American Idol, Season 8 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays on FOX at 8 p.m.)

yeah, David Cook is easily the most talented person in the competition. I wonder though if this was his only shot at fame? If he had come up like most other artists (solo or with a band) I wonder if he would be more "legitimate" in the eyes of the general public in the long run.

I really wanted someone to punch Mariah in the throat. God she sucks. Great voice but ugh. It's like how I feel about David A. - he has a nice voice I guess but I think he totally blows. Boring song choices and they all sound exactly the same. Plus, dudes who sing cheesy ballads are pussies.
[quote name='javeryh']yeah, David Cook is easily the most talented person in the competition. I wonder though if this was his only shot at fame? If he had come up like most other artists (solo or with a band) I wonder if he would be more "legitimate" in the eyes of the general public in the long run.

I really wanted someone to punch Mariah in the throat. God she sucks. Great voice but ugh. It's like how I feel about David A. - he has a nice voice I guess but I think he totally blows. Boring song choices and they all sound exactly the same. Plus, dudes who sing cheesy ballads are pussies.[/QUOTE]

This. I think David A. is the first person I have ever looked at thought that no way under any circumstances would he ever win in a fight.
I didn't realize till I watched it again on Youtube today, but I noticed that David Cook's brother was in the audience, who has cancer. I noticed how emotional David was, but I guess it's pretty obvious why he was so emotional singing that song.
David Cook is great, and out of everyone, he deserves to win the most.
Brooke is my favourite though (with David Cook right behind her).
David Archuleta is good and all, but I don't get him.
I was cracking up when Ryan announced Michael Johns's elimination last week.
Like, he said that Johns was eliminated.
Then he mentioned how last year they didn't eliminate anyone during the Idol Gives Back special. And Michael Johns looked all confused until Ryan was like "...but not this time!" and then they sent him packing for real.
It's great because the show usually likes to lovingly coddle all the contestants at this stage of the competition. But Ryan's all like "nah I think I'll be a dick today for no reason" lol
Wow America, this week was absolutely unacceptable. How did both Brooke *and* Jason, indisputably the two worst performers this week, end up safe?! And to vote off Carly, who probably belongs in the top three... wow. Just wow.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Wow America, this week was absolutely unacceptable. How did both Brooke *and* Jason, indisputably the two worst performers this week, end up safe?! And to vote off Carly, who probably belongs in the top three... wow. Just wow.[/quote]

Because the whole damn thing is a popularity contest.

That's why Archuleta is going to win the whole thing--he's got the pre-teen and teen girl vote locked up. Popularity wins--not talent.

Castro was horrendous this week, and gets through. It's irritating.
Carly is horrible. She wasn't going to win, and it's not like she gets a concession prize, so good riddance. The sooner you learn this isn't a singing competition the sooner you will enjoy the show.
Since it is obviously a popularity contest then wouldn't the remaining order go:

David C
David A

Is there any other way for it to play out? This is my first time watching and I'm a bit disappointed - not to mention that we are down to 5 people and there was only one (David C) or maybe two (Syesha) that were any good. What's up with that?
You missed last year, javery, which was when I started watching. Sanjaya was the shit, and proved that this show is about entertaining, not singing.
[quote name='javeryh']Since it is obviously a popularity contest then wouldn't the remaining order go:

David C
David A

Is there any other way for it to play out? This is my first time watching and I'm a bit disappointed - not to mention that we are down to 5 people and there was only one (David C) or maybe two (Syesha) that were any good. What's up with that?[/quote]

This is exactly how I think it will turn out as well.
[quote name='Plinko']Because the whole damn thing is a popularity contest.

That's why Archuleta is going to win the whole thing--he's got the pre-teen and teen girl vote locked up. Popularity wins--not talent.[/QUOTE]
Well obviously, but it's still disappointing when one of the most talented contestants gets the boot before the obviously inferior ones. I agree that Archuleta will most likely be the winner, but don't hate on him just because he's popular. The kid is *extremely* talented.
I feel like Archuleta isn't really as talented as people make him out to be. He's shown no versatility. I personally find him incredibly boring. But mostly, I think he really needs a few more years of life experience before he could truly be great. Right now, he sings these songs and it just doesn't seem right coming from a 17 year old.

My friend and I were talking and I gotta wonder if maybe America is prejudiced. The two people who I'd say shouldn't have been eliminated when they were (Carly and Michael) were the two people with foreign accents. Guess they really want their American Idol to be American....

I'm still gonna be rooting for David Cook. He's the only one who has constantly entertained me EVERY week. In fact, I'd say his only "weak" weeks were Day Tripper and Innocent (although the studio version is a LOT better) and I still enjoyed them.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Well obviously, but it's still disappointing when one of the most talented contestants gets the boot before the obviously inferior ones.[/quote]

That's one of the frustrating and yet exciting things about the show. You never know exactly what's going to happen.

In this case, the post-mortem analysis I'd offer is that people voted for Brooke and Jason out of sympathy and figured Carly would be safe with such a strong performance. Carly has had such a variable season that she hasn't built up a strong core of fans.

There are also some very small, unpredictable things that influence votes. Brooke's restart. That Brooke chose a much more recent and vulnerable song than Carly. That it was a Madonna song. That Carly had the very funny and yet sadly pathetic T-shirt.

Does it suck? A little. On the other hand, I don't think Carly could have won. She's still too insecure and her instincts just aren't good. It took Andrew Lloyd Webber to tell her the song she originally chose was going to blow.

And it is discouraging that Brooke (who is now out of her league) and Jason (who was never in the league to begin with) are both still on the show and Carly isn't. But Jason and Brooke aren't going to win, either.

I agree that Archuleta will most likely be the winner, but don't hate on him just because he's popular. The kid is *extremely* talented.

I think it's a race between the Davids. I think David Cook can win it, though David Archuleta will probably have it easier with whatever crappy quasi-inspirational ballady thing they have to sing on the final show.

David Archuleta is talented, but there's a blandness at the heart of his singing which really bugs me now. I liked him more earlier in the season and feel that the songs since then have been largely dull, with more theatrics than depth. "Think of Me" is a great song, but his version really turned me off. I think it's also very telling that the stunning "Imagine" was an arrangement he borrowed from someone else.

More than anything, I feel sorry for David A.
[quote name='blandstalker']More than anything, I feel sorry for David A.[/quote]

I have a hard time feeling sorry for a 17 year old who is about to become filthy rich and will spend the next 20 years of his life banging supermodels. ;)
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Well obviously, but it's still disappointing when one of the most talented contestants gets the boot before the obviously inferior ones. I agree that Archuleta will most likely be the winner, but don't hate on him just because he's popular. The kid is *extremely* talented.[/quote]

I wasn't hating on him at all. I think he's got a great voice (although I do agree with the sentiment that he's kind of boring).

I just think he wins because he has the teen and preteen girl vote locked up.
I grew tired of Archuleta during the second week. He's undoubtedly very talented, but I just find him unoriginal and droning. I started out disliking David Cook, but grew to appreciate and realize his talent. I think David Cook can win if the judges keep praising him like a returning messiah and nitpick Archuleta. Cook is going to need extra help to hose down all the in-heat Archuleta fans. Not that he actually needs help, as he's also quite talented, but Archuleta's fanbase seems to be huge. I would love to see the Golden Child knocked off the shelf.
I don't really get the criticism they had for David Cook's Hungry Like the Wolf. I don't see how that sounded too much like the original. It was like Simon hadn't HEARD HLtW since Duran Duran originally released it in 1982.

Once again, I just DON'T get Archuleta. He's so insanely boring. I almost fell asleep during both of his songs. They may have been good, but he picks horrible song choices. Seriously, you pick TWO ballads on ROCK WEEK? That's ridiculous. If Cook doesn't win, I'm gonna be seriously pissed off. At least Castro completely self-destructed. He better be gone tonight.
What I can't believe is that Syesha actually has a pretty good shot at making it to the final 3. She's grown on me in the last few weeks but I thought she was going to go around #10.

David A. sucks but he did sound good last night. Jason needs to go - he has been terrible for about a month now.
I still think it would have been a MUCH more entertaining top 4 if it was Cook, Archuleta, Carly and Michael Johns. You would have had three people who would have picked really good rock songs and then Archuleta and his horrid love of ballads.
[quote name='karsh']I don't really get the criticism they had for David Cook's Hungry Like the Wolf. I don't see how that sounded too much like the original. It was like Simon hadn't HEARD HLtW since Duran Duran originally released it in 1982. [/quote]

I think the biggest problem is that it was David Cook performing the song after saying he was going to turn the song on its head. I kept waiting and it never happened. It wasn't bad, but fell so far short of what he was capable of.

[quote name='karsh']
Once again, I just DON'T get Archuleta. He's so insanely boring. I almost fell asleep during both of his songs. They may have been good, but he picks horrible song choices. Seriously, you pick TWO ballads on ROCK WEEK? That's ridiculous. [/quote]

Archuleta's song choices were total pandering. Both of them were perhaps the most direct begging for votes I've ever heard. The lyrics of both songs read as a plea for votes -- "(all you beautiful girls) stand by me", "love me tender, never let me go".

(Compare this with last week's "America", or KLC's "God Bless the USA", or Syesha's horrifying attempt to link the civil rights movement with her stint on American Idol. Syesha, I want to like you, so why do you say and do such stupid things?)

That said, I enjoyed David A.'s performances more this week than I have since "Imagine". They weren't amazing, but they were good, and I'd much rather have direct pandering than cheap attempts to exploit patriotism or history.

I think last night was Jason Castro's final week. It's about time.
Get that jason guy the fuck out of their, he should have not even been in the top 10, he should of stayed on that damn MTV show CHEYEENE and vanished like the rest of them
[quote name='blandstalker'](Compare this with last week's "America", or KLC's "God Bless the USA", or Syesha's horrifying attempt to link the civil rights movement with her stint on American Idol. Syesha, I want to like you, so why do you say and do such stupid things?)

That said, I enjoyed David A.'s performances more this week than I have since "Imagine". They weren't amazing, but they were good, and I'd much rather have direct pandering than cheap attempts to exploit patriotism or history.[/quote]

This year's crop of screechers have been so blatant about using these tactics and giving knowing winks that it's been sickening. Syesha's waterworks last night was just too WTF.

Jason may suck, but at least he's not really pandering. I prefer his whatever attitude -- especially knowing the judges have been gunning for him. Isn't he the only one left that isn't a pro, or semi-pro?

That said, I don't care who wins.
Now that it's down to four I can see where everyone is coming from when they say none of them should be there. They all seem to be one trick ponies in that their voices only sound good when doing certain types of songs. I really liked Carly, but like all the other contestants, she didn't display much (if any) variety in song choice.

Jason still makes me want to punch walls when he talks, it's good to see him self destruct as he is too much of a dumbass to make anything of himself. David Cook has some interesting directions, but how much of it was already done by the artists covering the songs he covers? Archuleta may be the best choice of the bunch.. it'll be an easy pop choice.
With Jason gone tonight the finals are David A. and David C. Since they have to sing a stupid fan-made pop song like "This is My Now" at the end David A. still has a good chance of winning, even though he dropped out of first place weeks ago.

David C. has his flaws but he's the only one who has been consistently innovative and enjoyable throughout the show. Syesha is worthless outside of showtunes and Archuleta, while he has the best voice, is the most boring contestant ever.

Winning would probably be detrimental to David C.'s career as a rocker. He's not as good as Daughtery but he can definitely make more money on his own than as a salaried dog. I don't see Archuleta making any money by himself so it's better for him to win it.
The only one who I can stay up to watch that doesn't make me fall fuckin' asleep like a Tylenol PM is Castro.

Castro didn't give a shit because he knew he had nothing to gain. The AI Producers have already picked their winner and it's pretty boy Archuleta. Castro could've sang like Frank Sinatra and they would've said he sucked balls. Heard on the radio this morning that Castro is intentionally trying to get off the show, and after performing his last song when talking with Ryan he mouthed the words 'Don't Vote'. Sucks he's going because this is by far the most boring season to ever grace television.
I'd love to see Archuleta get kicked off just to listen to the teenage girls in the crowd erupt, but it will never happen.

Watching this makes me even more disappointed that they voted off Michael Johns so early.
Amazing how much Archuleta hate there is in this thread. Yes, he's young, and yes, he's pretty, but the kid can *sing* and that's what counts. He deserves the victory, and I'm pulling for him.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Amazing how much Archuleta hate there is in this thread. Yes, he's young, and yes, he's pretty, but the kid can *sing* and that's what counts. He deserves the victory, and I'm pulling for him.[/quote]

*snore* ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ...What...Did you say something? David Archuleta was singing ;)
Damn 10 minutes into the show they said they will show the results after the commercial........30 Minutes results yet
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Amazing how much Archuleta hate there is in this thread. Yes, he's young, and yes, he's pretty, but the kid can *sing* and that's what counts. He deserves the victory, and I'm pulling for him.[/quote]

I agree that he can sing.

However, David Cook is much more creative and universal than Archuleta. I also think Cook offers a far greater chance of providing interesting and actually *good* albums after an American Idol win, as opposed to Archuleta.
[quote name='Ender']I agree that he can sing.

However, David Cook is much more creative and universal than Archuleta. I also think Cook offers a far greater chance of providing interesting and actually *good* albums after an American Idol win, as opposed to Archuleta.[/quote]

This. I agree with this statement. Archuleta is an exceptionally talented singer, but Cook is the total package. Plus, you just know Archuleta's dad is going to attempt to control his son, and possibly wreck things. David Cook, unlike David Archuleta, is ready for the spotlight.
[quote name='chasemurata']This. I agree with this statement. Archuleta is an exceptionally talented singer, but Cook is the total package. Plus, you just know Archuleta's dad is going to attempt to control his son, and possibly wreck things. David Cook, unlike David Archuleta, is ready for the spotlight.[/quote]

This is what I think as well. Last week was a perfect example - David Cook's songs were good choices and performed very well but it seemed like a substandard performance (IMO) because he usually knocks it out of the park every week. David A. had a good week (technically speaking - he sounded great) but it was still boring as hell. There's just no connection to the music at all plus almost every single choice of his has been totally cheesy and lame - even Beatles week which is hard to screw up he chose a "safe" song written before the Beatles really kicked ass.
Good final 3. Does seem like David + David will be the finals.

I was rooting for Jason to make it through as he's funny. Although he picked some stupid songs. If he wanted to do Marley he should have done Redemption Song. He could have turned in another performance like a few weeks ago with Hallelujah. That would have been :cool:
[quote name='wubb']Good final 3. Does seem like David + David will be the finals.

I was rooting for Jason to make it through as he's funny. Although he picked some stupid songs. If he wanted to do Marley he should have done Redemption Song. He could have turned in another performance like a few weeks ago with Hallelujah. That would have been :cool:[/quote]

Yea, David & David sounds like the finale to me. Plus, it's gimmicky and interesting, so for all you conspircacy theorists who say that American Idol is rigged, that sounds like a proper rig to me.

I really don't understand how anyone could have any actual vocal interest in Jason Castro. The guy had a shaky voice, no style for runs and inflection, and his range was really small. He strikes me as a one-trick pony.
David Archuleta singing Chris Brown songs just turned me completely against him. I thought he had a great voice and, even though a little boring, had what it took to win.

That performance changed everything. Kick him off.
Damn I have to say David Cook completely smashed it out of the park between First Time Ever I Saw Your Face and Don't Wanna Miss A Thing. Dare You To Move was good too, but those other two were amazing. Like Simon said, he was DEFINITELY the winner of the night.
[quote name='karsh']Damn I have to say David Cook completely smashed it out of the park between First Time Ever I Saw Your Face and Don't Wanna Miss A Thing. Dare You To Move was good too, but those other two were amazing. Like Simon said, he was DEFINITELY the winner of the night.[/quote]

I was actually rather disappointed with Cook tonight. I've been a huge fan of his up to this point, and still am, but......I don't know. The magic wasn't there for me.

Specifically, I thought Dare You To Move was awful. Cook has a great upper range, but his lower register is very weak and shaky, and that's a problem; you can't yell every song on an album. Although, the studio can smooth that out for him I imagine.
I wonder just how involved is Archuleta's stage dad. Simon subtly touched upon his song choice earlier in the season, but I think that's just the tip of the iceberg. Just what was Archuleta singing? I thought those songs were horrible song choices. Archuleta, while talented, bores me immensely.
[quote name='chasemurata']I wonder just how involved is Archuleta's stage dad. Simon subtly touched upon his song choice earlier in the season, but I think that's just the tip of the iceberg. Just what was Archuleta singing? I thought those songs were horrible song choices. Archuleta, while talented, bores me immensely.[/QUOTE]

I tell my wife to wake me up when he gets done every time he sings. He also does this weird thing with his arm.

His dad has to be picking the songs for him (obviously not last night). What normal 17 year old kid has heard and wants to sing the crap he does?
[quote name='munch']I tell my wife to wake me up when he gets done every time he sings. He also does this weird thing with his arm.

His dad has to be picking the songs for him (obviously not last night). What normal 17 year old kid has heard and wants to sing the crap he does?[/quote]

He also reclines his head and closes his eyes a lot whilst singing. Two things outside of his lack of performance skill that irritate me.

On a lighter note, Syesha looked very attractive last night. :hot:
I think the judges have been unfairly critical of Syesha. I'd rather see her in the final 2 instead of David A. She has been doing a nice job in a genre of music I typically can't stand. It was also unfair to criticize her song choices other that "Fever" (which worked for Madonna but somehow isn't contemporary?) because she didn't pick the other 2.

I thought David C. did a nice job but I actually agree with Paula's assessment that 90 seconds isn't enough for a build up. He should win though. I was cringing watching David A. last night - WTF was up with his song choice? It was laughable and he is totally unbelievable as a contemporary artist - I bet he will be singing sappy ballads for his whole career - probably covers like Rod Stewart does nowadays that appeals to the over 50 crowd.
[quote name='javeryh']I think the judges have been unfairly critical of Syesha. I'd rather see her in the final 2 instead of David A. She has been doing a nice job in a genre of music I typically can't stand. It was also unfair to criticize her song choices other that "Fever" (which worked for Madonna but somehow isn't contemporary?) because she didn't pick the other 2.

I thought David C. did a nice job but I actually agree with Paula's assessment that 90 seconds isn't enough for a build up. He should win though. I was cringing watching David A. last night - WTF was up with his song choice? It was laughable and he is totally unbelievable as a contemporary artist - I bet he will be singing sappy ballads for his whole career - probably covers like Rod Stewart does nowadays that appeals to the over 50 crowd.[/QUOTE]

I told my wife last night that the producers have to be hoping David A. doesn't win. It's like Taylor Hicks: there's no way his shit is going to sell.
If he doesn't win, or hey, even if he does, I'm expecting a Hannah Montana-type sitcom featuring David Archuleta, entitled, "But dad, I don't want to sing tha-- Shut up, David, before I backfist you in the face!"
So uh, what's the draw of this Archuleta character? His voice is sub-par, and he looks like a troll. I know lots of tweens loved Clay Aiken when he was on the show and he was ugly as shit too, but at least he had a great voice for Broadway. Out of the thousands of people who auditioned, he was all they could find?
Dead of Knight- LOL.

I agree. Of all the contestants, he's the least likeable. I'm not a particular fan of Syesha, but she is pretty good, nice voice, has personality, cute, etc. Archuleta is a one-trick pony. His schtick is to kick a phrase up an octave to make his runs seem "original." Props to him for fooling America and getting this far.

I see this as another Ruben/Clay/Kim Locke final. Like Ruben, Archuleta's success will be limited where like Clay, Cook will do very well, perhaps along the lines of Daughtry. Finally, like Locke, Syesha will have a nice career thanks to her air time on this show. Broadway is calling her.

Archuleta's CD will soon find itself next to Taylor Hicks' in the bargain/dispose bin.
bread's done