Anime and Manga Thread Vol. 1: Visions of a God

[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']Thats the case with just about everything.[/QUOTE]
Nah. I'd say video games are at like 90% garbage (probably more like 92% since the Wii came out), and comics are at about 85%. Hell, I don't even think they make good anime anymore at all.
[quote name='Fjordson']I apologize if this isn't the right thread, but I'm actually looking for some anime recommendations. I've been into anime for a few years now, but there just seems to be so much good stuff out there that it gets a bit overwhelming sometimes.

Some series that I've liked:
Cowboy Bebop
Samurai Champloo
Death Note
Wolf's Rain

Any quality shows (or movies) that you guys have in mind would be awesome.[/QUOTE]

I'll suggest based on what you said.

CB, Trigun = Black Lagoon
Death Note = Code Geass
Hellsing/Blood+ = Hmm I liked this myself but I'm having trouble thinking of an analog to it.
Samurai Champloo = Rurouni Kenshin is a great samurai show.

I hope that helps.
Sentai Filmworks just announced that they licensed Gintama for a DVD release. Gintama is also a show that was first licensed for streaming on Crunchyroll, and Crunchyroll licensed it for streaming in November of 2008. I love that more of Crunchyroll's catalog is getting licensed for a DVD release. I have been interested in Gintama, but I have not got around to watching it on Crunchyroll. Now that Gintama is going to have a DVD release I am going to wait and watch the show when I purchase the DVDs, which is also what I am doing with Glass Mask.

fuck yea One Piece!

Anyone reading the most recent chapter:
fuck yea! Those are the two words that best described my feelings as I read the chapter. All this build up and we finally have Ace out of his cuffs. I am curious as to whether Garp was holding back on Luffy or not, but either way, its finally happened! Ace is free! We'll see if that lasts in the next few chapters. Any guesses as to what Sengoku's power is? It kinda looks like an animal fruit power, though what animal that is I have no idea. Its chapters like this that I look forward to in the anime, the large battles. The manga just doesn't give you the same idea of whats going on as the anime without the motion imo.
Funimation is selling the Slayers Revolution boxset for a ridiculous price. $60 for 13 episodes? The least they could have done was put season 4 and 5 on the same boxset. I got the first 3 seasons for like $30 or $40 a couple Christmases ago from Rightstuf.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Funimation is selling the Slayers Revolution boxset for a ridiculous price. $60 for 13 episodes? The least they could have done was put season 4 and 5 on the same boxset. I got the first 3 seasons for like $30 or $40 a couple Christmases ago from Rightstuf.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but those first 3 seasons are REALLY REALLY OLD(1995-97), so of course they're cheap now. Revolution is a much newer series(2008) and will most likely be only $35.99 on Right Stuf around the release date, which is a hell of a lot better than being released in 4 volumes at $20-$30 each like so many shows used to be.
I would have read Silent Mobius sooner if I could have found all the volumes. Thankfully Udon Entertainment started re-releasing the manga over here.
Thank God, I finally finished watching both seasons of White Album last night. I hate White Album; it is terrible. I was expecting it to be a serious and mature drama, but it's not; White Album is actually an atrocious harem that tries to act like a serious and mature drama.

The storytelling in White Album is obtuse, and sometimes — or maybe most of the time — it is purposely obtuse; there are several occasions where the show fails to explain why certain things are happening. Withholding information from the audience can be an interesting storytelling device, but White Album misuses it, therefore the story is incredibly confusing. However, that is not the entire reason for White Album being confusing. A lot of different things happen during some episodes, and some of it just doesn't even make sense, be it character driven or plot driven.

The characters in White Album are horrible. The main character, Touya, is probably one of the worst characters I have ever seen. Touya will have sex with anything that moves, and yet he still claims to "love" Yuki, and that him and Yuki are still dating. That's not all though; Touya's feelings for Yuki are at most an infatuation — he only saw Yuki once during the year before White Album's present time. Another loathsome aspect of the characters is that all of the girls fall in love with Touya. Touya has zero redeeming qualities, and yet all of the girls are madly in love with him. Let me tell you about one of his most stand out actions: Touya decides to go on a date with a girl that works at his university's student union. She previously helped Touya get a tutoring job, and he expressed a lot of gratitude for it. Touya probably decided to have a date with her because he was thinking that he could have sex with her. However, she is ecstatic and quite happy that she is going on a date with Touya. Well, they go out to dinner, and they are eating. One of Touya's other sex buddies shows up at the restaurant. Touya sees her and tells his date that he has to go to the bathroom. Instead of going to the bathroom, Touya leaves with his sex buddy to go somewhere else. The girl in the restaurant is left alone, and eventually she realizes that Touya is never coming back.

The only enjoyable aspect of White Album is the music. There are a lot of good pieces that work for different moods, and the pop idol music is awesome too, which is what the story revolves around.
Finished Cromartie High School recently and thought it was pretty good. Nothing incredible, but a ton of funny stuff.

Watching Crest of The Stars now, just over the halfway point. I'm really enjoying it.
after i'm done with d. gray-man i have a bunch of small series i'm going to sample. i'll be sure to post up how the experiment goes.
I'm going to TRY and start watching R.O.D this weekend, depending on how much homework I have. If I remember correctly, I should watch the OVA first and then move on the TV series, right?
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']I'm going to TRY and start watching R.O.D this weekend, depending on how much homework I have. If I remember correctly, I should watch the OVA first and then move on the TV series, right?[/QUOTE]
You should do it the other way around. If you watch the OVA first, the series will seem even more boring, whereas if you watch the series first, you don't have the awesomeness of the OVA in your mind making the TV series seem better.
I have finished a couple different things last night and earlier today.

Last night, I watched Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa. I loved the movie despite more of the stupid "real" world stuff. The opening of the movie was classic FMA action, and the animation was amazing. Another great action scene is the fight between Wrath and Gluttony. I was watching this on Blu-ray and it looked absolutely stunning. I don't know if this is an upscale or how the DVD version looks, but I was not disappointed with the Blu-ray. I was hoping that Bones would redeem themselves by fixing the TV series' terrible ending, but the movie ends terribly as well. There was a point where I was under the impression that everything would be fixed and all would be forgiven, but the ending that was chosen was quite disappointing and just as lame as the ending of the TV series.

I watched the Fullmetal Alchemist: Premium OVA Collection as well. My favorite short in the collection is the interactive experience, and I liked it the best because of the awesome action scene near the end between the state alchemists and the homunculi. The chibi short was funny. Winry was my favorite part of that short. She was drunk and jealous, and it was hilarious to watch. The kids short was alright, albeit a bit silly.

The last thing that I watched was Neo Tokyo. It is comprised of three shorts: Labyrinth Labyrinthos, Running Man, and Construction Cancellation Order. I was interested in these shorts because of the pedigree of the creators; Rintaro (Metropolis), Yoshiaki Kawajiri (Ninja Scroll), and Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira). Labyrinth Labyrinthos had an amazing visual style, and I enjoyed the main character's journey through a strange world, but it was confusing — I'm not exactly sure what happened. Running Man is about Formula One racing in a dark and dirty future. It looked amazing, and the action was pretty cool. Construction Cancellation Order was the most substantial short out of the three. It had the most dialog, and it had more of a story than the other two shorts. It's about a man that has to stop a completely automated construction job. It functions as an allegory of man's reliance on technology. Labyrinth Labyrinthos was the most interesting visually, but Construction Cancellation Order was the most enjoyable because it had the most substance.
[quote name='Razzuel'] There was a point where I was under the impression that everything would be fixed and all would be forgiven, but the ending that was chosen was quite disappointing and just as lame as the ending of the TV series.[/QUOTE]
To be honest it made me enjoy the ending to the TV Series more...
I think I'm the only person alive that actually enjoyed the endings to both the first FMA tv series and the movie.

Which reminds me, I need to sit down and watch Brotherhood. I've only seen the first episode!
[quote name='thelonepig']I think I'm the only person alive that actually enjoyed the endings to both the first FMA tv series and the movie.

Which reminds me, I need to sit down and watch Brotherhood. I've only seen the first episode![/QUOTE]

I enjoyed the endings to 'Shamballa' and the original TV series. Though, I understand why people dislike the ending in the original TV series.

Can someone please explain what happened in Bleach after the Arrancar arc? I haven't even seen the end of the Arrancar arc, but watched the latest episode and have no damn idea as to what is going on. :cold:
[quote name='Chase']I enjoyed the endings to 'Shamballa' and the original TV series. Though, I understand why people dislike the ending in the original TV series.

Can someone please explain what happened in Bleach after the Arrancar arc? I haven't even seen the end of the Arrancar arc, but watched the latest episode and have no damn idea as to what is going on. :cold:[/QUOTE]

What ep did you see? I mean there isn't a whole lot to say either way they've been fighting Aizen and his goons for over a year now.
[quote name='coolsteel']What ep did you see? I mean there isn't a whole lot to say either way they've been fighting Aizen and his goons for over a year now.[/QUOTE]

I fell away from Bleach in the anime during the Szayel Aporro fight and in the manga during the beginning of the Nnoitra fight. (By the by, I figured Stark to be the Number 1.)

I watched the last two episodes in the "Zanpakutō Unknown Tales" arc. From what I can tell, Zanpakutō took human form, or something. :whistle2:k
[quote name='Chase']I fell away from Bleach in the anime during the Szayel Aporro fight and in the manga during the beginning of the Nnoitra fight. (By the by, I figured Stark to be the Number 1.)

I watched the last two episodes in the "Zanpakutō Unknown Tales" arc. From what I can tell, Zanpakutō took human form, or something. :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]

That is filler, the last canon ep was... 226 though I think 227 was some early manga story that never got animated.

I'll make this brief
I won't go into too many details should you want to just catch up with the manga.
Aizen trapped the captains who went to Hueco Mundo there and proceeded to go to Ichigo's hometown to wreck the place in order to make the kings key out of the souls but is intercepted by the remaining members of the 13 protection squads who are trying to save the town. This fight has been going on for ages now and currently all of the Espada (Primera went out like a bitch!) and Tousen are dead leading to Aizen himself finally busting out his kung fu.
I recently got a netflix subscription, but most of the new movies are on such a long delay who knows when I will be able to get them. So in the meantime I was thinking of checking out some anime movies that are similar to Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle, or Spirited Away. Problem is, the last time I was up to date with Anime was early 2004, so I am completely out of the loop. Any recommendations for some good anime movies?
[quote name='Ryukahn']Any recommendations for some good anime movies?[/QUOTE]

Here are some awesome movies that have been released after 2004:

  • Paprika
  • Tekkon Kinkreet
  • Ponyo
  • The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
  • Sword of the Stranger
  • Eureka Seven: Good Night Sleep Tight Young Lovers
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa
[quote name='Razzuel']Here are some awesome movies that have been released after 2004:

  • Paprika
  • Tekkon Kinkreet
  • Ponyo
  • The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
  • Sword of the Stranger
  • Eureka Seven: Good Night Sleep Tight Young Lovers
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa

Several of those looked really good, so I added them to my Netflix queue, thanks a ton!
[quote name='coolsteel']That is filler, the last canon ep was... 226 though I think 227 was some early manga story that never got animated.

I'll make this brief
I won't go into too many details should you want to just catch up with the manga.
Aizen trapped the captains who went to Hueco Mundo there and proceeded to go to Ichigo's hometown to wreck the place in order to make the kings key out of the souls but is intercepted by the remaining members of the 13 protection squads who are trying to save the town. This fight has been going on for ages now and currently all of the Espada (Primera went out like a bitch!) and Tousen are dead leading to Aizen himself finally busting out his kung fu.

Thanks a bunch, coolsteel. :) I'll play catch up--considering what I saw in the preview of the latest episode.
Violence Jack is pretty great. There's a trio of bikers named of "Aids", "Wasp" and "Toby". Im not sure which is worse, the guy named "Aids" or the fact that "Toby" is the third guy's biker name...

I wouldn't recommend the OVA's for the weak at heart. There is really nothing redeeming about it. Even when it seems like there is going to be a positive part, it gets shot down and savagely torn apart. Little kids getting their faces cut in half, rape, cannibalism, etc. It's really amazing the manga the OVA's were based on were made in the 70's, but then again, Go Nagai definitely was ahead of his time when it comes to "WTF" manga.
I got to see the R.O.D OVA today. I really enjoyed it. Agent Paper managed to defeat opponents despite seeming like a weak person. I really can't wait to get some free time and watch the TV series. It'll be tough with school going on, though...
I ordered on Friday Eureka Seven Collection 1 and Gundam Wing Collection 1. Looking at building my anime collection more. I'm on the lookout for the Full Metal Alchemist, but most seem to be sold out of what I'm looking for. Trying to build up my anime (old first, newer later) and watching it daily (going through all my Gundam Seed again right now, plan to look on Crunchyroll soon and watch stuff).

Also, anyone been to Otakon before? I'm tempted to maybe go this year.
Finished D. Gray-man. Kind of a bummer the series really has no ending.
I guess all I can hope for a D. Gray-man Returns series at some point or whatever.

I guess it's very popular in manga form so here's hoping.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']
Also, anyone been to Otakon before? I'm tempted to maybe go this year.[/QUOTE]

I went to Otakon from 2001 to 2007. Mostly good times.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Also, anyone been to Otakon before? I'm tempted to maybe go this year.[/QUOTE]
I used to go every year. Stopped though as it got too big, and I didn't like dealing with all the new anime fans. Now I just stick to Anime Boston, which has gotten a bit too large for me as well the past couple years...
[quote name='Azumangaman']I'm about halfway through Evangelion, watching it for the first time.
This shits crazy.[/QUOTE]

brace for disappointment.

anyway started Saikano last night. seems to have HUGE potential.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']brace for disappointment.

anyway started Saikano last night. seems to have HUGE potential.[/QUOTE]
Saikano is amazing, but then you don't like Evangelion so you don't seem to like good shows. Therefore you'll probably hate Saikano.
eva wasn't good because of the whole way it ends. i'll look into the manga some point when i have a chance. as long as saikano doesn't have spotlights on stools things will probably be good.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']
Also, anyone been to Otakon before? I'm tempted to maybe go this year.[/QUOTE]

I've been going since 06 and like it , between the panels and the game room there is always something to do.
[quote name='Azumangaman']I'm about halfway through Evangelion, watching it for the first time.
This shits crazy.[/QUOTE]

I suggest watching the End of Evangelion movie before watching the final 2 episodes. The movie makes those two episodes more explainable. Since there's things that happen in the movie that are featured in those 2 episodes.

Either way, the series is going to leave you confused.
bread's done