needed right handed hiter who is having a verry nice year. the power numbers for pence aint the best right now but AVG and RBI's are pretty good. i think he's going to do verry good in the middle of the order for the phillies. plus he doesn't have all that pressure on him of being the big guy in houston any more, now he haves a bunch of good players aroumd him to take some of that pressure off of him. and with a RHB it will ballance that heavy LHB line up the phills have.
[quote name='tcrash247']I'm happy :D[/QUOTE]

I'm happy for the return the Astros got for Pence. Cosart and Singleton are two top prospects.

Sad to see him leave the Astros but the return is nice, so I'll take it.
To me, the Pence pickup is way better than the Giants getting Beltran. Pence still has two years left on his deal after this year, and he's six years younger than Beltran. He's also infinitely more durable than Beltran is at this point in his career.
[quote name='jello44']I'm happy for the return the Astros got for Pence. Cosart and Singleton are two top prospects.

Sad to see him leave the Astros but the return is nice, so I'll take it.[/QUOTE]

Singleton is going to be a really good first baseman, which is why I'm ok with seeing him go because I think Howard will be a Phillie for a long time. Even though Cosart is ranked #37 in all prospects, his numbers are not very impressive in the minors right now. I'm sure he'll get better, but Pence is going to help big time in the next 2 years. I was deathly afraid of Worley being packaged in, so anything that didn't include him I'm good with.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']To me, the Pence pickup is way better than the Giants getting Beltran. Pence still has two years left on his deal after this year, and he's six years younger than Beltran. He's also infinitely more durable than Beltran is at this point in his career.[/QUOTE]

I wonder if ballpark dimensions played a role in the Giants going after Beltran over someone like Pence. Both franchises seemed to target people who play in similar style ballparks.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I wonder if ballpark dimensions played a role in the Giants going after Beltran over someone like Pence. Both franchises seemed to target people who play in similar style ballparks.[/QUOTE]

Ehhh. For the record, Beltran has 0 career home run's in At&t Park.

I'm sure the Giants gave a call to the Astros but Beltran made the most sense, veteran, big bat, gave up 1 top prospect.

I'm not sure how good the Phils prospects they gave up are, but they had to get somebody, considering the drop off from Beltran/Pence to Josh Willingham is steep.
[quote name='ph33r m3']Ehhh. For the record, Beltran has 0 career home run's in At&t Park.

I'm sure the Giants gave a call to the Astros but Beltran made the most sense, veteran, big bat, gave up 1 top prospect.

I'm not sure how good the Phils prospects they gave up are, but they had to get somebody, considering the drop off from Beltran/Pence to Josh Willingham is steep.[/QUOTE]

They're good, have potential to be great (but I guess a lot of prospects are that way). Most Phils prospects they've traded in the past 3-4 years haven't amounted to much yet, save for Michael Bourn.

And I agree, I wouldn't have been too excited if we got Willingham or Ludwick so this was the best move they could have made right now.
Not a fan of giving up a few pitching prospects for Ubaldo Jiminez, but that rotation needs some fresh blood since they've gotten stale as nobody's stepped up to be consistent in any way. I hope he works out for them and won't be a sign that they've sold out their future for a playoff run this year.

The Fukudome trade was a nice deal to give up nothing and won't be paying much for him either, which will be a big step up for a bunch of replacements in the OF that have all hit below .250 in trying to fill the shoes of Choo and Sizemore. Michael Brantley is the only guy there that's doing well in his first full year as a starter.

Orlando Cabrera's also been traded to SF for a minor league outfielder, so they're getting all the OF help that they can get. Orlando's pretty much shit the bed this year, but he's already done enough for Cleveland by teaching Asdrubal Cabrera how to hit for power.
Glad to see Dan Uggla is finally hitting like the Braves expected him too. Up to 20 homers now and finally got his average back over .200.
Bout time the Braves made a move. I wasn't sure if they were going to get anything done, but they got a great player in Bourn. Looks like Cleveland is going to get Ludwick too, I'm surprised they made as many moves as they did.
Yeah, the Braves pretty much had to make a move for an outfielder since Schafer (who was part of the trade) and McClouth both just went on the DL, and Prado playing 3rd while Chipper is still out. Bourn is a nice pick up, gives them someone else on the roster hitting .300, and more importantly gives them some much needed speed on the base paths.

I'm happy they made a trade and didn't give up either Mike Minor or Julio Teheran. They need to hold onto those two--with them along with Jurrjens, Hanson and Beachy their rotation is pretty much set for years to come. And Minor and/or Teheran will need to come up full time in the next year or two as Lowe and Hudson aren't getting any younger.
I wish the Astros would have gotten a top prospect from the Bravos considering what they got for Pence.

Schafer seems... meh.

The jury is still out on the pitchers.
Yeah, Schafer has just not been the same since that wrist injury that kept him out the past year or two. Pretty much took away his power.
Well this next series should be exciting, D-backs are 2 games behind the Giants... Kennedy/Cain, Hudson/Lincecum, and Marquis/Vogelsong.

I have to admit that I get some satisfaction to see how woeful the Dodgers are this season, except Kemp who is fucking ridiculous.
I'm rooting for the D-backs too (I really don't want to face the Giants in the playoffs again unless Sanchez and Zito pitch every game, Cain and Lincecum make the Phillies batters look like idiots).
I like the acquisition of Bedard for the Sox. He's had trouble staying on the field obviously, but he's always been an effective pitcher when healthy. Plus, it's sounding more and more like we may not see Clay Buchholz again this season, so adding a starter who can pitch a playoff game behind Beckett and Lester was key given the continued mediocrity of Lackey. Plus, I didn't want to have to watch the rest of the year with both Wakefield and Andrew Miller in the rotation.
Derek Lowe has really been sucking lately. Knocked out of the game with no one out in the 5th after giving up 8 runs on 10 hits to the Nats.

At least Uggla is still hitting well finally. Hit streak up to 24 games now.
Apparently MLB is looking into A-Rod for playing in underground poker games, and is considering possible punishment:


Even as a Red Sox fan and avid A-Rod hater, I find this to be pretty ridiculous. Playing poker is not a gateway drug to betting on baseball, which is obviously the concern here. Yes, these sorts of games are illegal, but then so are DUIs and I seem to see plenty of MLB players getting those with no direct ramification from the league.

I'm not saying I wouldn't enjoy it if they suspended A-Rod for something like this, since I can't stand the guy, just that I'd find it pretty silly considering he never got a day's suspension for using steroids, something that actually does affect baseball.
Can someone please sum up what happened in the cardinal-brewers game?

Edit: your right BV, that is BS. MLB needs to get their priorities straight.
[quote name='gbpackers94']Can someone please sum up what happened in the cardinal-brewers game?

Edit: your right BV, that is BS. MLB needs to get their priorities straight.[/QUOTE]

They threw inside to Pujols that almost hit the wrist that got hit earlier in the season and put him on the DL. So they threw inside to Braun. That's basically it, nothing spectacular.
[quote name='tcrash247']They threw inside to Pujols that almost hit the wrist that got hit earlier in the season and put him on the DL. So they threw inside to Braun. That's basically it, nothing spectacular.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I was watching it on Rome is burning in a Mexican restaurant and it looked a lot worse.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Also, La Russa got his feelings hurt by some fan saying he hopes La Russa gets shingles again.[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, that too. Milwaukee fans are apparently a bunch of meanies.
Jacoby Ellsbury wins it with a walkoff for the 2nd night in a row, this one on an absolute mammoth blast to CF.

Amazingly, if Jose Bautista didn't exist, Ellsbury would be building an incredibly strong MVP case (Pedroia and Gonzalez have been making their case as well). Is it too late to take the white-out to Crawford's contract and give it to Ellsbury?
[quote name='bvharris']Jacoby Ellsbury wins it with a walkoff for the 2nd night in a row, this one on an absolute mammoth blast to CF.

Amazingly, if Jose Bautista didn't exist, Ellsbury would be building an incredibly strong MVP case (Pedroia and Gonzalez have been making their case as well). Is it too late to take the white-out to Crawford's contract and give it to Ellsbury?[/QUOTE]

Seriously, Ellsbury has been HUGE. That was a monster HR.

Pedroia has also been on a tear, but Jacoby...amazing, especially after all the so-called doubt about his health.
[quote name='Kylearan']
Pedroia has also been on a tear.[/QUOTE]

Pedroia is just a machine. I find it hard to believe there are still people who think that Robinson Cano is a better player (100% of them are Yankees fans). Pedroia is pretty clearly the best 2nd baseman in the league not named Chase Utley, and I don't even think Cano is in the conversation unless all you want to look at is counting stats.

Yes, I realize I'm setting up a strawman since I've never seen anyone here claim Cano is the better player. :D I have seen it said plenty of other places though.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']The rangers need to get it together. Since the Angels broke their win steak they have not been the same.[/QUOTE]

yeah i agree. where the hell did the angels come from out of no where ? i mean i know they have decent pitching, but where is the hitting ? with the rangers power how are the angels even close to 500 ? dont get me wrong the rangers pitching aint the best in MLB, but with the power and pitching that they do have, they should of been way ahead in the AL WEST, not by just a few games.
[quote name='Alex121006']yeah i agree. where the hell did the angels come from out of no where ? i mean i know they have decent pitching, but where is the hitting ? with the rangers power how are the angels even close to 500 ? dont get me wrong the rangers pitching aint the best in MLB, but with the power and pitching that they do have, they should of been way ahead in the AL WEST, not by just a few games.[/QUOTE]

The Rangers overall have just been inconsistent all year long. Starters go from looking dominant to terrible, the bullpen has been a disaster, and the defense has been well below average. Even their hitting has been suspect at certain points (Kinsler and Cruz haven't been themselves this year). I am really hoping that with the additions that they can start to put it together. They have the talent to make a run, but they need to stay focused.
I attended Dodgers/D-backs on Sunday and all 3 Angels/Twins games this week. I hadn't attended a Major League regular season game in a long time. Got nice swag, too! Too bad I'm a White Sox fan.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Uggla extended his hit streak to 25 games with a single and a 3-run homer today.[/QUOTE]

make it 26 with uggla 2 RBI single. Ugh Mets falling under .500 today.
fucking A at that line drive Nicasio took off his head in the Rockies-National game. I hope he'll recover.
Giants are that butthurt that they were losing 8-2? No need for that shit, just accept the loss. They had Sanchez pitching against someone who shut them out earlier in the season, throwing at Victorino was totally uncalled for.

EDIT Sorry, not a shutout last start.
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[quote name='tcrash247']Giants are that butthurt that they were losing 8-2? No need for that shit, just accept the loss. They had Sanchez pitching against someone who shut them out earlier in the season, throwing at Victorino was totally uncalled for.[/QUOTE]

What happened? Did they just throw at him for no reason whatsoever? Also phillies are on a roll. This will be 8 games straight.
[quote name='gbpackers94']What happened? Did they just throw at him for no reason whatsoever? Also phillies are on a roll. This will be 8 games straight.[/QUOTE]

Looked like it. I didn't see anything questionable the Phillies did. Runners on first and second with I think 1 out and Ramirez hit Victorino and as he started to walk to the mound the benches cleared. Whiteside was jumping up and down like he wanted to fight right when it happened and he tackled Polanco when he ran over from first.
[quote name='tcrash247']Looked like it. I didn't see anything questionable the Phillies did. Runners on first and second with I think 1 out and Ramirez hit Victorino and as he started to walk to the mound the benches cleared. Whiteside was jumping up and down like he wanted to fight right when it happened and he tackled Polanco when he ran over from first.[/QUOTE]

I just watched it. What a bitch move by Ramirez/Whiteside. The only explanation is that Whiteside's redneck urges took over and he was itching for a fight.
just kidding :lol:

EDIT: Also Victorino is a hoss, see 2:55 (although I don't know why he tackled Meulens, maybe he was just an easy target. He looked shellshocked when he got up.)
[quote name='integralsmatic']make it 26 with uggla 2 RBI single. Ugh Mets falling under .500 today.[/QUOTE]


Freddie Freeman has a 19 game hit streak going as well.
[quote name='gbpackers94']I just watched it. What a bitch move by Ramirez/Whiteside. The only explanation is that Whiteside's redneck urges took over and he was itching for a fight.
just kidding :lol:

EDIT: Also Victorino is a hoss, see 2:55 (although I don't know why he tackled Meulens, maybe he was just an easy target. He looked shellshocked when he got up.)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Victorino isn't the cleanest of players so him doing something like that is almost expected.
[quote name='tcrash247']Giants are that butthurt that they were losing 8-2? No need for that shit, just accept the loss. They had Sanchez pitching against someone who shut them out earlier in the season, throwing at Victorino was totally uncalled for.

EDIT Sorry, not a shutout last start.[/QUOTE]

This is so one-sided I wouldn't be surprised if you're Bill O' Reilly.

No need to bring up Jimmy Rollins stealing 2nd up by 7 right?
[quote name='ph33r m3']This is so one-sided I wouldn't be surprised if you're Bill O' Reilly.

No need to bring up Jimmy Rollins stealing 2nd up by 7 right?[/QUOTE]

While he probably shouldn't have stolen second, they were only up 6 at the time and the Giants had 4 more innings to score some runs. I really don't think that warrants hitting someone.
While I am neither a Phils or Giants fan, you can clearly tell that was intentional. Why the Ump didn't immediately eject the pitcher is beyond me. Whiteside should've not started jumping around and acting a fool like he did. The catcher's job there is to try to prevent the brawl, not tackle Polanco of all people for no reason.
[quote name='ph33r m3']This is so one-sided I wouldn't be surprised if you're Bill O' Reilly.

No need to bring up Jimmy Rollins stealing 2nd up by 7 right?[/QUOTE]

So Rollins stealing a bag warrants hitting a player. Yeah, makes complete sense. It was all Rollins fault, Ramirez wasn't being a little bitch at all.
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