Ace Combat 5 only $4.99 at SEARS! Major YMMV

Here's how my day went:
I rolled up to Sears at about 10, and they had a sign saying they opened and 6, but no signs saying a thing about AC5. I rolled in there and looked at their usual video game section and saw none of the $5 games (go figure) So i walked around a bit more and saw a discount bin with the $5 games sign. I rummaged for a sec and what was sitting there on top? 1 copy of AC5. I was amped, to say the least. So I looked for another copy or Armed and Dangerous and had no luck. I took to the register and he overrode it with $5 without a hitch, I didn't even say a thing to him.
Next stop was Wal-Mart, I go to Electronics and ask the guy for 2 copies of the game and he takes them to the front. I go up there and an old man is running the register and rings it up, looked at the ad and is confused beyond belief. So he calls his manager over (a hulking black lady) and she scans the ad like there's no tommorow, claiming there's "no date on this ad" so I go to the last page and smash my finger onto the date to rub it in. She gets mad attitude at this point, but does the match anyway and was obviously pissed off. 2 more copies for me
I roll to another Wal Mart and try to PM one this time, however after about 20 minutes this manager rolls up and claims "this ad is gimmick" that other people seemed to have recieved. Oh well.
I then head to CC, where I have a friend who works in the video games dept. I show him the Ad and he can't believe it. I told him I would grab him a copy if they could get me another for $.50 or even $5.00. He tries but the managers say they recieved an E-mail about the misprint and that they can't do that on "caged games" or the games behind the glass. Oh well
Next stop was TRU. I go in take the game to the customer service desk and ask for the price match. She calls Sears and won't PM cause they're out of stock (of course they are, I got the last one) So just as I'm leaving this massively overweight guy gets all excited about how cheap it is, and is practically slobbering on my ad, I just booked it out.
Then I went to Compusa and got 2 copies of Armed and Dangerous without a problem
End of my PM ing day.
Welp, I swung by a Sears during lunch to see what was left. Unlike the one I went to on Saturday, this one had some XBox games in a cardboard holder with the $4.99 price tag stuck on the front of the cardboard display box. They had Armed and Dangerous and Unreal Championship, but no other games for other systems (i.e., no luck on my pursuit of the GC Rogue Squadron game). Since I already had armed and Dangerous for the PC, I picked up Unreal Championship and took it up front. It scanned in at $14.99 but I said the display said $4.99. Lady said let's take a look. found the display with the tags and said "you're in luck" and then removed the sale stickers. I got my Unreal for $4.99 - amybe I should have tried for Armed and Dangerous as tradebait but didn't think I could get much in trade value for Platinum Hits from any of the stores...
bread's done