Barry Bonds* breaks the all time home run record*

I'm not a Giants fan, nor a Barry Bonds fan... but that was awesome! Steroids, asterisk, controversial, or not. Just plain awesome. Congrats Barry.

Bud Selig will always suck!
Even before the doping he was one of the greatest players of our era. You gotta give the man props for just good ole ass kicking. Chuck Norris of baseball.
Well thank god he finally did it, now I don't have to hear about it on Sportscenter every damn night. Probably just a week or so more about it then it will considerably die down. As for the controversy surrounding Bonds, I really could care less if he took steroids, that's not the reason I didn't want him to break the record. I didn't want him to break the record because he's an asshole.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']the only good thing is that hopefully AROD will break it before his career is up.[/quote]

I grew up a Red Sox fan and truer words have never been spoken.

I was still hoping a pitcher would kick Bonds in the heads, killing him or sending him into a coma for 20 years so he couldn't break it.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, the only good thing is that hopefully AROD will break it before his career is up.[/quote]

I'd rather have Bonds snort coke while fucking a prostitute on camera with his wife crying than have A-rod get the record.
I really would have loved to see everyone just walk him everytime he's up. The Giants are in last place, what difference would it make?
Congrats to Barry. Imagine 756 times hitting a baseball that far. Steroids or not, that is impressive.

But yeah, I am damn tired of hearing about it on SC.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Yay, finally... maybe everyone here will shut the fuck up about his steriod ass now.[/quote]

Yes because a cheater now holds the record, so why would people shut up? Now there will be talk for decades on how the books should be writen about the record.
I kinda thought it was a shitty move by ESPN to have one of the co-authors on ESPNEWS no more fifteen minutes after the record was broken, immediately leading into an anti-Barry tirade. You'd think they could've done something else to fill that space.
[quote name='bigdaddy']Yes because a cheater now holds the record, so why would people shut up? Now there will be talk for decades on how the books should be writen about the record.[/quote]

Yeah, wishful thinking... :roll:
[quote name='guyver2077']fuck thats mets fan who caught the ball...hes gonna be paid![/quote]

No joke. That pile up for the ball was vicious. I love the guy in the orange Giants jersey that just jumped on top of the pile from 5 rows up. Classic.
[quote name='guyver2077']fuck thats mets fan who caught the ball...hes gonna be paid![/QUOTE]

Dam I wish i was that Mets Fan!!!and what the hell is a mets fan doing at a Giants/Nationals game?????
I love that "Maybe he's a New York Giants fan"

and all you fucking haters in here. How often do you ATTEND a god damn baseball game? Before you start shooting your mouths off lets hear how often you support the game.
[quote name='bigdaddy']I grew up a Red Sox fan and truer words have never been spoken.

I was still hoping a pitcher would kick Bonds in the heads, killing him or sending him into a coma for 20 years so he couldn't break it.[/quote]

[quote name='Magehart']I love that "Maybe he's a New York Giants fan"

and all you fucking haters in here. How often do you ATTEND a god damn baseball game? Before you start shooting your mouths off lets hear how often you support the game.[/quote]
lol, umm... yeah I haven't attended any and I baseball fucking blows just like ever other sport excluding hockey. I do think curling or golf is just as entertaining as baseball if that helps.
[quote name='Magehart']I love that "Maybe he's a New York Giants fan"

and all you fucking haters in here. How often do you ATTEND a god damn baseball game? Before you start shooting your mouths off lets hear how often you support the game.[/QUOTE]

I'm a hater of Bonds and I know more about baseball than at least 98% of the people here. Like I stated in my first post, I could care less about the steroid controversy, because I'm not naive enough to believe Bonds was the only person taking the stuff. I don't like Bonds because I've met the man and he is on par with Reggie Jackson as the biggest asshole sports figure I've ever met. You wanna know a stand up sports figure, go meet Ernie Banks.
[quote name='Magehart']I love that "Maybe he's a New York Giants fan"

and all you fucking haters in here. How often do you ATTEND a god damn baseball game? Before you start shooting your mouths off lets hear how often you support the game.[/QUOTE]

its doesnt help that this record has reached mainstream media proportions. I mean the normal everyday person only knows what the media tells them about bonds...and now with the Game of Shadows book and everytime he makes a "mistake" its just not on sports center..its on every single news station. that just makes him look more awful to non-baseball fans alike.

Ive been to many games at Shea myself and each game is thrilling to watch. ill never stop going to games there and soon when i start working full gonna try to gun for season matter how long the wait list is or i could go through stub hub lol.
[quote name='Whambamm']I'm a hater of Bonds and I know more about baseball than at least 98% of the people here. Like I stated in my first post, I could care less about the steroid controversy, because I'm not naive enough to believe Bonds was the only person taking the stuff. I don't like Bonds because I've met the man and he is on par with Reggie Jackson as the biggest asshole sports figure I've ever met. You wanna know a stand up sports figure, go meet Ernie Banks.[/QUOTE]

QFT on that. Steve Yzerman was a great player also...but he was a dick to one of my friends when he asked for an autograph. he was only 15 at the time.
To be perfectly honest, Barry Bonds is the only reason I've paid any attention to baseball the past few years.

Just not as interesting or, frankly, anywhere near as fun as it used to be to watch. Maybe it's just me.
Wow... how do you SF fans feel that ur asses couldn't even catch your own ball. A new yorker that flew in got it. OWNED. lol
[quote name='guyver2077']Bonds is the fucking man!![/QUOTE]

not surprising considering there's a fuck ton of steroids being downed by the guys in your sig and avatar ;)
[quote name='Magus8472']To be perfectly honest, Barry Bonds is the only reason I've paid any attention to baseball the past few years.

Just not as interesting or, frankly, anywhere near as fun as it used to be to watch. Maybe it's just me.[/QUOTE]

nope baseball has been too controversial in the past years with the whole roid era thing. I used to be a die hard fan of hockey and i still love hockey but now it just doesnt hold my attention anymore because i also feel like its not exciting to me anymore...sometimes you just grow out of it.
The whole controversy just makes Aaron's record all the more immortal.

Bonds sure gave up a lot of potential endorsements, and fan love with his public behavior and attitude. I can only imagine what he really could've been if he wasn't such an openly stubborn and narcissistic prick.
[quote name='Whambamm']I'm a hater of Bonds and I know more about baseball than at least 98% of the people here. Like I stated in my first post, I could care less about the steroid controversy, because I'm not naive enough to believe Bonds was the only person taking the stuff. I don't like Bonds because I've met the man and he is on par with Reggie Jackson as the biggest asshole sports figure I've ever met. You wanna know a stand up sports figure, go meet Ernie Banks.[/quote]
I would have to believe I'm in that 98th percential too. I still play softball (hardball leagues are just not readily available for people older than the NCAA level in our city), own more baseball books and videos/DVDs than you could imagine and go at least twice a year to games. I would go to more, but I am not an Indians fan and I live in Cleveland. But I still support on a very small scale.

Having said that, it's definately controversial what Bonds has accomplished. However, I can't penalize this man for breaking a record while allegedly being on the juice. If that is the case, we need to start adding asterisks and erasing records farther back than just his (at the very least starting with the Incredible Hulk that everybody loved, Mark McGwire). I just love the fact that Barry is an asshole to everybody - mind you - they are pretty hard on him as well. At least he gives the proper respect to most of the players that play the game.

If you want to meet a true asshole, look up Albert Belle or Omar Vizquel for that matter - IMO. Might as well lump Bud Selig in that mix. He might not be a jerk but he is one dumbass commissioner. Case and point - even letting the thought cross his mind of putting spiderwebs on the bases (Spiderman 2 promo) makes him dumb as shit. He should preserve the game and show up and acknowlege Barry's new record (by standing and clapping) even if he is juicing.
[quote name='gunm']The whole controversy just makes Aaron's record all the more immortal.

Bonds sure gave up a lot of potential endorsements, and fan love with his public behavior and attitude. I can only imagine what he really could've been if he wasn't such an openly stubborn and narcissistic prick.[/quote]

immortal means it can't be killed. Pretty sure it was killed, as much as you may not like it.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Finally. Now it's time to hype up A-Rod until he breaks the record.

I still hope Ken Griffey Jr. can keep going and take the record from Bonds.[/quote]
Griffey will always be my favorite player. The injuries are just a shame. But sadly, there is no way he will make it to the record that Bonds sets. A-rod is the only person that should even come close from this generation.
[quote name='gunm']The whole controversy just makes Aaron's record all the more immortal.[/QUOTE]

Meh, he had almost 4000 more at bats than Ruth. But, then again, who cares? At some point, you're inevtiably making a distinction based upon conjecture. Who's to say that Hank Aaron, born thirty years later, wouldn't have been just as juiced as Jose Canseco?

Comparing eras of baseball is as pointless as it is moronic. Just as Aaron had many more at bats than Ruth, he played in a time where baseball had changed to the point of becoming unrecognizable. His record, therefore, isn't so much immortal as it is inextricably tied to the time in which it was set. In short, it's not the record one remembers, but the period it represents.
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