Arkham City Preorder PS3/XBOX360 + $10 eGift card and Arkham Asylum GOTY at Walmart


2 (100%)
Right now if you preorder Batman Arkham City on PS3 or XBOX 360 at as a bonus you get a $10 e-gift card and Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition for $59.96 + tax and shipping. Great deal especially if you don't already have Arkham Asylum!



Credit:kroutonkruncher [sd]

Seems like a good deal if you haven't the first like me. I think this is the best deal yet if you haven't played the first. I am probably just going to sell the Special Edition I got from amazon for 60.
I still think this is live; at least bundled with the preorder 3 games get $50 GC.

When you choose that route for both systems they have two Batman AC's you can choose from. One listing is just the standard game with no extra details in the listing and the picture is of just Batman AC

The other one says "...with bonus" and has the sticker of Batman AA on the Batman AC packaging.

Everyone who says the "...with bonus" means Gift Card is absolutely wrong. You're getting the $50 Gift card regardless when you preorder 3 titles. That is the promotion. You're getting the $50 gift card if you choose three copies of Batman AC without the description "...with bonus" and you'd also get the $50 GC if you choose the description that says "...with bonus"

Knowing that and also that one of the pics has the Batman AA sticker I'm going to says that getting the copy of Batman AA is the bonus they are referring to... least in the preorder 3 get a $50 eGC promotion
[quote name='Peanut932']Did the commercial say anything about the deal lasting all week? Just wondering whether or not I should buy it right away.[/QUOTE]
I'd say to get to your local WM as quickly as possible on release day, as they may only have a certain number of the bundled versions and once they're gone that's it.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']For those of you who may wait and try to buy this used, I present this:

If you wanna use the Catwoman content on the disc, then you gotta pay $10 for it if you buy used.:roll:[/QUOTE]

I don't get that. I recall them saying you played as Catwoman for 10% of the game. That's a fairly decent chunk of time. Now they're saying the Catwoman parts are negligible and essentially a bonus? Either way, pretty lame of them to do this though
[quote name='ssjmichael']Apparently used copies sold at GS will include the Catwoman code:

Seems pretty retarded that WB would agree to such a deal considering they're implementing this mainly to stop people from buying it used at GS...[/QUOTE]

Unless GS payed them a massive amount of money, because they figured out BBY is actually starting to make a Larger dent in their market then they initially thought.
Either way, locking content that's on the disc unless you pay for some sort of code to unlock regardless of whether or not you buy used or new is complete and utter bullshit.:roll:
[quote name='confoosious']Would you be happier if it was a 500MB download?[/QUOTE]
I'd be happier if it was unlocked from the start w/o the use of some bs code. Period. Doing this to a game for something that isn't seperately downloaded paid DLC is horseshit. Plain and simple. Next thing you know they'll require being online for the game to even play like some companies do now for their PSN titles.:roll:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I'd be happier if it was unlocked from the start w/o the use of some bs code. Period. Doing this to a game for something that isn't seperately downloaded paid DLC is horseshit. Plain and simple. Next thing you know they'll require being online for the game to even play like some companies do now for their PSN titles.:roll:[/QUOTE]

I understand where you're coming from but it's either adapt or dont play those games. Plain and simple. Doesnt really bother me that much as I rarely buy used games. I usually wait for sales or clearance drops or use coupons.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I'd be happier if it was unlocked from the start w/o the use of some bs code. Period. Doing this to a game for something that isn't seperately downloaded paid DLC is horseshit. Plain and simple. Next thing you know they'll require being online for the game to even play like some companies do now for their PSN titles.:roll:[/QUOTE]

Then don't buy it.
I'm slow to the party but is the Asylum/City bundle in store only? Because I'm looking online and never mentions this bundle in Arkham City's product page.
[quote name='glemtvapen']I'm slow to the party but is the Asylum/City bundle in store only? Because I'm looking online and never mentions this bundle in Arkham City's product page.[/QUOTE]

Online copies are sold out. You should be able to find it in stores.
[quote name='ethan1013']Online copies are sold out. You should be able to find it in stores.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I guess I'll just be missing out on the $10 egift card.
No prob.

FYI machinima's review is out. No real spoilers in the video and they do mention the integration of Catwoman(i.e. you can play the story without her).
[quote name='thebytewasbit']I understand where you're coming from but it's either adapt or dont play those games. Plain and simple. Doesnt really bother me that much as I rarely buy used games. I usually wait for sales or clearance drops or use coupons.[/QUOTE]
This is the type of attitude that is telling the game developers that it's ok to gouge people for content that's already on the disc and not some DLC. The more people that just go 'meh' and bend over and take this sorta shit, the more likely more companies will do this in increasing numbers. Who's to say that at some point in the near future you're not buying esentially a coaster for $60 then being charged $5 per level to unlock EACH level in a game?

Don't come crying on here when it happens cuz it WILL happen if gamers continue to be so apathetic.
[quote name='confoosious']Then don't buy it.[/QUOTE]
Believe me, I don't intend to. At one point I was considering going Monday night to my closest WM(bout a mile from here) and waiting for midnight to pick up one of these bundles. But since WB Games is gonna pull this 'pass' bullshit and block content that's on the fuckin' disc in the first place unless you use a one time use code, then they can .

I just find it funny that so many are willing to put up with this garbage. Like I said above, what's next? Paying full price for a disc, only to end up having to pay X amount per level/mission to unlock them from the disc?
While I agree with the sentiment, Iamthecheapestgamer, I think the reality is that games like Arkham Asylum get passed around to many more players because it was such a good game. I borrowed it from a friend of mine and it has been passed to at least 3 others after I finished it. If this is their way to make $10 off each person that borrows it, then so be it. I want to see those who create awesome games get rewarded. Now if I didn't have internet/xbox live, I would be pissed - since that is required to getting this content that is on the disc already.

I feel your pain, but unfortunately we do have to get used to it. All this will probably go away next generation when we will all have the option to download the game for $45 or $50 or buy the disc in stores for $60+.
This is why I prefer pc gaming...normally free dlc. However since most games I want to play are gimped on pc or not available, I jumped ship to ps3. It comes with territory.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']This is the type of attitude that is telling the game developers that it's ok to gouge people for content that's already on the disc and not some DLC. The more people that just go 'meh' and bend over and take this sorta shit, the more likely more companies will do this in increasing numbers. Who's to say that at some point in the near future you're not buying esentially a coaster for $60 then being charged $5 per level to unlock EACH level in a game?

Don't come crying on here when it happens cuz it WILL happen if gamers continue to be so apathetic.

Believe me, I don't intend to. At one point I was considering going Monday night to my closest WM(bout a mile from here) and waiting for midnight to pick up one of these bundles. But since WB Games is gonna pull this 'pass' bullshit and block content that's on the fuckin' disc in the first place unless you use a one time use code, then they can .

I just find it funny that so many are willing to put up with this garbage. Like I said above, what's next? Paying full price for a disc, only to end up having to pay X amount per level/mission to unlock them from the disc?[/QUOTE]

I'm getting Arkham City w/ $30 coupon on release date. This doesn't affect me at all. And if you were smart, it wouldn't affect you either.

You did the smart thing and voted with your wallet. Now stop proselytizing about the ills of developers and stfu.

Because of CAG, I get 90% of my games on sale NEW. Usually at insane prices that GS used can't beat. Hell sometimes I'll buy a game not even on clearance or even that great a deal to support the developers.

If this type of stuff is affecting you so deeply, you're doing CAG wrong.

The only people who should be complaining are the vast minority who don't have internet access.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']This is the type of attitude that is telling the game developers that it's ok to gouge people for content that's already on the disc and not some DLC. The more people that just go 'meh' and bend over and take this sorta shit, the more likely more companies will do this in increasing numbers. Who's to say that at some point in the near future you're not buying esentially a coaster for $60 then being charged $5 per level to unlock EACH level in a game?

Don't come crying on here when it happens cuz it WILL happen if gamers continue to be so apathetic.

Believe me, I don't intend to. At one point I was considering going Monday night to my closest WM(bout a mile from here) and waiting for midnight to pick up one of these bundles. But since WB Games is gonna pull this 'pass' bullshit and block content that's on the fuckin' disc in the first place unless you use a one time use code, then they can .

I just find it funny that so many are willing to put up with this garbage. Like I said above, what's next? Paying full price for a disc, only to end up having to pay X amount per level/mission to unlock them from the disc?[/QUOTE]

The difference is, in this case, that they aren't restricting you from the DLC. they are restricting the used game market from the DLC. While I can see where you are going (and partly agree), this catwoman code seems more like a perk to buy new instead of a "screw you and we'll take your money too".

We all know that the used game market hurts developers a lot and this seems like a decent idea by developers to say draw attention to buying it new or if you don't we will still get a small cut from the used game market. Not exactly what I want, but I can at least see how they can justify it.

Now other games that just through a slew of actual game content (not just skins etc) on the market during or slightly after release steer me away from the title.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']This is the type of attitude that is telling the game developers that it's ok to gouge people for content that's already on the disc and not some DLC. The more people that just go 'meh' and bend over and take this sorta shit, the more likely more companies will do this in increasing numbers. Who's to say that at some point in the near future you're not buying esentially a coaster for $60 then being charged $5 per level to unlock EACH level in a game?

Don't come crying on here when it happens cuz it WILL happen if gamers continue to be so apathetic.

Believe me, I don't intend to. At one point I was considering going Monday night to my closest WM(bout a mile from here) and waiting for midnight to pick up one of these bundles. But since WB Games is gonna pull this 'pass' bullshit and block content that's on the fuckin' disc in the first place unless you use a one time use code, then they can .

I just find it funny that so many are willing to put up with this garbage. Like I said above, what's next? Paying full price for a disc, only to end up having to pay X amount per level/mission to unlock them from the disc?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='confoosious']I'm getting Arkham City w/ $30 coupon on release date. This doesn't affect me at all. And if you were smart, it wouldn't affect you either.

You did the smart thing and voted with your wallet. Now stop proselytizing about the ills of developers and stfu.

Because of CAG, I get 90% of my games on sale NEW. Usually at insane prices that GS used can't beat. Hell sometimes I'll buy a game not even on clearance or even that great a deal to support the developers.

If this type of stuff is affecting you so deeply, you're doing CAG wrong.

The only people who should be complaining are the vast minority who don't have internet access.[/QUOTE]

I disagree with you. Just because something doesn't affect you directly means you should let it slide. I buy all my games new as well and still will pass on this title at launch and will only pick it up if a GOTY edition is released with all the DLC. I also don't buy PSN games that require me to be logged in to play. It is a principle thing.
I buy games to play and once I'm done playing them I let a friend or two borrow them before I trade them to BB/Amazon/local shop. But with this move from WB, that means that once I'm done playing and if I use the code that comes with the game
if I buy new at WM or wherever or buy used from GS
to play the Catwoman content
that's on the mf'n disc and shouldn't be locked out if I don't have the code:bomb:
, then my friends will NOT be able to access that same content until they fork over $10 for a code to unlock it.

How the fuck are you guys so willing to put up with this shit? Ten bucks is ten bucks to me and to my friends. Making you or someone you know pay for content that's already on the damn disc if they don't have a code to unlock it is just plain retarded and greedy on the developers' part. Again I say, fuck them.
IATTCG doesn't give a shit about principles. He just wants the cheapest game possible. Since it's cheaper to buy the game at Kmart (effectively) by getting the $30 coupon than it would be to get it used a few weeks down the line ($50? $40?), then why the hell would anyone buy it used down the line for MORE money and less content?

Principles. IATTCG. Hah.

I "put up with this shit" because I'm not so shortsighted that I think triple A titles get developed (or even innovative indie titles) if GS takes all the money from used game sales. You can hate "the man" all you want but the man is producing some cool shit and when he does, he should be rewarded.

Let's see, who should we support? The developer who came up with the content or GS, the middle man who paid some kid $20 for AC, and then turn it around and sell it for $55. Hmmm tough call.

Like I said, if this is fucking you up, you're doing CAG wrong.

Sometimes you gotta support the creators of content. It's not like they're saying "oh you bought it new? you still have to pay $10 to play as Catwoman."
[quote name='confoosious']IATTCG doesn't give a shit about principles. He just wants the cheapest game possible. Since it's cheaper to buy the game at Kmart (effectively) by getting the $30 coupon than it would be to get it used a few weeks down the line, then why the hell would anyone buy it used down the line for MORE money and less content?

Principles. IATTCG. Hah.
I "put up with this shit" because I'm not so shortsighted that I think triple A titles get developed (or even innovative indie titles) if GS takes all the money from used game sales. You can hate "the man" all you want but the man is producing some cool shit and when he does, he should be rewarded.

Let's see, who should we support? The developer who came up with the content or GS, the middle man who paid some kid $20 for AC, and then turn it around and sell it for $55. Hmmm tough call.

Like I said, if this is fucking you up, you're doing CAG wrong.

Sometimes you gotta support the creators of content. It's not like they're saying "oh you bought it new? you still have to pay $10 to play as Catwoman."[/QUOTE]
No. But what they ARE saying is 'if you have friends who you wanna lend this to, then they have to pay us some money to get the character and levels. If I'm buying the game NEW then why limit what I and those I know and may lend it to can play via a code?

Cheaper according to who to pay CASH at Kmart to buy it? I have almost $200 in credit at Amazon right now and if they woulda matched WM's free copy of AA GOTY promo I would have picked it up from them. But definitely not since this code thing has come to light.

But hey, you guys have a right to think what you want to just like I have a right to think what I want to. To me, having to pay for content already on the disc if you wanna play the game more than once on a different system is still bullshit.:roll:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I buy games to play and once I'm done playing them I let a friend or two borrow them before I trade them to BB/Amazon/local shop. But with this move from WB, that means that once I'm done playing and if I use the code that comes with the game
if I buy new at WM or wherever or buy used from GS
to play the Catwoman content
that's on the mf'n disc and shouldn't be locked out if I don't have the code:bomb:
, then my friends will NOT be able to access that same content until they fork over $10 for a code to unlock it.

How the fuck are you guys so willing to put up with this shit? Ten bucks is ten bucks to me and to my friends. Making you or someone you know pay for content that's already on the damn disc if they don't have a code to unlock it is just plain retarded and greedy on the developers' part. Again I say, fuck them.[/QUOTE]

So you are basically saying fuck you to developers that worked their ass off making a game for you to enjoy by spending money on buying it? You have every right to speak with your wallet but I sense a bit of entitlement.
I see both sides of the argument but I just wonder how many people have decided to buy it new now as opposed to used because of that Catwoman DLC. Isnt that the point of it? They include it in new copies so you buy it new. Sorry but that garbage wouldn't change my mind. And besides you still get the code with used copies at Gamestop...what exactly is the point of this? I guess that people in real life will pay $10 for this. fuck those guys for buying it.

Having said that this is my most anticipated game for the year and I'll be picking it up on release day. $30 coupon at Kmart can't be beat.

[quote name='thebytewasbit']So you are basically saying fuck you to developers that worked their ass off making a game for you to enjoy by spending money on buying it? You have every right to speak with your wallet but I sense a bit of entitlement.[/QUOTE]
There has to be a better way to go about it though. Selling an unlock code for on disc content is a joke. I'd be more inclined to pay them if they simply asked.

Hey you're a big fan of the game? Great support us and send a few extra bucks. I gladly would.
[quote name='thebytewasbit']So you are basically saying fuck you to developers that worked their ass off making a game for you to enjoy by spending money on buying it? You have every right to speak with your wallet but I sense a bit of entitlement.[/QUOTE]
There has to be a better way to go about it though. Selling an unlock code for on disc content is a joke. I'd be more inclined to pay them if they simply asked.

Hey you're a big fan of the game? Great support us and send a few extra bucks. I gladly would.
Posting off topic for a second, my Batman preorder has reached it's last stop before delivery, but there's a little quote on my tracking that says "FeDex: Package Not Due For Delivery" Is that because the game doesn't release until Tuesday, or because they won't deliver on the weekends? The only reason I'm asking is because I'm expecting the package Tuesday, but if it shows up Monday I might not be here to retrieve it from my front porch.
i love how the fact that it's already on the disc is the big problem. Like I said, if they made it a huge download, you'd bitch about it. WHY DID THEY CHARGE FOR DLC? WHY?

Whatever I guess. I'll keep supporting the developers and you can keep raging ineffectually on here.
[quote name='confoosious']i love how the fact that it's already on the disc is the big problem. Like I said, if they made it a huge download, you'd bitch about it. WHY DID THEY CHARGE FOR DLC? WHY?

Whatever I guess. I'll keep supporting the developers and you can keep raging ineffectually on here.[/QUOTE]
Actually if it were paid DLC that I had to download I wouldn't even give a shit, since I never buy DLC for my games. However, since I know that the content is on the disc and if I lend it out to a friend of mine he'll have to fork out for a code to access said content, THAT is what makes it bullshit.

As I said before, what's next? Paying full price for a game and then having to pay $5 for every level in the game?

THAT is my issue with this code thing and it's something I wanted to let others know about so they can make their decision just as I have.
[quote name='confoosious']so bits on a disc are different than bits on a server? Are you even listening to yourself?[/QUOTE]
If I pay for the game, then I expect all of the content on that disc to be open to me. But if it's paid DLC that was developed after the game was completed that I have to pay a seperate fee to get, then that IS different to me as that is an optional purchase.

But in this case they have made it so that if you want all of the content on the disc, then you have to pay a fee to them to access content on the disc already.

I guess you're ok with paying $60 for a game and only getting half a game. I'm not.

[quote name='hamberger']Ahahaha boycotting a videogame you're entirely too desperate to play; whatta idea.[/QUOTE]
I WAS interested in the game. Not anymore. Not after they pulled this shit.
Clearly the devs main goal is to ensure that people dont lend the game to their friends... why dont they just buy the game themselves if they want the catwoman levels? Games aren't meant to be buy 1 and then let others play it so they dont have to buy it. Rocksteady wants everyone to purchase their own copy of the game
[quote name='confoosious']I'm paying $30 for a game at release date. As are most CAGs.[/QUOTE]
But what did ya pay originally to get the $30 coupon to use at Kmart? MSRP on another game, right? So you've paid a bunch for those coupons you're using.;) It's like the people who get 'free' play from a casino after losing a buncha money there for a while. It's not really free. They're just giving you back some of the money you already lost there.
It's not like they're taking the code out of the case and forcing you to buy the dlc. If a friend borrows it. So what if they need a separate code? They can spend $10. Since they are getting a free rental.

From the review I linked to they even mentioned the game is fine without her portion too.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But what did ya pay originally to get the $30 coupon to use at Kmart? MSRP on another game, right? So you've paid a bunch for those coupons you're using.;) It's like the people who get 'free' play from a casino after losing a buncha money there for a while. It's not really free. They're just giving you back some of the money you already lost there.[/QUOTE]

Yeah save it. I know how to do my accounting. I'm paying $30-$35 for this at Kmart.
[quote name='LoveDragonDon']Is this that 3D version or no?[/QUOTE]

Its supposed to be, but the online version is sold out so I can't check to be 100% sure.
[quote name='ethan1013']It's not like they're taking the code out of the case and forcing you to buy the dlc. If a friend borrows it. So what if they need a separate code? They can spend $10. Since they are getting a free rental.

From the review I linked to they even mentioned the game is fine without her portion too.[/QUOTE]
The point is it's ON the disc and NOT DLC. Even if her portion of the game is seperate to the storyline, the fact of the matter is it's still ON the disc and they're making anyone after the original purchaser pay to access that content.:roll:
I don't see how it's that big of a deal for your friends to be able to play your games with 100% of the content unlocked for free just because you bought the game. If you want to share your games with your friends, go for it. But don't get an attitude and act like your friends are entitled to the full experience of all your games just because you want to share with them.
The most ridiculous part of this is that IATCCG acts like he's taking a stand against developer practices. I guarantee you that when a good enough deal comes out for this game, he'll buy it. Guaranteed.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
I WAS interested in the game. Not anymore. Not after they pulled this shit.[/QUOTE]

You're totally going to play this game, regardless. Somehow, someway. Maybe you'll buy it, maybe you'll borrow it from a friend, maybe you'll break down and mod your 360/PS3 to play pirated games or, hell, just pirate it on PC. And the whole time you're doing this, you'll bark to anyone with ears about how you're taking a stand against a benign injustice that only hurts your pocketbook and nothing more.

You're going to play this game. Ten fucking dollars won't stop you. It may stop you from PAYING for it, but you're going to find a way to play it, regardless.
[quote name='ohram']Posting off topic for a second, my Batman preorder has reached it's last stop before delivery, but there's a little quote on my tracking that says "FeDex: Package Not Due For Delivery" Is that because the game doesn't release until Tuesday, or because they won't deliver on the weekends? The only reason I'm asking is because I'm expecting the package Tuesday, but if it shows up Monday I might not be here to retrieve it from my front porch.[/QUOTE]
Mine says the same. Did some gooleing and found out that since we didn't pay extra for saturday shipping this is what the status will say until monday.
bread's done