Battlefield Bad Company 2; Vietnam (1200 points) out; plus 4 new free maps

Just learned something. You don't need to put like 3 c4 on a tank to blow it up, even the big ones, 1 c4 on the side or back takes it out. Same with tank mines, run over even one and its night night.

Edit: Disregard that, seems I had improved explosions on.
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I'm adding a bunch of you in this thread. I'll be playing this from 2pm est Thursday till like 7am Friday morning.. I want to make a beast squad.
[quote name='Flak']What's the general rule of thumb for collapsing? Is it taking out all the walls on the bottom floor?[/QUOTE]

I don't know the general rule. Not necessarily just for taking out the bottom floor. Someone got one on me when the mortar destroyed the top roof on the building (3 story) I was on in the snow level. The bottom was solid at the time when the roof collapsed the building.
[quote name='One4Deuce']Am I a rare breed? The only class I have that I've done nearly nothing for is the Recon class.[/QUOTE]

I have zero xp in recon class. Haven't even touched it yet. I'll wait and hope the sniper-happy populace thins out a bit as people learn how to play this game properly. In the meantime, I'll continue to roll with squads who know what they are doing. Speaking of which.

[quote name='TC']Squad Deathmatch with real teamates is ridiculous fun.[/QUOTE]
Damn right it is. I was in with Bloodbath and a few others last night and we won each match we played. Locking down a position for a while and helping each other out with ammo & health can build up a nice lead.
Lol oh man last night was great. For the most part it was Kane, me and my friend while the other squads had 4 players. Needless to say, we dominated every match winning by 10+ each time. I don't think we lost a match and we played a good 5 or more. Looking forward to doing it again tonight.
I played some yesterday and I ended up sniping everybody out of the helicopter one by one, then when the helicopter came down it wasn't destroyed. So of course I jumped in and had some fun using their own helicopter against them. Good times.
I just had a killer, albeit very long game earlier and gained about a rank and a half with quite a few unlocks in one round .. only to get disconnected from EA's server. Randomly got the "Connection to EA servers has been lost." message.

I jumped right back into a game, and wondered where all my unlocks went ... fucking thing didn't save any of it, so I was back where I started today. fucking bullshit.

I did get to play some with FrankySox though and had some fun. Sorry I got quiet towards the end, had some company over and had to abruptly leave.
[quote name='HydroX']I just had a killer, albeit very long game earlier and gained about a rank and a half with quite a few unlocks in one round .. only to get disconnected from EA's server. Randomly got the "Connection to EA servers has been lost." message.

I jumped right back into a game, and wondered where all my unlocks went ... fucking thing didn't save any of it, so I was back where I started today. fucking bullshit.

I did get to play some with FrankySox though and had some fun. Sorry I got quiet towards the end, had some company over and had to abruptly leave.[/QUOTE]

No worries man. I should be on tonight, but if not I'll be on a lot this weekend. Hopefully we can get a full squad going.
I generally despise playing Rush without a solid squad by my side because I tend to get the "Is this deathmatch?" type of teammates, but I am sure glad I stuck with it last night on Arica Harbor where I finished off the game with these stats and ~20K experience despite a very lackluster team comprised of maybe 4 attackers and 8 people running around wasting tickets.

(Note: I know a 2.19 K/D ratio isn't that impressive at all, but for an attacker on Rush I'd say it's alright considering the circumstances)
I saw the most awesome technique last night.

I was attacking on Val Paraiso Rush mode, the first two points.

Someone on my team would take the Blackhawk and slam into the ground hard trying to squash the enemy! And it worked!

We planted on the first MCom station, and an enemy ran to it and started defusing. Out of nowhere the Blackhawk comes crashing down on the enemy, killing him in mid-defuse and instantly bouncing back up into the sky.

At first I thought the pilot was a retard that can't fly (like me). But then I realized he knew exactly what he was doing.

I watched him use that helicopter in ways I never thought of. He would land right next to an MCom site, sideways with the minigun pointing right at it. The minigunner would blast the Mcom and any enemy near it for a few seconds and then they would fly straight back up and away before the enemy knew what was going on.

They must have had an Engy on board repairing becuase that helo never got shot down. After a while, half the enemy team was always pointing guns at the sky tryin to take it down. But all that did was let the rest of us on the ground have easy pickins on the enemy.

It made me see the Helicopter in a whole new light.
[quote name='Flak']What's the general rule of thumb for collapsing? Is it taking out all the walls on the bottom floor?[/QUOTE]

Its weird I'd take out all bottom walls and have all of the top walls intact and the building stayed but sometimes you get a building that is half destroyed and putting a mortar on it can knock it down.

FYI I got the demolition achievement by planting C4 around the base of the objective houses on Rush (offense and defense lol)
I think collapsing is all about the upper floor. I collapsed the second Bravo objective on Arica Harbor by knocking out all the upstairs walls with my 40MM nade launcher.
My guns and such poofed again. Says I have them in Weapons and Gadgets screen but in actual game it shows my rank as 1 and I have nothing unlocked.
[quote name='drbutchevil']My guns and such poofed again. Says I have them in Weapons and Gadgets screen but in actual game it shows my rank as 1 and I have nothing unlocked.[/QUOTE]

I'm the other way around. It doesn't show anything for me in Weapons in Gadgets.
[quote name='drbutchevil']My guns and such poofed again. Says I have them in Weapons and Gadgets screen but in actual game it shows my rank as 1 and I have nothing unlocked.[/QUOTE]

I had that yesterday so I quit since the servers kept kicking. I came back today and everything was back to normal so I wouldn't worry about it.
[quote name='lordopus99']I had that yesterday so I quit since the servers kept kicking. I came back today and everything was back to normal so I wouldn't worry about it.[/QUOTE]

I said again =P. Its happened a few times so far, annoying. Hopefully its back in a few hours, will play MLB 10 The Show for now I guess.
[quote name='drbutchevil']I said again =P. Its happened a few times so far, annoying. Hopefully its back in a few hours, will play MLB 10 The Show for now I guess.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully the EA gets on the ball and resolves all these server issues.
The scroll at the bottom of the screen now says something about taking the servers down on Fri and Sat night for maintenance. Adding new hardware just for you!
Yep. Friday and Saturday at midnight (Pacific) the servers come down.

Would be nice if they did this ahead of time for once, next time. I wish they'd push it back to Sunday/Monday since there's a chance I'd be playing at that hour on the weekend.
Yeah, poor planning on their part. Friday/Saturday is usually some of the busiest gaming nights for those who aren't going out getting shitfaced.
[quote name='HydroX']Yeah, poor planning on their part. Friday/Saturday is usually some of the busiest gaming nights for those who aren't going out getting shitfaced.[/QUOTE]
Agreed... why not do it at some ungodly early morning hour??? Like 5a.m. or something
I just starting playing this game tonight and had an absolute blast. Only thing that sucked was that I couldn't find any squads and nobody to talk with, though that didn't stop my team from winning 5 matches in a row.

This game blows COD out of the water.

Add me anyone, Scotts54.
Yesterday was probably my worst performance to date. I could not do anything for the life of me, ahhh.

Well I guess the maintenance is kind of good so I can focus on getting more done on Lost Odyssey. Ever since I got this game, I've been distracted and haven't played it much at all.

Here's to hoping the connectivity issues are fixed once and for all!
i hope all the issues are fixed with this update first the game has frozen more than 7 times for me and atleast kicked me either to the main menu or dashboard about 5-6 times and just my luck its when am racking up large amounts of points

feel free to add DAC1984
[quote name='One4Deuce']Agreed... why not do it at some ungodly early morning hour??? Like 5a.m. or something[/QUOTE]

I don't feel like looking at the time difference but it probably has to do with the fact that they work in Sweden(I think).
I'm on the East coast, so I'm sure I'll be asleep by 3am. But I sometimes like to play in the early morning when I get up, so I wonder how long they will be down each night?
[quote name='slickkill77']I don't feel like looking at the time difference but it probably has to do with the fact that they work in Sweden(I think).[/QUOTE]
Oh yes, I believe you are right (at least many of the names were very Swedish sounding, noticed that during loading or credits or something).
I thought I read that they were taking the servers down at two separate times on Friday and Saturday, I'm hoping not because I was wanting to put some time in this weekend.
I think it's at midnight pacific tonight and tomorrow night, so that would be 3 am eastern, 2 central, 1 mountain. I forgot how long each downtime session will be though.

The rumor in the NPD thread is that there were 600k copies of BFBC 2 on 360 sold in the first week alone, which is why EA is overwhelmed. They should have prepared better, but if that number is true, then BFBC 2 outsold Feb. best selling game (Bioshock 2 on the 360) in one week vs. the 3 weeks Bioshock 2 had on the shelf.
[quote name='MSUHitman']I think it's at midnight pacific tonight and tomorrow night, so that would be 3 am eastern, 2 central, 1 mountain. I forgot how long each downtime session will be though.

The rumor in the NPD thread is that there were 600k copies of BFBC 2 on 360 sold in the first week alone, which is why EA is overwhelmed. They should have prepared better, but if that number is true, then BFBC 2 outsold Feb. best selling game (Bioshock 2 on the 360) in one week vs. the 3 weeks Bioshock 2 had on the shelf.[/QUOTE]

I think servers are suppossed to be down for 4 hours each night.

That may be true about EA being overwhelmed, but it's a poor excuse.

If they pressed and shipped X copies of the game for a particular platform they should have enough server capacity for all those copies to be online at once on launch day.

Then if the game doesn't sell, then you pare down the number of servers as necessary.

They obviously shipped a number of copies they thought would sell, why wouldn't they setup server capacity accordingly? It's not like most people buy BF games for the singleplayer.
Every time I go to "JOIN GAME" the "Searching for games" screen comes up then disappears after a second. I try again same thing, can't get into a game. Anyone else have this problem.
[quote name='FrankySox']Every time I go to "JOIN GAME" the "Searching for games" screen comes up then disappears after a second. I try again same thing, can't get into a game. Anyone else have this problem.[/QUOTE]

When I jumped on the other day and was playing my friend and I got booted out of our game. We tried going back in but kept getting that, however I believe it showed two friends on my list in games at the time... so I don't know.

It's possible a few games went down in my case and the matchmaking system was on the fritz. All I can say is try again later.
[quote name='seanr1221']Does the assault ever get a better gun than the XM8P?[/QUOTE]
Hell yes. The last 3 guns in the class are far superior, at least in my experience.
[quote name='FrankySox']Every time I go to "JOIN GAME" the "Searching for games" screen comes up then disappears after a second. I try again same thing, can't get into a game. Anyone else have this problem.[/QUOTE]

Same problem here or booting to dashboard
[quote name='kklems']Same problem here or booting to dashboard[/QUOTE]

I think servers are down for today and partial tomorrow so you should not be able to play multiplayer or at least they said you wont. It kicked me around 5:30 EST to dashboard. That's when I figured they started the server maintenance.
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[quote name='seanr1221']Thank god.

The aug and f2000 suuuuuuck.[/QUOTE]

I use one you unlock after those, forget the name but it's a three round burst only. It's as accurate as the XM8P, but does more damage. It's butters.
I over thought this way too much. Collapsing a building just requires you to knock out a significant portion of the walls, i.e. weakening it. I've collapsed quite a few buildings with mortars this week.
[quote name='Pure Apathy']Hydro that stat thing in your sig is pretty cool, I had to get me one too.[/QUOTE]
Added one too, hope my sig isn't too huge now.
Well I absolutely trashed my K/D ratio tonight by playing while I'm hella tired. Although I am proud of sniping some pretty awesome rank 27 mofo out of the pilot seat of the Apache.
bread's done