2019 Thrift Store Thread -- Share Your Findings Here

Alice In Wonderland pictures were $3, Zippo with USS Aeolus was $3, 4GB iPod Nano was $6, 16GB iPod Shuffle was $10, slim PS1 was $20, PS2 was $12, THPG was $3


Not much gaming stuff this week, they had a Wii with balance board/2 wiimotes/cables/ some other stuff for $50....naw. I picked up 2 shirts for work and 3 sealed packs of Pokemon Sun and Moon Unbroken Bonds cards for $8. One of the shirts was brand new and was once marked $60 apparently.


We have a church-sponsored thrift store in town. They're only open two days out of the week, so anything that's donated is set in one of two piles outside the store. The free pile is for anyone to pick through and take. The donation pile goes into the store at the end of the week and can't be taken.

The free pile had a crapload of Wii games, including Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Mario Sluggers, and the big prize, Super Mario Maker for Wii U. I happily took all of them home, excluding a few throwaway titles and a second copy of Zelda.

The donation pile had a stack of DS and 3DS games, which I left alone but vowed to purchase when the store opened on Friday. I got there that Friday, cracked open one of the cases, and... nothing was inside. All of the cases were empty! Augh! I don't know if they were donated that way or if someone filched them in the interim, but I was... displeased.

I kept my cool (the store IS next door to a church after all) and bought a Flintstones DVD set and a wonky digital camera instead. Why do these damn things always seem to be broken or at least partially broken when I buy them, anyway? Anyway, I was happy with my haul overall. Wii games, accessories, and even a system tend to get dropped into the free pile from time to time, and really, you can't beat the price.

We have a church-sponsored thrift store in town. They're only open two days out of the week, so anything that's donated is set in one of two piles outside the store. The free pile is for anyone to pick through and take. The donation pile goes into the store at the end of the week and can't be taken.
Wow, that sounds like a really stupid way to do things. But, after all, they're only open two days out of the week. Intelligent business planning seems to elude those guys. And I thought one of my thrift stores was shitty, only being open four days a week.

Wow, that sounds like a really stupid way to do things. But, after all, they're only open two days out of the week. Intelligent business planning seems to elude those guys. And I thought one of my thrift stores was shitty, only being open four days a week.
Very little money is put into the store... the items they sell are all donated and the clerks are volunteers. It would likely cost them more than they would make in sales if they were open more than two days of the week. I'm not complaining, though... if they wanna leave stuff in the free box for me, I'm more than happy to take it off their hands.

I'm guessing the Wii was probably a big thing in this town ten or twelve years ago, and now it's just taking up space in peoples' closets. I've gotten Wiimotes, Wii Motion Pluses, Wii games, and even an entire system from the free box, and another Wii with The Last Story for ten dollars in a yard sale. It makes sense considering that many of the people who live here are on the edge of retirement, and Nintendo was targeting bored middle aged housewives with these products ten years ago.

Some neat finds lately, PS1 games were 3 for 10. Later went back and grabbed destruction derby 2 which was also there for 4 bucks.

Original Dell Logo keyboard was 3, this is before I took it all apart and cleaned it inside and out. It's a very cool keyboard it's built like a tank, and also weighs 4 pounds.

Big find was the Atari ST with monitor for 13 dollars, probably not going to beat that for a long time. The missing key grates at my soul, however it's not yellowed at all and works. This is also before I took it apart and cleaned it up.

Now I just need to find some Atari St games and I'll be good to go.



That Dell logo just makes me hear the Law and Order sting. DEN-DEN!

Very nice catch on the Atari ST. The Amiga was always more my thing, but all of these computers from the 1980s are getting hard to find, with prices to match. I would love to get my hands on a Commodore 128, but somehow I just don't see that happening. =(
That Dell logo just makes me hear the Law and Order sting. DEN-DEN!

Very nice catch on the Atari ST. The Amiga was always more my thing, but all of these computers from the 1980s are getting hard to find, with prices to match. I would love to get my hands on a Commodore 128, but somehow I just don't see that happening. =(
I highly recommend coming to something like Portland Retro Gaming Expo in Portland OR sometime its in the fall, lots of classic PC stuff there, Amiga, Commodore, seen a few VIC-20s too. Usually the prices are pretty decent, most people want to pass it on vs making a crap ton of money.

Nice find on the Atari ST. There are a few retro PC recycling shops in Seattle I need to check out and get myself a PC put together from the early to mid 90s

That Dell logo just makes me hear the Law and Order sting. DEN-DEN!

Very nice catch on the Atari ST. The Amiga was always more my thing, but all of these computers from the 1980s are getting hard to find, with prices to match. I would love to get my hands on a Commodore 128, but somehow I just don't see that happening. =(
One reason they're getting harder to find is that thrift stores are throwing them out.

The dell keyboard I bought which is extremely rare, was put out by accident and they were shocked that I was buying it and excited about it.

The Atari ST is similar, the guy was surprised that it sold. They usually turn away old pc donations but this one was in a bin and snuck in. So they figured why not try and sell it.

Hopefully stuff avoids getting thrown out, a lot of this stuff is way more rare than it is valuable though.

I don't know how you guys do it. Every Goodwill near me knows what their stuff is worth and they completely overprice everything.

Posted Today, 09:46 AM

I don't know how you guys do it. Every Goodwill near me knows what their stuff is worth and they completely overprice everything.
I retract this post. $26 for everything.

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Haven't really been finding games at my local Goodwills lately, but over the past few months have found some cool gaming stuff. Been wanting a red Wii for a long time. This one is heavily scratched and missing the Gamecube ports covers but, with an extra controller to boot, I'll take it.


This PS3 had dusty ports all around, no controller or cords, so I only picked it up to see if it had a decent sized hard drive. Turned out to be a great buy as it was a 320GB console (my original PS3 has only 80) and it actually works! Funnily enough I went to a thrift store just a day before and the cashier told me I had just missed out on a PS3 then. Also, third time I've picked up a console from a Goodwill with personal info still present. Thank you for the consoles but remember to wipe your personal data! Oh, by the way, $7 and there was a copy of Modern Warfare 2 inside as well.


Finally had some quality finds after a longgggg time.

local thrift Dreamcast games ($2 bucks each):

Soul Calibur

Kiss Psycho Circus

Tom Clancys Rainbow Six

Air Force Delta

Local Goodwill (they started shipping their games to shopgoodwill.com so was surprised to find)

$7 nes console only aaaannndddd

3 bucks each:

Tecmo Bowl

Tecmo Super Bowl

River City Ransom

Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt

Ninja Gaiden

Ninja Gaiden 2

Double Dragon 

Double Dragon 2

Double Dragon 3


Super Contra



Ice Hockey

Blades of Steel


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I don't know how you guys do it. Every Goodwill near me knows what their stuff is worth and they completely overprice everything.
It's definitely a timing thing.

Figuring out what hours a thrift store puts things out is useful, this is usually within the early hours of the day.

Since I'm self employed and mostly work at home I usually take a break a day or two a week and go around 10 AM.

Edit: and also an amount of luck. Even if you're there when they put things out, it could very well be random stuff you're not interested in.

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My gaming finds hit a good note over the last week or so:

Salvation Army:

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (XB1) - $6

Red Dead Redemption (PS3) - $2

Guitar Hero 2 Wired Guitar - in original box (PS2) - $5

Guitar Hero III Wired Guitar - in original box (PS2) - $5

Animal Humane Thrift:

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (Xbox) - $1


Call of Duty 2 (Xbox 360) - $4

Colin McRae: DiRT (Xbox 360) - $4

DiRT 3 (Xbox 360) - $4

Guitar Hero III (Xbox 360) - $4

Guitar Hero World Tour (Xbox 360) - $4

Other cool finds:

More owl statues/figurines for my collection - various prices

FabBall Hammer Razor Urethane Bowling Ball (15 lbs) - $2

Bowling Statue/Trophy - $2

Clothing and ball caps - various prices

70s Smith-Corona Electra 120 electric typewriter w/ carrying case - $5.25

Hand painted "Spider-man" bowling pin - $1

There were some other games I was interested in at Goodwill. Problem is the backs of the discs look like someone ran them through a wood chipper or crosscut shredder. They had a gold chrome Xbox 360 wireless controller for $25, I passed on that. They also had Royal manual typewriter w/ carrying case for $40 I wish I could have bought.

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Hockey stuff was $30! Wii with Wii Sports inside- $15, GBA grip/rechargeable battery- $2, 3 PS2 controllers- $9, PS2 network adapter- $2, 8GB iPod- $2, Pucks-$20, Air Jordans....$5!


^Thats exactly what I expected when I asked to look in the bag! The helmet, gloves, and pants look they were rarely worn! Bag, elbow pads, and leg guards look used but nothing terrible and nothing the ole Magic Erasers shouldnt clean up!

A friend of mine texted me about some Game Boy stuff at a church thrift shop up the street, so I ran over to check it out. Grabbed everything in the pic for $22.


"Silent Death" just sounds like a rad name.

"You dudes want to play some SILENT DEATH?"

I love cheesy board game names like that.

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Found a copy of Eternal Darkness CIB and its in good shape at a thrift store I rarely go to. They had some other 360, OG Xbox, PS2, GC, and PS3 games but nothing caught my eye. 

Gonna make some time to check on this place regularly

Are pawn shops included in this thread or would that be the yard sale / flea market thread?  Haven't seen a separate pawn shop thread that is active.

Anyway, found a copy of Shadow of the Colossus PS4 for $5 at a pawn shop a few weeks ago.  Was surprised the price was that low since most of the other PS4 titles were at least $10.

Are pawn shops included in this thread or would that be the yard sale / flea market thread? Haven't seen a separate pawn shop thread that is active.

Anyway, found a copy of Shadow of the Colossus PS4 for $5 at a pawn shop a few weeks ago. Was surprised the price was that low since most of the other PS4 titles were at least $10.
Pawn shops qualify as thrift stores. In quality of merchandise and shape of the store if not in prices.

There's one store near me that I used to work at as a kid. It was a nonprofit and the managers were always clueless about pricing. Mangaed to get some good stuff in my time there and I still do when I visit. My best/worst memory is when some dude dropped off a tub of gaming figures worth hundreds; Gears of War, God of War, Halo, WoW, you name it. My managers priced it at $5   fuck 'ing dollars and put it aside for me. Later on a customer found the bin and I had to tell him that it was reserved for me. He ended up pocketing every weapon for each character in one of the dickiest moves I've ever seen.

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Hit up two stores today after work. At the second store I struck gold immediately. Upon walking in, I saw about 100 PS3 games and sealed blu rays stacked upon each other. I quickly threw them all in a cart and started going through each one. Most of them had stickers on the back from a local retro store that just closed down, so I assume were donated as a tax write off. Nothing incredibly valuable, but most games in the pile were really good. I was on a big PS3 kick a few months ago so I already owned most of them. For those curious, it was games like Far Cry, COD, and GTA including many duplicates. I grabbed what I didn’t have and checked the shelves where I found a few more. 

There were also a few sealed Xbox games with TRU stickers on them, which were probably given after the one next door closed Looking around a bit more, I picked up a Doom 3 guide that had some weird pages sticking out. On the very front page it had a photo of some little girl. The next few pages detailed all of the door lock codes in the game.


When I flipped some more I found this.


The guide was part of a press kit that was sent out to reviewers. Pretty cool. I'll probably go back later to grab the Doom 3 CD box that was on the shelf. 

Both Xbox games the Blu rays and COD BO 2 are sealed. For whatever reason the games had $4 labels on them even though they're usually $2 each. The cashier at the front was nice enough to fix that for me.

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Of course when I go to the small thrift store the lady didnt open today! Not a bad GW day if everything works! Marlboro Sound Works amp speaker- $15, Beats Model B0500 (Studio 2s?) in the hard case- $3, PS3 Super Slim, console only- $12, No Doubt Tragic Kingdom and Linkin Park Hybrid Theory cds- $1 apiece. Wii Bundle- $15, I think the sensor bar port is broken. Probably needs a wireless one.

Also saw a $20 Xbox, a $20 Kinect for X1 and X360, a Firestick, an older model Apple TV in the box of a newer model for $50, another Wii bundle for $25, a WiiFit Plus balance board box marked $40 (I didnt look to see what was all in it but yikes if its just the board!), some cameras and toys.


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4x PS1 Long Box Games (Jumping Flash, Resident Evil, Return Fire, Revolution X) $5.99 each


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Some fun stuff I found last week in Sierra Vista. The seasons of Star Trek: Next Generation were seven dollars each, while everything else ranged from a dollar to five dollars. Mega Turrican was three bucks, but it was also pretty clearly a bootleg. Oh well, it still runs! Not shown: an air fryer found at a pawn shop for ten dollars. Yes, it's probably a short-lived cooking fad, but it does what it was designed to do. It's great for frozen foods.


Just done a spot check on a couple of items France v UK and the French M&S prices are some 50 higher. Since the shipping cost from England is only ?7.50, well not be using the French store
Pawn shops qualify as thrift stores. In quality of merchandise and shape of the store if not in prices.
Not a fan of pawn shops here in LA. I visited a few of them with slim video games and consoles selection (they post them on craigslist/facebook markplace) mark near resale market price and not to mention the security guards who constantly on you at all times. Like please stop watching me while i'm browsing lol.

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The drought at Goodwills in my area has ceased. Won't be able to complain for quite some time. NES games! A few of the games aren't worth much more than what I paid, but there's a few that more than make up for them. One in particular put me in a state of disbelief when I found out how much it's worth.

The drought at Goodwills in my area has ceased. Won't be able to complain for quite some time. NES games! A few of the games aren't worth much more than what I paid, but there's a few that more than make up for them. One in particular put me in a state of disbelief when I found out how much it's worth.
Felix the cat is a great game. It's quite pricey
Stopped at salvation army tonight and found the first interesting finds in months
Got ssx for Xbox 360 for $3
1 dualshock 2 and 3 dualshock 3 controllers for $7 each. Needed one for my ps2 and recently read there is an adapter to maybe use a ds3 in ps2
Stopped at salvation army tonight and found the first interesting finds in months
Got ssx for Xbox 360 for $3
1 dualshock 2 and 3 dualshock 3 controllers for $7 each. Needed one for my ps2 and recently read there is an adapter to maybe use a ds3 in ps2
Wow, $7 for a Dualshock 2? You must live in a rich area. I've gotten an entire system with multiple controllers for $10. I'm not bragging, just, comparing.

Welp I didnt make it to the St Louis Blues festivities so I was hoping for a good GW run today........and here we go! $20 Chucks (super clean, my size), $6 Genesis GameGenie, $9 Route66 gumball machine, a $12 SNES 1CHIP!, and a $20 huge signed Tony Twist framed poster. Not pictured- also picked up PS2 composite cable, power cable, and 2 DualShock 2s for another $8. One controller has a snapped analog stick though.


Wow, $7 for a Dualshock 2? You must live in a rich area. I've gotten an entire system with multiple controllers for $10. I'm not bragging, just, comparing.
Nah. It's just flat pricing for items. $3 for video games and $7 for controllers. There's no discrimination as to what they are
Took a chance on a $15 PS4 Controller (Sold AS IS - hesitated at first because of the gap below on the left handle). Just tested, played a few fighting games and controller seems to be in working condition. 


Stopped at a Goodwill I haven't visited in a few years and was pleasantly surprised to find some stuff in the case that wasn't outrageously overpriced. Games in the pic below were $3 each and the shirts were $4. The shirts are for a monthly cult movie night I help out for once a month and should make good raffle prizes.


Smash Bros Brawl
Mario Kart Wii

New Super Mario Bros Wii

Wii Party 

Wallace and Gromit Were Rabbit 

Fallout 3 GOTY 

Spyro 1

Spyro 3 

...$2 each 

and also an Ouya Controller for $5. Dont know why I bought this lol. 

Picked all this up over the last two weeks. All from a mix of goodwill, thrift stores, flea market and walmart clearance.

Diablo II expansion set  $3 goodwill ( Still had gift wrapper on it and everything was mint so I suspected the keys were unused and sure enough I was able to register them on a battlenet account. Been playing this game the most since.
Disney sports football $2 goodwill
super smash bros melee $3 goodwill
Castlevania $3 goodwill
twisted metal 3 $3 goodwill
Not pictured
Fossil fighters DS $3 goodwill
super punchout Wii $3 goodwill
super mario sunshine gamecube disc only $3 gamecube
super monkey ball 2 gamecube $3 
Diablo reaper of souls expansion $3 walmart clearance
Razer Black Widow ultimate gaming keyboard $11  these were 90% off original $110 marked $55 but rang up cheaper.
Corsair Glaive gaming mouse $7  also 90% off original $70 marked $45 but rang up $7.00

Gameboy SP pearl blue AGS 101 $20 letgo
Fire emblem 2 $5 letgo

ruiner pinball atari jaguar factory sealed $12 flea market
Gameboy SP radioshack battery replacement $2 shipped after a $3 ebay off promo plus the seller accepting a best offer. My official ones are fine but I mod and resell gameboys so always after quality batteries for cheap.
Then while at walmart I tried the claw machine for a dollar and won this SEGA sonic ball thing. It's official SEGA licensed.
Then today at the thrift store at the end of the day I found 6 of these cassette storage cases for $1 each. A few year ago I found better Napa brand ones that are deeper and can hang on the wall. I might have a contest to give one away on this site.

I have a 100 and a 30 Napa cassette box ( This are the best IMO) the lips are bigger for the games to sit in further. The other kind the advantage is it fully encloses and blocks UV and accidental spills etc. Regardless I plan on adding some retro protection. Stay tuned for my unsponsored review.


And my best find was these three N64 games from goodwill. They had a bundle with 14 games and system for $199.99. After some back and forth and almost passing it up I talked them down to $130 and I mainly only got it for one game snowboard kids 2. I knew I good recoup most of my money. I also did a label upgrade on pokemon stadium. Mine had no label at all, swapped it for the mint one before selling the bundle on ebay. I think it sold within 2 mins of the listing and I recouped all my funds expect $3 dollars. So paid about a buck each fees already calculated.  I took these three out and I think swapped with a clayfighter, army men and another shovelware title that I forget.
Not really after shovelware any more. Going to be downgrading a lot of my genesis sports and N64 shovelware titles. I have no desire to play them nor collect them and they hold no monetary value so really shitty games just takes up valuable space.

Found my most expensive GBA game today and thought I was lucky...

Only paid $7 dollars for all three games. Then a hour later I was in a four car pile up rear ended standing still. My back shoulder and arm hurt and my new car is totaled.


^Those BlackWidow Ultimates are showing up for $11 on Brickseek but all the close Walmarts to me are sold out! Man noone liked my SNES pickup?! Oh well, theres been quite a few good pickups posted here lately. Heres yesterdays pickup- PS2 controller and cables- $5. Sealed Living Dead Doll-$30, they go for like $100 on Ebay. Genesis-$12, doesn't appear to turn on. Might mess with it, might just return it. Edit 6/20/19- Genesis appears to work after cleaning the ac port and plugging the adapter into the wall and not a power strip!


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^Those BlackWidow Ultimates are showing up for $11 on Brickseek but all the close Walmarts to me are sold out! Man noone liked my SNES pickup?! Oh well, theres been quite a few good pickups posted here lately. Heres yesterdays pickup- PS2 controller and cables- $5. Sealed Living Dead Doll-$30, they go for like $100 on Ebay. Genesis-$12, doesn't appear to turn on. Might mess with it, might just return it.

I liked your SNES pickup! Very clean. And the Twister! I remember when he broke Rob Ray's orbital bone in a fight.

Found my most expensive GBA game today and thought I was lucky...

Only paid $7 dollars for all three games. Then a hour later I was in a four car pile up rear ended standing still. My back shoulder and arm hurt and my new car is totaled.

I bought one of the rarest Ps2 games yesterday and lost $16 change in the parking lot, and I thought my day was bad.

bread's done