Battlefield 3- Premium announced; 4 new expansions

Apparently 7-8 weapon unlocks are linked to co-op. Not sure how, maybe score or something. Guns like the M39 EBR, MP7, G3A3, and SIG assault rifle (I forget the exact name).

Guns galore. I love it. Even more with Back to Karkand, and the Physical Warfare pack.
[quote name='Rhett']Apparently 7-8 weapon unlocks are linked to co-op. Not sure how, maybe score or something. Guns like the M39 EBR, MP7, G3A3, and SIG assault rifle (I forget the exact name).

Guns galore. I love it. Even more with Back to Karkand, and the Physical Warfare pack.[/QUOTE]

Hellz yeah! I love how depending on which side you are your guns change(compared to COD, where they are always the same).
I'm kinda glad I won't get to play until Friday. I can then read this forum so I know what to expect. The BETA very nearly blew all my anticipation for this game. Battlefield is my all-time favorite FPS series, so I will be clinically depressed if this game is ANYTHING like COD, which I despise. The BETA was wayyy to COD'y for me. The map sucked, too. It wasn't Battlefield. There were no buildings to destroy, and of course, no vehicles. The other maps better be better, but I'm curious as to why they chose that map for the BETA. Did they think it was the best?
[quote name='matto1233']I'm kinda glad I won't get to play until Friday. I can then read this forum so I know what to expect. The BETA very nearly blew all my anticipation for this game. Battlefield is my all-time favorite FPS series, so I will be clinically depressed if this game is ANYTHING like COD, which I despise. The BETA was wayyy to COD'y for me. The map sucked, too. It wasn't Battlefield. There were no buildings to destroy, and of course, no vehicles. The other maps better be better, but I'm curious as to why they chose that map for the BETA. Did they think it was the best?[/QUOTE]

The goal of the beta was not to show anything off, that's what a demo is. They likely chose everything based on their needs for testing servers.
I'm going to a midnight release tonight (pacific time) so I'll be playing all night tonight. If any CAGs want to squad-up add me.
[quote name='Stimes']I'm going to a midnight release tonight (pacific time) so I'll be playing all night tonight. If any CAGs want to squad-up add me.[/QUOTE]

Same here.
So no stores are having any freebies? Hoping Best Buy might as they gave freebies with Gears and Halo.

Guess i'll just go to Walmart and avoid the crowd. Gonna play the night away, nice thing about working 2nd shift. :D Just hope they have LE versions as I read some stores were getting LE and regular. Got a copy from Amazon coming FSSS not waiting lol.
Mine hasn't shipped yet either, but I've had items ship at midnight. I still got it the next day.

Release date delivery hasn't failed me yet.
I am getting an extra Xbox 360 SPECACT Kit from Best Buy and am looking to swap it for the Xbox 360 Dog Tags from Amazon if anyone is interested, just send me a PM.
[quote name='Dr.Zoidberg']I ordered from Amazon a few weeks ago and ordered release day shipment but just checked and it hasn't been shipped. Doesn't look good.[/QUOTE]

They send the emails all through the night for games. I've gotten emails for release date shipping at like 6 am
[quote name='Owen']I am getting an extra Xbox 360 SPECACT Kit from Best Buy and am looking to swap it for the Xbox 360 Dog Tags from Amazon if anyone is interested, just send me a PM.[/QUOTE]
Are those the costumes? I'll trade you. Don't see the point in dog tags =/
Just left walmart was #2 in line at 11:58 behind a gay couple... They give you a Bf3 lanyard. My Amazon didn't ship yet either FSSS will return that one to WM. Also saw no standards all have LE on the spine.
Got mine from a midnight shin dig at gamestop. They had pizza and pop for everyone which is something I have never seen from the faceless monster they are.

Even held a raffle for a BF guide.
[quote name='$hady']Just left walmart was #2 in line at 11:58 behind a gay couple... They give you a Bf3 lanyard. My Amazon didn't ship yet either FSSS will return that one to WM. Also saw no standards all have LE on the spine.[/QUOTE]

Dude, the "Limited Edition" IS the Standard Edition. EA Games pulled the same crap with Bad Company 2.
[quote name='dotCody']Dude, the "Limited Edition" IS the Standard Edition. EA Games pulled the same crap with Bad Company 2.[/QUOTE]

I actually figured all were LE but the Kmart gamer guy posted this and made me wonder:
"Notes on Battlefield 3:
* Kmart will not have the PC version for sale.
* "[Battlefield 3 LE] will be included in a portion of launch shipments. Every store will receive a limited amount."
"So instead of all first shipments being LE only portion of them are. A good amount of them but not all, I'd say 25%.""

Installing both slowly so slowly but almost done!!! MP is disc #1 SP #2 lol they got that right at least.

EDIT: duh... I installed both discs then when you fire up the MP disc it pops up about the HD add-on. All this talk of HD on the 2nd disc had me confused I was making sure. :D
[quote name='dotCody']Dude, the "Limited Edition" IS the Standard Edition. EA Games pulled the same crap with Bad Company 2.[/QUOTE]

It is just the first shipment that is the LE and it seems Best Buy is already having some issues as they are handing out the regular edition on PC tonight at some stores instead of the LE. So I guess there may have been some shipping problems.
Man, I almost won a :360:250GB holiday kinect bundle at the MS Store tonight :( fucked up on the sniper part and ended up getting 3rd place. If I knew what the prize was I would have been more careful.

I checked out the campaign and it's fun. I'm installing my MP disc right now to see some real action :)

EDIT: I saw 2 different :360: versions at the MS Store tonight:

-Those who pre-ordered got the L.E.
-Those who didn't got the standard
Man, I have got to say, this single player is......bland. Its not even on par with many AA or single A titles. It reminds so much of last gen games where its just a big shooting gallery with no real unique experience.

I know that no one plays the game for the single player but I have always said if you put it in there prepare for people to comment on it. If you dont care about single player than dont even have it.

Hell I only about an hour and half in and I have already forgotten what happened in the first couple levels.
[quote name='Doomtime']I believe it was BETA feedback DICE received from the fans.[/QUOTE]

Ah, thanks.

Is anyone having a problem logging into the battlelog. It says "Your account is not allowed to login"(???) Wtf?
Log in on your computer and or enter the online code first. I had the same problem not sure which fixed it.

I'm a COD guy more than a BF but this is ALOT of fun. LOL Plane maps are retarded just like in my old BF PC days way back when... Half the team fighting for jets, I got one flew around forever and killed nothing lol still fun!

What button is parachute??? I keep dieing! It's not in controller options or book. :D
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[quote name='$hady']Log in on your computer and or enter the online code first. I had the same problem not sure which fixed it.

I'm a COD guy more than a BF but this is ALOT of fun. LOL Plane maps are retarded just like in my old BF PC days way back when... Half the team fighting for jets, I got one flew around forever and killed nothing lol still fun!

What button is parachute??? I keep dieing! It's not in controller options or book. :D[/QUOTE]

I did actually enter the code then went to the website and it gave me that error message. I'll check again tomorrow, thanks.

Lol, I got on a jet and also killed nothing but I didn't last but a minute. Air vehicles have a big learning curve. And to use the parachute, keep pressing "A" until you hear the sound.

Also, I couldn't figure out how to use the damn stinger missile and the russian version. I aimed it at a tank, pressed fire and nothing.
[quote name='htown01']I did actually enter the code then went to the website and it gave me that error message. I'll check again tomorrow, thanks.

Lol, I got on a jet and also killed nothing but I didn't last but a minute. Air vehicles have a big learning curve. And to use the parachute, keep pressing "A" until you hear the sound.

Also, I couldn't figure out how to use the damn stinger missile and the russian version. I aimed it at a tank, pressed fire and nothing.[/QUOTE]

It's exclusively anti-air... it gives a red box on a target, and you have to hold it on the target until it says 'LOCK'.
Just a heads up to you guys, the limited edition IS NOT the regular edition. Just got back from doing the midnight release at my Best Buy and can confirm that there is one SKU with the "Back to Karkland" code and one without it.
[quote name='Nealocus123']Just a heads up to you guys, the limited edition IS NOT the regular edition. Just got back from doing the midnight release at my Best Buy and can confirm that there is one SKU with the "Back to Karkland" code and one without it.[/QUOTE]

This was confirmed by SHC-Gamer (who's in charge of the games for all KMart's) like 2 weeks ago in the deals forum. Basically from what I can tell only Gamestop had their entire first shipment be LE copies. My local Gamestop got about 300 360 copies and 150 PS3 copies and they were all LE. All other retailers only got 20-50% LE in their first shipment.
Is there a pop-up to install a texture pack if you put in the single player disc or do you only have to do it when you put in the MP disk and those textures are good for both single and multi?
[quote name='Rhett']It's exclusively anti-air... it gives a red box on a target, and you have to hold it on the target until it says 'LOCK'.[/QUOTE]

Damn, I did not know that :) Thanks.

[quote name='MSUHitman']Is there a pop-up to install a texture pack if you put in the single player disc or do you only have to do it when you put in the MP disk and those textures are good for both single and multi?[/QUOTE]

Yes, there is a pop-up to install the texture pack. I only installed the MP disc and it asked if I wanted to install it so I am assuming it is only on the MP disc.
Thanks htown, lol I kept dieing and finally just quit flying till I saw your reply. Played 3.5 hours and didn't wanna log off but it's bedtime. Why oh why must MW3 drop in 2 weeks I like this BF more than the last one. :(
[quote name='MSUHitman']Is there a pop-up to install a texture pack if you put in the single player disc or do you only have to do it when you put in the MP disk and those textures are good for both single and multi?[/QUOTE]

Yes. I had the SP disc in, it pops up, and if you want to install it you must insert the MP disc right after. The textures affect both SP and MP.

I also tried coop with a few randoms lastnight. Pretty difficult for the most part. Seemed like sections of the campaign made for two people, but I didn't get far so I can't say for sure. You earn score to unlock weapons. 63000 for REX, which is the first unlock for all classes. Goes up to like 446k for the SIG556 assault rifle.
[quote name='thrustbucket']once you get bf3 in your veins you will only want to rent cod.[/QUOTE]

This. I played the hell out of the last 2 COD games, it was getting stale and BF 3 was nice change of pace and I don't know if I can go back..
Redbox does not stock:

1. multii-disc games because their containers can only hold 1 disk. You would have to get the PS3 version but this game falls under category 2 ...

2. Redbox does not stock EA or Microsoft published games because they don't have an agreement with them to do it.

And yes there is an online pass if you rent/borrow it from somewhere else but like all the other EA games you get 1 7-day trial period.
[quote name='MSUHitman']2. Redbox does not stock EA or Microsoft published games because they don't have an agreement with them to do it.

Err... except Redbox is stocking BF3 PS3:

But, yes, you'll need to buy the online pass to play online. So single-player only unless you want to buy that for a rental.
I got to play the multiplayer portion for a couple hours last night and was relieved to see that it played less like the beta and more like Bad Company 2 (which is a good thing in my opinion); in terms of how it controlled. Movement is much smoother now, but not much has changed from how it handled from the previous installment. I'll admit that I do like how I don't get stuck in corners or debris anymore when sprinting as I did in Bad Company 2. For instance, I'd always get stuck trying to run up a set a stairs and then get lit up in the process. The only real problem I've seen so far is when I try to join a match with a squad, the game would put us on opposing forces to balance out the match.

So I guess those who were on the fence because of the beta can rest assured that it plays much differently than before. Basically, if you liked Bad Company 2, there's no reason why you wouldn't enjoy this new installment as well. I haven't had much time with it, but in the end it's more of the same with a good amount of additions in terms of weapons, vehicles, and improved character movement. It's nice to see a good amount of recoil on the weapons and the sound is amazing to say the least. You know what you're getting and what to expect when purchasing a title like this, so more of the same isn't always a bad thing.

Also, does anyone know if there is a way to practice driving and flying the vehicles instead of playing in an actual match? I'd like to get better, but don't want to screw up a match because of it.

Is there already a "CAG Battlefield" gamertag? Maybe we could all link up whenever we need a few people to fill up a squad or whatever. Just a thought.
[quote name='Ma12kez']
Also, does anyone know if there is a way to practice driving and flying the vehicles instead of playing in an actual match? I'd like to get better, but don't want to screw up a match because of it.

Is there already a "CAG Battlefield" gamertag? Maybe we could all link up whenever we need a few people to fill up a squad or whatever. Just a thought.[/QUOTE]

Yo dawg just do rollz and lay yo jet down on Point B.

I'm tempted to rent the PS3 version from Redbox, but it doesn't include the online pass so I'm SOL until my XBL is revived. REVIVE ME.
Well, if I find an LE at target today I'll buy it and then return my amazon copy when it shows up. Otherwise, I haven't received a shipping confirmation yet so who knows when I'll get the game.
Hopefully this game doesn't attract as many COD players as I'm expecting. Based on the talk around my high school (I'm a teacher), most kids are getting it, and I know who the COD players are. I would really hate that. Does the in-game scoreboard still show your kills and deaths? That would be nice if it didn't, because all of the COD people in the BETA would think they were doing good if they went 18-3, when they didn't have many points, because they weren't doing ANYTHING ELSE! This is exactly why I DON'T want COD players in it. Seriously, go back to COD.
[quote name='matto1233']Hopefully this game doesn't attract as many COD players as I'm expecting. Based on the talk around my high school (I'm a teacher), most kids are getting it, and I know who the COD players are. I would really hate that. Does the in-game scoreboard still show your kills and deaths? That would be nice if it didn't, because all of the COD people in the BETA would think they were doing good if they went 18-3, when they didn't have many points, because they weren't doing ANYTHING ELSE! This is exactly why I DON'T want COD players in it. Seriously, go back to COD.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the main screen after the match is over still shows how many kills/deaths you achieved.

I played 5 matches last night, 2 of them I was in squads who used headsets, the other 3, there was silence. Not good. It was probably because the non-COD players had not gotten their copy early.

I'll see tonight.
[quote name='matto1233']Hopefully this game doesn't attract as many COD players as I'm expecting. Based on the talk around my high school (I'm a teacher), most kids are getting it, and I know who the COD players are. I would really hate that. Does the in-game scoreboard still show your kills and deaths? That would be nice if it didn't, because all of the COD people in the BETA would think they were doing good if they went 18-3, when they didn't have many points, because they weren't doing ANYTHING ELSE! This is exactly why I DON'T want COD players in it. Seriously, go back to COD.[/QUOTE]
Don't worry MW3 shows up in two weeks so worst case scenario you will deal with that for those two weeks when they return to their beloved Call of Duty franchise
bread's done