American Idol, Season 8 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays on FOX at 8 p.m.)

[quote name='Dead of Knight']I'm assuming you're talking about my post. :lol:


Yep sure was, I love the ^ of course till someone beats me to the post
[quote name='Dead of Knight']LOL looking at Google News for stories, this is pretty much the definition of "fair and balanced" reporting.

Except they're spot on. I may also prefer Cook's style of music and hate Archuleta because he looks like a goofy twat, but to say that Cook's voice is anything beyond generic would be a lie. He just seems unique because he's on the pop-casserole known as American Idol. Archuleta's voice is undeniably more distinct. That certainly doesn't mean he'd make a better artist, but the same holds true for Cook.

It parallels the Daughtry scenario from a few years back. Daughtry had a seemingly amazing voice (a voice that's even better than Cook's as I remember it), but once he entered the general market he turned out a garbage Creed-wannabe album. Sure, it was successful, but it was still generic shit.
cook deserves it, was glad he won. i'm thinking his career will be more successful than most idol winners, along the lines of clarkson and underwood
Holy shit! I can't believe it! Unbelievable! I'm shouting! O_O; Wow, this is very surprising, especially after how hard the judges pushed for Archuleta to win last night. Wow, America ignored the Judges, or were all the little girls in bed and forgot to vote? This is rather awesome. Wee!
"A Moment Like This..."
Hated both, but liked that Cook won.

Cook does covers of pop songs, that already wayyyyy better rock singers have already done.
Cook didn't just beat Archuleta--he demolished him. 12 million votes was the difference.

Oh, and throughout the year I expected Archuleta's dad to run up on stage and smash a watermelon with a sledgehammer. That guy looks just like Gallagher.
[quote name='Plinko']Cook didn't just beat Archuleta--he demolished him. 12 million votes was the difference.

Holy shit, for real? Where did you get this info? If it was from the show, sorry, I wasn't watching. :lol:

That's a pretty huge margin, considering how much everyone thought that little shit was gonna win. But I think that sentiment just made everyone vote for Cook even more.

Take this with a grain of salt but:

"Who do you think this gonna win?" Little Shit 50% Cook 50% I remember the margins on this being skewed more towards Archuleta when I viewed the poll before the show.
"Who do you want to win?" Cook 72% Little Shit 28%
[quote name='Plinko']Cook didn't just beat Archuleta--he demolished him. 12 million votes was the difference.[/quote]

12 million is a lot but the percentages were 56% - 44% so it was actually fairly close. They had almost 100M votes which is insane.
[quote name='javeryh']12 million is a lot but the percentages were 56% - 44% so it was actually fairly close. They had almost 100M votes which is insane.[/quote]

IIRC, the differences are usually single-digit percentages.
[quote name='evanft']IIRC, the differences are usually single-digit percentages.[/quote]

Oh... this is the first time I've ever seen this show. Seemed close to me...
[quote name='javeryh']Oh... this is the first time I've ever seen this show. Seemed close to me...[/quote]

Well, to be fair, they could be totally bullshitting.
It has begun again. As someone who has watched American Idol since the start, this is the first season where I'm not watching the audition process. I will begin watching when the audition process is complete and things get a bit more 'serious.'
The first shows have more funny moments which is the main reason I watch. Even Ryan is pretty funny with his straight faced questions to the contestants. Like asking the two cheerleaders (who were clearly a goof) and the guy they were cheering on, "So, none of you made it through?"
The first shows are kind of like a carnival; if you're in the right mood and the show is neither too stupid nor too mean, it can be fun.

I simply don't have time for it this year -- my schedule is brutal and I just don't have time to watch multiple hours of atonal or weirdly-dressed and attention-starved people. I'll check in when it's a little more manageable.

How's the new judge?
I guess I just haven't been in the mood for the silliness of the auditions.

And there's a new judge?

*goes to Google*

I have no idea who this Kara DioGuardi is but hopefully she's not afraid to say what is necessary. While the judges were called "harsh" last season, I am reminded of the many seasons before where Paula and Randy would irritate me greatly.

*reads Rolling Stone article*

Oh. It sounds like she will be/is a good addition. :whistle2:k
She's pretty self conscious about being the newbie judge and nobody knowing who she is. That's pretty much my impression so far.
She seems all right. I love how she got in a fight with the bikini idiot so you can hear her voice. She's actually a good singer, so if some douchebag is like "HAHAHA YOU CAN'T EVEN SING" she can destroy them.

First couple episodes were pretty entertaining.
I have to admit though, I love reading Its really funny!
Think I figured out how the judge voting works with 4 judges this season.

Simon is the tie breaker, so all three of the other judges have to vote opposite for Simon to be vetoed. No idea if that will continue through Hollywood week or not. I guess it will since they'll still need a way to break ties. But IIRC they don't always show that as a straight vote.
wow, with that last girl tonight... that's the only time I can ever remember when PAULA was the only judge to say no! That just felt weird.
bread's done