Anyone still playing the good ol' Xbox? What games are you playing?

[quote name='vanlandw']A modded xbox with BAED is without question just an amazing thing.

Me and my friends xboxes get played regularly.[/quote]
w00t. Kicking my dads ass at NHL 94 = win. :cool:
If I get time I'm going to start Gun tonight. Of course I've been thinking that all week, maybe tonight will be the night.
[quote name='amacher']If I get time I'm going to start Gun tonight. Of course I've been thinking that all week, maybe tonight will be the night.[/quote]

Gun looks great in widescreen.
If I had room I'd definitely hook up my xbox again. I have some games like Marvel vs Capcom 2, KOTOR, and Conker that I can play on the 360, but for some reason I'd rather play them on the original.
Goes in cycles for me..right now, I am just 360 gaming..but a little while back i was playing original xbox games. Played Freaky Flyers, Capcom Classics Collection 1, Crimson Skies, Street Fighter Anniversary, Hulk Ultimate Destruction, and Pain Killer .
[quote name='neocisco']I started KOTOR last week. About 20 hours in and I'm just about done on Dantooine. This game is going to be loooong.[/quote]

I'm finishing up all my light n fluffy Xbox games before I get into KOTOR. Saving the best for last I suppose.

BTW I like your 30 Rock sigs. That has to be a sign of good taste. Funniest show since Seinfeld went off the air.
I'm debating if I wanna hook up my Xbox to play some Mercenaries again, since I loved the original and just spent hours blowing crap up after I finished the main game.

Plus, I've got a bid in for a copy of Steel Battalion on an auction site. It comes with the ginormous box it originally came in AND the huge 40 switch/button controller.

If Gamestop around by me still had the damn thing I wouldn't need to go through the hassle of getting one shipped to me from someone on an auction site.

Then again, I'd also be paying $50 and probably getting a copy of the game with assloads of scratches on it.
[quote name='Richard Longfellow']I'm finishing up all my light n fluffy Xbox games before I get into KOTOR. Saving the best for last I suppose.

BTW I like your 30 Rock sigs. That has to be a sign of good taste. Funniest show since Seinfeld went off the air.[/quote]

About halfway through and I'm at 35 hours. This is the first game I've played in a long time where I've consistently stayed up 1-2 hours later than I should just to get more PT.

My tastes can sometimes vary from quite good to "Really? You like that?".:)
[quote name='neocisco']My tastes can sometimes vary from quite good to "Really? You like that?".:)[/quote]

That sums up my tastes in games pretty well as well. Although, I will say that I've had copies of not only Halo but also KOTOR AND Chronicles Of Riddick and I've hated all three universally.

Anything turn based is pure garbage to me. I tried one of the PS1 era Final Fantasies and after 30-40 minutes I was SO bored I was falling asleep.

I've had more than my fill of first person shooters as well going back to the Genesis era. In my opinion, aside from flashier weapons and prettier graphics, it's the same thing over and over, which could be said about any game genre really.

Yet, I'll still play every God Of War clone and every GTA clone that comes down the pike.

Mind you, I might tolerate a FPS or even a turn based game if it was only $5 or under, but paying full price? Hell no.
i still play my xbox from time to time. but recently just picked up one of those memory cards where you can copy game saves from the cpu to the xbox. it's sweet. been playing some old games with maxed up abilities and levels - jade empire, fable, scarface, gta san andreas - to name a few.
I can't believe people still consider this system dead. I just picked up my 270th Xbox1 game the other day, and am really happy with the size and quality of my collection. 360 didn't make the Xbox obsolete; MS just decided to charge you more for games you already have. Xbox Originals can suck my crank. Greedy bastards.
I still have mine and it gets some play as well(plus being modded I play emulators on it all the time). Recently picked up Blinx: The Time Sweeper, Psi Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy, Indigo Prophecy and Shemnue 2. Though I have to say the ps2 was always better. Though KOTR was the best game I ever played for either system. Played it on xbox and pc numerous times. Hell I tried to play Mass Effect but got frustrated because it was not Star Wars :(. I hate the fact that now its going to be an MMO. I want KOTR III DAMNIT!!!!
I picked up Morrowind a few days ago, I forgot how much there is to do in the game! I'm trying to play through the rest of the story but I keep getting sidetracked.
[quote name='jaysapathy']I can't believe people still consider this system dead. I just picked up my 270th Xbox1 game the other day, and am really happy with the size and quality of my collection. 360 didn't make the Xbox obsolete; MS just decided to charge you more for games you already have. Xbox Originals can suck my crank. Greedy bastards.[/quote]

I'm waiting for Sony to start trying to charge people to download and play PS2 games on their PS3, since they already have PS1 games for download on their store.

I actually did buy the original Spyro from PSN, since I couldn't find a non mangled copy in the rough, but I stopped playing it soon after finishing the second or third level.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I'm waiting for Sony to start trying to charge people to download and play PS2 games on their PS3, since they already have PS1 games for download on their store.

I actually did buy the original Spyro from PSN, since I couldn't find a non mangled copy in the rough, but I stopped playing it soon after finishing the second or third level.[/quote]

I don't think they'll do that until the rumored software emulation becomes reality.
Now FREE software emulation, that I would take any day of the week. But from what I've seen thus far, that's never going to happen.

I mean, take a look at how long it took for the PS2 to drop to $100 as it is.

I'm not saying they shouldn't be able to make profits and all, but they should actually give a shit about those people who bought their crap for the past 14-15 years and keep or add emulation that'll allow us to play the physical copies of games we already own.

If they did want to charge a nominal fee($1 or so) for us to be able to play the disc versions of games we own, I might pay it, but anything over $5 for software BC and they could shove it up their ass.
well right now i've got three games pariah but that was a breeze to beat, also ultimate alliance still playing it trrying to get the best ending but i know it's imposible, but the one i'm really playing is samurai warriors especially the heaven & abyss mode i'd gotten to about floor 20 on abyss when i got killed.
If I lived closer and could verify they had it prior to taking a swing out there, Gamestop in Randolph, NJ is claiming to have a Steel Battalion bundle($50) in stock.

It sucks that the only store by me with it sold out before they FINALLY dropped it to $50 late last year or so, since I watched it languish in it's ginormous box at the $100 or higher price forever.
i never had an original xbox but now i have a 360 i picked up a few xbox games for cheap. i got oddworld munches oddysee, second sight, and fable the lost chapters. currently playing fable and its pretty awesome.
I love my original xbox - i'm delaying my jump into the next gen, and i find the xbox has plenty of game to offer. I've got a boatload of games on it (135) and most I've not even touched. What made the Xbox so great was its multiplatform titles -- often the best of the competition and typically (at least was) cheaper. Fatal Frame 1 and 2, Prince of Persia, and the SSX games come to mind.
[quote name='greyzieoriental']Anyone want to buy my Otogi 1 and Metal Gear Solid 2? $10+shipping[/QUOTE]

Ummm ... you may have a hard time selling those at that price. Let's face it, generally, Xbox games don't hold much value.
nice to see some xbox love had some great times with that machine i had two consoles one went down bought another and then the original after about 6 months in my closet came back to life i would always joked to my friends and brother that it healed itself
In my opinion, systems are never dead. Still got my old NES and even an Atari Pong machine set up. Of all the retro systems, Xbox gets the most play: Hang 'em High on Halo 1 is still a favorite among my friends. I've also been messing around with Metal Slug 3 and Chicago Enforcer, which got crap reviews but I enjoy it.
I have mine out now but only to get all the DLC for the games that I never got it for. I still have 3 or 4 on order from amazon and it looks like I will be cutting it close. Pisses me off that M$ wont let us download all the DLC on to a disc to keep and load up on the Xbox. Hell I was going to suggest that but never could find someone to contact about it other then that major nelson guy. I sent him a message on live and just like I thought he never said shit back.
I would love to play more original Xbox games, but i find my self to be much to my dismay someone who likes achievements and having other people know i completed a game. When the original Xbox original was discontinued i bought like 100 games on the cheap and have played one.
Just got Jade Empire in the mail, will be starting it in the morning. Don't play all that many Xbox originals anymore, play a bunch of ps2/gc still but Xbox doesn't seem to have many games I am terribly interested in going back to.
I still play my original! Still picking games up for it too. Just got Agent Under Fire and a new copy of Halo 2 last weekend. Been playing those two games a lot recently.
I have a green Halo LE Xbox that still sees plenty of use.

I've been messing around lately with Predator Concrete Jungle and Ninja Gaiden Black.
Since I have no intention of getting a 360 anytime soon (though I have 10 games for it ... lol), I still play my XBX now and then. Play a lot of NBA2K7 (which I find personally amusing as I have 134 XBX games and 185 PS2 games to choose from) :p
I started playing GTA: Vice City. Pretty much seems like a GTA III expansion but I'm having fun.

I'm also doing some last minute downloads on XBL before they shut it down.
Just getting to Vice City? I didn't start losing interest until San Andreas. The xbox versions are so much better due to controls and graphics. It's so nice to actually be able to read street signs unlike on the PS2.
[quote name='jdawgg76']Just getting to Vice City? I didn't start losing interest until San Andreas. The xbox versions are so much better due to controls and graphics. It's so nice to actually be able to read street signs unlike on the PS2.[/QUOTE]

Man, I have a sealed GTA trilogy. I never really got excited by the GTA hoopla, but saw the trilogy clearanced at CC a long time ago for $14 and I couldn't pass it up. Someday, someday ...
[quote name='jdawgg76']Just getting to Vice City? I didn't start losing interest until San Andreas. The xbox versions are so much better due to controls and graphics. It's so nice to actually be able to read street signs unlike on the PS2.[/QUOTE]

A good thing about being behind on the games is I get to play technically superior versions like you pointed out. Not being able to rotate the camera stinks though.

My backlog is at 194 games, no joke. I just now bought my first game in about a year, Madworld for $7. It will be a long time before I get a Wii but for that price, why not.
While I'm not playing it at this exact moment in time. Phantom Dust is what's in the box. I still need to beat Morrowind too. 194?! Eep! And I thought I was bad. :p
[quote name='neocisco']A good thing about being behind on the games is I get to play technically superior versions like you pointed out. Not being able to rotate the camera stinks though.

My backlog is at 194 games, no joke. I just now bought my first game in about a year, Madworld for $7. It will be a long time before I get a Wii but for that price, why not.[/QUOTE]Can't rotate the camera, really? Thought you could, but it's been such a long time since I played any GTA. After hearing friends rave about Madworld, I got it for 18ish used as GS. One of the few games I've spent 10+ on and it's interesting, but I didn't get into it very much. Wish I had gotten it for 7 too as it's in my massive backlog. I have so many that I have some in boxes on a closet waiting to be played. Probably as many as you. Sometimes I see a good deal like getting two games for $5 at the BB B1G1 and I can't even remember if I have it or not. That's bad.
[quote name='TheCapn010']A tale of souls and swords eternally retold...
SOULLLLL CALIBURRRR, TWOOOOOOO[/QUOTE]Best looking game on the og. 720p is beautiful even though it's only 4x3! This game looks better than lots of 360 games. I've probably put months of time onto SC2.
I've been playing ESPN NFL 2K5 ever since it came out, but I have a couple of games I want to finish. Both games are from BioWare, but I think I might only finish Jade Empire, because I don't think KOTOR aged all that, I know the twist, and I liked KOTOR2 more.
bread's done