$4.99 Best Buy Games IN-STORE!!!


CAG Veteran
I hadn't even seen the topics on CAG about the online prices. I just happened to walk into a Best Buy on the way home from work (night shift).

Anyway, there are way more $4.99 games (and under) that have not been mentioned in the other threads on this page, and I really doubt the prices are YMMV. I think it's good for all stores if your store has them.

In fact, I actually browsed through an entire list of all of the $4.99 and under games. There were probably around 50 of them.

This is what I picked up:

Megaman Network Transmission (GC) = $4.99
Wario World (GC) = $4.99
NCAA Football 2004 (GC) = $4.99
Phantasy Star Online I & II (XBOX) = $4.99
Voodoo Vince ($4.99)

This is what I had in my hand but in the end decided not to get:

Bionicle (XBOX) = $4.99
Big Mutha Truckers (XBOX) = $4.99
Evil Dead: Fistful Of Boomstick (XBOX) = $4.99
The Italian Job (XBOX) = $4.99

There were a load of the other games available, many for the PS2 (which I don't have), so I was less interested in what those games were, but there must have been at least 25 titles or so.

From what I remember, Dark Cloud, Primal (?), NCAA Football 2004, DMC 2, etc.

Also, there were a ton of GBA games for cheap. Boktai was $9.99, for example. Again, I don't have a GBA, so I wasn't really paying rapt attention.

Also, some PS2 and PSX games were 99 cents. Don't remember what they were unfortunately.

Shrek 2 Preview Disc (?) was 1 cent.

Sorry I couldn't pilfer the list, but it was left out on a table (I think by accident), and I got some suspicious looks from some employess when I was leafing through it.

My memory's pretty good though, in general...

I'll try and answer any questions if there are any!
anyone else get pissed off when you call best buy, and before they help you...they want your number, then your name, then your email address....it pisses me off so much, especially when i call twice in the same day....i called 3 times yesterday to get directions to different best buys further from me, and every time, they had to ask me this shit which somehow takes em 5 minutes to get right

does this piss anyone else off, or am i overly impatient?
I'm going back today, some employee said they get a shipment Wednesday so I should go today and see if any of the $4.99 games are there. Hopefully I'll find something other than Battlebots for GBA. Is that a good game anyway?
i have no idea....i dont play gba....but because you said that (about the shipments), im thinking of going down there now....i just hung up the phone on some stupid lady at bestbuy....i was trying to find out if they might've gotten a new shipment in on the 4.99 videogames and she was like, "im not sure, i do know that their was a pricing error on the website though"....to which i said, "not uh, the sale was in store too"....to which she said, "oh let me look into that for you"....if these ppl dont even know about this deal, then they're obviously a little retarded and wont have a clue on whether a shipment is coming in today or not
Some people say thier shipments come in tuesday(monday night) , some people say weds.

I have an extra couple of hours to kill before noon, i may as well stop in there. Will report on what i find. Northgate,Seattle.
The guy I talked to yesterday said he knew about the price drops from the internet, probably here. He said his bosses didn't say anything about it though.
I was talkin to a friend of mine who works at best buy and he told me some guy came in the store 2 days ago and bought like 100 games, cleared them all out of the 5 dollar ones.

That is the shizzle that really pisses me off, the damn dealers. I went to 3 stores and all they had was Mary Kate and Ashley I almost flipped
I think they are restocking. Stuff that had eshelf tags but no games in stock now have games. Like on Monday I saw a shelf tag for Harry Potter for GBC but today there were 3 copies of the game.
West LA (Sawtelle)
picked up Summoner 2 (last copy), and Putter Golf (ps1 - $.99)
only other $4.99 games in stock that I remember were Battlebots (GBA) and Tribes: Arial Assault (PS2)

edit: also had NCAA footbal 2k3 (Xbox)
I just SCORED :) metal arms and freedom fighters for $8.76 at circuit city by price matching them from the best buy online printouts. :D
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']I still woulda picked up Haven for $5.[/quote]

The store near me has 7 copies of Haven, I didn't check to see if it was $5 though.
I just got CC to pricematch Freedom Fighters (xbox) and Haunted Mansion (xbox), two copies each for a total of $10.64
Not a bad deal for 4 games.
does anyone know if Circuit City or Compusa will price match with a printed online list that says Sold Out for the $4.99 games?
[quote name='JCNY23']does anyone know if Circuit City or Compusa will price match with a printed online list that says Sold Out for the $4.99 games?[/quote]

YMMV!!! Just depends on the clerk you get.
Hmm, my Bestbuy did seem to have a restock on The Haunted Mantion for the Xbox (only 2, but hey, it's something!), and also a copy of Wario World mysteriously appeared out of thin air (it definatly wasn't there yesterday or the day before, but I went there today and there it was right in front of the $4.99 tag). So if you check back every day or so you might get lucky, yesterday I lucked out finding a copy of Tao Feng misplaced with some other games.
[quote name='Edge']I lucked out finding a copy of Tao Feng misplaced with some other games.[/quote]

If you wanna call finding Tao Feng 'luck', well...
Heh, well at first when I played the demo I absolutly hated it, but after I played it for a while I found the controls were kinda like Tobal for the PS1, and the environment interaction isn't bad, so it was ok once I got used to it. Hey, for $5 I can't complain, I'd probably have payed $10 for it if I had to (though no more than that).
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']Tao Feng was made from some of the developers of the Tobal games.[/quote]

Yeah, too bad it come nowhere near the greatness of Tobal.
Tobal No.2 did look amazing, it really did annoy me that they didn't bring it over. A RPG/ Fighting game, who would've thought that idea would work out so well. *sigh*, guess it's stuck in Japan forever just like other classics such as Radiant Silvergun and Shining Force episodes 2 and 3. Oh, and Carnage Heart 2 sounded cool as well...

And yeah, the main reason I was interested in Tao Feng is because I heard some of the Tobal people helped make it, once I found that out I could see a few smaller connections between them (like the rigidness of the combat system and the way some of the reversals worked, I think). Certainly not as good, but should be worth going through a few times.
I was at the Best Buy in Paramus, NJ today (the one on Route 17 North, near Paramus Park) and they had 3 copies of Shenmue 2 left. They were out of just about everything else, though. Only other $4.99 game I saw was Jet X20, and there were about 20 copies of that.
Has anyone tried to buy Donkey Kong Country for Gameboy Color? I know Best Buy was selling it for $0.99 a few months ago but they raised it back to $14.99. It seems like it would be a good chance that it would be $0.99 again since it's a Gameboy Color game and that and Harry Potter are the only 2 Gameboy Color games they sell.
Tao Feng was developed by John Tobias company(the co-creator of Mortal Kombat).
Kakuto Choujin was developed by Dream Factory (Bouncer/Tobal 2).
Tao Fengs the better game.
Curious if anyone has any extra copies of Freedom Fighters or .Hack Part 1? I could pay for them or trade copies of Dark Cloud because I have an extra few that my friends bailed out on.
I went by the same store tonight that I visited Monday and either I'm blind or some more stuff popped up.

Monday night nothing was marked so they had a good selection and I got 8 games. Tonight they had at some point marked everything. Either they did it today or the resellers hadn't been in yet, because while they didn't have much for Consoles, thier GBA selection was pretty good.

I got:

Simcity 2000
Lost Vikings
Agressive Inline ( GCN )
Harry Potter ( GCN )

Now one or two of those they had Monday but I didn't know how cheap they were. A couple of those I'm pretty sure that they didn't have.

The moral is that due to straightening, or stock room cleaning items will pop up so keep checking.

Now if they could just find a box of Golden Sun in the back
In the Best Buy in Westbury, Long Island i got Beyblade: STB, NCAA Football 2004, and Sphinx all for GC. Ive been checking there everyday and they havent been restocking at all
:lol: My Best Buy had some great deals like NASCAR 2004 (GC) for
$4.99!!!! I ended buying 9 games for $45!!!!!!!!!!!
The four Best Buys by me in Las Vegas were picked cleaner than a turkey carcass at a fat farm! I was able to pick up Freedom Force for the nice price of $4.99. :)
I think that too many people from Poughkeepsie, NY know about this site, as i can never seem to find any CheapAss deals lately. :(

My BB had Haven when i checked earlier this week.Haven. That's it.The clerk told me all the rest were long gone.I had seen many of the games just weeks before and was very sad. :evil:

If anyone can easily obtain Wario World or Ware,
Freedom Fighters, BG&E, Shadowman 2nd, Woverine,
GGX2, or Legends of Wrestling 2 , and would be willing to get them and name a price, let me know. I beg of thee. :roll:
When I went to Best Buy, a lot of these games were normal price. They had lots of Wario games but for 39.99. Should I just take the game up to an employee for a scan? There was a lot of empty slots but they were games I never heard of. Was Morrowind:GOTY a 4.99 game? The only games I got were PS2 Parappa and XBox Shenmue. Was really looking forward to Phantasy Star for Xbox but no luck. Really sucks to live in such a small city where the big things are miles away. Oh well.

I noticed some definite YMMV when checking this out. My BB had a ton of the $4.99 titles, but curiously a lot of the ones posted her were still full price. I say go scan it anyways, couldn't hurt.

On a sidenote, I picked up Great Escape yesterday... wasn't there a week ago. Not a restock, but probably some misplaced item.
My local Best Buy had a $5 section. The only games it had were Spy Hunter Xbox and a few PSX games. I did manage to pick up Drakan for $10, so the trip was not a waste.
This website is actually costing me more money than I'm saving...
[quote name='Rozz']This website is actually costing me more money than I'm saving...[/quote]

Heh, yeah, ironic isn't it?
[quote name='Edge'][quote name='Rozz']This website is actually costing me more money than I'm saving...[/quote]

Heh, yeah, ironic isn't it?[/quote]

It's a bittersweet relationship. I get many more games than I would normally get because of this site and for cheaper. But I also spend more than I normally would. Hmm... I think I like the more games!
The deal is still going on at some BB. I was fortunate enough
to buy "NHL Face Off 2003" for PS2 and "Alien Vs. Predator" for Xbox this past Saturday. Each was ONLY $4.99!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
bread's done