Battlefield Bad Company 2; Vietnam (1200 points) out; plus 4 new free maps

[quote name='Soodmeg']This is ridiculous seriously.

2 games and then wait 4 hours, 1 game here and wait 2 hours, 3 games here wait 30 min.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I've got the a sealed copy of the game I got from TRU and my gamefly rental, and if this server mess doesn't clean itself up, they might both be going back.
[quote name='n4styn4t3']Same here. I've got the a sealed copy of the game I got from TRU and my gamefly rental, and if this server mess doesn't clean itself up, they might both be going back.[/QUOTE]

It will dude. Same shit happened the first couple of weeks of Bad Company 1.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']It will dude. Same shit happened the first couple of weeks of Bad Company 1.[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened when Live kept updating as well. :p
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']It will dude. Same shit happened the first couple of weeks of Bad Company 1.[/QUOTE]

Nothing against you, but I don't find that excuse acceptable. Battlefield 2 on original Xbox was like this, plus BF:BC1 and BF1943 all had the same issues. Shouldn't they have learned from previous mistakes. With the console versions they should also know how many people could potentially be playing the game by the number of copies they made. Not to mention the beta, demo and using their own servers seems like they had all the right choices in front of them and they made a bad one somewhere.

Either way, I got fed up today and convinced Amazon to give me a full refund. They had a day or two to fix the servers in my book. I'll buy the game used or on sale in the future, but for a guy who normally doesn't buy games at launch I feel dirty for doing it now.

Plus, gaming is an enjoyable hobby, I found myself cursing and screaming over this server mess. I actually enjoyed the game, but I can wait.
[quote name='horns456']Nothing against you, but I don't find that excuse acceptable. Battlefield 2 on original Xbox was like this, plus BF:BC1 and BF1943 all had the same issues. Shouldn't they have learned from previous mistakes. With the console versions they should also know how many people could potentially be playing the game by the number of copies they made. Not to mention the beta, demo and using their own servers seems like they had all the right choices in front of them and they made a bad one somewhere.

Either way, I got fed up today and convinced Amazon to give me a full refund. They had a day or two to fix the servers in my book. I'll buy the game used or on sale in the future, but for a guy who normally doesn't buy games at launch I feel dirty for doing it now.

Plus, gaming is an enjoyable hobby, I found myself cursing and screaming over this server mess. I actually enjoyed the game, but I can wait.[/QUOTE]

I feel you dude, but not going to play a game because of one problem. It's not like it's the only game to have these issues. As a game, it's one of the best out there and I get pissed too when I can't connect to a game. It's like am I going to cancel my cable and internet if it goes out during a snow storm or bad rain? No, because the have a stellar track record of things running smooth, just like DICE. It has not even been a week yet, so I can't complain. Plus, my PS3 gets hot quick and I am afraid to play it for too long.
There is absolutely nothing more satisfying than shooting down an enemy chopper. The Blackhawk goes down nicely, but I love the way the Apache spins when it gets hit :D
I love the game but it's buggy as hell. I got revived by a medic as I was changing weapon specializations and it froze my game. I've also been kicked out of the game completely back to the dashboard a few times.
i love this game. its definitely valid to vent out against the bullshitty things that go along with ANY battlefield game though. i.e. server issues (ive had to wait at least 5 mins to get into a game).

but the sheer range of things to do/blow up/shoot is awe-inspiring.
What happened to the soldier page? It's supposed to be the only way to tell the game to unlock the Garand and I get a 404 error =/
[quote name='Flak']What happened to the soldier page? It's supposed to be the only way to tell the game to unlock the Garand and I get a 404 error =/[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Draekon'][quote name='Flak']What happened to the soldier page on the official site? I want to pimp my stats out but the /soldier page is just getting me a 404 error now. Maybe it'll be back after they get more servers (eventually).[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

You want this site for the Garand:
[quote name='Puffa469'] I've also been kicked out of the game completely back to the dashboard a few times.[/QUOTE]

That happened to me also, only once however. I thought it was VERY weird because I've never had anything like that happen before. Good to know it happened to someone else!
This game is really pissing me off. I've yet to jump into a random game and be on a winning team. I can't be playing with people this inept every single time, can I?
[quote name='KaneRobot']This game is really pissing me off. I've yet to jump into a random game and be on a winning team. I can't be playing with people this inept every single time, can I?[/QUOTE]

i think a squad is really needed to enjoy this game.

finished up the campaign, short but very fun. i liked the pacing a lot. the vehicle segments were well done. had a lot of fun with it actually. i certainly wouldnt suggest a purchase for campaign only but a play through is deserved.
Yeah, I haven't had any problems since late yesterday.

[quote name='paz9x']i think a squad is really needed to enjoy this game.[/QUOTE]
That's fine. I guess I made the mistake of buying it without realizing none of my friends would buy it. It still seems weird that I'm unable to be on a winning team though, even once. I've played probably 20-25 games so far. Should clarify that this is happening on conquest only, but that really shouldn't matter.
how do people rack up such high scores? just got the game yesterday, really like it but don't seem to be getting many kills or as high of scores as everyone else. Any tips for a noob like myself?
@KaneRobot: You must just have bad luck then. From what I've noticed, unless you're in a squad with some other people who will communicate, winning and losing is just luck of the draw. Sometimes you'll get teams that seem to do awesome, and then you'll get teams that seem to completely suck. Unfortunately for you, you seem to be getting the crappy teams over and over.

Is it possible that maybe there's a factor in how you're playing the game that could be contributing to your team losing? I know it's easy to blame the rest of the team for a loss when you feel you've done something at least (I know I do that from time to time), but sometimes we are actually the ones screwing up our team. It might not be the case, but it's something to think about at least.

1.) Don't snipe. The game has enough people trying to do so as it is, and most people aren't good enough to really do anything worthwhile when trying to snipe.

2.) Make liberal use of your class' gadgets. If you see a sniper, throw an ammo box beside him. If you see a teammate go down, use your defib paddles on him; defibbing a teammate alone is worth just as much as killing someone. The more you help your team by replenishing ammo, spotting, healing, etc., the faster you'll get points. Don't focus strictly on killing like a decent amount of people do. I've played about 75 rounds so far, and have had the top score out of everyone about 15 of those times--roughly 1 out of every 5 rounds. I'm not saying I'm godly at this game; the reason I get tons and tons of points is because I focus on helping teammates and deliberately working towards the main objective. Sure, some of it comes down to skill, but being a good teammate goes a long way in this game.

3.) Watch the "How not to be a noob at Bad Co. 2" video that's been put up a few times in this thread. You can find it on youtube. There are a lot of great tips in there for everyone.
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I'm desperate to find some people to play with... this game almost requires you to play in a squad to be enjoyable. I'm usually playing as a Medic or Engineer. Medic is my most-often used and most developed class. My XBox Live name is One4Deuce if anyone is interested in playing with me. Send a message or Friend Request please. Would love to find some mature, non-racist people to play with!
[quote name='KaneRobot']That's fine. I guess I made the mistake of buying it without realizing none of my friends would buy it. It still seems weird that I'm unable to be on a winning team though, even once. I've played probably 20-25 games so far. Should clarify that this is happening on conquest only, but that really shouldn't matter.[/QUOTE]

Just join up with some of the CAGs that play this game and you won't have that problem anymore. I would be pissed off all the time and completely hate this game if I tried playing with randoms.
Oddly enough I just won 4 in a row. Must have been a massive string of bad luck, then. I was top scorer on 2 of them to boot. Shrug.

Yeah, I was playing with a few CAGs yesterday and it went well. I need to build up a bigger list of people who are playing this though.
Add me up, but I play sporadically. My free time is fairly random. I don't use a mic though on account of constant phone calls and such, but I do think I play pretty well with a group.
[quote name='Schmackledorf']
1.) Don't snipe. The game has enough people trying to do so as it is, and most people aren't good enough to really do anything worthwhile when trying to snipe.


Why are you discouraging him from sniping? Besides the medic you get a tremendous amount of points per kill if you get a headshot bonus and a marksman headshot bonus. Besides Halo no-scoping, I have never felt so rewarded when sniping a persons head clean off. I mean I know people are "fuck sniping" but for me it usually tilts the tide of battle in our teams favor. Spot assists, calling in mortar strikes, setting up C4, throwing the motion balls. The sniper is very crucial part of the squad and team.
I'm really starting to hate the Mortar strike. It' like a reward for snipers for hanging back and not caring about objectives. Every time I die from a mortar strike and it shows my killer, they are always behind a rock 2000 yards from the front.

I know the 'Recon' class can be played properly, but it seems to be rare. I can tell right at the start whether my team is going to win or lose a round just by the amount of snipers that spawn at the beginning of the round.
Yeah, I dont know why they gave the mortar to the snipers. I could have sworn it went to the support class the last time I checked.

In fact, whenever I do venture out and play recon (which I hate) I wind up just sitting in a tree miles away from anything racking up points by spotting, mortar striking and the occasional kill. Using the mortar to take out tanks nets tons of points.
They should bring back the limitations on classes. It's obnoxious when you are fighting a team that is comprised mostly of snipers. Also it takes away actually relying on certain people to pony up the skills to win; not hard to kill a tank when ten people are shooting rockets at it.

I play recon and rack up between 1000 and 2000 every game. It just depends on how well you know the game and your class really. I also don't just sit and snipe unless I know there is a whole SLEW of snipers in one general area.
I got 12'000 in one game yesterday, it was awesome, god I love Anti-Tank mines.

I didn't realise you could spot enemies with the Back button. I found out thanks to the "How to not be a Noob on BF:BC2" vid.

EDIT- That's 12'000 after awards of course, I'm not Superman.
If it makes anyone feel better, I have had the same bad luck with teams lately too. In the demo/beta, I was a constant 4:1 KD and probably won 2 out of every 3 games. Plus, I was a sniper as a defender and as an attacker as well. Why? So I could keep the other snipers from picking off my team. In the regular game, I am barely a 1:1 KD and I haven't won a ton of games. Last night, my team was attacking. Apparently no one knew what the word "attack" actually meant so we didn't even destroy the first set of targets. The next game was the complete opposite. We destroyed the first 2 crates in about 5 minutes and then pushed them back and destroyed the rest of the crates easily. Go figure.

I think one of the ways to attack this game (in Rush anyways) is to look around at the classes people are using a round you. If there are a ton of snipers and your team is attacking, change to the assault class or engineer class and actually attack the other team. If it's a sniping match, you won't win. However, you can be the person that creates a pain in the butt for the other team. If they are constantly trying to keep you away and getting sniped, they will break down. Once your team sees what you are doing (it's happened to me a few times) they will also change up classes and start going for the objective. Some will stay as snipers and that's a good thing so that they can fight off other snipers and keep the defenders at bay.

In all honesty, I think we should think about starting a CAG clan so we can play as a team more effectively. Unfortunately, I have no idea how much I'll be able to participate because I'm playing a ton of other games. Send me a FR and if I'm online, I will be happy to join any games since my friends hate this game. Apparently when you have to use skill to kill someone, they don't find it as fun lol.
[quote name='Pck21']If it makes anyone feel better, I have had the same bad luck with teams lately too. In the demo/beta, I was a constant 4:1 KD and probably won 2 out of every 3 games. Plus, I was a sniper as a defender and as an attacker as well. Why? So I could keep the other snipers from picking off my team. In the regular game, I am barely a 1:1 KD and I haven't won a ton of games.[/QUOTE]

I'd imagine it's because you don't know the maps intimately yet, like you did Port Valdez on the demo...
[quote name='crablin']I'd imagine it's because you don't know the maps intimately yet, like you did Port Valdez on the demo...[/QUOTE]

Oh I have no doubt that my inexperience with the maps are playing a huge role in my suckitude! :lol:.

I think some of it has to do with team communication and the ability to change tactics on the fly. With other unnamed FPSs on the market, tactics are nonexistent. It's either run and gun or sit and snipe. Hopefully you have a better connection that the other guy and then you won't be dead. However, with BFBC2, I have found that being able to survey the map and the way the game is going, and then changing your class or play style accordingly, helps a great deal.

Like I said, if I notice a ton of snipers on my team, I change my class. If I notice no snipers on my team, I go recon. It's more about team dynamics and strategy than it is just mindlessly running around. Last night, during the good match I was in, I was in a squad with great team members. They didn't have mics (blah) but they knew their roles. One guy was a sniper, one guy a medic, and I was the assault. The sniper creeped up in the bushes and picked off other snipers. He also allowed us to spawn with him to get back to the action quicker. The medic game him first aid and would follow me depending on the other team's actions. When the sniper went down, he rushed to save him. I was there to create havok on the other team. I threw nades where I knew a sniper was and launched noob tubes where the crates were being guarded. I killed 3 guys with one noob tube (not lucky, they were bunched in the open) and that allowed my team to roll in with a tank and provided fire power (and a big target) for our team to swoop in and take both crates.
I actually haven't even tried Recon class yet (not since the demo, anyway) - there always seem to be at least 3 on any team I'm on, so I know whatever meager skills I have would be best assigned elsewhere. Hopefully after the new game smell has worn off the sniper-happy players will be dialed back a little and I'll give it a try then.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I actually haven't even tried Recon class yet (not since the demo, anyway) - there always seem to be at least 3 on any team I'm on, so I know whatever meager skills I have would be best assigned elsewhere. Hopefully after the new game smell has worn off the sniper-happy players will be dialed back a little and I'll give it a try then.[/QUOTE]

I've run into two CAGs now, and you were one of them. I have both you and xereven's dog tags :) We should play sometime. My friend and I work dif classes so we def. could have good matches going sometime.
Why is it that every time I play assault class, I see people throwing ammo all over the damned place... but when I play anything else, the only way for me to get ammo is to hope I find the dead soul of an assault and throw one out and then switch back? Medics don't seem to have problems using theirs thankfully.
Quick and perhaps silly question: How do you request for a med kit or ammo resupply? It was brought up in that video (related to the Back button), but never fully explained. I saw one of my teammates have an icon show up next to them for ammo, but I don't know how to do it myself. Short of asking over a mic that is.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Quick and perhaps silly question: How do you request for a med kit or ammo resupply? It was brought up in that video (related to the Back button), but never fully explained. I saw one of my teammates have an icon show up next to them for ammo, but I don't know how to do it myself. Short of asking over a mic that is.[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing but would you aim at a Medic or Assault person in your team and press the Back button ?

Thats the impression I got from the video.
I will say, the auto spot scope along with the svu with a red dot is awesome as a recon. Considering I don't play like most recon and I run around instead of camping, I can still rack up some good points.
[quote name='benjamouth']I'm guessing but would you aim at a Medic or Assault person in your team and press the Back button ?

Thats the impression I got from the video.[/QUOTE]

You'd be correct. Whether or not the player will see the blinking ammo/health icon above your head or hear whatever language your team is another question all together.
I play mostly assualt, and when my wife watches me play, she is always reminding me to drop ammo for my teammates.

"Baby give them some ammo"

"Baby give them some ammo"

"Baby give them some ammo"

She even tells me to drop ammo for other assualt players. Sometimes they forget to restock themselves!

I told her she should start playing the game as she'd be a great teammate/squaddy.
Is there a "rule" about spotting? While playing as non-recon, I'll sometimes have my crosshairs lined up on an enemy (both hipfire and down the sights), and I'll be jamming on the back button repeatedly, and they won't be spotted. It doesn't appear to be a distance issue.
Last night I was playing as engineer rolling in behind an APC to repair it constantly when I hear this buzzing noise and a repair request from behind me. It was our team's UAV! Down to 1% health, so I repaired it and it went right along on its merry way.

Didn't even think to do this before it happened to me.
[quote name='Admiral Moo']Last night I was playing as engineer rolling in behind an APC to repair it constantly when I hear this buzzing noise and a repair request from behind me. It was our team's UAV! Down to 1% health, so I repaired it and it went right along on its merry way.

Didn't even think to do this before it happened to me.[/QUOTE]

I've tried to pull the UAV back when it's been damaged so I could repair it, but I don't think I landed it carefully enough and it blew up anyway :cry:

EDIT - In case anyone cares (see my sig)
I was more recommending it based on getting points and what not. While I will agree that recons can help tip the favor of battle, there are usually ample amounts of people playing recon already, and that adding more would probably be detrimental to the team as a whole. I'm also basing my opinion that people playing recon don't get a ton of points on what I've seen from what I've played. While I'm not arguing that they can't get many points, I've just traditionally seen people playing other classes get far more points than those playing recon, and that's usually because they can more actively help teammates with repairs, resupplies, and healing. I was just giving my take on things. Obviously his decision should be based on what he has the most fun with, and if he enjoys playing recon the most, then he should do that. I'm just thinking from a points/killing perspective, recon isn't the most efficient usually.
Your wrong about the points. You can get up to like 200 points a kill, I usually get around 150. I go for headshots, so I get that bonus, plus the marksman bonus if it was a long range gravity headshot( I know that sounds stupid), plus the savior or avenger bonus as well. Plus the spotting gets more points if your squad mate kills the guy. Mortar is good for groups or vehicles. Your right there are an unnecessary amount of snipers. I moved on trying to get all the weapons, because I want those battle rifles. The three best snipers are the GOL, M24 and the M95, in that order.
bread's done