Anyone still playing the good ol' Xbox? What games are you playing?

After I saw Fable show up on the Originals page of Live, I decided to finally batten down and finish the game ;) I got all the way to the final battle and that's where I sit... not good enough with the bow to finish the job. ;)

But, my monster original controller for my Xbox sure took some getting used to. ;)

I may play Jade Empire after this (since I just got it used...)
I bought the following from the gs b2g1 sale

Beyond Good & Evil
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
for 11 dollars and some change.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.99

[quote name='Pratt75']you picked up some good ones.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, someone recommend those games in the B2g1 free thread.
My friend gave me his old copy of Fable, so I'm working on that right now.
So far I've gotten to the first Arena quest, but I haven't played it in a while since.
Currently Playing Jade Empire. I am kind of on a Bioware kick. Pretty much sold all of my 360 games so have been taking advantage of the B2G1 deal. Somehow got the collectors edition of it too. By buying that I found out there was a Mass Effect one as well and my heart sank.
As long as you haven't played the original, yes. The best part of the lost chapters imo was the first puzzle you do, and after that it's a quick rollercoaster ride to the end of the new content.
Recently Replayed MGS2 on the xbox and also want to play Riddick again also. Need to finish KOTOR2 and will before buying Mass Effect on PC. I have a soft spot for "Black" also so I'm sure from time to time I'll keep replaying levels from that. I love my xbox and I don't own a 360
Just started up Batman Begins. So far it's not to bad. Nothing special but not bad. My son loves anything superheroes so at the very least a good excuse to play games in front of him :applause:

Anyways, Im running out of XBOX games to buy. Thank you gamestop for the b2g1 but you would be stupid to end it. Unless you like xbox games just sitting around since most of yours are to expensive.

I also picked up Syberia II today. That one is going to have to wait as I still have the original Syberia to get through.

To end the post, I sold my Wii today, so now the original XBOX is my LAST remaining system. I have about 15 games to play through. I won't be buying one for awhile. I truly now have realized that it is pointless to buy the newer ones (in my opinion of course). Hell Batman Begins looks pretty good graphics wise in my opinion.
[quote name='schuerm26']I also picked up Syberia II today. That one is going to have to wait as I still have the original Syberia to get through.

My advice..skip Syberia and just play the sequel. As someone who played both, Syberia was a bad port with a ton of techincal glitches. Get it for PC if you have you have to play it. Syberia II was a lot better.
[quote name='schuerm26']Just started up Batman Begins. So far it's not to bad. Nothing special but not bad. My son loves anything superheroes so at the very least a good excuse to play games in front of him :applause:

Anyways, Im running out of XBOX games to buy. Thank you gamestop for the b2g1 but you would be stupid to end it. Unless you like xbox games just sitting around since most of yours are to expensive.[/quote]

I still have Batman Begins from when Kmart was clearing it out for $1.50 and I need to actually slog through Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I bought that and Shadow Of The Collossus from Target a while back and I never did get through either.

Of course, I'm going to need to dust off my Xbox, since the PS3 has been getting all of the play time around my house lately. :whistle2:#
[quote name='Richard Longfellow']My advice..skip Syberia and just play the sequel. As someone who played both, Syberia was a bad port with a ton of techincal glitches. Get it for PC if you have you have to play it. Syberia II was a lot better.[/QUOTE]

Syberia has always been an odd game with me. I really don't like playing adventure/puzzle focused games (though, I usually love the environments, so I end up buying them). I've started Syberia twice, put a couple hours in, really love the environment of the town, and then toss it to the side. I always swore I'd print a strategy guide, and then play through it just to see some of the later stuff in the game.

Always wanted to buy Syberia II also, but I always waited until I could beat the first one. Might have to get it now (well, after a bit of the backlog is done).
[quote name='Aleryn']Haven't stopped playing Unreal Championship 2 on my Xbox, and don't plan to. Love UT, but UC2 just does things UT never has done, and no other FPS ever has as well.

Would still be playing with Morrowind occasionally if I didn't grab the PC version. Love MW on the Xbox, but DAMMIT are the initial loads, or when you die and reload times HORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIBLE.[/QUOTE]

Great, great game. Too bad more people don't know about it. Do you play on Live? If you do, do you usually see some people playing?
My brother and I were playing through The Warriors this weekend. A Very good beat'em'up in an age where beat'em'ups are a forgotten genre. We got a kick out of how bloody and bruised your characters become while fighting, and that they retain all the scarring in the immediate cinematics.
I just finished Splinter Cell: Pandorra Tomorrow maybe 3 days ago (probably one of the fastest games I have played- I think I started it and beat it in something like 1.5-2 weeks?).

Am playing through Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory now.

I bought the original Splinter Cell game right when I bought my xbox but never played it for maybe like 3 years. Then I finally got around to playing it and it was great. I picked up the above two SC games during an old GS B2G1 deal. Finally got around to playing them now- I have really enjoyed the SC series.

The graphics on Chaos Theory (or any SC game for that matter) are really pretty good- plenty "next-gen" for me!

After I finish Chaos Theory I will have two games left: Dreamfall: The Longest Journey and Fable LC. Then I will have played all my xbox games. Well excepting for those games that never end like Forza.

Playing through Indigo Prophecy again, one of my favorite games.. I plan on re-starting Beyond Good & Evil here soon, I never got far into it.
ive started to play nfl 2k5 again.. jesus christ do i miss this game.

I still dont think madden has matches its presentation. I love the haltime/postgame shows and the cutscenes after big plays...
I'm playing Capcom Classics vol 1 (Final Fight). Still have a massive back log of used games to play through. Chronicles of Riddick, Path of Neo, Red Dead Revolver.
Let my brother take the original xbox, to use as a DVD player at our parent's house. I keep a couple games with it, that I am working through when I go to visit or do laundry.

1) Darkwatch
2) Star Wars: Republic Commando
3) Timesplitters 3: Future Perfect

As for my 360, I played through Psychonauts again. Also playing Street Fighter Anniversary, and wanting to play through Indigo Prophecy.
Just finished the Star Wars Force Unleashed demo and it made me want to play through Second Sight and Psi-Ops again...might have to pop those in this weekend.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Voodoo Vince, maybe?[/quote]

I saw one called Tork Prehistoric Punk also.

I was more wondering quality wise as opposed to just being similar.

I can't think of any platformers I have played on the xbox so maybe someone can help me out.
[quote name='schuerm26']Does the xbox have any action platformers comparable to the Jak or Ratchet games?[/quote]

Not really...that was the Xbox library's weakness. I enjoyed Hulk Ultimate Destruction and Prince of Persia which were action games. Metal Arms was pretty good. The Wallace and Gromit games were actually kind of fun.
[quote name='schuerm26']Does the xbox have any action platformers comparable to the Jak or Ratchet games?[/QUOTE]
i got a question 4 ppl who play xbox live, when i go to set up my account it always stops and shows the "dirty disk" message what can i do 2 get live on my xbox???
[quote name='wr3aper']i got a question 4 ppl who play xbox live, when i go to set up my account it always stops and shows the "dirty disk" message what can i do 2 get live on my xbox???[/quote]

That's not Xbox Live, it sounds like you either have scratched up discs or a system that has a dying disc drive.
I just started getting up early to play me so JSRF before work, great game. And I want to find me a Morrowind GotY guide so I can remember where I'm up to and continue playing that one day....
[quote name='Kaijufan']I have my Xbox 360 hooked up to our big TV downstairs, and my original Xbox hooked up to a TV in my room, so I still play my original Xbox quite a bit.
So far this year I've played Star Wars KotOR for a second time, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, Secret Weapons Over Normandy, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and I'm playing Buffy the Vampire Slayer Chaos Bleeds now.
I've only played one Xbox 1 game on my 360 this year, Indigo Prophecy, which was surprisingly good except for the last hour or so.[/quote]

Oh man Buffy and KotOR are by far two of the best games for XBOX sure Halo is great for the shooter style be overall I think KotOR and Buffy provide more entertainment and story. Not to sway too far off but I'd love to get into the Rogue Squadron games again for the Gamecube I still need to replace my old Cube since my pooch broke mine by pulling it off the entertainment center when he was a puppy and we were playing.. oops.. no biggie on his part he was just a pup.. he gets a pass ;-)
I thought I was the only one who enjoyed the Buffy games. I''m glad to see there are a couple of other people out there that enjoyed it as well.
I just got KOTOR from Goozex today and played for about 2 hours.

I started this on the PC but got a Vista system shortly afterward and it didn't want to run properly (damn you microsoft). So, I played until just past the point where I left off. I've heard many great things about this game so I'm hoping the pace ramps up significantly soon. The graphics aren't as good, but since I've only got a Wii this generation, I'm used to it.
The first Buffy game was pretty critically acclaimed when it came out. People were expecting crap (I assume) and were pleasantly surprised. Sadly I don't have my Xbox hooked up because it is too damn big to fit where I need it to.

I also need to replay Secret Weapons Over Normandy.
[quote name='bmulligan']I just got KOTOR from Goozex today and played for about 2 hours.

I started this on the PC but got a Vista system shortly afterward and it didn't want to run properly (damn you microsoft). So, I played until just past the point where I left off. I've heard many great things about this game so I'm hoping the pace ramps up significantly soon. The graphics aren't as good, but since I've only got a Wii this generation, I'm used to it.[/QUOTE]
Once you get past that first planet, yeah, it's pretty amazing. One of my favorite Xbox games.
[quote name='jp0213']I thought I was the only one who enjoyed the Buffy games. I''m glad to see there are a couple of other people out there that enjoyed it as well.[/QUOTE]
Indeed. The first game is awesome. The sequel, OTOH...garbage.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Once you get past that first planet, yeah, it's pretty amazing. One of my favorite Xbox games.[/quote]

Agreed. Manaan was a little slow but interacting with that crazy guy in the locker underwater more than made up for it. Kashyyyk and Tattoine are both bad ass. I was disappointed with the DLC though.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Agreed. Manaan was a little slow but interacting with that crazy guy in the locker underwater more than made up for it. Kashyyyk and Tattoine are both bad ass. I was disappointed with the DLC though.[/QUOTE]

Cool, I'm excited for the game get a little more interesting.
Still play:

ESPN NFL 2K5 - still the best pure football experience available today
Dead or Alive Ultimate - destroying a pro wrestler online with a chick in a two piece is very satisfying
Shenmue II - I vow to play through I and II once every year until Shenmue III sees the light of day
I don't have my original Xbox anymore, but I'm currently playing Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy on my 360 as the Shipwrecks recommended it. So far, I'm really liking it.
[quote name='bmulligan']Cool, I'm excited for the game get a little more interesting.[/quote]

My only recommendation is to steer clear of the Light Side Consular class. The end game for that class is absolutely brutal.
I actually just finished up a game of KOTOR with the 360. More slowdown than the original xbox and skippy cut scenes, but great compatibility.
I'm about 4ish hours into a playthrough of KOTOR on my 360, and I was hoping that the "running while talking to someone" and "skippy audio" was just BC error-type stuff. Not that it helps me, but it makes me realize how people could call this GOTY material.

I'm still not sure why it got hyped as much as it did (just Star Wars Fanboys?) but then again, it doesn't help that I got lost for an hour or so of not knowing what to do/where to go, and then played that card game for a while too (i'm easily amused I guess).

I'm hoping things pick up soon (looks like I get a Wookie soon?) because I guess i'd rather be playing Mass Effect instead if it doesn't get any better. I just thought it would make more sense to play this first.....
[quote name='Anexanhume']I actually just finished up a game of KOTOR with the 360. More slowdown than the original xbox and skippy cut scenes, but great compatibility.[/quote]

So it's playable, then? I'll have to run out and grab a copy tomorrow.
I need to get around to unplugging my 360 and plugging in my X-Box. I picked up THPS4 today for $1.50 at the Salvation Army (really good shape with instruction manuals). I also got Fable, Amped 2, and one of the Capcom compilations (the one with Final Fight) that I haven't bothered to play yet since my friend gave me his ghetto 360.
-Grand theft auto 3
-Grand theft auto san andreas
-Ninja Gaiden Black
-Panzer dragoon Otra
-SEGA GT 2002/Jet set radio future
-Splinter cell
-Dead or alive 3
-mega man anniversary collection
I still love playing my black box. I used to be part of a group that played old school Xbox games but eventually everyone drank the 360 koolaid pretty hard and now we don't play them together anymore.

Xbox games I wish I could play online again:

- Doom 3
- Time Splitters: Future Perfect (one of the most fun MP games ever)
- Far Cry: Instincts
- Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike
- Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
- Rainbow Six 3 series
- Counter-Strike
- Midnight Club 3: DUB
- Unreal Championship
- Halo 2
- Burnout 3: Takedown

If anyone wants to play, just shoot me a pm.

gamertag: Say B N
bread's done