[quote name='jdawgg76']Buckhead tru has 3 mw3, several bf3, 2 rage, 3 or so AC revelations, 3 or so Batman arkham city, one starcraft 1 bundle, 2 wow bundles. No diablo, skyrim, or starcraft 2.[/QUOTE]
Just took me like 3 hours to find.
I wouldn't have noticed where the PC games were if I hadn't asked a store rep.
Confirmed at TRU - Buckhead, GA:
-Sims 3 "Ambitions" Expansion
-Batman: Arkham City
-Assassin's Creed Revelations
Picked up the last few copies of MW3 for some friends & a copy of ACR for myself, all $10 each.
Multiple copies left of BF3 there if any y'all are really interested, but its a long commute there for me.
Anyways good luck all, gonna check another TRU this weekend.
I think this deal just gets around thru persona word, the store rep there said some dude stopped by earlier cuz his friend told him about it (which I'm thinking that might of been you lol), none of the games are marked on-sale but just bring them up to the register and they ring up as $9.99