Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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FINALLY A ANIME DEAL! for NISA anime! (It's been a while...)

But NISA Store is having a sale on their site. Best deals are 3 premium editions for $29.99 with their bonus goods (Brave 10, Catgod, Fuse) and Hanasaku series + movie set with bonus goods for $99.99!

I have a lot of points so I'm going all in. I bought the 3 premium editions when they are on sale at rightstuf for cheap... But I'm just rebuying them just for the bonus items.

San Diego. The theater is in the busy part of town too (Mission Valley / Fashion Valley).
Wow. Thats rough. I figured they would have had a much bigger turnout.

I once set up a local 3DS Streetpass meetup in my town during a National Streetpass event, months in advance. Did not get a single Streetpass that day. (And I usually get at least one or two.)

It wasn't even a big thing; it was located at the mall, so all anyone had to do was pass through the mall with their 3DS.
I have a friend who is huge into street passes, wherever we go anywhere he constantly checks his thing and there are at least a dozen. Again this is Chicago, and the surrounding burbs.

FINALLY A ANIME DEAL! for NISA anime! (It's been a while...)

But NISA Store is having a sale on their site. Best deals are 3 premium editions for $29.99 with their bonus goods (Brave 10, Catgod, Fuse) and Hanasaku series + movie set with bonus goods for $99.99!

I have a lot of points so I'm going all in. I bought the 3 premium editions when they are on sale at rightstuf for cheap... But I'm just rebuying them just for the bonus items.
Woot Woot. Time to spend some monies!

Hm...a lot of sets are still overpriced, especially when they aren't BD versions, but I'm tempted on a few. I want to buy Bunny Drop but.....almost $4 / episode >.< Painful. It looks like Pandora Hearts never got a BD release, but I really liked that one and would love to have a higher quality presentation, so I think I'll pull the trigger there. Anyone watch Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl? I saw bits of the first episode and it looked like it could be entertaining. Just not sure I want to pay a premium for a blind buy. It's either great or falls off the weirdo wagon. Anyone that wants to sell me on picking it up?

FINALLY A ANIME DEAL! for NISA anime! (It's been a while...)

But NISA Store is having a sale on their site. Best deals are 3 premium editions for $29.99 with their bonus goods (Brave 10, Catgod, Fuse) and Hanasaku series + movie set with bonus goods for $99.99!

I have a lot of points so I'm going all in. I bought the 3 premium editions when they are on sale at rightstuf for cheap... But I'm just rebuying them just for the bonus items.
Really NISA have Brave 10 complete Set, Catgod Complete Set and Fuse Complete Set for $15 Each?

What's the point of StreetPass
No particular point. It's just a fun little diversion that is built into the 3DS's firmware. The nice thing is that it can be incorporated into individual games. It is common for some games to have exclusive content that can be acquired when you StreetPass. While the built-in mini-games are interesting, it's the added content from game-specific street pass content that really shines.

tempted on the 3 season set thing, but shipping almost doubles the price (cheapest shipping option was like 22) and nothing else gets me up to $75 that I care about for free shipping.

tempted on the 3 season set thing, but shipping almost doubles the price (cheapest shipping option was like 22) and nothing else gets me up to $75 that I care about for free shipping.

I need Fuse, but shipping totally wrecks that idea.

The fact that it can come media mail just makes it unjustifiable... ~_~

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All the stuff listed I already have.

If only they had some of their other, newer PEs as part of this sale...

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Ended up just getting Fuse.

Wasn't worth it to overpay for some of the other stuff I didn't have, or duplicates.

Still paid less than what I intended to for the set, so still a win in my book... >_>

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Since people were crying about the Indiegogo.... :p


Thank you so much for your input so far!
And... I have a top secret announcement to make!

On March 17th noon EST (in approx. 23 hours), I will relaunch the campaign on Kickstarter.

Here's what will happen:

- immediately after Kickstarter launch, I will refund your Indiegogo pledge
- I invite you to repledge on Kickstarter, and of course to rally other people who were turned off by the Indiegogo platform. I want to recognize you and other backers who have been with the campaign from the start, and will include your name as part of an exclusive list of Founders within the Special Thanks credits.

A few important notes:

(1) The Kickstarter relaunch is an exclusive ANN news story embargoed until March 17th noon EST. So mum's the word!

(2) We need an initial goal that feels as reachable as possible. So, I've lowered the initial goal to $155K. I was able to do this by investing additional funds of my own to lay the basis for the localization, and making the initial goal for DVD only. The Blu-ray is a stretch goal at $185K. I know we can make it to the Blu-ray goal!!!

We are in for a 30-day battle to rally fans behind this cause. It is important that we get to 30% of the goal within the first 3 days - so that is about $46K by 3/20.

Thank you for supporting Skip Beat from the very beginning!!

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I want to add to the above post that following reasons to pledge to skip beat.

First off they plan to do weekly behind the scenes updates showing off the process of localizing the dub which you can get access to for $15. Thus even if you don't have interest in skip beat that could be a very interesting thing to follow.

second, even if skip beat isn't your cup of tea, if this is successful they will likely continue to bring over shows and the next one might be one you want. if they aren't successful it's doubtful they will continue. Thus even if you can only pledge a little bit that would be helpful.

It'll probably be fine now that it's on KS, but I wish they had just done that to begin with.

It was much easier to just pledge to this than when they were on Indiegogo, and my issues with Indiegogo were more off principle rather than not wanting to fund the project.

Right when I was alerted of the KS, I immediately backed it since this is a show I've been waiting for a long time to get here in NA.

But I was certainly one of those people that did not approve of the initial route they took, and the crappy explanation they gave of why they went that route. :p


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Ah you all beat me to the Skip Beat KS announcement. Work kept me busy. Let's hope folks that were sitting on the sidelines will jump in this time. I really want to get this in NA, especially on blu, but I'll take DVD.

I'm confident now that it's on KS, it'll actually work out much better, and I definitely want the blu as well.

Still trying to figure out if I want to move up to the chipboard level.

So much more for a freaking box...yet I totally want it. :*(

I'm confident now that it's on KS, it'll actually work out much better, and I definitely want the blu as well.

Still trying to figure out if I want to move up to the chipboard level.

So much more for a freaking box...yet I totally want it. :*(
Here I thought you would be at the $500 level so you could show off your shiny jacket :p

People have no reason to not back it now.  Ann changed it to a KS from Indiegogo and used some of her own money. Also if they want the BD which I do they need to back it.

I'm confident now that it's on KS, it'll actually work out much better, and I definitely want the blu as well.

Still trying to figure out if I want to move up to the chipboard level.

So much more for a freaking box...yet I totally want it. :*(
you know you want it, plus it will hold the blu ray stuff as well once the campaign is successful :p

They should've done that in the first place. &gt;.&gt;
don't blame me, I told her when she wanted feedback that indiegogo is a bad choice it should be on kickstarter instead lol a week before the indiegogo campaign as she was worried about itnerest.

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First off they plan to do weekly behind the scenes updates showing off the process of localizing the dub which you can get access to for $15.
This is a great incentive for people interested in the dubbing process. I'm almost tempted, even though I have zero interest in Skip Beat and could think of a dozen other show's I'd much rather see dubbed.

This is a great incentive for people interested in the dubbing process. I'm almost tempted, even though I have zero interest in Skip Beat and could think of a dozen other show's I'd much rather see dubbed.
There next show could be one of those shows (no clue what it will be if this succeeds but their next series will likely be only 12-13 episodes)

I think unless all you like are shounen and those with no plots, then probably everyone will enjoy Skip Beat who watches it.

Went for the $100 tier. Never watched the show but I like the effort being put forth for this to succeed, I hope they make it.
Does Skip beat have a legit ending or is it open ended? Hate it when an anime just ends with no resolution.
Errr, well, it has a stopping's not a total cliff hanger, but clearly there's more to it. I guess I'd say there is nothing to resolve by the end, how about that?

Does Skip beat have a legit ending or is it open ended? Hate it when an anime just ends with no resolution.
I've been developing an intense dislike for recent anime titles that have ended mid-plot, especially with those that I'd get invested in. It makes them little more than lengthy commercials for the manga.

The Blood Lad anime can go fuck itself. Just when I was really getting into it...boom. Unresolved cliffhanger.

I've been developing an intense dislike for recent anime titles that have ended mid-plot, especially with those that I'd get invested in. It makes them little more than lengthy commercials for the manga.

The Blood Lad anime can go fuck itself. Just when I was really getting into it...boom. Unresolved cliffhanger.
That's the point of about 80% of every anime that is made. You get the occasional one where the director is able to take some liberties with the material,but these for the most part shows are page for page adaptations made to drive up sales of the source material.
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Omg! someone else is as upset as me about blood lad...

Was gonna throw some money at skip beat to help the community, but you're not selling me on it.
the worst part was blood lad didn't have any translations for a while, legal or otherwise so you couldn't even continue it that way unless you could read japanese &gt;.&lt;;

per Asuras

Funimation June 2016 Solicitations

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time The Movie - $34.98 - 6/7/2016

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time The Movie - Collector's Edition - $49.98 - 6/7/2016

The Boy and the Beast The Movie - BD/DVD Combo + UV - $34.98 - 6/7/2016

Yona of the Dawn Part One - $64.98 - 6/7/2016

PSYCHO-PASS - The Movie - BD/DVD Combo + UV
- $34.98 - 6/7/2016

Gonna be the Twin-Tail - The Complete Series - $64.98 - 6/7/2016

Yurikuma Arashi The Complete Series - $64.98 - 6/28/2016

Fairy Tail Part 20 - $54.98 - 6/7/2016

Selector Season Two
- $64.98 - 6/28/2016

Shonen Hollywood - Season One DVD Only
- $44.98 - 6/7/2016

One Piece Collection 16 DVD
- $34.98 - 6/28/2016

Oh this is a rude post. :p I kid, people need to get thicker skin. And I wasn't shaming people. I was stating a fact about the whole situation.

Side note these are up on RS as well. And anyone else think that the Girl CE art is ugly? I mean I figured they would give it more love since this is such a well deserving movie.

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bread's done