AMC's The Walking Dead - S3 2nd half starts 02/10/13 9PM ET

As a big fan of zed, I'm enjoying the TV show. I love zombies and used to love comics, so I really enjoy the back and forth of what happened in the TV show vs the comic (and it makes me want to read the comics because of it). I don't think the show is bad for straying from source material, but I do want some consistency. Being a fan of "The X-Files" you had your mythology episodes then you had your stand-alone episodes. I want TWD tv series to stay consistent, even if it is different from the comic, no swaying back and forth from being straight true to the comic or true to TV's own rules.

That being said, I work in Hollywood and enjoy reading about the show's in and outs (interviews, writer's firings? etc). And I notice at end credits "Filmed in Georgia" a lot. Having used to live in Atlanta and with family there, I'm happy it's a great show filmed there...

However... "an abandoned rock quarry just outside Atlanta..." isn't remotely possible. Atlanta has endless sprawl, there's no rock quarries outside the ATL, not north, south, east or west that I know. Only nature near downtown would be random parks or nature gardens. This is my biggest quibble with the show. I hate seeing the fake downtown Atlanta skyline within walking range of an abandoned rock quarry so close to the city. Just totally takes me out of the realm of believability. Maybe in South Georgia or elsewhere, but not so close to Atlanta. Just my thoughts.

Also read that Darabont filmed there to save money because CA didn't offer enough discounts to film there (side note: Zombieland was filmed in GA as well). Maybe this explains the complaints on some of the actors who were cast. Maybe they didn't have much experience and were GA locals? Maybe this was part of the GA filming commission's rules for getting discounts to film there? Just a hunch, no factual backing.

Really excited about season finale, next season and really hoping to hear from Kurtzman (sp?) and Darabont and others in the lead up to next season. But they're not talking until sometime next year? What's the hold up? Do it now, get it rolling early! Really hoping for another zombie infestation at San Diego Comic-Con like last year and hoping to get behind-the-scenes dirt before, during and after any possible panels there.

Keeping my fingers crossed it only gets better from here. Let's keep it civil, guys. I like to see all points of view on the show. ESPECIALLY constructive criticism, not just criticism for criticism's sake.

Sorry for length, but BTW, Max Brooks = great books. Read both; enjoyed them. Lookin' forward to his upcoming movie. Also read "Day by Day Armageddon" and really enjoyed that one as well. Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2! :)
I didn't think the season was anywhere close to being done... WAY too much time was spent listening to these people talk about stupid shit at the camp. Why didn't they have the group of people traveling to the CDC together from episode one?; just traveling through the infestation together? (28 Days later style) Did they blow their whole budget on the first episode or something? I've really enjoyed the show so far but I feel like it could have been so much more. I also think the show would have benefited from having a smaller group of people and concentrating more on who they are.
It's really throwing me off that there's only one more episode in the first season.

It seems like things were just getting started.
Yeah, thats why I was pushing for more things to happen in each episode. They came out like it was a 22 episode season with how slow they were going. We all know they will get picked up now but at the time when it came out it was still up in the air.

To be honest if they go the Dragon Ball Z route with 5 episodes needed to decide who gets the last fish sandwich I am bailing with the quickness. Everything that happened in this season could have easily been in 2 1/2 episodes if done right.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Yeah, thats why I was pushing for more things to happen in each episode. They came out like it was a 22 episode season with how slow they were going. We all know they will get picked up now but at the time when it came out it was still up in the air.

To be honest if they go the Dragon Ball Z route with 5 episodes needed to decide who gets the last fish sandwich I am bailing with the quickness. Everything that happened in this season could have easily been in 2 1/2 episodes if done right.[/QUOTE]

But fish sandwiches are a big deal.



Naw, seriously, though. The show has gotten way too dramatic. I understand why they're having the show be that way, and I still love me some Walking Dead, but the first episode with all the realization and gotta-go-find-my-family was a lot more enjoyable than the middle episodes. In my opinion, at least.
I don't care that your dad used dry bait for one of you and wet bait for the other, blonde sisters. Go get eaten.

I just hope the show doesn't take unrealistic/overly-dramatic turns after last week's episode. I'm interested but slightly annoyed in seeing the finale. I feel like it'll leave on a bad note.
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It's not the writers.

It's Frank Darabont. He holds "creator" credit on this show. He is the issue. He is remaking The Mist with The Walking Dead and it's just not working. The show is more concerned with "talking heads" than showing the realities of a zombie apocalypse - which having read the entire comic series thus far (and having hated his Mist adaptation as well) shows he missed the entire point of what this was supposed to be about.

At this point I'm watching the show to see something with friends. Not because I actually like it. It meanders so fucking much. I mean what was the point of introducing that Mexican family, when they weren't even in the comic book, if they're just going to get up and walk away without any kind of narrative payoff? Worst write-off of characters EVER.

The only reason I can logically think they threw in Hispanic characters was for the sake of having Hispanic characters (including the Vatos episode) that could draw in the Hispanic audience.
Nice comments on the season finale over in AICN (there are spoilers over there but hidden):

"Frank Darabont wrote, co-wrote or not-so-secretly re-wrote all six episodes of “Walking Dead’s” first season, so when a Deadline Hollywood report suggested a lot of the writing staff would be moving on to other projects, I didn’t fret much. Charles Eglee, a writer who contributed to “Moonlighting,” “Murder One,” “Dark Angel,” “The Shield” and “Dexter,” is the biggest gun leaving the show. Subsequent reports suggest Robert Kirkman, who created the funnybook and wrote a first-seaon episode, is sticking around. Glen Mazzara, the longtime “Shield” vet who was fired as Starz’ “Crash” showrunner following its horrible first season, won’t be missed by me. As long as Darabont didn’t fire himself, I’m confident we’re in good hands.
(I remember not loving “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” until its Drusilla-infused second season -- after Joss Whedon ditched some first-season writers.)
Darabont put his name down as co-writer of tonight’s installment, titled “TS-19.”
Rick and the group are allowed into the CDC by a strange doctor. But all is not what it seems in their newfound haven.
Is it a good episode? Maybe its best so far. I was describing key plot points for a TV writer friend (now sworn to secrecy) who can’t watch it Sunday because he’s out of the country this weekend, and found myself greeted by a chorus of “wow,” “wow,” “CDC guy?” and “cliffhanger?”

I really enjoy this show. I like the pacing and getting to know the characters better. It makes the zombie moments more dramatic. I hadn't read comments on here until I got caught up, but I'm surprised to read so many negative opinions. I can't wait to watch tonights episode.
[quote name='neocisco']Can someone recommend a way for me to watch episode 5 (besides with my eyes)? Any particular outlet?[/QUOTE]

They air the previous episode before the new one.
[quote name='neocisco']Can someone recommend a way for me to watch episode 5 (besides with my eyes)? Any particular outlet?[/QUOTE]

they tend to show the previous weeks episode before the new one but if you cant wait why now just download it?

as far as last weeks episode goes now that theyve deviated far off the path of the comic its easier to let go of things and just watch it. but even then the show still feel like a light drama with a sprinkling of zombies and no real tension. youd think the cdc would be dirty with zombies all around it but like most areas they go to the majority of the dead are fully dead and lying on the ground. they shoul dhave at least 100 or morew people surrounding the area to give it that overrun look and feeling but like always theres only a zombie here or there coming at them and it seems funny that with their size of a group they cant deal with them efficently.

heres to hoping the cdc guy pulls a dr logan on them that would definelty add to the despair and tension.
Best episode yet. Plenty more tension with this one.

The beginning explained why Rick was safe from the zombies and what happened.
This episode just fell flat. If this had been a movie plot based on a non existing franchise maybe just maybe that would have flown but knowing
There was no way in hell they weren't getting out of this room and back on the road
sucked just about all the tension out of the ep's major twist. I liked the reveal regarding Shane
Honestly trying and failing to save Rick during the outbreak
but outside of that I was really surprised this was the best they could do to finish out the season.
Ok, I really like this show and hate when people rip on the issues in the show but if the building has a limited amount of energy left why the hell is every single light on in the place?

Other than that it was a great episode and I can't wait to see where they go from here. Ugh its going to be a long wait.

As for the blu-ray coming out I want it but I pray that the picture quality is HD.
Ok, I just started watching the episode and
Did you just seriously think I would believe a fucking bed on WHEELS kept zombies from entering his room? Zombies can break down doors but cant move a mobile bed? Christ :roll:
Thats is really not a good way to start off...I hope the rest of the episode is better.
[quote name='GUNNM']pretty cool episode was expecting a bigger blast but what can you do when your budget is 20$[/QUOTE]

What got me was, if this blast was so huge and powerful, how did they survive mere feet from the blast site? I mean come on. You expect me to believe that the two that dove behind the sandbags would be able to stand up unscathed? Pshh.
You can handle the fact that there are zombies in the show, but not an unrealistic amount of damage from an explosion?
[quote name='Clak']You can handle the fact that there are zombies in the show, but not an unrealistic amount of damage from an explosion?[/QUOTE]

ha. Good point. ;)
In some sort of conspiracy to make me watch the finale (my DNS server was down all night), I felt like the show was finally getting back on track. Addressing issues like suicide and questioning hope is MUCH more in the vein of surviving an apocalypse than racism, adultery, and wifebeaters. Far little too late for me, though. And the plot device of FINALLY using the grenade was lulzy (you mean to tell me they just FORGOT they had it the entire time? Bullshit) and the special effects were horrendous. Glass that is resistant to impact does NOT shatter like that nor would it fall straight down rofl.

Seriously, if they had wanted to do a ground-breaking show about the zombie apocalypse, it should have been handled better. I have zero interest in the soap opera drama and would have liked to see more in the way of stories like 28 Days Later, The Road, The Crazies, etc. All the intensity was put into the first episode of actually, you know, SURVIVING an apocalyptic event. After that, it was pure trash and uninteresting zombie fodder characters.

Maybe if they took everyone's guns away it would actually get interesting again, but at this point the only thing trying to survive is the plot.
You're complaining that the glass didn't shatter in a realistic way? Man some of you are way too uptight. This is a show about a zombie apocolypse and you're complaining about the realism? Are you going to count the bullets that are fired from every gun to make sure they don't fire an unrealistic number of rounds before reloading too?
Wow, I am sorry guys I have nothing but criticisms for this last episode. The problem I have is execution. even if I initial like the scene and where its going its executed so poorly it winds up hurting in the long run.

As Cool said, knowing that no one was going to die in this (hell it took you 4 episodes to kill off 1 person) episode made it boring to watch and when you really look at it the major plot twist is that they are locked in a room that can easily be opened by pressing a button. WOW CREATIVE!

TS-19 was the name of the episode and they spent what? 5 min on her? You spend the first 22 min of the show watching shower montages, drinking, crying and more wasted time with the blond girl (seriously, we got it..her fucking sister is dead she wasnt even introduced as a main character why she is getting so much screen time?) which completely killed the last half the episode. I was interested in learning about TS-19 and the research done at that center. They barely even said anything about it...they could have read that off a report found on the ground. Also, I like how you just conveniently forget to expand on the the samples he lost the last episode guess they werent really that important after all. More wasted scenes, you cant just show something for the hell of it just to fill the hour.

Although I liked them showing Shane legitimately trying to save Rick while the slaughter of the soldiers where behind him. Ending with a bed on wheels is a joke, thats all you could think of?. I am surprised the government didnt catch on to the all mighty bed on wheels and line the White House with them. I also liked when Shane broke down with Ricks wife for a second.

My last thing is this. They have already fell into the convenient plot device. OMG how do we get over the grand canyon? Oh, Rick I found these jet packs about 4 episodes back...I just didnt mention them. Its not that having a grenade isnt believable its pulling it out of no where just for the sake of this scene. They could have set that up way better. I look forward to more items out of nowhere in the future. (Like gas...where are they getting gas for 5 different cars to drive across country?)

Bah, the show is just interesting enough to get me to dvr it but not really to watch them. A couple Pros but lots of cons in this episodes.
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[quote name='Clak']You're complaining that the glass didn't shatter in a realistic way? Man some of you are way too uptight. This is a show about a zombie apocolypse and you're complaining about the realism? Are you going to count the bullets that are fired from every gun to make sure they don't fire an unrealistic number of rounds before reloading too?[/QUOTE]

Dude. Stop that, dont try to troll him when he is just expressing his opinion. I have been told not to troll and have tried hard not too, lets keep it friendly.

I think the concern is that it became very clear early on that the show ISNT about a zombie apocalypse. It seems to be more about racist, wife beaters, misjudged Latinos, the struggle of this blond girl, fishing for some odd reason and a lost brother.

There really isnt any Zombie or Apocalypse going on here. I think that is the biggest complaint. The struggles of surviving an apocalypse are absent here. How to get gas? How to stay warm outside, where to go?, the struggle of trying to get as much information as possible with the least amount of risk. The struggle of loosing your entire family in a day.

I mean they touched on how Rick didnt have to watch his family get ripped from his hands and eaten but then didnt even try to expand on it. Instead of wasting an episode on stupid Latino village you could have showed how that guy lost his family. Whoops that would get in the way of the blond girl crying for another 20 min.
[quote name='Clak']You're complaining that the glass didn't shatter in a realistic way? Man some of you are way too uptight. This is a show about a zombie apocolypse and you're complaining about the realism?[/QUOTE]
I was just highlighting the incompetence that abounds from the writing/direction. What they did have me interested in was explaining how the virus works. Aside from the 'huuuuuuur, what dem lights' redneck lines to explain synapses, it was actually *gasp* realistically presented and some of the best this show has offered (not saying much). I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the source material was from the books. It seemed far too intelligent to have come from the writing staff alone.

Oh and I'm going to also guess Jenner (sp?) whispered to Rick that his wife is preggers (due to the blood tests), but it will turn out the kid isn't his. Why not? The storytelling has been terribly predictable so far. More next season on Days of our Zombie Lives.
[quote name='mtxbass1']What got me was, if this blast was so huge and powerful, how did they survive mere feet from the blast site? I mean come on. You expect me to believe that the two that dove behind the sandbags would be able to stand up unscathed? Pshh.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I know the guy said it was the 2nd strongest blast known to men and it just creates a little bonfire. kinda meh on that but w.e
[quote name='Jodou']I was just highlighting the incompetence that abounds from the writing/direction. What they did have me interested in was explaining how the virus works. Aside from the 'huuuuuuur, what dem lights' redneck lines to explain synapses, it was actually *gasp* realistically presented and some of the best this show has offered (not saying much). I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the source material was from the books. It seemed far too intelligent to have come from the writing staff alone.

Oh and I'm going to also guess Jenners (sp?) whispered to Rick that his wife is preggers (due to the blood tests), but it will turn out the kid isn't his. Why not? The storytelling has been terribly predictable so far. More next season on Days of our Zombie Lives.[/QUOTE]

Actually that is part of the source material. Its just done a thousand times better in the comic. But in the comic by this time Rick already knows about Shane and struggles to forgive his wife and friend....THEN struggles with trying to figure out if the kid could be his or Shanes. This is spread over many comics in the mist of getting eaten and killed.

Thats the difference between the comic and the show. The comic you sympathize with Rick as it sucks to not know if your child his yours ON TOP OF keeping everyone safe including the guy who borrowed your wife from getting their face bitten off.

The show....eeehhh not so much.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Actually that is part of the source material. Its just done a thousand times better in the comic. But in the comic by this time Rick already knows about Shane and struggles to forgive his wife and friend....THEN struggles with trying to figure out if the kid could be his or Shanes. This is spread over many comics in the mist of getting eaten and killed.

Thats the difference between the comic and the show. The comic you sympathize with Rick as it sucks to not know if your child his yours ON TOP OF keeping everyone safe including the guy who borrowed your wife from getting their face bitten off.

The show....eeehhh not so much.[/QUOTE]
Well shit, in this case they should stray from the comic because I can just see an episode of Jerry Springer in the show's future.
Jesus Christ there are some fucking killjoys in this thread. If you think the show is bad and are just going to bitch about it constantly, STOP WATCHING. Otherwise, you're just a dumb pawn being manipulated by AMC's marketing. I'm all for listening to alternative opinions, but when it results in needless bitching and whining, I draw the line.

Soodmeg and Jodou, I couldn't even read through your entire posts due to the amount of bitching. Seriously, what are you trying to accomplish? You don't like the show. Good for you. Do you want others to stop watching because you don't like it? Do you expect people to value your opinion more than their own? What is the point? With how much you two have gone on and on, I hope to God that nobody actually reads your rants anymore. Consider that before the next time you post. You're just wasting your time.
:rofl: at all this wasted energy on a show with terrible writing and HORRIBLE actors.

I watched all of season 1 and won't be watching when season 2 starts.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']You're just wasting your time.[/QUOTE]Oh look, I just wasted your time reading this reply. Owned.

Don't worry, though. Not many people will be back to bitch about a show they're not watching anyhow.
[quote name='Jodou']Well shit, in this case they should stray from the comic because I can just see an episode of Jerry Springer in the show's future.[/QUOTE]

I have a feeling that's the way the show will handle it, but it's not even remotely like that in the comics since (BIG SPOILER)
Shane dies early on, way before anyone knows Miss unfaithful is pregnant. Rick takes the news pretty well and it never becomes a drawn out dramatic plot point.
finally watched the episode and eh. the beginning explanation for why he left rick was cool but i dont get why the military would be killing live people who seemingly werent infected and worked at the hospital.

im glad they used the grenade finally but yeah that chick finding it while doing laundry was pretty laughable especially when they could have used it at diff times in other episodes but at least it was finally used.

i kinda wished more people would have stayed behind to die honestly but at least theres one less so thats a plus though why the hell didnt they raid the complexes weapons storage and get more ammo and better weapons?

also for a guy who can tell when someone is lying and get them all free from the complex it seems odd rick was so easily fooled by shanes flimsy excuse for the neck scratches.

it wasnt the worst episode of the 6 part season by far but i really hope they do more with the next season.
[quote name='lokizz']also for a guy who can tell when someone is lying and get them all free from the complex it seems odd rick was so easily fooled by shanes flimsy excuse for the neck scratches.[/QUOTE]
I was hoping someone would mention this because the excuse was fucking hilarious:

SHANE: Must've done it in my sleep.
RICK: Never seen you do that before.

UUUUUUUUH, what OTHER nightly injuries has Shane sustained during their partnership and cue ambiguously gay duo theme song ROFLMAO. I couldn't even focus on the rest of that scene I was laughing so hard.
[quote name='lokizz']also for a guy who can tell when someone is lying and get them all free from the complex it seems odd rick was so easily fooled by shanes flimsy excuse for the neck scratches.[/QUOTE]

This was the one thing that actually bothered me. Everything else, I just went along with. Raiding the weapons? When you got 4 minutes left to escape, you aren't worried about that. The grenade? How many chances were there to use it usefully? The only times that I would have thought of were during the zombie attack at the campsite, but there were too many people there, and at the stand-off with the Mexicans, but you've got to assume Rick didn't have the grenade with him at the time.
I can't believe that that episode was the season finale. It was incredibly dull. I'm glad they fired all of the writers. I can't wait for next season to start. Hopefully there's more action in it. The season started off so, so strong and just kind of died off. We'll see what happens, I guess. Now that they realize that this outbreak is everywhere and there's no "safe zone", they can focus more on the day-to-day survival part instead of the "Oh, we should get to (city/establishment)! I hear it's safe there!" part.
[quote name='Jodou']Oh look, I just wasted your time reading this reply. Owned.

Don't worry, though. Not many people will be back to bitch about a show they're not watching anyhow.[/QUOTE]

Oh wow. You owned me? Did I just get owned? Is that what happened? I'm so devastated. How can you not see that you're basically trolling at this point? Good to know you were incapable of answering any of my questions though.

[quote name='Jodou']Lol, I'm done with this show. I just can't fathom how it went from such an awesome opener to pure drama with zombies. I get no sense of struggle anymore from the writing and the acting is so over the top at times I can't help but laugh. I was really hoping for more intense scenes than Rick crying like a little bitch instead of duking it out himself. That 'salvation' scene at the end was retarded.

They need more creative minds behind the writing before I'd ever consider watching this again.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure some dumbasses will continue watching anyway...
Wow, why is it that everyone rushes in to call out troll when someone voices their concerns about a show but its alright to bash other posters? I think you guys are confused at what trolling really is.

Also, dont be so god damb butt hurt that someone disagrees with your opinion of the show. Its a show for god sakes calm your cool ass down.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Dude. Stop that, dont try to troll him when he is just expressing his opinion. I have been told not to troll and have tried hard not too, lets keep it friendly.

I think the concern is that it became very clear early on that the show ISNT about a zombie apocalypse. It seems to be more about racist, wife beaters, misjudged Latinos, the struggle of this blond girl, fishing for some odd reason and a lost brother.

There really isnt any Zombie or Apocalypse going on here. I think that is the biggest complaint. The struggles of surviving an apocalypse are absent here. How to get gas? How to stay warm outside, where to go?, the struggle of trying to get as much information as possible with the least amount of risk. The struggle of loosing your entire family in a day.

I mean they touched on how Rick didnt have to watch his family get ripped from his hands and eaten but then didnt even try to expand on it. Instead of wasting an episode on stupid Latino village you could have showed how that guy lost his family. Whoops that would get in the way of the blond girl crying for another 20 min.[/QUOTE]
Trolling? Wtf are you talking about, that was my response, that it's ridiculous to complain about realism on a show that features zombies. If you are then yeah, you need to loosen up a little.
[quote name='Jodou']I was hoping someone would mention this because the excuse was fucking hilarious:

SHANE: Must've done it in my sleep.
RICK: Never seen you do that before.

UUUUUUUUH, what OTHER nightly injuries has Shane sustained during their partnership and cue ambiguously gay duo theme song ROFLMAO. I couldn't even focus on the rest of that scene I was laughing so hard.[/QUOTE]
I didn't take that as him believing it, but just letting it drop.
While I'd liked to bitch and moan about the writing I genuinely enjoyed the finale. Looking forward to next season. It's a good show when you consider everything else that's on TV. It's just a terrible adaptation of the book which is what's bugging me and most everyone. I've come to terms with it. If the show ever starts to parallel the book then great. If not then I just hope it doesn't get stupid as to say aliens brought the zombie virus to Earth to conquer us.

I got into a discussion at work about why they decided to focus on the cause of the zombie apocalypse rather than just human survival. Do we really need a "why" this early on? It feels rushed. By episode 6 you already know more about what happened than issue 70 of the comic. IMO the pacing of the show is off.
well watched the finale a few minutes ago. Over all with all my complaints included I have to say I enjoyed it. Reading this last page it seems like I gotta lotta reading to do.

Guess we don't have to argue about how he survived in the hospital anymore.. though I'm guessing the new scene has sparked arguments of it's own. My sister pointed out that the soldiers 'IRL' would probably have shot the coma patient like they shot the (presumably infected) normal patients.
why they decided to focus on the cause of the zombie apocalypse rather than just human survival. Do we really need a "why" this early on? It feels rushed. By episode 6 you already know more about what happened than issue 70 of the comic.
I can accept this because it's a TV show. Presumably while filming it they aren't 100% sure how it will be received. You only have 6 episodes to work with so I don't think it's unexpected that they would at least touch on the why, and the way they phrased it. The explanation felt more like a how. We still don't know if it is an infection, or virus or whatever all we know is how it works. Still not sure where it came from.

I suppose if anything it's the 'there's hope in France' thing that might ruin that. Depending on what happens next season that could shift the show thematically from barebones survival to a goal-oriented hunt for the cure. The former is what we like about the show. The later means it's become Resident Evil: the Movie: the tv show.
It's a good show [..] It's just a terrible adaptation of the book
I feel the same way about the Bourne Identity. Which is even worse. It's a rather horrible adaption of the book, but as a movie itself it's fantastically entertaining.
I thought the season was pretty good and I will definitely be watching season 2. People need to calm down though. A lot of people seem to be nitpicking every possible flaw.
Seemed like a good first season to me,had me watching all of the episodes and gave me something to do Sundays at 10.Although the last episode seemed like a bit of a letdown,had to say I was expecting something more for the finale.Looks like whatever the doctor whispered into Rick's ear will be saved for season 2.Somewhat disappointed they decided to fire all of the writers since it seemed like for the most part a great job but I'll still be looking forward to season 2 anyway.
[quote name='Scorch']I can't believe that that episode was the season finale.[/QUOTE]

Just finished watching the finale a few minutes ago, that about sums it up for me.
I'm glad Dale didn't die, I wish the blonde chick would've. I did like how caring Dale was about the situation between him and her, though, I really like his acting.

Here's to another season of a blonde chick sulking around about her sister, being dramatic.

After reading the replies, do I really have to bother with Spoiler-tagging the events of the show? No one else seems to be. You guys seriously need to calm down, though. It's amazing how angry you get over other peoples' opinions.
Alright, I have to interject here. First off, this is a DISCUSSION BOARD and this thread is for discussions about the show The Walking Dead. If you like the show, you post about it here. If you don't like the show, you post about it here. This isn't the "Come Here To Ass-Lick The Walking Dead" thread. Posting a negative opinion about the show is NOT trolling. If you like the show, cool, but don't dismiss anyone who has a negative opinion of the show. Lets face it, even if you are in love with this show, it's FAR from perfect. Is it the worst show on TV? No, not even close, but what you have to understand is that there are those of us who love the books and want to see the property handled properly. This show is failing the books and it's bound to piss people off. It's not that that is a bad thing. Other shows stray from their source material, the difference is that those shows knock it out of the park, so it doesn't matter in the end. The Walking Dead, while not a terrible show, does not knock it out of the park, so people will naturally think "the books are better," which in turn will cause people to question why they strayed so far from a working formula. Had the show been better than the books, or even just as good, nobody would even think about it.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Just finished watching the finale a few minutes ago, that about sums it up for me.
I'm glad Dale didn't die, I wish the blonde chick would've. I did like how caring Dale was about the situation between him and her, though, I really like his acting.

Here's to another season of a blonde chick sulking around about her sister, being dramatic.

After reading the replies, do I really have to bother with Spoiler-tagging the events of the show? No one else seems to be. You guys seriously need to calm down, though. It's amazing how angry you get over other peoples' opinions.[/QUOTE]

dale really is the only interesting character in the show as far as i see. rick has become a joke and glenn , who was alot cooler in the comics, is very whiny in the show. i really hope the kick badass andrea into gear already because like you i cant stand her sulking anymore. most of the characters have become cardboard cliches its really hard to care about any of them.

also i predict
lori will be the one to kill shane
. no way theyll let
do it too many people would complain about it.
bread's done