Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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Even then Chie was the same actress as golden/arena which was the last most people played anyways lol. Though I loved the original Chie, I felt the new actress did a great job with her as well.
Yeap. She did a great job.Now the Voice Actress will probably do everything Chie for now on. And I don't mind that at all. :lol:

From out the main cast, I think only Chie was recast.
Nope, Teddie was recast as well.

Persona 4 (2008) - Dave Wittenberg

Persona 4 Golden, Persona 4 Arena and Persona 4: The Animation - Sam Riegel

I've also heard that in the anime they had to replace Kanji's voice actor since Troy Baker wasn't available to dub the second half of the series (the new person was Matt Mercer). And I've heard Mary Elizabeth McGlynn did Naoto's voice in the anime and I know for sure it wasn't her in the original game or Arena.

Nope, Teddie was recast as well.

Persona 4 (2008) - Dave Wittenberg

Persona 4 Golden, Persona 4 Arena and Persona 4: The Animation - Sam Riegel

I've also heard that in the anime they had to replace Kanji's voice actor since Troy Baker wasn't available to dub the second half of the series (the new person was Matt Mercer). And I've heard Mary Elizabeth McGlynn did Naoto's voice in the anime and I know for sure it wasn't her in the original game or Arena.
I stand corrected. :lol:

I don't watch a ton of anime but I do enjoy it (mostly drama and mecha, though i don't like campy stuff or anything harem-related). Anyway, would you all recommend Eden of the East? Amazon reviews are good and the price is right. Thanks in advance!
I don't watch a ton of anime but I do enjoy it (mostly drama and mecha, though i don't like campy stuff or anything harem-related). Anyway, would you all recommend Eden of the East? Amazon reviews are good and the price is right. Thanks in advance!
I found Eden of the East highly enjoyable.

I liked it a lot. Overall idea is kinda weird (although it is anime). I enjoyed it enough.
Thanks. I anticipate a certain amount of weird with anime, but my threshold is pretty damn low, relatively speaking. I liked Evangelion (the ending was confusing as all hell) but i couldn't stand the harem girlfriend drama sprinkled in between the story. No rape/sodomy in East of Eden, right? I have no tolerance for that.
I firmly believe there is no rape/sodomy, but there's the very small chance I could be wrong. 

One character is known as "johnny cutter" but it doesn't show her actually doing it though. There is one scene that has the introduction to one, though, if I remember correctly.

Keep in mind that Eden of the East has two direct sequels in the form of movies.  It technically has 3 movies but the first one is a recap movie of the anime (and nobody likes those). I believe that's included with the first movie (King of Eden) as a bonus.

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Keep in mind that Eden of the East has two direct sequels in the form of movies. It technically has 3 movies but the first one is a recap movie of the anime (and nobody likes those). I believe that's included with the first movie (King of Eden) as a bonus.
Does the series story wrap up at the end of the series, or do I need the movies?
Does the series story wrap up at the end of the series, or do I need the movies?
The story *mostly* wraps up in the TV series, yeah. It has a couple loose ends that the movies take care of. The movies are much, much more slow-paced than the TV show, sadly. The TV series gets a huge recommendation from me, though - it's probably one of the best, most original things from the last decade.

Back from my adventures in Japan.


Really want to go digging through all the figures, but the sorting portion of my brain don't work so well after being up for 35 hours straight.

Back from my adventures in Japan.


Really want to go digging through all the figures, but the sorting portion of my brain don't work so well after being up for 35 hours straight.
What's, that's all? ;)

Ugh, I had the *worst* flight back to Japan after Christmas this year. We had a 14-hour layover in San Francisco, and we couldn't manage to sleep at all. And I only managed to get about 15 minutes of sleep two or three times on the plane, so in total I was mostly-awake for about 45 hours. Eesh.

Anyways, get some sleep and enjoy that jet lag!

What's, that's all? ;)

Ugh, I had the *worst* flight back to Japan after Christmas this year. We had a 14-hour layover in San Francisco, and we couldn't manage to sleep at all. And I only managed to get about 15 minutes of sleep two or three times on the plane, so in total I was mostly-awake for about 45 hours. Eesh.

Anyways, get some sleep and enjoy that jet lag!
Hey, it was only 35 hours at the time of the post ya know! ;D

Luckily my layover was only 5 hours, but I had the worst flight with a woman who kept kicking the back of my seat, a guy who sat in the aisle seat who doesn't understand how to cover his mouth when he coughs, and a guy in front of me that kept letting out gas every 40 minutes the entire flight, and pretended he didn't know who was doing it every time.

Just glad to be back though, but somewhat sad as well. :*(

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Nukem got it, but yeah, I think most of us just learned not to buy DBZ. It's just a nostalgia trap. Most of it I saw is on Hulu just save your money and watch it on there. :D
The ultimate uncut special edition made me realize this. I bought each of those discs as they came out so I was pretty angry when they decided to suddenly stop.

This coming from a guy who owns all of the Pioneer DBZ DVD's, the original Funimation singles (with boxes except for movies 4-6), Ultimate Uncut Special Edition Volume 1 (kept for the voice actor featurette; sold the rest), the bonus disc with DBZ Budukai 3,and the orange bricks seasons 1 and 2. I also have a Target exclusive disc that has the last episode of DBZ and the first episode of GT. And that's just my "Z collection" so I'll shut up.

I'll buy Dragonball Z Kai on Blu Ray only if they release the Buu saga; otherwise, I'm happy with what I got.

Just got a shipping notification from Rightstuf for OniAI and Princess Jellyfish that was on sale. Looks like they got their shipment in :)
Hey, I was wondering if I could get some input. I bought the Evangelion 1.11 DVD version with the holographic case: Is there any difference between this one and the Blu-ray version?

Hey, I was wondering if I could get some input. I bought the Evangelion 1.11 DVD version with the holographic case: Is there any difference between this one and the Blu-ray version?
I'm not sure what you mean. Are you asking the difference in video quality or the packaging? The difference between DVD/Blu is that DVD is 480p where Blu Ray is 1080p (higher resolution & high definition). The holo packaging however was discontinued a long time ago. I believe the 1.1 Blu packaging is now just a normal Blu Ray case but originally it did have holo packaging as I do own that version.

Just got a shipping notification from Rightstuf for OniAI and Princess Jellyfish that was on sale. Looks like they got their shipment in :)
Ass lol. you made me check out rightstuf site now i got my eye on a bunch of crap :)

i take it is a good site to order from? is the membership worth it to join? i just started getting back into anime shows and place a big amazon order. what places you guys find the best deals?

BTW, Rightstuf delisted the Madoka Limited Vol. 2. Vol. 1 and 3 are still in stock. I was going to buy it when Vol. 1 went OOS, but oh well. Guess that saves me $150 for 2+3.

Speaking of Gundam, Unicorn is the only English dubbed series that I don't have (I fucking love Gundam... lol). Does anyone have any ideas on how to get them for a more reasonable price? Due to the way they licensed and released these, the prices are basically prohibitive to buying them, so they basically sent them out to die. Also, I only want them on Blu-ray, so the cheaper DVDs are not in my options. ;)

Speaking of Gundam, Unicorn is the only English dubbed series that I don't have (I fucking love Gundam... lol). Does anyone have any ideas on how to get them for a more reasonable price? Due to the way they licensed and released these, the prices are basically prohibitive to buying them, so they basically sent them out to die. Also, I only want them on Blu-ray, so the cheaper DVDs are not in my options. ;)
personally I would just suck it up and pay $60 for the DVDs instead of $240 plus for the blu rays :p

as for getting them for a more reasonable price, actively watch ebay listings for a while and try to snag them cheap... it requires a lot of wasted time watching and some dumb luck though.

personally I would just suck it up and pay $60 for the DVDs instead of $240 plus for the blu rays :p
Yeah, the DVDs are the only way you're going to get the ones out so far under $100. At least you'd only have to track down 3 volumes of the DVDs, since there's 2 episode on each disc.

If you want to blame someone for the BR prices, blame Bandai Visual Japan. They're the ones releasing them here on BR, although essentially they're just importing them(as the discs are the japanese release w/ an english dub on it). Right Stuf is trying to get a reasonable release, although it's only on DVD.

"Voice Actor Interview, Dragonball Z Retrospective Part 1"

A DBZ release that doesn't have "trailers" listed as the only extra. Wow! It's like they want me to buy the Dragonball Z Season 2 Blu Ray set. 

Is that a joke? Amazon already has the same or better prices on some of those.
There was a Rightstuf AMA on Reddit recently, and it was mentioned that Amazon was a tough competitor (as it should be obvious). You should realize that Amazon BIG, Rightstuf small, therefore who do you think can afford the cheaper prices more times of the year?
It's kind of a joke when I see comments like this. Business-wise, Amazon will always be able to pull more cheaper prices off easily, while Rightstuf can only handle it once a year during the holidays...

(Rightstuf also has tax-free for all but two states, while Amazon has many states taxed... Add that in the equation too).

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IDK, the way people seemed to rave about RS made me start checking them out but I've been continually disappointed.  In particular I've been curious about Wolf Children and it's $3 cheaper on Amazon right now (plus it showed up in my quick picks today for another $1 off).  I'm DLing a rip right now to check out the first 30 and if I like what I see, gonna buy it.  Normally I'd just blind buy, but I've been getting burned too often lately even when it has glowing reviews.

IDK, the way people seemed to rave about RS made me start checking them out but I've been continually disappointed. In particular I've been curious about Wolf Children and it's $3 cheaper on Amazon right now (plus it showed up in my quick picks today for another $1 off).
Previously, Wolf Children was much higher for a longer time (seen here: whereas the Rightstuf price has been a steady $20 the whole time. Amazon fluctuates a lot, and prices do go up as well. They too, attempt to beat out the (smaller) competition. Funi I find, are the only ones that have the better deals via Amazon, (sans the LEs) but pretty much everything is better on Rightstuf, really.

RightStuf was a godsend back when most anime was B&M, even making enough to have a production company as big as Media Blasters and Central Park Media were in their prime.

However, even though Amazon beats their DVDs/Blu-rays, RightStuf still has manga, apparel, and other stuff is generally cheaper. Plus, they have a nice selection of anime wear (I heartedly endorse their Otaku University shirt).

Also, they have not one but TWO hentai lines.
Amazon started taxing in TN the start of this year. :'(
while it's annoying that amazon started charging tax in more states, at least I won't have to figure out how much i spent on amazon to pay the taxes that I owe my state when filing income taxes next year.

anyways anyone use the funimation app on a kindle fire... and if so is the paid version that much improved over the free version? after I figured out how to navigate the app the free version seems fine (though lack of episode numbers suck. but the new eps of the english dub of fairy tail looked good on my new kindle)

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Just got my first order from BB (Angel Beats). Hopefully my other order (Btoom! and Say I Love You)will come shorty since they are back ordered.

Just notice Amazon put up Nyan Koi bluray up for $27.99. This has a dub.

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Previously, Wolf Children was much higher for a longer time (seen here: whereas the Rightstuf price has been a steady $20 the whole time. Amazon fluctuates a lot, and prices do go up as well. They too, attempt to beat out the (smaller) competition. Funi I find, are the only ones that have the better deals via Amazon, (sans the LEs) but pretty much everything is better on Rightstuf, really.
That's right, Amazon has some kind of in with Funimation, as they're routinely able to beat even the Christmas Rightstuf sales, but usually only on Funimation stuff.

bread's done