2014 Yardsale thread

Those are the people I hate at the yardsales. The people like this and the people with scanners. They have no interest in the stuff and just want to sell. The old man I mentioned in my previous post shows up the yardsales a few hours early or the day before telling them how his grandkids love Nintendo. When I bought a guys collection of comics and Ninja Turtles figures he showed up complaining the sale didn't start for another 30 min and his grandkinds would've loved those Ninja Turtles.

I don't mind (well I wouldn't say mind, I guess I don't get pissed) when I lose out to someone who looks like they have an interest in the item. The guy with the Portal shirt buying the Batman artbook I wanted doesn't get me like 65 year old man running through the sale buying all video games and the zelders or the two land whales shoulder blocking the entire table as they scan each and every trade paperback and manga to make a pile.
I can't stand that "I'm buying this for my kid" bullshit. fucking transparent as glass. I've actually called people out on that shit. One time I had an old fuck come up to me and try to buy a lot of games that I had just purchased from a seller and was about to pay him. He comes up and starts asking how much I was paying and was that he might offer more. I started to argue with him and he eventually said that he was buying for his kids. I straight up said, "that's bullshit and we all know you're trying to buy them to sell on eBay." He then said, "You're starting to piss me off." I was about to get right in his face when the seller just told him that he was gonna sell them to me.

I called that fucker out and he got mad about it. He had that condescending tone, like he automatically deserved respect because he was older. Scummy piece of shit. I swear these people infuriate me.

Sometimes I wish people would just flat out stop paying premium for games. Just stop these ignorant fucks from polluting our hobby.

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Wow. Glad I haven't ran into anyone rude like that.

I actually use my eBay app a lot when at yard sales a lot in order to determine if something's a good deal or not. I'm sure people notice but they don't say anything.

I resell stuff occasionally, mainly to cover gas and yard sale purchases for the day. If it's a game I try to beat it or get some use out of it first before selling it. Mostly I resell audio equipment because I tend to do really well with that.

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I got into it with a dude when he tried to use his kids as an excuse as to why he needed a Super Mario Bros on DS cart only for $2 and that the person shouldn't sell it to me because I am a "reseller" and apparently "I am out to rip people off". (BTW the seller had it priced at $2, I didn't offer less or set the price).

First I put the reseller thing to rest because I rarely resell any video game stuff, I did say that I sell other stuff though, but when it comes to games I usually hold onto them. I called him and his wife out because they resell everything (and I have seen them reselling video games) and I am well aware of both of them. I then told him the same game can be purchased for under $6 shipped (at the time on amazon and less on ebay) and that his children shouldn't have to "miss out" because he is unwilling to put in the effort to shop around or unwilling to spend the money to buy them the game.

That shut him up. :)

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I need to remember that one next time I come across someone trying to pull that.

No clue when that's gonna happen because the vultures in this area have just gotten so nuts. I hear the craziest stories from people havin garage sales. I see people going 40 MPH through neighborhoods and sprinting to and from their cars just to beat the competition.

I don't know if I have it in me anymore. They're just ruining this side of collecting for me.

Here are my finds for the year. Been posting em over at NA.

Been a while since I find any decent gaming stuff.
Got the N64 lot for $22 and the network adapter for $1.


Thanks for the replies. Here is today's. Paid $16 total, kirby being the most at $5. Controller missing thumb rubbers and has a rechargeable battery pack that I an unable to recharge. But it works.



I see this basket of n64 games at a sale. I walk up and immediately  see conker,smash and paper mario which I grab quick. A young guy walks up to me and says "$20" . I think(hell yeh I could do $20). So I say "$20?". Then he says "Yeh $20 for everything"  . Well fuck me, I'll take it.
So I ended up buying all this for $20, the gameboy colors were included, my best haul of the year.



First sale of the day yesterday. I ask for games and dude comes out with this. Took a glance over and asked how much. He said make an offer, I said oh no I don't make offers anymore. So I paid his asking price. Same color GBC combo as last time, can you see the blue and red? and only 2 good n64 titles. Way worth it though.

I wanna find SNES not n64 , most of what I find is N64. That aint my generational console.
I'll update price after I get rid of some of the games.

Paid $15



Went to a sale yesterday, asked for games. Lady told me they have to look for them, so I went back today and they had the out. She wanted $30 for the lot. She keep quoting me amazon. Saying the console sells for $60. I didn't want the console but she wouldn't part with the games separtely. Ended up getting the lot for $25. Tired of N64 stuff. it's my least favorite nintendo console. I grew up on Nes/SNES.


N64 whore!

Gat damn, that score. Harvest Moon, Conkers, Mario Party 1-3, Paper Mario, Smash Bros, Mega Man, Pokemon...

How do these people not know what they have? lol.

How do you guys manage your collection (when you guys get duplicates and what not)? I usually keep the ones I don't have and sell or trade off the ones I do. The only exceptions are the Pokemon GB and GBA cartridge games, I seriously have like 3 or 4 of each lol.

I live in a town of about 60k, most of which were employed by factory jobs until the end of the 90's.  Most of them now resell either online or in one of the many flea markets that have sprung up.  Previously we only had one flea market, we now have 9.

I see some of you guys buy toys and collectables so I'm hoping some of you might be able to help me out. Recently my parents cleaned out the toys I had when I was younger and I was wondering what the best way of getting rid of them were and how much they might go for at a yard sale setting.

Between my brother and I we have tons of Ghostbusters, Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Xmen, Pokemon and other popular franchises from the late 80's and 90's. Some of it we think might be rare but many of them have scuffs and are missing the excessories or even limbs. We thought about putting the items together based on frachise and selling them as lots but I'm kind of thinking that might lower the value of certain items by being lumped together with some things that are essentially broken.

Would Craigslist or eBay be a better place to sell these items or would it be a headache? neither of us have sold on eBay so were weary of scammers.

Any advice is appreciated.

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I see some of you guys buy toys and collectables so I'm hoping some of you might be able to help me out. Recently my parents cleaned out the toys I had when I was younger and I was wondering what the best way of getting rid of them were and how much they might go for at a yard sale setting.

Between my brother and I we have tons of Ghostbusters, Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Xmen, Pokemon and other popular franchises from the late 80's and 90's. Some of it we think might be rare but many of them have scuffs and are missing the excessories or even limbs. We thought about putting the items together based on frachise and selling them as lots but I'm kind of thinking that might lower the value of certain items by being lumped together with some things that are essentially broken.

Would Craigslist or eBay be a better place to sell these items or would it be a headache? neither of us have sold on eBay so were weary of scammers.

Any advice is appreciated.
For the best price sell them on eBay. Take the hard to find and valuable ones and do them separately and group the worthless and damaged ones together. The only thing with eBay is that you may have to sit on them for weeks, months, etc.

Craigslist would get you the lowest because you get resellers who will try to get it for the bottom dollar. The good side of this is that you get rid of it all at once and quick.

You could try to sell them on here. I know a bunch of us (including myself) sell the extra figures we pick up. You'd almost definitely get a better offer from someone on here who will keep some and resell the rest than from craigslist.

I totally hear you guys on the resellers, if you ever need to feel better about it, read that story I posted last year (or was it in this years thread?) about how I beat that fat ass reseller in my area. (I am pretty sure I told that story here, some guy emailed saying his kids wanted a nintendo, I literally ran to the house and bought the games right out from under him because his fat ass couldn't get there fast enough....if I never told that story here I'll post it again) It was the most amazing feeling, even better than getting the games themselves! 

I'll give you the one piece of advice that has helped me a lot recently: if your area is full of resellers then FIND ANOTHER AREA! Every single weekend I have to get up at like 6am because I drive to another city about an hour away and I do all my yard sailing there. For some reason there is either no resellers, or they are just lazy and don't get up early enough. It sucks because I have to get up earlier and it uses more gas but its worth it to me because I don't have to deal with the frustration of resellers. The town I live in is just ridiculous, if someone posts "I have the mario/duck hunt cartridge with half the label torn off for $20" then someone will camp out the night before just to get it. They are like vultures over here, which is weird because there actually aren't any flea markets or anything here so I don't know where they are even selling them. Getting up at 6am and driving an hour away is how I got Mega Man X3 for $2 and Punisher on Sega Genesis CIB for $10 one weekend after the other. Let the resellers fight each other and go somewhere else. On Sunday I will check my local area and somehow I've managed to find at least something good every Sunday even though there are barely any sales here on Sunday. I think its because the resellers either are in church, or can't afford the gas money to drive around a second day. So don't forget about Sunday!

Also, I can verify that most of the resellers have no jobs, most of them live on SSI and sell junk for extra money. I found this out after there was a community sale at the most run down, disgusting, drug infested trailer park I've ever seen. Guess who 100% of the people selling there were? You guessed it....the same resellers I see driving around in beat up rusty cargo vans every weekend buying up all them "nintender tapes". A lot of them can't even afford the flea market booths anymore and they just have yard sales every weekend and basically have a makeshift flea market in their yard.

I am hearing this a lot now too; "I am glad someone who likes this stuff is buying it and not someone just reselling it". This happened at a yard sale yesterday, I didn't find many games but I found tons of vintage 80s stuff like the Nintendo and Pacman bed sheet sets, pacman glasses, he-man merch, etc. I long time ago a reseller beat me to a collection of 80s toys and as I walked up the seller says "I wish you could have bought that stuff instead of her, she is probably just reselling them, they were my sons and I wished someone who appreciated them a little more could have got them" Well lucky for me the reseller was a total dumbass and didn't even bother to dig through the boxes thoroughly and I ended up getting a Donkey Kong Coleco table top arcade for $3! 

How do you guys manage your collection (when you guys get duplicates and what not)? I usually keep the ones I don't have and sell or trade off the ones I do. The only exceptions are the Pokemon GB and GBA cartridge games, I seriously have like 3 or 4 of each lol.
Yup, trading. That's all it comes down to for me.

How do you guys manage your collection (when you guys get duplicates and what not)? I usually keep the ones I don't have and sell or trade off the ones I do. The only exceptions are the Pokemon GB and GBA cartridge games, I seriously have like 3 or 4 of each lol.
Yup, trading. That's all it comes down to for me.

I am thinking about venturing out into other areas. Resellers drive about 30 minutes to get to my town (because I guess they think they will find more). I tend to get to the first sale about 30 minutes early and there is still an old guy that beats me every time (though he doesn't buy games). The main reason I don't venture out much is because I know my town better than most people. I know what routes to take and I don't need a map or GPS.

toys: ebay.

managing collection: animal said he uses "memento", so I might try out that app. My collection is scattered in 2 different buildings, so I am just now getting my stuff broken down by system.

I don't sell off anything good. I learned my lesson years ago when I sold good stuff too cheap (this was like 10 years ago before I got back into gaming). I tend to dump shovelware locally at our garage sale or "flip" it to gamestop if they have some crazy TIV. (or when Target was giving $20 coupons for ANY game trade in). I hold on to most of my gaming stuff. I'm trying to purge 90% of my VHS this year and trying to get my games sorted by system and cleaned. I did a VHS purge a couple years ago (donated anything that sells for under $5 on amazon).

Probably the time I got rid of the most games was when amazon had those crazy trade in values. $21/$30 a game. I got rid of a lot of loose cartridge games and PS1 games, but I have since replaced them from garage sales. (spyro PS1, GBC, GBA, a few n64 games, etc).

I don't think I have resellers in my area, just people who charge too much for everything and are real pricks about prices and try to make their stuff out to be gold. I do have former flea market resellers here but those are easy to spot since I know where most live and am familiar with their sales. These people aren't buying more from what I see since they are holding their own sales and trying to get rid of what they have at insane prices when no one here will pay those prices or let alone has that much money in their pockets.

But as far as actual resellers who get up at the crack of dawn and buy every game.. I don't think so. Reason is I have asked at sales and no one has told me about people coming by and asking about games at all.... Plus there is a serious lack of sales in my area, I am talking 5-10 listed per week for the whole city max. A reseller would go to a place where they can hit multiple consecutive sales and that is not here. However there are other surrounding towns that do have more sales based on listings here so i suspect the resellers hang out in those towns.

We do have a chain of game stores here that is truly evil, how ever I don't think they bother with yard sales. I know they hit the big lots clearance here but I have found multiple things at Sears Kmart etc that if they were truly aggressive they would be picking up on right away and I would have no chance at. This does take the games away from the yard sales because people go to trade them in instead of selling them at yard sales but I think that the trade in values for some of this stuff might be so low that the people trading in won't accept it at their store.
I, too, don't mind losing to fellow collectors, but seeing resellers buying up stuff just pisses me right the hell off. The resellers have gotten pretty bad in my area, at least outside the 695 Beltway. Honestly, I think they're just afraid to come in the city, must be watching too much of The Wire. Ah well, more for me. :)

I'm in kind of a weird position with my yard selling, because I've got a number of goals I try to fulfill. First off, I love me some games, and in a way I *am* buying for my kids. I'm actively trying to build a library of the games I've loved over the years, so that when my son is old enough he'll get to enjoy them, too. He'll probably end up liking lacrosse or something though, but one can hope. I also leave my library open to friends and family, because what good is having these awesome games if I can't share them!? Additionally, if I'm out and see something friend needs for cheap I'll typically pick it up for them and give it to them for cost. I've become known in my friend circles as the guy who can get you weird/cheap stuff. (I bought the ugliest lamp the other day for a friend. It's like David the Gnome in Hell.)

I also go out trying to find stuff for the console area at MAGFest. This is where I get a little bit more cutthroat, because my budget there is crap since we don't have sponsors and don't charge huge badge fees (the higher-ups figure that people spend enough on the hotel). Last year I had about $4000 to play with, for a convention that ended up with an attendance of 12,000. With that money I had to buy new systems, flat screens, projectors, games, etc. Yard saling helps me stretch that budget out way more. When I'm buying for MAGFest I try to stick to $10-$15 for systems and $1-$2 per game, unless it's something we really, really need.

Lastly, I've also got to stay cost neutral, so I do pick a little bit up for reselling. I try not to take more than I need, but now that my wife and I have a baby and are saving up for a house, I have to be a bit more careful with my spending. It's unfortunate, but it's a choice I've made.

For the record, I do feel a little guilty about only paying $50 for that giant lot the other day. I knew it was way under, but the woman just wanted to get rid of it and was more than happy to take that much. She actually thought I was reseller at first since she said "I hope you make a bundle on it!" but I corrected her as to my true intentions. She seemed more pleased to know it was going to be enjoyed.

Phew, sorry for the whole confession. I'm probably going to spread that lot around a little bit, try to get some good karma racked back up. That Demon's Crest is definitely staying with me, though, no matter how many people I've got clamoring for it! (There are a lot.)

Though just to add on, I'm pretty torn on what to do about Bubble Bobble 2. Keeping it would be cool, but I've no real attachment to the series. I'd much rather have the Gamecube/Wii stuff I've been chasing lately (e.g. a GC component cable, the Fire Emblems, Cubivore, Kirby's Air Ride, the Starfox Games, etc.). I also know a guy that's 17 games away from having all NES games, and I know he'd love this.
Man I wish I had some awesome pictures or stories to share after reading the last 4 pages! Except for my box of NES games last month, this summer has so far been crap PS2 and Wii stuff and "naw we dont have any of that stuff". Still havent heard the dreaded phrase "someone already bought them"!!! Honestly that surprises me though because Ive been told that at least one other guy hits up the local Goodwills looking for games too. 

I'll give you Kirby Air Ride for it! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

But seriously, if you're not a hardcore collector... sell it or trade it. You should feel good about your find, especially since you didn't sacrifice your soul to the devil to get it, unlike others.

The difference between a collector that happens across a valuable game and a frothing reseller that shoves and pushes everyone out of their way is a stark one.

That Bubble Bobble is amazing - though I have boxed Little Samson, Panic Restaurant, Bomberman 2, etc. the Bubble Bobble 2 has escaped my grasp. I'll have to dig through the Gamecube pile of stuff later to see if I have a bunch of the stuff you'd be looking for. I can't remember if I kept the component cables or sold them all off hah.

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Ha, just looked up reviews for it to see if it's something I'd even enjoying playing through...it's just Bubble Bobble with bosses. Now Little Samson, that's a game I'd have trouble giving up. Love me those NES platform adventures!

Since a lot of you guys are sharing your horror stories about flippers I just had a recent run in with one I thought i might as well share.

So in my area I usually don't have very good luck with video games at yard sales (most of my decent finds have been at thrift stores/pawn shops) but I thought, what the hell I'll give it another shot this weekend.

The first few sales I go to are busts, either they had no games to begin with or they sold them on craigslist/ebay/etc.  But the last one I went to, (it was already in the afternoon at this point so I was about to give up) I walk up and immediately see a cardboard box with the Doom Collector's Edition sitting on top.  So I dig through a find a few other decent PC games (Jurassic Park Chaos Island, Need for Speed, The Sims, etc.)  So I grab a few I want and right as I stand up to check to see if the discs are inside a guy grabs the box right out from under me and takes them up to the lady running the sale.  I walk up behind him to wait and as I watch he suddenly drops the box right in front of her and storms off.  As I walk up to her with a confused look on my face she tells me "He wanted to buy the whole box and I told him I would only sell it for $15.  I offer her $3 for the games I picked up and without even hesitating she just tells me to "Take the whole box for $5".  She then tells me "I knew that guy was just a flipper, at least you'll get some enjoyment out of them"  I then tell her thank you and with a big smile on my face I walked away with the whole box of games under my arm.

There wasn't anything spectacular in the lot, (I had picked up the best games when I first walked up) but it felt good to keep some games away from a re-seller.

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^^^Thats basically why my "nemesis" became my nemesis. except it was a xbox and he bought it. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him at all this year. He either pissed the wrong person off or he moved.

I was able to put the pair of old douches in check earlier this year (the ones that took a box of comics while I was looking at it/waiting for the kid to give me a price), so they have been a lot less invasive of my space since I did the same thing to them with some wii games. I grabbed the stack, sorted through them like I was dealing cards and left them with the junk.

My favorite is their cover story. They "run a daycare". If you saw these two you would instantly know that no one would willingly leave their children with them. :lol:

I really haven't had many issues this season with people...more so early sales and being beat out by the competition.

This begs the question.. What DO all the resellers do with all this stuff they are buying, especially if they buy it all even the junk?? Where do they store it all... And still have room to live. Do you guys think they are even moving the product (regardless of the method of selling) or are they just essentially hoarders... Keeping it all and perhaps waiting for the right moment to sell it... That may never come....

Coming from experience it's awful hard to move stuff as it comes in, enough so that you can bring more in as the old stuff is sold especially if you are buying it all even the junk without much prior knowledge. At least with online selling methods... Which based on the descriptions here, I don't think these resellers are using online methods other than CL.

As far as locally There is no way people, at least here, would buy any of this stuff.. No one here has the money for $70 filthy SNES systems here as most people are on welfare and rely on food stamps/EBT so they don't have much cash. The people here that can afford these things and want them aren't venturing into the neighborhoods where these people sell as described in this thread... They are going online or to a game store to buy nice clean tested and working systems with games. I do not think these people are taking the systems, cleaning them, testing them and putting them on eBay...

I dont know what theyre doing with them either beacuse there are no flea markets here and I seriously doubt they are even able to sell on ebay since they probably have no bank account or credit card. We have these shitty places called "peddlers mall" which claims to be a flea market but its just a building with a bunch of booths in it where you pick what you want out and pay for it at a counter up front (so haggling is not even possible) and its clearly all garbage that people got from cheap storage auctions....but even that place has no video games at all. A lot of these people are holding weekly garage sales with ebay prices on everything now like I mentioned earlier
Around here in the downtown hipster/hippy area a few of them own 2nd Hand Shops / Expensive Thrift Stores where everything they sell is vintage and worth its weight in gold.

I'm sure some are flea market people just because I've seen a few flea market stands before with games close by, but I never hit up flea markets because the stuff is horrible. Usually sun bleached to the point you can barely tell what it is.

The box truck guys I imagine must sell it as bulk to game stores or maybe some of those huge online sites (like Pedro's or something). They just buy up everything game related along with any antiques, radiators, cameras, jewlery, watches, or anything else that may have the slightest value.

Finally - I'm sure some are hoarders who think they are going to make millions when they finally do sell it all, but instead they will most likely be crushed by a wall of Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball and Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge.

[quote name="crows in black" post="11923209" timestamp="1405363609"]I dont know what theyre doing with them either beacuse there are no flea markets here and I seriously doubt they are even able to sell on ebay since they probably have no bank account or credit card. We have these shitty places called "peddlers mall" which claims to be a flea market but its just a building with a bunch of booths in it where you pick what you want out and pay for it at a counter up front (so haggling is not even possible) and its clearly all garbage that people got from cheap storage auctions....but even that place has no video games at all. A lot of these people are holding weekly garage sales with ebay prices on everything now like I mentioned earlier[/quote]

Thing is where I am the yard sale ad costs $25-35 for an ad in the local paper. Yes we have those that are doing that, one I even know of is paying for the ad every so many weeks. Now if it was 10 bucks for a weekend ad I would totally understand if people wanted to do that. I don't think these people simply have the smarts and means to use eBay as it requires time and effort. Bad listings or deliverying a bad product through eBay will come back to haunt you pretty quickly. I don't know how people can afford to pay for the paper ad every week at those prices. Putting up signs and sitting out with a pile of stuff won't net you very many customers.. And again is a waste of time. I have stopped at all kinds of sales here, I have stopped at the sales set up on busy streets.. One lady told me she had 6 customers total all day... Case in point it's not worth it to set up and just put up signs.

I have been to a few sales of former eBay resellers here.. and everything was cheap Which tells me the whole get rich quick eBay way of life is dying off fast. People don't want to deal with the hassles of selling online.

Nearest flea market is now about an hour away or more..Someone who gets up before dawn to sell there, drive there and pay for the spot and gas money from my town to there is wasting their time and money. Aka they are paying money to sell things just to earn the money that they spent on gas and for the table and for their time back again. Better off donating it giving it away or throwing it away.

What I see here is a lot of product changing hands.. And nothing actually ending up in the hands of someone who wants it... Example: Flea market guy buys stuff from yard sale has too much and can't get rid of it at the prices he is asking... Flips it to local game store..local game store folds because they aren't selling anything...Flea market people come and buy it out.. Same games end up at flea market again...

More like what is happening here: Game crazy folds... Local chain buys them out... Same games in same neighborhood.. Just with more stickers and higher prices (when a store folds there is always a reason why).. Local chain folds since no one is buying anything(didn't happen yet unfortunately) Flea market guy comes in and buys it all.. Again same games higher prices in the same area just at a different place possibly only a few min away... Nothing is changing nothing is getting to the end user
Just one more reason we have to get out there and find the good stuff before it's too late! It sounds sappy, but with a ll the good memories I have playing video games I think the least I can do is give them a good home.

Finally - I'm sure some are hoarders who think they are going to make millions when they finally do sell it all, but instead they will most likely be crushed by a wall of Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball and Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge.
hipsters: I saw an intellivision with 15 common games at a garage sale. $50 is as low as they would go. Some guy who was there said, "You guys should be asking like $200 for that on Craigslist!" I said, I would be willing to spend $20 on the lot, but if they won't budge I understand. They said they wouldn't go lower than $50. The had a cute daughter that was talking about moving to a neighborhood in Chicago called Logan Square (hipster area). I told her she may be able to find some hipsters and get more for the lot (jokingly-In a nice way, not in an asshole way). She then helped me carry some stuff down to my car. I should have asked for her number...

Most of the people that buy video games in my area in bulk sell at the flea markets, but there are plenty of "retro" /pawn/resale shops to sell the excess at.

I am one of those hoarders. One day I will be crushed by penny guides...I will trip and then everything will fall like dominoes.

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Hipsters?! The rare time I even find a hipster having a garage sale they always have dirt cheap prices. Around here is the old, fat hillbillies and white trash that charge $20 for mario/duck hunt.

SaraAB does Craigslist not exist where you live or what? Why would anyone pay to put a yard sale ad in the paper
Hipsters?! The rare time I even find a hipster having a garage sale they always have dirt cheap prices. Around here is the old, fat hillbillies and white trash that charge $20 for mario/duck hunt.

SaraAB does Craigslist not exist where you live or what? Why would anyone pay to put a yard sale ad in the paper
Hipsters?! The rare time I even find a hipster having a garage sale they always have dirt cheap prices. Around here is the old, fat hillbillies and white trash that charge $20 for mario/duck hunt.

SaraAB does Craigslist not exist where you live or what? Why would anyone pay to put a yard sale ad in the paper
Chicago hipsters will pay top dollar for anything. They will drop $10 on a copy of combat for the 2600, just for status. The majority of my friends are hipsters (I am one too, though I do not follow any of the fashion rules and I think I am technically too old to be a hipster...and I was a hipster before the term "hipster" was invented (we went by "indie"). I think that makes me a super hipster or something), but not the ridiculous ones with the mustaches that I want to punch in the face. Chicago hipsters are second only to Portland Hipsters.

It was her parents sale, their daughter was a hipster of sorts...Though I tested her by mentioning "pitchfork" (music festival coming up) and she didn't take the bait, so she may not be a true hipster.

It is $40 to put an ad in the paper here. I can't believe how many people put ads in the paper and have literally nothing to sell when I get there. IDK how they break even.

EDIT: liked for simpsons reference: Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge

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[quote name="crows in black" post="11923731" timestamp="1405373138"]Hipsters?! The rare time I even find a hipster having a garage sale they always have dirt cheap prices. Around here is the old, fat hillbillies and white trash that charge $20 for mario/duck hunt.

SaraAB does Craigslist not exist where you live or what? Why would anyone pay to put a yard sale ad in the paper[/quote]

CL appears to not be the preferred delivery method here.. Everything is done by newspaper which seems to be the main delivery method for yard sale ads. I check it every week and the sales are not listed on there (CL). Well there might be 3 sales for my city per week on CL.

We do have CL but every time I looked on it, it is cluttered by dealers placing ads for things like video games for sale with the ads only leading to the same couple indie retailers that charge an arm and a leg and place stickers all over the games.. Same for cell phone stores and other electronics...
I don't even bother checking the papers here for ads anymore, the only one that has any out here is the Herald and I only see a few each week on there that I didn't see on Craigslist. I already find 20-40 sales on Craigslist each week and I don't have time to get to that many.

Alright its safe now, found this lot on Saturday paid $40.00 (a bit too much?) for the bondle . It also came with 6 more games but they were just 5 meh games and Mission Impossible. The Gameshark has a sticker that says v3.3? Don't know much about these cheating devices.

$40 might be upper-end yard-sale price, but it's definitely a good buy considering Smash Bros. alone goes for more than that. The expansion pak is always a plus too!

If you've never played Goemon, do yourself a favor and do so. Imagine Mario 64 with multiple playable characters and chockful of crazy Japanese goodness.

If you've never played Goemon, do yourself a favor and do so. Imagine Mario 64 with multiple playable characters and chockful of crazy Japanese goodness.
Dude, its one of my favorite games for the N64 lol. I beat it this janurary I believe and I also enjoy the other one Goemon's Good Adventure I believe, its for the N64. The music is awsome in both of the games. The game over screen in Goemons adventure is creepy ass hell though lol

Oh my... I am in the north east... I just saw a CL ad under yard sales declaring a house to be full of bedbugs and not to buy from the sale at that house

I was unaware bedbugs were a thing in my area

If you get bedbugs they can be very expensive to remove and in the worst case you might have to throw out everything you own... Have the house fumigated then move back in

I am not sure if someone is trying to mess with this sale.. Or if the house is really infested with bedbugs..
Oh my... I am in the north east... I just saw a CL ad under yard sales declaring a house to be full of bedbugs and not to buy from the sale at that house

I was unaware bedbugs were a thing in my area

If you get bedbugs they can be very expensive to remove and in the worst case you might have to throw out everything you own... Have the house fumigated then move back in

I am not sure if someone is trying to mess with this sale.. Or if the house is really infested with bedbugs..
Finds 8-3-13

I'm almost a year behind, that only means one thing....... time to post!

The seasons of Family Guy and PS3 games were from one house at a community sale.  Family Guy were $1 each and PS3 were $2 each.  The Xbox and PS2 games were from a trailer park sale and were $3 each (overpaid).

Finds 8-10-13

This was from an advertised sale mentioning PSP games.  I arrive about 10:00 and they say they've barely had any people there.  No PSP, they said they sold it long ago and just had the games.  I ask how much and they offer $15 for all of them.

Finds 8-17-13

This was a rather hectic / odd day.  There were many sales going on and people were out in force, yet I was still able to find some decent stuff.

Lady was trying to clear a bunch of Nerf guns out for cheap, I got both of these for $4.  A large one with the same components sells for about $40 on Amazon but the thing is huge and would be a nightmare to package.  After having some fun with it, it sold at a yard sale for $10.  The smaller one went to my nephew.

The tower of Wii.  $5.

Kid running this sale.  He also had an N64 but he was asking more than I was willing to pay ($25 for the system alone).  Xbox controller was $3, Game Boy Color (with battery cover) was $5, Nintendo games $2 each and the discs were $0.50 each.  This was about all he had out except for a few N64 sports games.

There was another sale a few houses over so I walk over to find it was a girl I used to date in high school........ and her husband.  He was pretty cool but I did get a little uncomfortable when she started talking about the mischief we would get into when we were dating.  She is still hot. :wall:

Middle aged woman sets up a sale with her kids yearly.  This time they had some ok stuff.  Movies were $1 each, The Lorax is sealed. Namco Museum was the only game I picked up since they were $5 each.  Spiderman came from a sale I saw on the way, $1.  I was able to negotiate the minty fresh white PS2 down from $30 to $15.  She said they never really played it. 

First sale had the GBA (no cover), GC controller and microphone for $0.50 each.  She said she had plenty of games but they sold Friday.  Explorers and Pokémon Ranger were from a separate sale; $2 for Explorers and negotiated Pokémon down to $10.  Probably should have left them both.

bread's done