Atlanta CAG Thread, v2.0

[quote name='jaideam']I was actually kind of meh about the vortex burger - Bocado burger is super tasty but quite expensive[/QUOTE]
I don't usually go for the expensive burgers but there is a pretty cool spot by me that sells an awesome burger for $10-$12 called Muss & Turners. If your'e ever in the Vinings side of Smyrna check it out, it's really good. You guys ever been to Cheeseburger Bobby's?
I've been to the one up in Kennesaw - I thought it was pretty good and liked the concept - sometimes I make myself a side salad with the toppings haha

I've heard good things about Muss & Turner's but haven't had a chance to try them yet - usually scratch the itch with Holeman & Finch or Bocado

Speaking of which - if you guys haven't been to H&F yet it's one of my favourite spots in town - brilliant food and brilliant cocktails - perhaps a few of us should have a meet up there ^^
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[quote name='jaideam']...brilliant food and brilliant cocktails - perhaps a few of us should have a meet up there[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Clown069']lol, maybe we should just have a cag meet up at a burger place?[/QUOTE]
Brilliant food, brilliant cocktails, brilliant burgers; I'm a fan of all 3!
Seriously, if a meet up gets off the ground I'm down for it.

[quote name='neocisco']When was the last time anyone went to a Fuddrucker's? Did you enjoy it?[/QUOTE]
I haven't been to one in years (3-5 I think) and no not so much. That's probably why it's been so long. If I remember correctly, the fix your own veggie condiments were 'kinda gross. Half frozen lettuce, half rotten tomatoes, etc. I think that was it anyway, it has been a while.
H&F is definitely great, and the burger there is magically delicious, but it's not the best spot for a meet-up of any sort-- small, usually busy, and kinda loud, as I remember it.

Amazing burger, though.
[quote name='neocisco']When was the last time anyone went to a Fuddrucker's? Did you enjoy it?[/QUOTE]

About two years ago, on or around my birthday, and it was terrible. My bun was undercooked and the burger itself was a bit overdone. They closed a few months later so go figure. As far as burger places that don't suck, I would totally recommend grindhouse on piedmont.
^I keep hearing good things about it, looking forward to seeing it.

On another note, anybody going to the Braves Wildcard Playoff game Friday?
Urgent if someone could help me out, if y'all have a Toys'r'us near you could you check their PC games? lol. Apparently Diablo III, StarCraft II, Skyrim are all going for $10. I'm going out of my way to check Buckhead Toyrus tomorrow
[quote name='MC Kage']Urgent if someone could help me out, if y'all have a Toys'r'us near you could you check their PC games? lol. Apparently Diablo III, StarCraft II, Skyrim are all going for $10. I'm going out of my way to check Buckhead Toyrus tomorrow[/QUOTE]

If anyone sees Skyrim, please let me know!
[quote name='MC Kage']Urgent if someone could help me out, if y'all have a Toys'r'us near you could you check their PC games? lol. Apparently Diablo III, StarCraft II, Skyrim are all going for $10. I'm going out of my way to check Buckhead Toyrus tomorrow[/QUOTE]

I was able to grab Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 at the Toys R Us in Mcdonough, Georgia. i got the last Diablo 3 but there were plenty of Starcraft 2. I also saw a lot of WoW: Cataclysm, a few Rage, at least one MW3, and a Diablo Battle Chest, sadly no Sims 3 or Skyrim.
If anybody out there in ga could grab me a diablo I can pick up local or pay for shipping. The Kennesaw toys r us was out of everything.
[quote name='Clown069']I was able to grab Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 at the Toys R Us in Mcdonough, Georgia. i got the last Diablo 3 but there were plenty of Starcraft 2. I also saw a lot of WoW: Cataclysm, a few Rage, at least one MW3, and a Diablo Battle Chest, sadly no Sims 3 or Skyrim.[/QUOTE]

Would you mind picking up a SC2 for me?

I'm gonna go check out Buckhead TRU and let yall know. I will help out if I can find an extra of Skyrim/Diablo.
[quote name='MC Kage']Would you mind picking up a SC2 for me?

I'm gonna go check out Buckhead TRU and let yall know. I will help out if I can find an extra of Skyrim/Diablo.[/QUOTE]

I will if i make it back over that way, i just happened to be at the doc so i stopped by.
[quote name='Clown069']I will if i make it back over that way, i just happened to be at the doc so i stopped by.[/QUOTE]

Ok thanks man.

Apparently the TRU at Athens is in-stock...haven't seen any of those CAG's in here tho lol

Gonna go hop on marta now
Buckhead tru has 3 mw3, several bf3, 2 rage, 3 or so AC revelations, 3 or so Batman arkham city, one starcraft 1 bundle, 2 wow bundles. No diablo, skyrim, or starcraft 2.
[quote name='jdawgg76']Buckhead tru has 3 mw3, several bf3, 2 rage, 3 or so AC revelations, 3 or so Batman arkham city, one starcraft 1 bundle, 2 wow bundles. No diablo, skyrim, or starcraft 2.[/QUOTE]

Just took me like 3 hours to find. :(

I wouldn't have noticed where the PC games were if I hadn't asked a store rep.

Confirmed at TRU - Buckhead, GA:
-Sims 3 "Ambitions" Expansion
-Batman: Arkham City
-Assassin's Creed Revelations

Picked up the last few copies of MW3 for some friends & a copy of ACR for myself, all $10 each.
Multiple copies left of BF3 there if any y'all are really interested, but its a long commute there for me.
Anyways good luck all, gonna check another TRU this weekend.

I think this deal just gets around thru persona word, the store rep there said some dude stopped by earlier cuz his friend told him about it (which I'm thinking that might of been you lol), none of the games are marked on-sale but just bring them up to the register and they ring up as $9.99
Update on TRU PC sales:
Alpharetta - MW3, ACR, Sims 3, SC1 Bundle
Buckhead - Sims 3 Ambitions Expansion, BAC, Rage, ACR, MW3, BF3 (multiple copies), WoW Bundle, SC1 Bundle
Duluth - Rage, ACR, WoW Expansions

Clown - if you were able to pick up a copy of SC2 PM me. McDonough is way too far for me

Thanks for the Duluth update too jdawg. marking that off lol. I'm gonna check the one right near it in Disover Mills if I get the chance.

Should I call the ones at Turner/Cobb Pkwy? I feel like they'll have no idea, or check the online site which has nothing.
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I was hoping to check the Cobb Parkway store for everybody but couldn't as I got out of work way to late. I fear tomorrow will be a similar story. I should be able to check it out sometime this weekend though.

Three questions before I go so I know what to look for:
  • How long are these prices valid?
  • Are all of these titles ringinf at $10?
  • Are all of these titles PC only prices?
[quote name='chuckie88']I was hoping to check the Cobb Parkway store for everybody but couldn't as I got out of work way to late. I fear tomorrow will be a similar story. I should be able to check it out sometime this weekend though.

Three questions before I go so I know what to look for:
  • How long are these prices valid?
  • Are all of these titles ringinf at $10?
  • Are all of these titles PC only prices?

1. They're clearances so they're valid until they're gone
2. Yes
3. Yes

Kage- If my back isn't hurting too bad tomorrow i'll run up there and see if i can grab one. would love to get Sims 3 but Alpharetta is way too far from me. Also did anyone try the new WoW expansion? it was still marked regular price so i didn't bother.
[quote name='chuckie88']Thanks for the rapid reply Clown069.
Hopefully I'll make it there this weekend.
I'll report my findings when I do.[/QUOTE]

chuck - that would be great if you could check out Cobb Pkwy's. If you can't go tomorrow I can give them a call tomorrow and save you a trip if need be.

& yeah they are all PC and whatever PC titles they have should ring up as $9.99.

Clown (name? lol) - yeah you live hella far lol. Hartsfield is far but Stockbridge is even past that. I can definitely grab Sims 3 (if my sis got it right and its the base game not an expansion). If your back ain't feelin' well you don't have to. Old man haha, jk. & also the WoW expansions will ring up as $9.99 even if marked retail, supposedly.
I know this is totally off topic and i'm not sure how many of you like Horror but i run a Horror review blog and i'm trying to spread the word about it. i set up both a twitter and a facebook page for it today the links are:

Twitter: @DotDemented

If you guys would please like and /or follow it i would really appreciate it. Also feel free to share it with your friends/family.
[quote name='MC Kage']chuck - that would be great if you could check out Cobb Pkwy's. If you can't go tomorrow I can give them a call tomorrow and save you a trip if need be.

& yeah they are all PC and whatever PC titles they have should ring up as $9.99.

Clown (name? lol) - yeah you live hella far lol. Hartsfield is far but Stockbridge is even past that. I can definitely grab Sims 3 (if my sis got it right and its the base game not an expansion). If your back ain't feelin' well you don't have to. Old man haha, jk. & also the WoW expansions will ring up as $9.99 even if marked retail, supposedly.[/QUOTE]

Alright, I have to go out anyway and get new tires so i'll just make a detour. my name is Seth btw. but Clown is suitable.
I'm not a Horror fan by any stretch of the imagination (Hate is a strong word...) but damn lets link up! I'm a hip-hop artist myself (Atlanta, I know, but I'm something a lil' different on the Alternative/Lyrical side)

I got you on FB & Twitter.
Twitter: @kagerepresent

Update also: One of my homies is goin' to check the TRU in Athens sometime this week
[quote name='MC Kage']I'm not a Horror fan by any stretch of the imagination (Hate is a strong word...) but damn lets link up! I'm a hip-hop artist myself (Atlanta, I know, but I'm something a lil' different on the Alternative/Lyrical side)

I got you on FB & Twitter.
Twitter: @kagerepresent

Update also: One of my homies is goin' to check the TRU in Athens sometime this week[/QUOTE]

Alright awesome. liked and followed.
[quote name='MC Kage']chuck - that would be great if you could check out Cobb Pkwy's. If you can't go tomorrow I can give them a call tomorrow and save you a trip if need be.

& yeah they are all PC and whatever PC titles they have should ring up as $9.99.

Clown (name? lol) - yeah you live hella far lol. Hartsfield is far but Stockbridge is even past that. I can definitely grab Sims 3 (if my sis got it right and its the base game not an expansion). If your back ain't feelin' well you don't have to. Old man haha, jk. & also the WoW expansions will ring up as $9.99 even if marked retail, supposedly.[/QUOTE]

Can anybody confirm of the latest wow expansion "mists of pandaria" is 10? If so can you grab it for me and I'll pay to ship it or meet up? I'm only interested if it's 10. Retail is 40.

I'm Kerry but Kage is fine as well.

[quote name='animemaniac14']no MoP is not $10[/QUOTE]

Yeah confirmed a no-go on MoP.

Still looking for Skyrim, StarCraft II, and Diablo III.
I can get anything from Alpharetta/Buckhead areas if anyone needs it or wants to trade.

Update on TRU-GA PC sales:
-Sims 3
-SC1 Battlechest

-Sims 3 Ambitions Expansion
-ACR (one copy left, most likely sold out)
-MW3 (most likely sold out)
-BF3 (multiple copies)
-WoW Battlechest
-SC1 Battlechest

-WoW Expansions

-SC2 (Sold out, sadly)
-WoW: Cataclysm
-Diablo II Battlechest
[quote name='MC Kage']I'm Kerry but Kage is fine as well.

Yeah confirmed a no-go on MoP.

Still looking for Skyrim, StarCraft II, and Diablo III.
I can get anything from Alpharetta/Buckhead areas if anyone needs it or wants to trade.[/QUOTE]

McDonough is out of the Diablo Battle Chest now, but still has Rage, MW3, BF3, WoW Cataclysm, and Batman: AC.
Stopped by the Cobb Parkway Toys R' Us / Babies R' Us in orcer to recon for the group. The PC games there are not hidden away and can be found right next to the PS3/Xbox 360 titles. I can also confirm that WoW: Kung Fu Panda is not on sale as they had 2 copies for $40. Here's a list of all the other PC titles at this location.

PC titles (all $9.98):
WoW Battle Chest - 10 copies
Battlefield 3 - 3 copies
Assassin's Creed Revelations - 1 copy
Star Wars Old Republic - 1 copy
Sims 3 - 2 copies
Sims 3 plus Pets Expansion - 3 copies
Sims 3 Pets Expansion - 6 copies
Sims 3 Generations Expansion - 1 copy
Sims 3 Ambitions Expansion - 1 copy

As I mentioned, these games aren't hidden away by any means so I wouldn't bank on anything outside of Sims Pets or the WoW Battle Chest being around for long. I was there between 3-4 pm this afternoon.

They did have signs up touting a Friday-Manday sale on Lego videogames priced $19.99 or less. The sale price is any two for $30. I saw some games that would qualify for Wii and DS (Lego Harry Potter and the like). They also had a bunch of DS accessories (car adapters, cases, game cases, etc.) on clearance, it looked like the clearance price for all of them was $9.98
Totally out of the loop on this TRU deal! I guess Skyrim's the only one I'd have jumped on, anyway.

I tried that burger place in ATL Station last weekend (before the excellent LOOPER), and it was nothing too special. The Southwestern burger had some reasonably interesting black bean/mango salsa on top, but they DID NOT MELT THE CHEESE ON THE PATTY. WHAT THE HELL, BURGER PLACE. THAT IS HOW YOU DO A CHEESEBURGER. YOU MELT THE CHEESE.

Ahem... anyway... it's just okay. Fries are barely worth your time. They do have a Coke Freestyle machine, though!

Anyone gonna check out FLUX tomorrow night or STREETS ALIVE on Sunday? I'll be at both. Holla.
Update on TRU-GA PC sales:
-BF3 *Added
-Sims 3 (Pets...)
-SC1 Battlechest

-Sims 3 Ambitions Expansion
-ACR (one copy left, most likely sold out)
-MW3 (most likely sold out)
-BF3 (multiple copies)
-WoW Battlechest
-SC1 Battlechest

-WoW Expansions

-WoW: Cataclysm

Cobb Pkwy:
WoW Battle Chest - 10 copies
Battlefield 3 - 3 copies
Assassin's Creed Revelations - 1 copy
Star Wars Old Republic - 1 copy
Sims 3 - 2 copies
Sims 3 plus Pets Expansion - 3 copies
Sims 3 Pets Expansion - 6 copies
Sims 3 Generations Expansion - 1 copy
Sims 3 Ambitions Expansion - 1 copy

-Batman AC

Apparently we folks at GA don't get jack SHIT lol. I posted this in the TRU sale thread still pretty heated from today (people are having a good success rate apparently on price matching at Best Buy, but not for me):
Wow I got unlucky as fuck. Pissed as hell. Went to Best Buy and asked if they price match, they were like yeah. So I showed them D3 & Skyrim on my phone for $10 on the website and the dude was like alright let me check myself on the computer. Sure enough it said $9.98 and he called over THREE guys to look at it and they couldn't believe it, preceded to call over the store manager, then they all got together and apparently called the head of Best Buy for GA and they were like "No-go, they're buying straight from the manufacturer" some bullshit like that. They made a huge deal of it. I didn't even bother arguing after they said no-go I was mad disappointed. Went to Wal-mart and they were just like no PM online at all.

But yeah thanks for the updates y'all saves me, and maybe some others some time. Might try another BB and try and price match but I think I've about exhausted my limit on how far I'll go for a good ass deal lol. Honestly its BS that they won't price match because they know its legit they just can't believe how much cheaper it is.

& yeah Looper is dope but I feel bad for the audio engineer his ears must be gone, those gun shots were just killing me lol.
PMd SKYRIM at Edgewood BBuy with no problem! The manager that came over to key in the override code for my cashier said "High five for getting Skyrim for $10! I pulled one aside for myself!"

So that was pretty great.
[quote name='El Gray']PMd SKYRIM at Edgewood BBuy with no problem! The manager that came over to key in the override code for my cashier said "High five for getting Skyrim for $10! I pulled one aside for myself!"

So that was pretty great.[/QUOTE]

I might actually try and PM Skyrim or Sims 3 tomorrow when i stop in to grab the new Pokemon.
[quote name='El Gray']PMd SKYRIM at Edgewood BBuy with no problem! The manager that came over to key in the override code for my cashier said "High five for getting Skyrim for $10! I pulled one aside for myself!"

So that was pretty great.[/QUOTE]



I got lucky and traded 2 copies of MW3 for D3/Skyrim with another CAG'r here, cool ass dude. I'd still like to get some copies for friends tho, your lucky man.
Oh shit I actually know that Best Buy its right by GSU two Marta stops away. Gotta stop by Monday

Did you go up to the game area, customer service, or cashier? & how many copies did you snag?
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I went to the counter at the front of the games department, not the main customer service counter. I showed her the TRU page on my phone, pointing out that it was an in-store price, and she was fine with it after checking with someone else.

I only bought the one copy. I did not see another one on the shelf when I grabbed it, but I didn't look thoroughly. I didn't check for any of the other games, either.

Flux Night was pretty cool. Y'all should come check out Streets Alive tomorrow afternoon on Highland.
[quote name='El Gray']I went to the counter at the front of the games department, not the main customer service counter. I showed her the TRU page on my phone, pointing out that it was an in-store price, and she was fine with it after checking with someone else.

I only bought the one copy. I did not see another one on the shelf when I grabbed it, but I didn't look thoroughly. I didn't check for any of the other games, either.

Flux Night was pretty cool. Y'all should come check out Streets Alive tomorrow afternoon on Highland.[/QUOTE]

Cool thanks, I'll probably stop by after class. I've been there before to pre-order 2K12 last year. Anyway you could take a pic of the receipt?

Looks interesting, the AC3 Hiphop Festival is this week but I can't make Thursday so a $50 3-day pass wouldn't be worth it.
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Yeah, I've been to 3 of the previous 5 A3Cs. It's usually a good time. I kinda regret not buying a 3-day pass when they were like $35. $60 at the door now!

I have a wedding to go to Saturday night, so I dunno if the full meal deal is worth it for me, either.
bread's done