Amy Winehouse dead at 27.

[quote name='Brak']I like how this is posted, literally, in every celebrity death thread on the Internet.

I will give you credit for the "Drugs are not addictive" and "Cigarettes don't cause cancer", though. I gotta admit: I've NEVER heard ANYONE say that shit.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much this right here.

I completely missed the cigarettes don't cause cancer bit. That's a great one. Does gargus work for Phillip Morris?
[quote name='Brak']I like how this is posted, literally, in every celebrity death thread on the Internet.

I will give you credit for the "Drugs are not addictive" and "Cigarettes don't cause cancer", though. I gotta admit: I've NEVER heard ANYONE say that shit.[/QUOTE]

What gargus means to say is that Cigarettes don't cause cancer because they're sold at MSRP and therefore not a deal. If you're dumb enough to buy at MSRP, you deserve cancer.


Perez Hilton is a piece of shit. Just because he wrote one nice thing about someone (after they die) doesn't mean he still isn't a fat piece of shit. fuck him. The best thing that ever happened was when slapped the shit out of him for talking trash. It's too bad more people don't do that.
[quote name='confoosious']
Perez Hilton is a piece of shit. Just because he wrote one nice thing about someone (after they die) doesn't mean he still isn't a fat piece of shit. fuck him. The best thing that ever happened was when slapped the shit out of him for talking trash. It's too bad more people don't do that.[/QUOTE]

Oh I totally agree. It was a nice thing to post, but considering all the shit he posted in the past about her, it's hard to believe that it isn't complete bullshit. is a douche, but that was the one good thing he's done in life.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Oh I totally agree. It was a nice thing to post, but considering all the shit he posted in the past about her, it's hard to believe that it isn't complete bullshit. is a douche, but that was the one good thing he's done in life.[/QUOTE]

I'm so glad his solo album bombed. Now if only the rest of the Black Eyed Peas would go away...
[quote name='gargus']This kind of deification and hero worship in this country is digusting. Every one of you disgust me.

A singer dies and everyone lines up to give fake, forced bullshit comments of sadness and sorrow when in fact no one really cares at all.

Why is it exactly so terribly sad and news worthy a singer died? There are hundreds of talented, smart, kind, generous and geniunely good people that die everyday in this country but no one gives a shit about them because they werent on tv. When my grandma dies no one will sing praises of her on tv because she isnt famous, but this chic dies and everyone is sad because this country considers celeberities better people and a higher class.

Sickens me how we fawn over celebs constantly and give them undue praise and treat them like they are better than everyone else that has a normal job.

Even like tiger woods everyone was talking about him for cheating on his wife and he was allover the news for doing the exact same thing thousands of men do in this country every year. Mel gibson humilliated and slandered everywhere over some drunken stupid remarks he made that thousands of other people do every year. And everytime a celeb dies everyone cant wait to say how sad they are and lie because they want to seem like a good celeb worshipper.

Whats worse is the dummies that will talk about how drugs are a horrible addiction and it wasnt her fault, it was the evil drug addiction that got her when thats false. Drugs are not addictive. Thats like saying cigarettes cause cancer which is false because if it was true every person who smoked would get cancer and they dont. Just like not every person that uses drugs becomes addicted. What causes addiction is a addictive personality.

The idiocy of the american people baffles me the way we put celebs on pedastals and treat them like they are a better breed simply because they are on tv or in a movie or sing on a stage.

She was no better or no worse than the guy who works the fry machine at mcdonalds, the prime minister of canada or my highschool principal. She was just a person we chose to act like was better than us.[/QUOTE]
LOLZ...Hey homie, how's that second date coming along?
You can have an addictive personality but to be addicted you need something that feels good to you, people don't go around getting addicted to eating feces.
[quote name='Cerebral_One']You can have an addictive personality but to be addicted you need something that feels good to you, people don't go around getting addicted to eating feces.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, but isn't that really what internet fights equates to in the end?
Never much cared for her or her music, but not glad she's gone - just indifferent.

Without knowing much about her personally, the only impression I ever got was that she was deeply troubled. Always troubled. And that she couldn't cope with her life, in the spotlight or otherwise. It's certainly possible she was a poor, lost soul, taken advantage of and prone to making bad decisions. Constantly. Surrounded by moochers, suck-ups and negative influences. Not strong enough to break away.

Plenty of normal, non-"famous" people fall into this category.

But again, I never knew her, as none of us did. And I daresay very few people really knew her, especially if her greatest wish was to be loved. But how could anyone see that through the drugs and booze? And when did she ever have a moment of such clarity to make such an admission? Is that just Perez assuming? Or is it obvious somehow?

My only feeling for the girl was that she had such problems that she needed to retreat from the limelight. Get away and disappear off the public radar, preferably for many years. Sure, she went to rehab - but promptly returned to her old ways upon departing. She needed something else, but didn't know how to get it, didn't want it, or didn't know what it was. One of the lost among us. She just happened to have a talent many admired.

Is it a tragedy? No. A tragedy implies a heroic person, meeting doom in the face of great conflict due to some personal fault or unavoidable circumstances. Did she meet her doom through unavoidable circumstances? No - she could obviously get herself into rehab and check herself out, so drinking, drug use and overdosing were all avoidable. Personally flawed? No one would argue she wasn't - just as none of us would claim that we are ourselves not flawed. (OK, maybe there are a few folks on the boards who think they're better than everyone else, or dare-I-say "perfect.") As for heroic...she was talented, but heroic? Few would call her such, and those who do would be wrong. At best, inspiring.

Does this diminish her death? Not at all. Her passing will be mourned by family, friends and fans alike. That she could bring music to peoples' lives was a great gift to a great many. This does not make her, or any celebrity, "better" than anyone else. But it does mean that she touched more lives and connected more people than my grandmother or most everyone else's. That's just a fact.

That is her legacy and why we speak of her, why we speak of anyone who touched so many lives. Even in my own indifference, I can recognize the people affected, the general sense of loss at the passing of a talent who brought people together. That is a general loss to the world, no matter how you feel about her or how you look at the news reporting of her passing. Those people are diminished by her death, though equally united in celebrating her life.

I do wish one thing: that she'd lived longer. That she'd taken time, however long that was, to do the personal self-healing and development she so desperately needed. I wouldn't care one lick if she ever made another piece of music or sang another song, so long as she took care of herself, or someone cared about her enough to intervene and love her enough to give her the "tough love" she needed to break the cycle - though even then, there are no guarantees this wouldn't have happened anyway, or even that it wasn't already tried many times before the end.
It's too bad she couldn't beat her addiction. My sister really loved her stuff. She's probably really sad over this.
I wonder if, given what a mess she was and all the drugs going on, perhaps even heavy depression, if people will soon relate her talent and death to Janis Joplin. God knows Joss Stone ISN'T anything close to Joplin's successor.
[quote name='Kylearan']Never much cared for her or her music, but not glad she's gone - just indifferent.

And yet you wrote a fucking thesis of a post about it.
She had one "hit" song. She received more press for noteriority than for the actuall quality or quanity of her work.

This isn't really someone to be missed, lossed, pined or even noticed.

The whole news story should be this: "Amy Winehouse dead at 27. So? (shrug shoulders)"
I love when celebs die. Depending on who and how, people get all "DEEP" and offer "WISE" advice. In this case, everyone is being sooooo wise about DrUgZ!11

She did this to herself. Yeah it's sad, but... yeah....
[quote name='eldergamer']She had one "hit" song. She received more press for noteriority than for the actuall quality or quanity of her work.

This isn't really someone to be missed, lossed, pined or even noticed.

The whole news story should be this: "Amy Winehouse dead at 27. So? (shrug shoulders)"[/QUOTE]

Because everyone knows that the number of hits you have is the real measure of a musician.
[quote name='eldergamer']She had one "hit" song. She received more press for noteriority than for the actuall quality or quanity of her work.

This isn't really someone to be missed, lossed, pined or even noticed.

The whole news story should be this: "Amy Winehouse dead at 27. So? (shrug shoulders)"[/QUOTE]

Damn dude you're cool.

Do yourself a favor, buy 'Fade to Black', listen to "Wake Up Alone" and try not to run back here and delete your fuckin' idiotic post.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']And yet you wrote a fucking thesis of a post about it.[/QUOTE]

Yup, just to single you out - whoever you are.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']And yet you wrote a fucking thesis of a post about it.[/QUOTE]Some people need more post space to explain their "meh" attitude than others.
its weird seeing some people bash on her. just because she didnt mean anything to you in your life doesnt mean there isnt someone else who really liked her music and genuinely wanted to see her get better. alot of the music i like the band members use drugs and the ones who died from it made me sad, i wasnt like oh well he deserved it. shit i had a friend OD and die 6 years ago and he was one of the nicest people youd ever meet. everyone has problems and deals with those problems there own way. its a bummer. i guess i'll never understand making fun of someone for dying.
Quite the shame, loved her take on skiffle and that transition from big band jazz to small band swing. Hell of a set of pipes on her too. I was lucky enough to see her before Fade To Black came out and she exploded (in a really nice small venue no less) in both fame and ability to cope with the world. This was also when she was smokin' hot and not Keith Richards in drag...
At any rate, if it weren't for her we wouldn't have Addelle and Cee-Lo as labels wouldn't have taken a chance on a soul/R&B revival before AW absolutely hit it out of the park.
[quote name='shrike4242']Some people need more post space to explain their "meh" attitude than others.[/QUOTE]

Yup, some folks actually respond to other people at the same time as making a few other comments. Imagine that.
[quote name='lilboo']I love when celebs die. Depending on who and how, people get all "DEEP" and offer "WISE" advice. In this case, everyone is being sooooo wise about DrUgZ!11

She did this to herself. Yeah it's sad, but... yeah....[/QUOTE]
Exactly. She did this to herself, and while it's sad, I really don't feel sorry if she could not take the proper steps to come clean. Sure she went to rehab, but if it did not work the first time, then you need to stop being a musician for the time being and work this shit out.
Sad that she died on my birthday. However, I was shocked but not surprised by her death. I knew she was going to cash out but not this soon.

Scary that some troubled musicians died at 27. One every decade. Kurt Cobain was in the 90s. No one in the 00s (unless it was some famous countrywide not worldwide singer) and now Amy Winehouse in the 2010s.
[quote name='vlv723']Sad that she died on my birthday. However, I was shocked but not surprised by her death. I knew she was going to cash out but not this soon.

Scary that some troubled musicians died at 27. One every decade. Kurt Cobain was in the 90s. No one in the 00s (unless it was some famous countrywide not worldwide singer) and now Amy Winehouse in the 2010s.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, there weren't any musicians in the 00's ;)
bread's done