A Up/Monsters Inc Blu-Ray buying guide

This thread will be useful to you if you plan on purchasing Up and Monsters Inc together on Blu-Ray.


Up - $19.99
Monsters Inc - $22.99

Best Buy
Up - $23.99 (ad) / $19.99 (website)
Monsters Inc - $18.99 if purchased with Up (reg. $28.99)

Up - $26.99 (includes free exclusive journal)
Monsters Inc - $26.99


$8 off Monsters Inc (printable/B&M use only). You need an account at Disney Movie Rewards (free signup). Once logged in to your account, click "My Account" at the top of the page and then type 786936164886 where it says "Enter Code." This is a manufacturer's coupon and you should be able to use it at any B&M store.

$10 off Up (printable/B&M use only).

$10 off when you purchase Up and Monsters Inc together. Discount is automatically applied when both items are added to your cart.

$10 off when you purchase Up and Monsters Inc together (printable/B&M use only). Click this link and go to page 3 - it'll be the third coupon there.

DEALS (ranked in terms of lowest price before sales tax)

#1 - Target
-Pricematch the Best Buy ad price for both Up and Monsters Inc
-($23.99 + $18.99 = $42.98)
-Apply the Target coupon and the Monsters Inc/Up coupons
-($42.98 - $10 - $8 -$10)
Total = $14.98

#2 - Best Buy
-Pricematch the bestbuy.com price for Up, pay the BB special price for Monsters Inc
-($19.99 + $18.99 = $38.95)
-Apply the Monsters Inc/Up coupons
-($38.98 - $8 -$10)
-Total = $20.98

#3 - Target
-Pay the regular Target price for both Up and Monsters Inc
-($26.99 + $26.99 = $53.98)
-Apply the Target coupon and the Monsters Inc/Up coupons
-($53.98 - $10 - $8 -$10)
Total = $25.98

#4 - Amazon
-Pay the regular Amazon price for both Up and Monsters Inc
-($19.99 + $22.99 = $42.98)
-The Amazon coupon will automatically be applied
-($42.98 - $10)
Total = $32.98


-Any deal that includes price-matching is obviously YMMV. Depending on what store you go to they might be prickly about a deal that involves both coupons AND pricematching. I know that the Target I shop at will allow me to do deal #1, but other people will have various success. IT'S UP TO YOU to decide whether it's worth venturing out to your local Target/Best Buy to see if you can successfully get deals 1-2, or whether you don't mind spending extra money for the convenience of Amazon.

-If you do deal #1, you will need a physical copy of the weekly ad from Best Buy showing that store's prices in order to pricematch. These ads can probably be found in your Sunday newspaper.

-I did not include any Amazon deals that involve the "Snow White Thanks" promo as that is exclusive to a select few people.

-I did not include any deals at Wal-Mart as their B&M prices for Up and Monsters Inc are still unknown.

-I did not include any deals from Toys R Us because, well, they don't have any good deals. This thread is about the best out of pocket prices.

-I did not include any deals with a $10 Disney manufacturer's coupon for Up because it is still unknown whether that coupon actually exists.



-$4 MIR for purchasing Up + qualifying Ronzoni products.

-$5 MIR for purchasing Up + qualifying Kernel products.

-$5 MIR for purchasing Up + qualifying Birds Eye products.

-$10 OFF at Amazon when you purchase Up and a second qualifying Blu-Ray.

If you know of any more, please post them here so I can add them.

If you see any errors or have anything else to add, please feel free to let me know.
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Again, thank you shrike for posting what you sent.

I was able to get them to knock the $8 off "as a special, one time only discount," and now, Grand Total: $5.04

God I love Amazon :D
[quote name='lolwut?']Again, thank you shrike for posting what you sent.

I was able to get them to knock the $8 off "as a special, one time only discount," and now, Grand Total: $5.04

God I love Amazon :D[/QUOTE]

how u spend only 5 dollars
If you ever get the line of "I'm sorry I don't have better news for you; this is our policy at this time. We won't be able to comment on this issue further." in an email, that's the sign to drop further email attempts to try and get a discount.
Emailed them about a half hour ago and just got this reply:

Your order didn't meet all of the qualifications for receiving this $10 promotional offer offered by Disney. Specifically, you have placed this order before the promotional offer has started. However, I've made an exception and issued a $10 promo to your account.
Email them and they said they couldn't honor the coupon for $8 but as compensation they were putting $10 of credit on my account to be used for a future purchase. Thanks Amazon!
Anyone able to get the Target coupon to print on Windows 7 with Firefox or Internet Explorer? Boo that I can't get it to work.
i just went with the amazon deal get it on release date with monsters inc for $30. i'll get that and my grinder on tuesday ha ha.
I canceled my order with Amazon and will take my chances that stores will accept the $8 Monster Inc. and the $10 Up coupon (if it really exists) and the $10 off if you buy both titles. Either that or hope a better deal comes along for Black Friday on these titles. If there's one thing I've learned is that given enough time, a better deal will always come along.
[quote name='consoleman']I canceled my order with Amazon and will take my chances that stores will accept the $8 Monster Inc. and the $10 Up coupon (if it really exists) and the $10 off if you buy both titles. Either that or hope a better deal comes along for Black Friday on these titles. If there's one thing I've learned is that given enough time, a better deal will always come along.[/QUOTE]

You should not have a problem using both manufactures coupons and the $10 off coupon since it is Target's policy to accept 1 MC and 1 Target coupon. Target gets the money back from Disney for the coupons so they have no reason not to take them.
[quote name='PenguinoMF']You should not have a problem using both manufactures coupons and the $10 off coupon since it is Target's policy to accept 1 MC and 1 Target coupon. Target gets the money back from Disney for the coupons so they have no reason not to take them.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. That's good to know.
read over on dvdtalk that people were getting $10 off monsters inc/up by emailing cs about the disneybd promo. the promo is not suppose to work with this combo as monsters inc is not on the list, but some have been getting it to apply. so as of now:

- $10 buying both combo promo
- $10 snow white thanks (some got it working even though they purchased it for 9.99 a few weeks back)
- $10 disneybd promo
- $8 disney monsters inc promo

seen all sorts of totals people have been getting. doubt anyone will get a cs rep to apply all discounts, but i'd be happy getting at least one on top of the $10 combo promo. got denied 3 times asking for the $8 disney and denied once on the snow white thanks. absurd how it all depends on which CS rep you get.
[quote name='xeno']Hmm up coupon + Monters inc coupon + target $10 off coupon + price match = both movies for $14 that sounds to good to be true.[/QUOTE]
Fry's have them both for $33.72 each so you can use the $10 UP coupon along with the $8 Monster's, Inc coupon for a grand total for $15.72 without the hassle to PM and all that. Also, if you actually have a Fry's near you would help. Fry's is my second route to go through because my total order for Amazon is now $23, which is still good.
Finally got them to apply the coupon. My total is now $35.96 for Up, Monsters, and Sleeping Beauty. Which is about $12 a movie.
[quote name='ghozt']read over on dvdtalk that people were getting $10 off monsters inc/up by emailing cs about the disneybd promo. the promo is not suppose to work with this combo as monsters inc is not on the list, but some have been getting it to apply.[/QUOTE]

I dunno, that feels a little wrong to me - deliberately misleading the CSR.
[quote name='gkrykewy']I dunno, that feels a little wrong to me - deliberately misleading the CSR.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I feel the same way. I didn't even want to try to force them to accept that $8 Monster's Inc. coupon as that was only for people who had the DVD previously.

I'm still trying to figure out the best deal to take advantage of ethically
Okay if anyone can help me decide, I'd appreciate it,

1.) Best Buy - Originally I wasn't planning on buying UP on Blu-ray, but I loved the Steelbook case and put $7.50 down just for that. So really, I just have to put another $13 or so towards that to have it (after PM'ing to their website price). The only problem is it'll cost me $4.50 in transportation (NYC train) to pick that up from BB. Plus I've heard some bad stories of BB's customer service not knowing how to handle deposits like this.

So factoring in transportation I'd have to pay about $17.50 more to get the movie.

2.) Target - Okay, I recently saw that their promo item is for a 150pg Journal from the movie. That journal looks sweet and I'd love to have it. Sadly, Target's price for UP is like $26. BUT, as you guys know, Best Buy is showing it for $23, plus another $10 off when purchased with Monster's Inc. This can hopefully be combined with Target's $10 off coupon for both and perhaps that $8 coupon too..

But, my Target sucks when it comes to accepting their own coupons, and I've never pricematched anything there before either and I'm not too optimistic that it'll work. Plus, I wasn't really intending on buying Monster's Inc either, but if I could get both for cheap then it's fine.

So best case scenario: $23.99 + 18.99 (PM to BB) - $10 (Target coupon) - $8 (Monster's Inc coupon) = $24.98 for both, plus the possibility of that Up coupon surfacing.

(I didn't factor transportation here because I was planning on going to Target for groceries and such anyway)

3.) Amazon - Amazon's prices are really good, but I'd have to buy 3 movies to get the best discounts, and like I said, I just wanted Up originally (well originally I just wanted the damn case, lol). Anyway, it'll come to like $45 w/ tax for Up, MI, and Pinocchio (or Cars, haven't decided), which is $15 a movie.

I tried once to get them to accept the MI coupon and was rejected, but I won't try again. I'm hoping an Up coupon comes out on Tuesday, and Amazon will somehow honor it like they did for Snow White.

So there's my options. It really depends on whether Target accepts the PM and those coupons I suppose. If not, then I'll just make the trip to BB and pick up Up.

(Yes I wrote a book on this, but I'm the most indecisive person ever)
[quote name='koji126']Most likely, they had gift cards in their account.[/QUOTE]

Or they got the Amazon to stack the $10 off using the DISNEYBD code and a bunch of drops.
Gah, Amazon really sucks sometimes. I wasn't even denied the $8 coupon. Some confused guy thought I was asking him to take more money off of Race to Witch Mountain:

I looked into your order and can confirm $10 of promotional funds were applied to this order.
The remaining $17.44 will be charged to your Visa card.
To see payment details for this order, visit Your Account here:

I am sorry but Target and Best Buy discounts are only redeemable on their website.
We hope to see you again soon.
Best regards,
Vernon L.

I guess this is just karma though, cause they accidentally kept giving me refunds on Snow White which in the end I only had to pay a cent for.
cant get the monsters inc coupon to work... it reads

The code you have entered has already been redeemed for points.

This sucks...

Cool, well I registered Snow white and a link popped up for the coupon... That works for me.
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[quote name='gkrykewy']I dunno, that feels a little wrong to me - deliberately misleading the CSR.[/QUOTE]

yea i agree with you. i was just pointing out that there are some CS reps allowing all these crazy promos while others are not allowing any.

i actually did buy snow white from amazon and did not get the thankyou promo and i do have the monsters inc dvd, so im a little upset that others got the discount and i've been denied 3 times.
Not sure how to say this but all the stores (Target) in my area will have about 6 copies of Monster Inc. BD. & about 100 copies of Up. I would suggest to call in the morning and put them on hold because without MI, the deal won't work at all. Sucks. Good luck to all. :whistle2:D
[quote name='Greenboom98']Not sure how to say this but all the stores (Target) in my area will have about 6 copies of Monster Inc. BD. & about 100 copies of Up. I would suggest to call in the morning and put them on hold because without MI, the deal won't work at all. Sucks. Good luck to all. :whistle2:D[/QUOTE]
good call, man!
[quote name='MrDubbs']Will Target hold items? Most stores won't anymore, unless they're paid for.[/QUOTE]

I thought they didn't hold items once they were paid for. Once they are bought they are your property.
[quote name='japaki']Another thing to note: There's a 10$ off UP coupon releasing at http://disney.go.com/disneyvideos/animatedfilms/up/couponoffer/ on november 10th. hopefully. if this works out the way i'd get both movies for $14... unless of course the whole exclusive journal thing comes into play. But still $14 for two awesome movies, count me in![/QUOTE]

Japaki-unfortunately that $10 Up Coupon started circulating based on one person's interaction with a CS rep. It has not been confirmed. It may be that the "$10 off" was already implemented with the retailer incentive of getting $10 off if you buy one of them, and done in order to push 2 movies with the same release date. I went with the FS Steelbook exclusives, so I am not affected as printable coupons don't work with their shipped pre-orders. But hopefully there is confirmation one way or the other tomorrow, for the other $10 Up coupon, for others buying at B&M's. Crazy amount of threads for these 2 releases, LOL.:hot:
Someone sent me a PM wanting proof that I really received my Amazon order today. Here it is:


Sorry for crap cell phone pic.
Yeah, we always say never to believe the reps when they have bad news, so why should we believe a rep when they have good news? I personally think it's very possible that they had every intention of doing a coupon but when they saw the interest in both movies, Disney changed their minds and promotions changed everywhere to be of the combined variety, or maybe it'll be a printable version of Amazon's "Save $10 with the purchase of these Disney movies". Has there been a past Disney movie where the coupon was announced but held until release date?

My Amazon order went to shipping soon so I may as well just hold on and stick with that. Going to multiple stores to try multiple bizarre coupon stacks/PMs doesn't quite seem worth the money. Although I have a sneaking suspicion Amazon will do one last price drop, thereby causing the Pre-Order Price Guarantee CSR Confusion to set in.

(has there ever been a release this stinkin' complicated?!?)
[quote name='PenguinoMF']I thought they didn't hold items once they were paid for. Once they are bought they are your property.[/QUOTE]

Target will hold items until closing or even 24hr hold (24hr holds will vary from store to store). They won't hold any purchased items for liability reasons.
[quote name='Gorge']Just received my copies from Amazon today. I'm so excited to watch one of them tonight![/QUOTE]

Lucky I ordered mine a few months ago, and they haven't shipped yet. I have amazon prime and it says delivery estimate: November 13, 2009.
[quote name='lolwut?']Hey Gorge, what did they ship your movies in?

If I get both crammed into a bubble mailer, I'ma be pissed.[/QUOTE]

Both crammed into a cardboard box the exact same size as both the blu's stack on top of each other. No padding whatsoever in the box. No major damage but their are some dings in the corners of the sleeves. I really hate Amazon Prime release date delivery because stuff always shows up dinged up. I think next time I'm going to start choosing 2 day delivery or something. If it weren't for the $25 minimum purchase to get free shipping I would have gotten rid of Prime long ago.
[quote name='Gorge']Both crammed into a cardboard box the exact same size as both the blu's stack on top of each other. No padding whatsoever in the box. No major damage but their are some dings in the corners of the sleeves. I really hate Amazon Prime release date delivery because stuff always shows up dinged up. I think next time I'm going to start choosing 2 day delivery or something. If it weren't for the $25 minimum purchase to get free shipping I would have gotten rid of Prime long ago.[/QUOTE]

Ah, that sucks. Usually if I get something not to my liking I do a buy/return at B&M.

Mine shipped out today and the estimated arrival date is the 18th; I really hope it doesn't take that long. Amazon's free shipping used to be pretty quick :cry:
Mine was shipped today too. Hhmmm. It had a November 16 shipping estimate since i ordered it more than a month ago. Are they shipping it earlier because there will be a $10 off coupon for Up tomorrow and they are afraid we might cancel our orders?
[quote name='lolwut?']Ah, that sucks. Usually if I get something not to my liking I do a buy/return at B&M.

Mine shipped out today and the estimated arrival date is the 18th; I really hope it doesn't take that long. Amazon's free shipping used to be pretty quick :cry:[/QUOTE]

I feel dumb not having thought of that.
[quote name='digitalbabe']Japaki-unfortunately that $10 Up Coupon started circulating based on one person's interaction with a CS rep. It has not been confirmed. It may be that the "$10 off" was already implemented with the retailer incentive of getting $10 off if you buy one of them, and done in order to push 2 movies with the same release date. I went with the FS Steelbook exclusives, so I am not affected as printable coupons don't work with their shipped pre-orders. But hopefully there is confirmation one way or the other tomorrow, for the other $10 Up coupon, for others buying at B&M's. Crazy amount of threads for these 2 releases, LOL.:hot:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='japaki']Another thing to note: There's a 10$ off UP coupon releasing at http://disney.go.com/disneyvideos/animatedfilms/up/couponoffer/ on november 10th. hopefully. if this works out the way i'd get both movies for $14... unless of course the whole exclusive journal thing comes into play. But still $14 for two awesome movies, count me in![/QUOTE]

that link used to pull up a website that actually had a picture of tinkerbell stating coming soon. i have mentioned this numerous times but it appears people are not paying attention. so it was confirmed but now it is not. we will have to see tomorrow.
[quote name='lolwut?']Ah, that sucks. Usually if I get something not to my liking I do a buy/return at B&M.

Mine shipped out today and the estimated arrival date is the 18th; I really hope it doesn't take that long. Amazon's free shipping used to be pretty quick :cry:[/QUOTE]

Ahh heh, I feel the exact same way you do. Amazon used to be my go to place because I always knew my stuff would arrive in perfect condition. Mostly everything would be shrinkwrapped to a piece of cardboard to prevent shifting and such.

B&M can be a crapshoot too because I notice slipcovers don't have a very long shelf life and they get mangled very quickly with everyone handling them.

But as of late Amazon has really skimped on the packaging. Most recently my Dragon Age collectors edition arrived in a much too big a box with no padding. EA didn't shrinkwrap any of these for some reason, so the slipcase was all scratched up and more mysteriously and disturbingly there was a sticky substance all over the case, which also picked up all the cardboard dust from the box. I don't even know how that happens.
Well, I've had some stores tell me when I call in, and ask them to hold things that they don't hold items that aren't paid for; but if I want to pay over the phone, they'll hold them until I come in to get them. Seems that's since changed though.

Mine shipped the other day though from Amazon, and spent the entire day at a UPS that's like 30 mins from my house for some reason.
bread's done