3DS early adopter 'sucker' package: NES collection now up


Log into the 3DS store and slowly download the Ambassador package one title at a time.

And apparently it's A/B with no Y/B option, as typical of Nintendo's style of emulation/backwards compatibility.

List of games:

  • Super Mario Bros.
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
  • Metroid
  • Wrecking Crew
  • Balloon Fight
  • Yoshi (Not Yoshi's cookie, which is a different puzzle game)
  • Ice Climber
  • Donkey Kong Jr.
  • NES Open Tournament Golf
I just read a review of Starfox 64 3DS and apparently it has no online support. Local multiplayer only. Another prime example of Nintendo claiming they've learned from past F ups and continue to make the same mistakes. What's the point of having a video clip of your friend's face in Starfox if you can only do local multiplayer to begin with and can see him in person? No online is just inexcusable IMO.
If the rumours of 3DS being re-branded, with a 2nd analogue stick and less focus on 3D, I'm done with Nintendo for good.

And I'm a sucker who's owned almost every version of every Nintendo handheld (every single one since the original GBA).
[quote name='True Kronic']If the rumours of 3DS being re-branded, with a 2nd analogue stick and less focus on 3D, I'm done with Nintendo for good.

And I'm a sucker who's owned almost every version of every Nintendo handheld (every single one since the original GBA).[/QUOTE]

I seriously doubt Nintendo would make any significant changes to the 3DS hardware at this point. Historically, they'll make aesthetic changes and improve on screen quality and battery life, but a second analog stick would be huge as it changes gameplay. Nintendo wouldn't do that to early adopters...especially now that they're pushing the hardware at the reduced price. Who would buy Nintendo product again if someone just jumped in getting a 3DS at $170 only to find Nintendo is making a huge change like adding a second stick making some games incompatible with existing hardware. That just won't happen.
The rumor is that the second stick would be some type of add-on. Maybe future 3DS would have it built in and the add-on would just be for old 3DS like ours. I was pretty surprised to see that Nintendo ignored the biggest criticism of PSP, the single analog stick. It's like they weren't even paying attention. They make the machine much more powerful, capable of reproducing modern games and big franchises, but gimp the controls, senseless.
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']The rumor is that the second stick would be some type of add-on. Maybe future 3DS would have it built in and the add-on would just be for old 3DS like ours. I was pretty surprised to see that Nintendo ignored the biggest criticism of PSP, the single analog stick. It's like they weren't even paying attention. They make the machine much more powerful, capable of reproducing modern games and big franchises, but gimp the controls, senseless.[/QUOTE]

I'd still be shocked about Nintendo doing a second analog stick at this point. Even if they figured out how to make it an addon for older 3DS', I just don't see it happening. Better battery, bigger screens, slimmer hardware....all doable since it doesn't pose any compatibility issues with existing owners.

I agree though, the second analog stick should have been a given from the start. Its not a huge issue for me since I tend to prefer playing "different" kinds of games on my portable than I play on a console. Still, it never hurts to have it there, but then adding too many buttons or sticks to the system makes it less appealing to the more casual audience that Nintendo is also targeting.
It sounds ridiculous but at this point I wouldn't be too surprised if they add the stick, as long as there's a way to make older 3DS units compatible. Nintendo seems desperate to turn the 3DS around, and they seem willing to piss off early buyers too. So far it's just a rumor though.
Times I've used my 3DS in the past 2 weeks: Once
I'll leave it in the packaging i bought it in until I get games I actually really want to play. Why did I buy Zelda for it? I don't know. Beat it in a day like I knew I would, I don't care to collect everything in it for the 4th time. Over the 3DS. fucking over it. Next year better be good. If not I'll sell it.

EDIT: I'll try out the 2 new Mario games of course. Going to get the new Layton (which is a DS game) and other than that I have no other games on my radar. Hoping 3D Land sucks ass, but hoping Kart is a success. Why? Cause fuck Nintendo, that's why. ;) jk. I'M JUST KIDDING CALM DOWN GUYS, GOSH!
[quote name='FarmhouseMedia']This isn't some random dude off the internet, it's actually me.

While we may not see eye to eye on everything, it's my opinion on the matter.[/QUOTE]

Excellent video. Couldn't agree with you more on everything you said. I really wish Nintendo saw this kind of stuff online to try and do something about making amends. I've sent them a few emails regarding my disappointment with the ambassador program and they like to point out that they think the 20 free games is a great value and no other company has done anything like this with regards to taking care of its fans. I disagree though and think its a minimal effort on their part to save face. To see other gamers get the $170 price and the 20 free games is just further salt in the wound. Nintendo definitely lost me as an early adopter for future products like the Wii U short of them having some type of gold launch console coming bundled with a new Zelda HD game ;)

Anyway, just wanted to say I completely agree with you 100% and am happy to see I'm not the only one extremely annoyed on how this all played out.
LOL maybe farmguy is right they made people so angry theyre going to switch to the pspvita! which was probably the reason for the price drop anyways, to get the fence sitters to make the buy instead of getting the psp... honestly psp2 looks so much cooler haha i dont why anyone dont wanna wait and see but chances are if you buy the 3ds friends will feeel the need to buy too and be more likely to buy it too you wanna play with your friends right? Its not truly a kick to the pants its more like a helping hand now your friends who were sitting on the fence will now likely buy ilt ol then you have morrre 3ds friends haha... but seriously not everyone in the world would get both price drop and free games not everyone will do that ... unless you want to see your fav console die a terrible death by the pure fact that pspvita will be so much more awesome because it actually is more geared for playing not gimmicks that make you feel dizzy for playing it... then sure stop supporting nintendo haha for not stepping up to the plate and make a gaming system that has games and with features people actually wanted that the old didnt have
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Never mind the price-drop, now we have to buy that attachment with the second circle pad and shoulder buttons.
According to one of the rumors that attachment will be cheap, around $10-15.

Regarding early adoption and the Wii-U... I have lost all faith in Nintendo, the Wii turned out to be a disappointment for the most part and I loved the DS Lite but the failure to come through with a decent online service on the 3DS plus the FUBAR'd launch and hardware faults, I have no plans to buy Wii-U. Plus I think the concept of the Wii-U is a dumb idea.

3DS has even made me cautious about early adoption of the Vita. I'm going to wait on that and make sure there aren't any hardware issues before I buy it. I've still pre-ordered Uncharted for it though cause I know I'll buy one at some point.

This thread isn't very productive and is pretty much just a Nintendo bashing party but it sure feels great to get this stuff off my chest and do some venting. Good thread, very healthy for us!

Ehhhhhh, I'm not a fan, it looks like one of those battery extenders (maybe it is?). I always thought the touchscreen was a fine substitution for a second stick (Metroid Prime: Hunters).
Metroid Prime Hunters was so annoying to control. I never did finish the game.

As for the image I don't like the look of this add-on. I don't own a 3DS and have only tried it in Walmart but that looks very uncomfortable to hold. Maybe when someone tries it hands on though it will be different.
Wow so it's real? Pathetic....looks clunkier than an original GBA with external light attachment.

Hmmm.....I hope i can get around $ 300 for my 'ambassador' 3ds + 5 3ds games + $ 50 +worth of dsi/e-store games ....that'll pay for my medical marihuana license for the year (don't pay for the license, pay to get the paperwork done @ a clinic).

Actually, it's kind of impressive to see how many times Nintendo can bone "early adopters" within such a short period. Can't wait to see the 3DS2 hardware revision next year with the second stick built-in.
I'll get a 3ds2 in 4-5 years when they're ~$99 (or if a really good deal pops up) true CAG style, and grab the odd game I catch on the Source or WalMart clearance for $5-$10 in the meantime.

fuck Nintendo, their games & platforms aren't worth putting up with this kinda shit, not any more they're not. You figure with all the cash they sucked out of Wii/DS, their games would get better with more frequent big name releases, but it's actually the exact opposite.
As much as the 3DS should have had a second stick, I hope this is just a game-specific addon for Monster Hunters or something. If they do release a 3DS next year with the right stick built in then that would be great for new buyers, but we'd still be getting screwed. I wonder if backlash would cause them to make any other attempts to calm people down, the least they should do is provide that add-on for free.

Right now the way I feel about 3DS is I wish I could sell my current one and break even (not possible) and then wait at least a year or more and see how things go, maybe eventually pick up a better model with full features and no hardware flaws. I wouldn't feel comfortable losing $100 minimum by selling mine though so that probably won't happen.
It's ugly, that's for sure. My hope is developers will treat it (and be pushed by Nintendo) to treat it as an option only, and to continue to include options to control games without the dual analog. ala, the Classic Controller for the Wii. It's an option for many games, but the Wiimote+Nuncuck option is available.

Once a redesign releases, and if it includes the dual analog on board, then we might run into the 'market split' issue. Dual analog will improve many games though, including Monster Hunter (which will also have touch screen camera controls).

By the way, any StarFox sightings in Toronto?
I can only assume they are releasing this crap for us early adopters who were stupid enough (myself included) to buy the thing at launch. You can bet on it, by the release date of the Vita or maybe E3 2012 that they will announce the new improved 3DS with two analog sticks build in.

Maybe now the people who bought the system for $169 can join us $249 early adopters in being pissed at Nintendo for crapping all over everybody when their dual analog system comes out next year for $159
Even though I have zero interest in the 3DS I cannot help but feel bad for early adopters if Nintendo does include dual analog sticks for the 3DS revision. They have really screwed over early adopters of the 3DS and this isn't helping the Wii U coming out sometime next year. Plus it looks to me like a Wii with better graphics.

Although, I don't have interest in the 3DS and don't care about the Wii U it makes me not even think about getting that system (Wii U) at launch because of everything with the 3DS.

FarmhouseMedia I saw your video and again even though I don't own a 3DS I agree with many of your points. At first I thought the 20 games was a good deal but as you said in your video with retailers dropping the price early it wasn't fair to those who bought the system for $249.99. Credit would have been a better option since it wouldn't cost money to mail or anything.
Everyone seems to be missing the point in the pic, where it shows "Monster Hunter 3 Tri". Obviously Capcom made this for a Monster Hunter to be on the 3DS.
Yeah, I think this is some add on for Monster Hunter....much like that new controller they included with the Wii game. This will probably be bundled with the Monster Hunter 3DS game.

Nintendo is pretty good when it comes to hardware and this add on seems very clunky compared to what we usually get from Nintendo.
FYI I was down by Game Centre in Toronto and I asked them what they'd pay for a 3DS assuming it's in perfect condition. He told me about $90 cash, $100 credit.
[quote name='OmegaChaos']Everyone seems to be missing the point in the pic, where it shows "Monster Hunter 3 Tri". Obviously Capcom made this for a Monster Hunter to be on the 3DS.[/QUOTE]

The thing was revealed with MH3G because it's going to be a huge game in Japan. In their latest podcast, Kojima Productions also has the second circle pad.
^$90 is a little to low. I'm hoping for $200 on Kijiji, playing up all the extra games on it. The 'good' 3DS games all qualify for power trades I hope.
[quote name='dschroll']Yeah, I think this is some add on for Monster Hunter....much like that new controller they included with the Wii game. This will probably be bundled with the Monster Hunter 3DS game.

Nintendo is pretty good when it comes to hardware and this add on seems very clunky compared to what we usually get from Nintendo.[/QUOTE]
Actually Nintendo has a very rich history of releasing clunky and/or useless add-ons then giving them little to no support right after release. Almost on par with Sega in that regard.
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[quote name='True Kronic']
Actually Nintendo has a very rich history of releasing clunky and/or useless add-ons then giving them little to no support right after release. Almost on par with Sega in that regard.[/QUOTE]

He's right.


The Power Pad
The Super Scope 6
The Gameboy Printer
The e-Reader
N64 Mic
Wii Speak
The 3DS

To name but a few. ;)
I think the biggest (and perhaps most relevant because it's the latest) is Wii motion plus....a massively successful add-on that Nintendo gave how much support to? It's almost like they go out of their way to not support the junk they release.
I admit, it is sad with the lack of support Nintendo offers some of its peripherals. However, I still don't think this 3DS add on is anything first party from Nintendo. It just doesn't have a very elegant appearance to it. Definitely looks like a 3rd party type of product. Either way, unless Nintendo does an official redesign right away or gives these things away to all 3DS owners, it just won't ever see much support save for the occasional game since developers won't want to develop for a peripheral that limits the number of 3DS owners that can play it. I guess maybe it could be an optional control method like we saw with the Wii remote/Classic controller type of setup.
[quote name='True Kronic']^$90 is a little to low. I'm hoping for $200 on Kijiji, playing up all the extra games on it. The 'good' 3DS games all qualify for power trades I hope.
I think it'll be hard to get $200 even with some games on it, considering its used and a brand new one costs $170. I do want to play future 3DS games but I don't want to be stuck with what I consider to be flawed hardware. What I would ideally like to do is sell my 3DS for a good price ($200 would be awesome but not happening) and continue to pick up games when I can get good pre-order deals, then wait til they release a 3DS revision in the future with flaws ironed out and maybe 2 analog sticks, and then buy that for $170 or whatever. I was thinking about it and if we could get at least $170 it'd almost make it an even upgrade because we'll put $170 or less back into it to buy the revision.
The potential flaw with that plan is that Nintendo won't release a future upgrade at the current price, they'll charge a premium up front, just like the ds/dsi/dsi xl.
If it's just a revision of the 3DS and not a deluxe model they'll have to keep it at the same price. If they raise price I think it's going to piss people off even more, and Nintendo is desperately trying to repair their image right now. If the new one does come at a higher price I'll just wait for that price to drop or look for a deal. Right now I'm really unhappy with Nintendo and feel no rush to buy any more of their products any time soon (Except for Zelda of course!) Will buy a Vita in the meantime. You do make a good point though.
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']If it's just a revision of the 3DS and not a deluxe model they'll have to keep it at the same price. If they raise price I think it's going to piss people off even more, and Nintendo is desperately trying to repair their image right now. If the new one does come at a higher price I'll just wait for that price to drop or look for a deal. Right now I'm really unhappy with Nintendo and feel no rush to buy any more of their products any time soon (Except for Zelda of course!) Will buy a Vita in the meantime. You do make a good point though.[/QUOTE]

I'm right with you Solid Snake Eyes and am pretty unhappy with Nintendo as well. Its funny because back in the Gamecube days I was a huge supporter of Nintendo and kept pulling for them to have huge success. Then the Wii came out and they did have the huge success and I can't help but long for the Gamecube days where I felt Nintendo made much better product. Hehe...guess its a case of being careful what you wish for...

I don't expect Nintendo to do an official 3DS redesign until we get to the 1 year marker. I think for now they're going to push as many 3DS' out as they can this year in the current fashion. Once the redesign comes out and IF it includes 2 analog sticks (still doubtful that it will), then you can bet they'll be clearancing out the old 3DS model and the new one will cost at least the $170 price.

I've pre ordered Zelda for Wii and that's about all the business I'll be giving Nintendo for the foreseeable future. I wouldn't mind getting Starfox for 3DS, but not for $40. That game is $20 max for me.

Vita looks cool, but I'm not 100% sold on that either. I'm definitely holding off on Vita for a little while too and maybe will get it after the first price drop or revision.
Kojima productions has one of the right stick attachments, you can bet MGS3 3D will use it. I have no doubt the next 3DS revision will integrate the R stick. Too much has gone wrong with 3DS for me, I just want to be rid of it while losing as little money as possible.
I'm gonna hold off on the Vita for a bit. To me, Sony has made just as many, if not more, mis steps than Nintendo. I'm cautiously optimistic about the Vita, and want it to succeed, but after the PSP go, I'm giving it at least 6 months before I jump.

Or a good sale price at least. :D
honestly i've hated the right stick on all controllers since it was implemented.

its okay for fps but past that i th ink games use it way to much and forces me to use those crappy triggers over the 4 buttons that can be pressed pretty fast. :)
Just got done watching the Nintendo conference. What a disappointment. I understand that this was mostly catering to a Japanses audience, but a majority of the games discussed at this thing we already knew about. A few new announcements, but nothing earth shattering. The same usual Nintendo IP with almost next to no new IP from Nintendo (that will make it out here in the US). Obviously, Monster Hunter was the big end announcement, but even then the added circle pad peripheral wasn't discussed at all.

I was really hoping Nintendo was going to make some big huge announcements at this conference. Maybe a new IP. Other big 3rd party games. Bigger online presence or DLC. Nothing. Further evidence that Nintendo continues to remain out of touch and quickly becoming less and less relevant as the rest of the gaming world moves on.
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']I think it'll be hard to get $200 even with some games on it, considering its used and a brand new one costs $170. I do want to play future 3DS games but I don't want to be stuck with what I consider to be flawed hardware. What I would ideally like to do is sell my 3DS for a good price ($200 would be awesome but not happening) and continue to pick up games when I can get good pre-order deals, then wait til they release a 3DS revision in the future with flaws ironed out and maybe 2 analog sticks, and then buy that for $170 or whatever.[/QUOTE]
I forgot I made this post. I sold my 3DS yesterday for $200. No regrets, I feel great about it. The conference has only reinforced my satisfaction in selling. Kotaku has listed about 7 high profile games that will be supporting the pad add-on, there's no way the next hardware revision won't include a built-in second pad.

If anyone in Toronto wants to sell theirs I had to turn down a second buyer who was also willing to pay $200, could put him in contact with you. It was $200 for the mint condition system, $10 worth of e-shop purchases, excitebike, ambassador, installed screen protectors, and unused set of screen protectors.
[quote name='dschroll']
I was really hoping Nintendo was going to make some big huge announcements at this conference. Maybe a new IP. Other big 3rd party games. Bigger online presence or DLC. Nothing. Further evidence that Nintendo continues to remain out of touch and quickly becoming less and less relevant as the rest of the gaming world moves on.[/QUOTE]
I was looking for the same things you were and didn't see anything convincing. It turns out IGN said that in the conference Iwata claims they will "revamp" the eshop in November and Kotaku has reported the Japanese price and supported games for the pad add-on.
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']I forgot I made this post. I sold my 3DS yesterday for $200. No regrets, I feel great about it. The conference has only reinforced my satisfaction in selling. Kotaku has listed about 7 high profile games that will be supporting the pad add-on, there's no way the next hardware revision won't include a built-in second pad.

If anyone in Toronto wants to sell theirs I had to turn down a second buyer who was also willing to pay $200, could put him in contact with you. It was $200 for the mint condition system, $10 worth of e-shop purchases, excitebike, ambassador, installed screen protectors, and unused set of screen protectors.[/QUOTE]

Its tempting, but I'm gonna keep my 3DS. I essentially bought it because my DS Lite was dying and I figured it would work as both a 3DS for games and to play my backlog of DS games. I would love to sell my 3DS and buy a new revision later, but frankly, I don't want to take a loss on it after 6 months of ownership and it means I'm without a DS to play my backlog of games too. So, I'll stick with it for a while and maybe down the road by a newer revision later IF it warrants it and can give my current 3DS to my wife or daughter or something. Its a shame though that this happened and its definitely affected the business I'll be giving to Nintendo in the future.
Have fun selling your 3DS's. When Nintendo releases a game you want, but no longer own it you will regret your decision.

Btw, again it's an Add-On. It's not going to be mandatory.
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']I forgot I made this post. I sold my 3DS yesterday for $200. No regrets, I feel great about it. The conference has only reinforced my satisfaction in selling. Kotaku has listed about 7 high profile games that will be supporting the pad add-on, there's no way the next hardware revision won't include a built-in second pad.

If anyone in Toronto wants to sell theirs I had to turn down a second buyer who was also willing to pay $200, could put him in contact with you. It was $200 for the mint condition system, $10 worth of e-shop purchases, excitebike, ambassador, installed screen protectors, and unused set of screen protectors.[/QUOTE]

Edit: gave offer but I changed my mind
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[quote name='OmegaChaos']Have fun selling your 3DS's. When Nintendo releases a game you want, but no longer own it you will regret your decision.

Btw, again it's an Add-On. It's not going to be mandatory.[/QUOTE]

I doubt it.

Nintendo doesnt release the same quality games at the rate they did 10 years ago.

3DS, in its current state, is not worth purchasing. Maybe by its next revision it'll be worth it, but with it's current design & libray (including anything coming in the near future), only the most blinded Nintendo fans could support the piece of junk.
[quote name='True Kronic']I doubt it.

Nintendo doesnt release the same quality games at the rate they did 10 years ago.

3DS, in its current state, is not worth purchasing. Maybe by its next revision it'll be worth it, but with it's current design & libray (including anything coming in the near future), only the most blinded Nintendo fans could support the piece of junk.[/QUOTE]

I think this is a bit harsh. I don't consider the 3DS to be a piece of junk by any means. I'm not happy with how Nintendo handled the launch and the price drop and now the analog stick add on...that's for sure. But the system is still a decent system. Admittedly, its 2 best games are both remakes of Nintendo 64 games, but there is definitely more quality content on the way. Kid Icarus, Super Mario 3D land, Luigi's Mansion are all solid titles coming to the 3DS within the next 6 months. I'm no blind Nintendo fan either (I used to be one, but not after this whole mess) but I can still acknowledge some decent games are coming and I am currently enjoying Ocarina of Time. Yeah, its a remake, but damn is this an awesome Zelda game that offers a ton of content for the dollar.

If someone was interested in a 3DS, I'd definitely tell them to hold off and wait for rev 2 for sure. But, at the current price of $170, I think its a good portable that offers quite a few bells and whistles. Not to mention its backwards compatible with DS games giving people a TON of games to play there too. I needed a new DS as my DS Lite was dying and at the time I opted for a 3DS since it offers me access to both my current DS library and all the new games I can get. It makes even more sense now given the recent price drop of the 3DS that anyone that is even remotely interested in picking up a DS might want to just upgrade to a 3DS since you'll have access to everything.

Given the recent spec talk on the PS Vita and the dismal battery life it sports (also 3-5 hours without wireless), I'm definitely holding off on rev 1 of Vita as well.
[quote name='dschroll']I think this is a bit harsh. I don't consider the 3DS to be a piece of junk by any means.

If someone was interested in a 3DS, I'd definitely tell them to hold off and wait for rev 2 for sure. But, at the current price of $170, I think its a good portable that offers quite a few bells and whistles. Not to mention its backwards compatible with DS games giving people a TON of games to play there too.

Given the recent spec talk on the PS Vita and the dismal battery life it sports (also 3-5 hours without wireless), I'm definitely holding off on rev 1 of Vita as well.[/QUOTE]

I agree that Nintendo should have done things differently with the launch pricing, games and design, but the 3DS is an awesome little game player and is now priced correctly at $170.

I can't blame anyone for holding off until a revision happens or clearly isn't going to happen, but in my opinion games-wise the 3DS is having a much better first year than either the original DS or GBA.

Don't hold your breath on better battery life for the Vita. The Vita is a crazy-powerful machine that's going to suck a lot of power quickly. The iPhone never really got better battery life, and Apple has billions to spend on technology. I'm guessing they can put better batteries in, but the cost-competitiveness will keep them from doing so.

So far, in my opinion Sony has done everything right with the Vita. I don't have the same red-flags that I had with the 3DS, even before it's launch.

That said. 3DS is awesome and I hope both systems do well. My world is a better place with Nintendo in it.
The extra circle pad add on is really funny. I'm going to wait for a proper release. Until that time there are plenty of psp and ds games to play through still not to mention the vita when it comes out. I can't trust Nintendo of America when they are refusing to print copies of xenoblade for North America
[quote name='OmegaChaos']Btw, again it's an Add-On. It's not going to be mandatory.[/QUOTE]
No, but I bet there will be some games that require it. Zelda Skyward Sword needs the Wii Motion Plus.
bread's done