2014 Yardsale thread


Misc stuff as marked, DS games $1 each, eye toy 25 cents. This stuff is just scraps. I bought all of their old games in previous years. I had an awesome ps1 lot I bought from them that I think I posed last year. I bought their gamegear and games the year before that.

Paid $8 for these guys all complete: These were an icebreaker buy. The guy is digging something out of storage and I hope we can make a deal on it. You will see it here if we can come to a deal.

Getting hard to find SNES consoles $20, especially nice clean ones like this one. :) This was the chick that made everything half price AFTER I bought this. Kinda pisses me off, but $20 is still a great deal.

Cherry picked these for $10 (she wanted $5 each, so the other two games were $2.50 each in my head :p ). I was happy to add Global Assault to my collection, that fact that it is CICB (complete in crushed box) is a bonus ;)


more to come...
That snes look so clean. Nice find. I wish i had some CAg in my area to go yard saling with :(

I just picked up some decent games from someone I met at a past sale. I may buy more from her as I wanted to look some stuff up before I commit to a certain price. I dropped $55, but I got a few gems. The guy that wanted to beat me up at savers ripped her off on some stuff he cherry picked from her gameboy games (fire emblem, advance wars 1&2, megaman, Zelda, etc). Fortunately he never saw her PS2, Xbox, and GC games...

Did you ever link to that story about the guy who wanted to beat you up at savers? If you did I missed it. Still would like to hear that one.
I just picked up some decent games from someone I met at a past sale. I may buy more from her as I wanted to look some stuff up before I commit to a certain price. I dropped $55, but I got a few gems. The guy that wanted to beat me up at savers ripped her off on some stuff he cherry picked from her gameboy games (fire emblem, advance wars 1&2, megaman, Zelda, etc). Fortunately he never saw her PS2, Xbox, and GC games...
How much did that guy give to her for those games? We would like to hear your story when you have time to post.

Question, how difficult is it to find the Best Buy Forza 4 fuzzy dice? Been looking for one

Last week was great for Gamecube, this week.... even better! Got all the games in the pic plus about 10 more not shown for $60.

$1 N64 Game Drawer
$2 9 Plastic Clamshell cases for N64 games.
$6 Left 4 Dead 2 (360), NBA Jam (wii), & Black Ops (Wii)
Well Fire Emblem essentially pays for the whole lot. Congrats!

Wish I had a CAG to play games with.

That snes look so clean. Nice find. I wish i had some CAg in my area to go yard saling with :(
Anyone in the Seattle area? Moving there in 3 days all the way from PA...would love to meet a fellow CAG and make some friends :p

On another note, I wonder how yard saling will be out there considering I've only done PA
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Translation: Seattle CAGers just got more competition!
LOL. Tbh I don't even know if I'll have time to go yard saling. Depends what shifts I get (this is my first real job!) If I work the 4am-12pm for example I'm kind of screwed >_<

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Well I hit one sale this morning. Woke up at 8:10 and looked (I've been sick the last couple days, must have slept 10 hours, lol) and saw a sale advertised that said PS2 games. Pretty clearly in the picture though were some Gamecube games as well and though I could only see one game, it was Smash Bros with $1.00 on it.

It was pooring rain so I almost didn't go out but I decided to give it a shot as I'm only about 15 minutes from there.

Got there and shockingly they were open, they had a garage and just had it all in there. The GC games were of course gone though. Lady said someone came up at 8:05 and grabbed them and a bunch of double cased PS1 games...

Considering what was left on the PS2 games were a number of RPGs, I know I missed some solid stuff. The ones left though were all cheapo ones (Dark Cloud 1, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits, good games but not worth anything and I already have them). Meh, I couldn't have beaten the 8:05 person to them with when I got up so it was what it was.

Got the day off and in my neighborhood an early bird was putting his signs out for the community sale this weekend. They only had 2 Wii games. I went ahead and snagged Attack of the Movies 3D for a buck.

Looking forward to 2 community sales this weekend. Kind of bummed I have to work Friday and miss a lot of good stuff. I'll head out early Friday before work but only have from 7-8 . Lots of resellers and competition in my area unfortunately. The good news for me is my neighborhood is one of the areas and I know every nook and cranny . I'll hit it hard on Saturday morning. When I'm satisfied I hit all the sales I will have my own sale. I have endless amounts of girl clothes to put out from my daughters. The only drawback of all the pink clothes is scares away my buyers of games, books, and sci-fi stuff. I won't post my customary craigslist ad this time as I don't want to draw my competition to the neighborhood. Last time I posted my collection ad with over 100 video games and 200 books I had people waiting on my driveway for me to open. My own sales always start at 9 which makes the resellers impatient .
About my own sale that starts at 9 usually. The reason my sale drives the resellers crazy because I will usually go out in the early morning looking for stuff and then come home 10 minutes before 9. I set everything up in the garage on tables so I usually open the garage at 8:59 and just pull all the tables on to the driveway. Most people having a garage sale start setting up way early because it takes them forever. When I have my sale my stuff is set up so I can bring it on to the driveway in just minutes. I've only used the setup for the 9 a.m. sale I'm talking about twice. I'm not too worried about missing out on people who come by early as my ad and signs draw in plenty of people anyways. I have had the sales start at 9 a.m. before and started setting up early it had people there right away. I don't put out the really good stuff in my sale as I personally would not want to take garage sale prices for it. It's all usually a boat load of crap, the people buy it up anyways. I can usually pick the serious buyers out and then I ask them if they're interested in other items I have inside for market price. This strategy has worked well for me in the past. Just this little tidbit of information though. The sale I made the most money on is when I advertised vintage costume jewelry. That one pulled in some serious buyers. I didn't know much about what I had at the time but I made some good money. Also the sales when I sold all the baby stuff all the big items. That stuff went like hotcakes too because I had an awesome ad.
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About my own sale that starts at 9 usually. The reason my sale drives the resellers crazy because I will usually go out in the early morning looking for stuff and then come home 10 minutes before 9. I set everything up in the garage on tables so I usually open the garage at 8:59 and just pull all the tables on to the driveway. Most people having a garage sale start setting up way early because it takes them forever. When I have my sale my stuff is set up so I can bring it on to the driveway in just minutes. I've only used the setup for the 9 a.m. sale I'm talking about twice. I'm not too worried about missing out on people who come by early as my ad and signs draw in plenty of people anyways. I have had the sales start at 9 a.m. before and started setting up early it had people there right away. I don't put out the really good stuff in my sale as I personally would not want to take garage sale prices for it. It's all usually a boat load of crap, the people buy it up anyways. I can usually pick the serious buyers out and then I ask them if they're interested in other items I have inside for market price. This strategy has worked well for me in the past. Just this little tidbit of information though. The sale I made the most money on is when I advertised vintage costume jewelry. That one pulled in some serious buyers. I didn't know much about what I had at the time but I made some good money. Also the sales when I sold all the baby stuff all the big items. That stuff went like hotcakes too because I had an awesome ad.
I do the same as you, but actually if you compose a "good" ad, 9:30 even works (and gives you a lil more time to shop).

IF you are having a sale I would either start earlier than the 8 sales or wait till 9:30-10 am (both schools of thought actually get you more shoppers... and it doesn't hurt if you live by a park and pick a Saturday with Soccer games... ;) ....

starting at 8 just splits up the shoppers too much and they tend too "hurry" and not buy as much, 7 only works if you are only one of a couple starting at 7.... whereas starting a lil later... shoppers tend to slow down and buy more because the actually see more...

just some food for thought that has worked for me over the years....

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Well I hit one sale this morning. Woke up at 8:10 and looked (I've been sick the last couple days, must have slept 10 hours, lol) and saw a sale advertised that said PS2 games. Pretty clearly in the picture though were some Gamecube games as well and though I could only see one game, it was Smash Bros with $1.00 on it.

It was pooring rain so I almost didn't go out but I decided to give it a shot as I'm only about 15 minutes from there.

Got there and shockingly they were open, they had a garage and just had it all in there. The GC games were of course gone though. Lady said someone came up at 8:05 and grabbed them and a bunch of double cased PS1 games...

Considering what was left on the PS2 games were a number of RPGs, I know I missed some solid stuff. The ones left though were all cheapo ones (Dark Cloud 1, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits, good games but not worth anything and I already have them). Meh, I couldn't have beaten the 8:05 person to them with when I got up so it was what it was.
That actually wasn't me...They would have been gone at 7:30 ;) I just found the ad you are talking about. I actually didn't see it because they put a space in "playstation" (plus that area is out of my typical radius and I probably wouldn't have even clicked on their ad).

I hit a different one that advertised xbox games. They had about 15 or so 360 games for $5 each, but they were common like AC, AC2, Dark Siders 2, gears of war, etc. I passed on all of them. I beat everyone else there, so I was able to make a stack of non gaming stuff. My enemies pulled up and started to look through my stuff, so I got to say my favorite thing: "Oh. That's my pile." I love watching their hearts sink. lol

I bought a lot of non gaming stuff and some shovelware/scraps today, but nothing of value AFAIK.

I'll follow up with everyone's posts once I get some food and sleep. I woke up at 4:45 AM today and I couldn't fall back asleep. Just got back from sales (round 2), and I have a meeting tonight at 7, so today I am busy busy.

Looks like a 2nd week of rain - booo. I went out last week even in the rain and did okay, but I'm not sure how much there will be with the rain.

It was suppose to rain all day Saturday but now it is just the morning, maybe it will change to just Friday night or something. I can hope.

The rain actually can be a good thing sometimes. It gives me some more time to try and sort through what I have to go through. Stuff piles up and I still have a good amount of stuff from last year to go through. Like 75 laserdiscs, bunch of GI-Joe vehicles, a few Transformers, etc.

Maytbe I'll try to hit up some during lunch at work tomorrow if any are around. There never seem to be enough to make it worth it, but if there are any within a few minute drive I'll check them out.

Haven't updated in a while but I figured I'd share this find this morning. Picked up the original My Little Pony Season 1 DVD set for $1. I looked at it and almost passed on it but my gut said spend the dollar. All I can say is, "Thanks gut!"

I'll have a bunch of pics to post this weekend over some of the good finds I've had over the past couple months. :)
No time to post pictures this morning, but here's how I did.

Pinocchio (DVD): $2.00 (don't have it on Blu yet, my wife collects them on Blu. Figured I can grab this for now until I find the Blu Ray at a good price)

At another sale I found:

Bubsy 3D (PS1): $1.00 (morbid curiosity, lol)

G-Police (PS1): $1.00

But here's my best find:

SNES model 2 (the mini, power cable, no controller or AV cord though it did have an NES RF cable that doesn't work with it, ha ha)

Super Smash TV (had no clue what this was going for now, thought it was a cheapo one but knew I didn't have it)

Legend of Zelda Link to the Past

TMNT Turtles in Time

Genesis model 1/Sega CD Model 2 (again no controller, has a power cord and an AV cord, but sadly no mixing cable. Still, has the extender piece which mine was missing and the metal plate mine was missing)

Lunar the Silver Star (SCD) (have to test, looks like sand paper was run over it. No cracks or anything though and not too deep, a good resurfacing should get it working great)

Mortal Kombat

Shining in the Darkness

Game Genie

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

$20.00 for all if it. They had another SNES but I left the second model 1 with Revolution X just because I didn't want to tip the lady off by trying to buy 2 of the same system. Probably dumb, probably should have grabbed it. Oh well, still a heck of a morning.

Needed Moonwalker, Shining in the Darkness, Smash TV, Turtles in Time of the lot. May keep the model 2 SNES instead of my model 1, as well as the pieces of the Sega CD I didn't have. The rest will be sold and way more than cover the cost.

EDIT: All the systems and games work great. Even Lunar as scratched as it is seems good. Very exciting. It looks like I actually will be keeping both of these systems, except the Sega CD. This Sega CD has working internal memory while mine doesn't. I have the memory cart, but still fine with replacing mine with one that is fully working. Doesn't need the mixing cable so that's great, I have an extra Sega CD power cable I can throw in when I sell the extra system.

Took me a minute to realize the SNES mini doesn't have a power light! I thought it didn't work, ha ha. Flipped to the right channel though and works great and is pretty awesome. Definitely a keeper.

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Alright Bing nice score! Sadly I struck out this morning. Only a Ratchet psp game 50 cents and complete Wii fit plus for the family for $10. I did score a cheap snowboard. After seeing slowdive post his I decided I would buy the first cheap snowboard I find. Well it didn't take long because I found one for $5 . I'll try it out next year when we go sledding. Even if I don't like it I've seen some people in the mountains make cool benches from them. Next up will be some snowboard boots. I'll post a pic when time allows. Good luck out there this weekend.
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Oh wait that Wii fit plus complete was $5. I forgot my half price offer worked. I guess that's a pretty good deal actually. Bought a DS lot from this same lady last year. She is a smoking hot MILF. I always linger at her sell. That reminds me to go back tomorrow just for looksies. 😜
I f***ing hate Indiana weather. It was 82 degrees last Monday and today it's in the 40s with rain. There were some sales though.

Today's haul was decent. Still not finding many gaming items lately. At one sale someone told me when I walked in that they had no video games. I asked them why he thought I would be interested and he said a bunch of people have asked him. Guess I have a lot of competition. 

Rock Band 2 guitar X360- $2

PS2 slim with original box- $15

Wii Fit board- $5

Paradigm V3 speakers- $20 for all

Glaesel violin case- $5

Keurig Vue 24 pack holder- $3

Sony Dream Machine w/ CD player- $5

9 Star Wars light sabers( not electronic )- $2

RP50 guitar processor- $5

2 iPhone 4/4s Lifeproof cases- $8


Okay, so here comes a long post. My last yard sales in PA ever. Ended on a good note! :)

First, got this for free. Went to say goodbye to these people whose kids I would babysit. Started talking about games and gave me this as a goodbye gift! (Atari System picture not included)


Guy originally wanted $5 a game for this. I had to convince him they truly weren't worth what he was asking. Ended up getting them all for $15.


Next I got all of this for $10! Got some weird Sonic thing with it. I'll include a close up pic; it's sealed and looks neat.



Last. I have no idea what this lady was thinking, but she was incredibly nice. She let me have everything here for $30...she seemed thrilled to get rid of it all. Sadly Pokemon Black and one of the Soul Silver's are case only but still! 


Woo!!!  :D/  :whee:  Nothing rare/amazing but I could't be happier  :whee:

Sweet Topps Sonic cards highoffcoffee. I probably would have went 10 on that box alone. $30 for the other lot is killer too. Good stuff.
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Sweet Topps Sonic cards highoffcoffee. I probably would have went 10 on that box alone. $30 for the other lot is killer too. Good stuff.
You don't know anything about the Sonic cards do you? Any value there (or what they even are exactly...?) I plan on keeping these for my collection but am curious.

You don't know anything about the Sonic cards do you? Any value there (or what they even are exactly...?) I plan on keeping these for my collection but am curious.
Looks like a loose set fetches between 6-35 dollars on EBay. Some of the rare holo cards get around 25. Didn't see any completed listings for what you have which is called a wax box. Looks like a decent find as far as cards go. Your sealed wax box could fetch some dough. See if there are any completed listings for individual packs then multiply that by 36. I bet you'll be happy with the results.
Anyone in the Seattle area? Moving there in 3 days all the way from PA...would love to meet a fellow CAG and make some friends :p

On another note, I wonder how yard saling will be out there considering I've only done PA
Bring a good raincoat. Yard sailing should be great there. I bet it will be better then PA. Totally different culture from the East coast. Just make sure to take advantage of good weather days.

Looks like a loose set fetches between 6-35 dollars on EBay. Some of the rare holo cards get around 25. Didn't see any completed listings for what you have which is called a wax box. Looks like a decent find as far as cards go. Your sealed wax box could fetch some dough. See if there are any completed listings for individual packs then multiply that by 36. I bet you'll be happy with the results.
Oh geez. If it's actually worth something the broke college graduate in me wants to sell it....but the collector part is screaming at me to keep it :razz: I think I'll do some more research first....

Bring a good raincoat. Yard sailing should be great there. I bet it will be better then PA. Totally different culture from the East coast. Just make sure to take advantage of good weather days.
Wow you really think so? Tbh my guess was it would be the opposite. Also I hope I have time to yard sale...the hours for my job are very strange and I may not be able to :whistle2:(

EDIT: All the systems and games work great. Even Lunar as scratched as it is seems good. Very exciting. It looks like I actually will be keeping both of these systems, except the Sega CD. This Sega CD has working internal memory while mine doesn't. I have the memory cart, but still fine with replacing mine with one that is fully working. Doesn't need the mixing cable so that's great, I have an extra Sega CD power cable I can throw in when I sell the extra system.
Very nice score!!! I love genesis finds, and you won with that batch!

One question, do you know the "model number" for the power supply that goes to a Sega CD Model 2? I have one but it did not come with a power supply and out of the 5 different ones I have none of them seem to fit.

Oh geez. If it's actually worth something the broke college graduate in me wants to sell it....but the collector part is screaming at me to keep it :razz: I think I'll do some more research first....

Wow you really think so? Tbh my guess was it would be the opposite. Also I hope I have time to yard sale...the hours for my job are very strange and I may not be able to :whistle2:(
Keep those cards! That is a great find! I used to have a bunch of them (my girlfriend still has some stickers on her 'tool box'), and it is pretty badass to find something that old/unique/rare-ish.

I hope your move out west is worth it! Once I get done in grad school I plan on moving out that way, maybe we can get together (add me on live/PSN)!!!!

Got this for $250 all that was missing was the hdmi and micro usb cable,got it from a craiglist ad, but that apple sticker :whistle2:k

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Keep those cards! That is a great find! I used to have a bunch of them (my girlfriend still has some stickers on her 'tool box'), and it is pretty badass to find something that old/unique/rare-ish.

I hope your move out west is worth it! Once I get done in grad school I plan on moving out that way, maybe we can get together (add me on live/PSN)!!!!
Sent! :) (on PSN I don't play my 360 online) I probably won't be online much for a few weeks because training for my job starts Monday though. And yea that would be really awesome if you end up being near me we can definitely give it a shot!

I really want to keep the cards but my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy for even considering to keep them...he thinks my collecting is insane in general though :p He's mainly a PC gamer while I love physical media.

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Sent! :) (on PSN I don't play my 360 online) I probably won't be online much for a few weeks because training for my job starts Monday though. And yea that would be really awesome if you end up being near me we can definitely give it a shot!

I really want to keep the cards but my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy for even considering to keep them...he thinks my collecting is insane in general though :p He's mainly a PC gamer while I love physical media.
Sounds good, I will keep my eye out for ya online!

And coming from a guy, I will say that guys say stupid stuff all the time. Don't listen to him this time :D/

I really want to keep the cards but my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy for even considering to keep them...he thinks my collecting is insane in general though :p He's mainly a PC gamer while I love physical media.
I say keep them if you like video games. Stuff like that doesn't come your way too often. They are only going to increase in value as video games have become part of mainstream culture now. Video game collecting is still a fairly new thing. Sometimes it's good to sit on something like that for awhile until you find the right avenue or the right price for it. No need to rush unless you need to buy groceries right away or you are an EBay wizard.

Never trust a PC gamer. That is my rule.

Step 1: Dump the boyfriend, because everyone in the Yard sale thread is going to stop reading your posts after you type 'boyfriend'.

Step 2: Keep the cards sealed and put them on a shelf.

Step 3: Set up an ebay alert for them to see if any sealed boxes come up to get an idea what they sell for.

Step 4: ????

Step 5: PROFIT!!!

Personally I would keep them. I bought a case (24 boxes) of Vintage Topps Nintendo packs when bing cashback was still active and they have tripled in value in the 6 years I've had them. I used to get 2.95 per pack and $1 per wrapper when I sold on ebay. I was the first person to sell the wrappers, but then everyone copied me. Right now the market is flooded, but they will get back to their glory again. I just checked ebay and I see people are still using my titles and pictures (from 3 years ago). fucking thieves.

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Maybe the video game collecting bubble will collapse in on itself. And then we can resume our peaceful lives of hunting for games without much worry. 

:lol: Who am I kidding!

Never trust a PC gamer. That is my rule.

Step 1: Dump the boyfriend, because everyone in the Yard sale thread is going to stop reading your posts after you type 'boyfriend'.
Not uh!

I'll still read them and she can talk about her boyfriend and I'll talk about my husband :)

So since I mentioned boyfriend and husband does this get doubly ignored ? :lol:
Not uh!

I'll still read them and she can talk about her boyfriend and I'll talk about my husband :)

So since I mentioned boyfriend and husband does this get doubly ignored ? :lol:
I can't speak for everyone but a little female influence around here couldn't hurt. Plus all of us enjoy "insider" tips. There are quite a few CAGs who could use tips on how to get a woman.

Did you guys hear something?


Ironman8, you need to follow "slow's guide to women." I occasionally share some pearls of wisdom.

I can't speak for everyone but a little female influence around here couldn't hurt. Plus all of us enjoy "insider" tips. There are quite a few CAGs who could use tips on how to get a woman.
I've only seen/met (that I for sure know of) 3 girls on here. I'm sure there's more, but they're hiding or something?

I don't know how much help I would be, but I'd be more than happy to help if anyone needs :)

@slowdive: :lol:
$5 snowboard. Couldn't be happier with the price.  I'd like to remove the stickers but unless someone here has advice I'm going to have to head to internet how-to videos so I don't mess it up.  I'll put it behind this spoiler tag.


Here's the other side.  Hope I find some cheap boots this summer.


NICE! SIMS board with burton bindings for $5! 165 is a good size for a male learner because in theory it is more stable. If you are below 6 feet tall, you might want to scale down as you get better.

bread's done