A tribute to... mousin

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I found this by browsing the CAGwiki..

I don't know what to say, I've heard of people dying and being remembered by online communities..

But never one I posted on.

I think if anything, this serves us as a reminder of how finite life is, yet at the same time how what we do here, somehow always lasts forever.

As for the girl, trust me, God will give "mousin" justice.

edit: thats odd...it seems the forums won't let me have be all caps for some reason
edit 2: there we go, maybe the new text from my previous edit let it work
Rest in peace, young Mousin.

May you be granted happiness and peace, for you are in a much better place. There is nothing more to trouble you, and your days will be filled with happiness, love, and warmth. Bask in the light of redemption, and I send you my best wishes.
I know it's a little late to post in the thread. I didn't know mousin, but had read the .67gpa thread a little. RIP to him and I wish his family my most sincere condolences.
oh wow! That sucks.

That was a crazy time. Not many post here any more from that time. I remeber those threads still. Best laughs Ive had on here. Cloudspekk ha ha ha. I allmost forgot about that one too.
Id like to know the story too, I still cant find an active link to anything.

Unfortunately, I never knew Mousin... I think I joined shortly after his passing. He does sound like he was a pretty funny guy, and would have definately been a blast to hang out with.

It seemed that he definately enjoyed his life... unfortunately, the enjoyment was cut short.

May heaven reward you with everything you hold dear, Mousin.
[quote name='sunbound']Id like to know the story too, I still cant find an active link to anything.

Unfortunately, I never knew Mousin... I think I joined shortly after his passing. He does sound like he was a pretty funny guy, and would have definately been a blast to hang out with.

It seemed that he definately enjoyed his life... unfortunately, the enjoyment was cut short.

May heaven reward you with everything you hold dear, Mousin.[/quote]

[/SIZE]I know i am very late to this thread but after looking at a mention of him previously i decided to look him up. This is a horrible way to go and i hope justice will be able to give his family some peace of mind.


Wow I never heard of Mousin or his posts. I just read about his passing today and took a look at some of his posts. It's a shame such a bright guy was taken at such a young age for no reason. With that said..I would be interested as well to find out what happened to the girl who was charged. The news article which was posted is no longer available so I have no idea what actually happened. Quite sad though.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']This is all I found. It's a Chinese language site.


The woman's name is Mandy Hoyen To. The babelfish translation I tried was rough, but it appears there was at least some kind of hearing in August. Beyond that I haven't found anything.[/quote]

Here is a really rough translated page courtesy of Google Translator.

[quote name='soxfan30']Here is a really rough translated page courtesy of Google Translator.

According to defense lawyer Stanley (John J.. Stanley) mentioned in the 
defense pleas of innocence. Moreover, they are confident of wins, because the 
case was purely an accident, the defendant Sumandi, despite the fact kill moves 
but not premeditated murder, not the intent to kill Chengdu Health, the case is 
unavoidable circumstances, arising from the accident in self-defense.
AW HELL NO. They're pleading innocent? fuck THEM!
[quote name='Moxio']
According to defense lawyer Stanley (John J.. Stanley) mentioned in the 
defense pleas of innocence. Moreover, they are confident of wins, because the 
case was purely an accident, the defendant Sumandi, despite the fact kill moves 
but not premeditated murder, not the intent to kill Chengdu Health, the case is 
unavoidable circumstances, arising from the accident in self-defense.
AW HELL NO. They're pleading innocent? fuck THEM![/quote]
Yeah, I don't get it. "I didn't want to kill him! I just meant to injure by stabbing him."
For anyone who didn't get to read the article before it was removed from the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, if you enter her name (Mandy Hoyen To) into the archive search, you get an idea of what the articles stated.

Transcribed:[quote name='Santa Monica Daily Press']
Woman arrested in stabbing investigation

A 21-year-old woman was arrested for investigation of murder in the stabbing death of a 17-year-old male, authorities said.

Mandy Hoyen To, 21, was arrested Thursday and held on $1 million bail, Los Angeles County sherrif's Sgt. Kent Wegner said.

The victim, whose name was withheld pending notification of his family, was pronounced dead at a hospital a short time after the Wednesday stabbing, Wegner said.

A neighbor said she witnessed the melee after she heard a commotion near her home and looked outside to see a young man and young woman arguing.

"She was very aggressive, very upset, very mad," Betty Flores said. "He tried to avoid her, but she stabbed him one time in the chest."

Flores said that after the stabbing, the attacker boarded a waiting dark-blue SUV, occupied by five or six people, then sped away.

To was scheduled to appear in court Monday.[/quote]
[quote name='jPoD']He was a jerk to me. Meh.[/QUOTE]
I never talked to him, or knew him in any way but i would never disrespect the dead like that.
[quote name='D4rkN1ght']I never talked to him, or knew him in any way but i would never disrespect the dead like that.[/QUOTE]

I have no fear.
[quote name='jPoD']He was a douche. Screw respect.[/QUOTE]

Wow, fuck you. That's all I have to say. Mousin was far more respectful and respectable than you'll ever be. And don't give me "he only had a .67 GPA!!1" You know exactly what I mean.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Wow, fuck you. That's all I have to say. Mousin was far more respectful and respectable than you'll ever be. And don't give me "he only had a .67 GPA!!1" You know exactly what I mean.[/QUOTE]

Like I care what you think...Whatever. That was a great thread though.
Death is the inevitable conclusion to this life. Taking a final breath does not turn sinners to saints. It does not change the truth of who a person was. Speak honestly of everyone at all times. Ones' living will reflect how they are spoken of in death.

That said, jPod, you picked a poor place to kvetch about personal grievances you had with a deceased CAG. If you failed to notice the title of this thread, it is a TRIBUTE to mousin. Death, while a completely natural part of life, is also shocking and unusual to see in our young comrades. So this is a tribute to mousin, but also it is a necessary place for those here who need somewhere to address the loss of a pal. Whether they knew him personally or only by words makes little difference.

Perhaps he was a dork to you and it ticks you off that everyone else within this thread liked him. Life isn't a tally of people who like me VS people who like some other guy. So when you encounter the people in this world who are all kinds of insulting to just you, while getting along with everyone else, rise above. Wasting time on grudges is time and energy ill-spent and the negativity within only feeds upon itself.

A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well.
--Francis Bacon
[quote name='jPoD']I have no fearballs, because my gigantic pussy demands me to disrespect the dead so I can get attention for being king douche of bag mountain.[/quote]

fixed (again)

oh, and a big fuck YOU jpod, it takes a real man to talk shit on a dead kid because he GASP!! wasn't nice to you on an internet forum.

Drop us a line when you become a man and learn that only pussies put their on hurt feelings above remorse at a tragedy like this one.

[quote name='Veritas1204']fixed (again)

oh, and a big fuck YOU jpod, it takes a real man to talk shit on a dead kid because he GASP!! wasn't nice to you on an internet forum.

Drop us a line when you become a man and learn that only pussies put their on hurt feelings above remorse at a tragedy like this one.


Whatever you say. Although it does take a real man for talking shit to someone for talking shit on a dead kid because he gasp wasnt nice to him on an internet forum. Srsly though, I'm sorry. Get over it. Sorry ZS ;)
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