Batman Arkham City GOTY coming on May 29

[quote name='ShockandAww']Already own the game so I'll just buy the Harley Quinn DLC for it (its supposed to add a couple hours of gameplay)

..and holy shit at that cover. I saw it and actually figured it was some mock up joke playing off arkham asylums cover. I can hardly believe it's real.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm going to need a custom cover for this uglyness.
[quote name='thegame85']Dammit i paid $30 for this back around Black Friday and still have it sealed![/QUOTE]

Shoulda traded it to GS for $33+ and bought a $10 copy at BBY.
I think there's a game underneath all of those quotes.

How long until someone comes out with a web comic of Batman being defeated and/or buried by quotes?
[quote name='Hao']The Arkham Asylum GOTY edition had a separate achievement list. Hahaha[/QUOTE]

I didn't know the 360 version had a separate chevoo list. The PS3 vesion only stacks with the japanese one.
[quote name='maxrenderer']Will my save files work this time?[/QUOTE]

THIS x10000. THey better have fixed this issue for the re-release. I luckily finished the game and then lost my saves about 5 seconds later (so I couldn't go back and get all of the Riddler trophies, finish on New Game +, etc.) and I've been too annoyed to start over so maybe I'll get rid of my current copy and pick up the GotY edition.
has anyone had experience with steam on batman arkham asylum? i'm not sure if steam released arkham asylum vanilla (but i'm thinking they must have). arkham asylum vanilla is not listed on steam and only the arkham asylum goty is listed. other games like borderlands has both vanilla and goty editions so it seems weird to me that arkham asylum only list the goty edition.

does this mean all the people who originally bought arkham asylum on steam got upgraded to the goty edition? and if so, do you guys think this will happen with arkham city on steam too?
[quote name='The_cheapest_Daddy']Jesus, what a horrible box cover art WB/rockeady chose for the GOTY edition.[/QUOTE]

I got it covered. Just need to put game if the year somewhere.

[quote name='The_cheapest_Daddy']Jesus, what a horrible box cover art WB/rockeady chose for the GOTY edition.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. It's truly hideous.
With the GOTY already announced, B:AC vanilla TIV will probably go down really hard now. Im surprised the TIV for that game stayed high even after the trade exploits it received last month.
[quote name='ooga']Wow, that's an awesome cover. Where did it come from?[/QUOTE]

I made it. I'll be sure to put something up in this thread for both systems this weekend. Given the Harley expansion the cover seems to fit well.
Well, I bought every DLC so far for the game and i still have my $10 copy fro BB. Got some points left over, may just snag Quinns DLC with the rest of my points and call it good. May snag it on PS3 down the road tho to get the Year One and play it on PS3. Im assuming the Year One is a blu-ray on PS3? Didnt the CE come with a DVD?
My vanilla copy is still unplayed from last year. Dammit.

I have to also say that I haven't seen such hideous cover art since Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow's "Konami The Best" reprint. I think it's kind of odd that one person mentioned that they're passing off this version of the game entirely just because the cover sucks, though....
It reminds me of a magazine cover, but probably only because Game informer had a cover something like that.. I think? I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly. This box art still has way more text all over the place though lol. I already have the Catwoman steelbook for it, so no big deal :)
I had trouble finding the cover other than at the end of the trailer, so here's a pic of the 10-10 cover in all its glory:

Finally, concrete justification for holding off on all of those deals for this including the walmart double pack at launch, CEs, and bestbuy @ $10. Will wait until this hits $15 to snag, to add to my still unopened AA GOTY with glasses, and will have both GOTY for $30.

Even though I don't think this will come with glasses since it's real 3D, I hope they don't do the same type of blunder as AA, where they included glasses at first, then removed them later on when it got cheaper, and you had to check each box for the small type that said "glasses included" or "glasses not included". Very messy versioning.
Yeeeeahhh, I'm definitely going to have to clean that shit up. I've got the Rocksteady and WB logos ready to go, I'll get something going later for anyone who wants a cover that won't make you cringe every time you see it.
On topic, already have all the DLC for this but Harley. Oh well, I've had 7 months to enjoy this game, I'm not regretting it at all.
Wow too much crap on that cover. I like kitsu's cover too. I still have a sealed vanilla copy of Arkham City for 360 on my shelf too lol.
[quote name='scottman']Finally, concrete justification for holding off on all of those deals for this including the walmart double pack at launch, CEs, and bestbuy @ $10. Will wait until this hits $15 to snag, to add to my still unopened AA GOTY with glasses, and will have both GOTY for $30.

Even though I don't think this will come with glasses since it's real 3D, I hope they don't do the same type of blunder as AA, where they included glasses at first, then removed them later on when it got cheaper, and you had to check each box for the small type that said "glasses included" or "glasses not included". Very messy versioning.[/QUOTE]

The thing is unless you LOVE challenge maps and the alternate skins the only DLC worth while will be the Harley DLC since it adds story. I will just keep my $10 copy and download the DLC. I wanted to play as Robin so this DLC takes care of that. Wanted Nightwing playable also but challenge maps are a bore after awhile. Great deal for those who have yet to buy the game. I would guess the new DLC will be $15...I hope $10. Have they announced the pricing?
[quote name='Kerig']I had trouble finding the cover other than at the end of the trailer, so here's a pic of the 10-10 cover in all its glory:


I like the black and white and while the red text is a bit much, I'll support them writing whatever they want to get folks to buy it and have more of these games made. For single handedly giving us a legit super hero game, they get a pass.
[quote name='Hellhunt']I hope it is a seperate achievement list so i can 1k it again:)[/QUOTE]

Me too, but...

The GOTY will not have new achievements. The only reason the first game did was because of the added 3D support that changed the coding.[Updated].html#8

Don't know if that's true but I hope it isn't. Otherwise I'll skip the 360 GotY AC and just hope for a discounted bundle of all the DLC. I'll eventually pick up the Steam GotY down the road though.
[quote name='Kerig']I had trouble finding the cover other than at the end of the trailer, so here's a pic of the 10-10 cover in all its glory:


It's like Aspargers, they can make an AWESOME game, but can't make a simple good coverart. Sevants in one area, and special in others...
[quote name='Rodster']Thanks OP, looking forward to the PC version. :applause:[/QUOTE]

Maybe we read different press releases, but... no mention has been made of this DLC coming to PC.

That's a major reason why I tend to wait before I buy a game. As someone whose preferred platform is PC, I don't like finding out six months after a game's release that, OOPS, I bought it on the wrong platform, silly me for assuming that PC versions will be supported with the same DLC as the console versions.

I wonder if the reason for so many PC versions of games not getting DLC is because their purpose (from a publisher's point of view) doesn't gel with the current state of PC games. DLC is made to prevent people from trading in their games. There's no such thing as a used PC game any more, so why spend the effort bringing DLC to the PC versions?

[quote name='Vegan']Maybe we read different press releases, but... no mention has been made of this DLC coming to PC.

That's a major reason why I tend to wait before I buy a game. As someone whose preferred platform is PC, I don't like finding out six months after a game's release that, OOPS, I bought it on the wrong platform, silly me for assuming that PC versions will be supported with the same DLC as the console versions.

I wonder if the reason for so many PC versions of games not getting DLC is because their purpose (from a publisher's point of view) doesn't gel with the current state of PC games. DLC is made to prevent people from trading in their games. There's no such thing as a used PC game any more, so why spend the effort bringing DLC to the PC versions?


It will be out on PC, more details coming soon.!/arkhamcitynews/status/194447798568103937
I wonder what kind of batman game is it??? hmmmm. *looks closer*
Oh its Arkham city...
They might as well print the games link to its Metacritic page. I wonder how good that Harley quinn dlc will be, because that catwoman dlc was not good at all. Good thing i kept my $10 copy
It's getting ridiculous how many games you're better off not supporting until they're done with DLC. I have never and will never double-dip on a game for DLC, but I'm getting to the point where I might just say fuck you until they put out their GOTY edition. MP support like map packs are fine, but this kind of stuff would be time better spent making a sequel IMO.
Well this made my day. I wanted this game bad a month ago but held off because I refuse to pay for a game then pay twice as much for all the DLC. I knew a GOTY would be coming, but honestly was expecting July or August at the soonest. Amazon will probably have a deal on it around $40 within a few weeks of release, so this'll be great. Can't wait to platinum this one too.
You can anticipate DD sales sometime around launch week for the Harley DLC, and I for one will probably wait for the inevitable sale at Xmas on Steam.

Yeah, I'm really hoping that is placeholder art because, ew.
FYI. All the current DLC can be downloaded for $18. If the Harley DLC is $15 then buying the $10 copy from BBY last month it would cost you $43 for the GOTY edition. Maybe less if the new DLC comes in at $10. Point being is that unless you need the DLC to be on disk (right now the current DLC is about 600 mb) then buy the GOTY. I am not sure this is guaranteed though. IF the new DLC is a large file then they might not be able to do it on disc for the 360 version. I will look at the install size of the game to see how much space they have. Either way getting the vanilla version cheap (less than $15) does not mean you are getting a bad deal with the cost of the DLC.

I am also not figuring the reduced cost of the DLC due to cheap PSN and MS points cards either.

Edit: The install size is 7.7 Gb. So 8.3 Gb for all the current DLC. I think we are looking at over 9 with the new DLC. I am not sure this is all on disk for the 360. What is the new format capacity?

Looks like the new discs can store 8 Gb. I think we are still looking at download codes or they were able to compress some of the DLC and game.
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[quote name='cancerman1120']
Looks like the new discs can store 8 Gb. I think we are still looking at download codes or they were able to compress some of the DLC and game.

@arkhamcitynews Will the DLCs be in GOTY's disc or will they be redeemable via PSN/XBL? Price for the GOTY?!/Doc_DGD/status/194427445192044544

@doc_dgd On a disc.!/arkhamcitynews/status/194427504524660737

I may be reaching for straws here but the reply says it's on *a* disc, not on *the* disc. So if what you're stating about sizes of the game and dlc are accurate, maybe there's a second disc just with the dlc for installation?
[quote name='Sway']!/Doc_DGD/status/194427445192044544!/arkhamcitynews/status/194427504524660737

I may be reaching for straws here but the reply says it's on *a* disc, not on *the* disc. So if what you're stating about sizes of the game and dlc are accurate, maybe there's a second disc just with the dlc for installation?[/QUOTE]

It would seem that way. Pretty good of them to do it that way if so since they are only a Gb or so over the limit unless the New DLC is a really big file +2 Gb. Good news for those who like on disc DLC. Now I wonder if that 2nd disc will be locked somehow or can be downloaded to multiple systems like many of the other disc DLCs.
[quote name='Kerig']I had trouble finding the cover other than at the end of the trailer, so here's a pic of the 10-10 cover in all its glory:


Even at close range its too much texts :cry:

if its at that price then I'll get it, but from what I learn from this site. If you wait 2-3 months the price will drop to $30.
[quote name='Jodou']It's getting ridiculous how many games you're better off not supporting until they're done with DLC. I have never and will never double-dip on a game for DLC, but I'm getting to the point where I might just say fuck you until they put out their GOTY edition. MP support like map packs are fine, but this kind of stuff would be time better spent making a sequel IMO.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree with you. I never double dip and I've patiently waited for GOTY or Complete editions of games like: Borferlands, Red Dead Redemption, Fallout 3, GTAIV.
But in this case I'll make an exception. Even though I platinumed Bats AC, I will buy and replay this new edition... what can I say, as a comic nerd I love what Rocksteady have done for the superheroe genre so just this one time I'm supporting them.
I knew there was a reason why I traded in my personal copy at GS.
I'll probably wait until it hits $20-$30 though since I still have other games I should play first.
[quote name='The_cheapest_Daddy']Even at close range its too much texts :cry:

if its at that price then I'll get it, but from what I learn from this site. If you wait 2-3 months the price will drop to $30.[/QUOTE]I bought the game for $30 on BF so I cant be too upset. I havent touched it since December though. Im glad i didnt buy any DLC, but I made alot sellnig the DLC codes I did have. Im undecided now whether to just buy the DLC or trade in my copy towards the GoTY edition
So it took only 6 hours for a Mod to decide to move this off the deals page? Umm after 6 hours and no complaining I think someone was in a bad mood.
[quote name='cancerman1120']So it took only 6 hours for a Mod to decide to move this off the deals page? Umm after 6 hours and no complaining I think someone was in a bad mood.[/QUOTE]

Well, it's NOT a deal. Moods and number of complaints have nothing to do with it.
[quote name='Thechaosdivision']I bought the game at launch, played it, liked it, sold it. Is the DLC worth picking this up again?[/QUOTE]

I'm wondering the same thing. Most of the DLC I've seen are skins and for those combat challenges... but the new Harley Quinn DLC looks like it's got some story related parts.

If the content is on the disc, I might pick this up when it's cheap.
[quote name='Vegan']Well, it's NOT a deal. Moods and number of complaints have nothing to do with it.[/QUOTE]

I could argue this post as a deal considering it will most likely make getting all the DLC cheaper than it currently is. Plus 80% of the stuff on the deals page is repeated questions, reports of what someone bought, or people insulting each other. I could care less but if a thread is on the front page for 6 hours and a mod moves it then that person is just being a stick in the mud.
OK Back on topic. Looking at the Xbox Boxart in a larger picture seems to indicate the DLC is NOT on disc. It says Harley Quinn's Revenge Download Redeemable from Xbox Live Only Expires March 31st 2013. I am not sure if the download is for the movie only though.

Also the Harley Quinn DLC comes out on April 30th for those that do not want to wait for the GOTY to play it.

bread's done