[quote name='chimpmeister']Actually, plenty of people "give a shit", and would rather not see this kind of non-deal crap posted in the "Videogame Deals" forums. A little less arrogance, please.[/QUOTE]
Shut the

up, get the

out of here, no one cares about your

ing opinion you pussy ass troll. Obviously your lazy ass has not contacted Pooky, Shrike, any mod or even Cheapy about merging and if so they obviously blew you off. Funny how you're so annoyed about the location of this thread, but your ignorant ass keeps it on the front page. Whiny ass bitch! No one needs you here. This is obviously your only contribution here because others have seen your trolling elsewhere.
[quote name='a_dirty_Shisno']The thing is this is the final act of a deal. The deal was purchase a ($250) 3DS and log in to the eShop before the 12th of August and receive these Ambassador games as a result.
The only thing that you might consider a problem is that the OP of this thread was lazy and instead of finding the thread that this deal was originally in he created a second thread about it, probably also because he could then have the title state that the games were available a day early.
It is still the same deal. If we were talking about a standard "buy 1 get 1 free" deal, would it be expected that any talk of the free item be restricted to the Free board? No.
The only real course of action for you is to ask a mod to merge this thread with the original, which may or may not be more effort to that mod than it's worth.[/QUOTE]
This is a "DEAL" like Shisno states
chimp. Just because the free games came a few weeks after the announcement of the Ambassador's Program doesn't negate the "DEAL". l love how ignorance flows in forums, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it comes from the "CHIMP".