Battlefield Bad Company 2; Vietnam (1200 points) out; plus 4 new free maps

I'd be in for Demo and Et Tu Brute, if someone coordinating these get-togethers wouldn't mind adding me, as well. Just send an invite while I'm on.

I'm sure it'd be fun to play with fellow CAGs afterwards, too :D
Sounds good. How's tonight around 11:00 central time. I'll make a list.

Once you are on make sure you send a friend invite.

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[quote name='doodle777_98']Sounds good. How's tonight around 11:00 central time. I'll make a list. Once you are on make sure you send a friend invite.


I would be up for it as well.
[quote name='GogetaSS4']I would also but I have a playoff game for my ice hockey team. Also what system would it be on?[/QUOTE]

This is the 360 forum... >_>;
[quote name='doodle777_98']Sounds good. How's tonight around 11:00 central time. I'll make a list.

Once you are on make sure you send a friend invite.


If you do it earlier (i.e. 9pm EST), I am game. 11 CT is 12 EST for me (being a week night, it is tough for me)...
[quote name='doodle777_98']Sounds good. How's tonight around 11:00 central time. I'll make a list.

Once you are on make sure you send a friend invite.


Can I play too
i kinda dont want to change the time now. since its already like a last mintue thing. but i'll be on earlier. so send me an invite and if im on i wouldnt mind gettting an early start.

[quote name='doodle777_98']i kinda dont want to change the time now. since its already like a last mintue thing. but i'll be on earlier. so send me an invite and if im on i wouldnt mind gettting an early start.


I'd be up for doing it. I've played about 50 something hours so far, and only have one demolition kill. I'll send you a friend request.
If I'm around I'm game for Et Tu Brute and the Demolition cheesemintiez. Been battling some severe sinus headaches the past couple of days.

On a side note, played some Rush with Lifes Avenger and Rhett819 earlier on Arica Harbor. Fun times, as we dominated. I want to say it's too bad we weren't all in the same squad, but Lifes Avenger's mic was staticy the entire game. =P

Besides, our squad kind of read each other's movements and played accordingly. I finished 36-10 that game, probably some of my best numbers in Rush mode. I usually don't do that well unless it's Conquest/White Pass.
[quote name='DomLando']We need 8 people to make this work correct?[/QUOTE]
yeah, to take over a squad rush game, you need 8. i boosted this, and the hardest part was getting people in the same game. someone had to join a squad rush game, and everyone had to join him; if there were other players, make them quit (easier if it is hardcore), until you have the room/server to yourselves.

Tips (explodable/collpasible buildings):
Port Valdez
-Two two story buildings at the first objective (get in the roof, blow the walls)
-One small house (blow the walls, then defenders run inside)
-The objective building (wait on the roof)
-One two story building at the second objective
-One small house (get on the roof of this one, and blow the walls)

Valparaiso AND Panama Canal
-NONE - blow the crates and get the next map
-note: the second objective in panama is collapsible, but game ends when you blow it, so you dont get the kills.

Atacama Desert
-None at the first crate, blow it and go.
-Several two story buildings and a couple of one story buildings. on the short buildings, don't stand too close to the edge or the C4 will get you.

-Let the attackers blow buildings (defenders have unlimited lives). youll rotate anyway.
-You can rotate who plants C4 so that everyone will get some kills.
-I read that if I supply the opposing team with an ammo box and they kill me with C4 from it, it counts as a suicide.
-If you have the double explosives and bigger explosions specs, 6 C4 can bring down any building except maybe the large objective building.
-If you want motion mine assists, throw the mine before your teammate detonates.
-In hardcore, don't defib living teammates

That said, I don't need either achievement, but if you need a placeholder and i am on, send me an invite, and maybe i'll just get some kills for weapons i hate to use.
Dont think ive ever been able to get a Squad rush game going with 4 vs 4. And people on the other team always quit. Such a pain.

They need to have it set up so when you matchmake that mode it wont start till its 4 vs 4 atleast. Ive started some games that were 2 vs 2.
So I just started playing Medic today, I'm addicted to new unlocks. Something strange keeps happening though: in almost every game after a little while I'll get a kill or get some objected-related points and an unlock will pop up on screen saying that I've unlocked the defibrillator. Is it being upgraded in some way that I'm unaware of? It's confusing since you start out with the defib so I'm not exactly sure what I'm "unlocking".
Was having fun for the most part, but between (so far) one in three times I try to join a Quick Match, it non-stop loads and I have to reload the game...

And I usually end up on a team of retards. I was watching while two people basically stared at eachother, nearby where one of the points had a charge...

Saw Hydro but since we weren't in the same squad and all, I didn't bother with my headset. I think we won, though.

Would definitely like to play with a few other people with some communication or teamwork.
[quote name='doodle777_98']Im on now.


I sent you a LIVE invite. I'm on too.
[quote name='doodle777_98']Im on now.


We should do it on a night we can get 8 people. If you want to set up something like that I am in, so let me know.
Add me to the list guys! I think I can be on tonight, around 6PM CST til 10 PM CST or so. But if you guys are for sure, then I will have more incentive to stay online! If we get 8 people, it could go pretty quick I'd say.
[quote name='HydroX']If I'm around I'm game for Et Tu Brute and the Demolition cheesemintiez. Been battling some severe sinus headaches the past couple of days.

On a side note, played some Rush with Lifes Avenger and Rhett819 earlier on Arica Harbor. Fun times, as we dominated. I want to say it's too bad we weren't all in the same squad, but Lifes Avenger's mic was staticy the entire game. =P

Besides, our squad kind of read each other's movements and played accordingly. I finished 36-10 that game, probably some of my best numbers in Rush mode. I usually don't do that well unless it's Conquest/White Pass.[/QUOTE]

We really did own. Sorry about the mic situation... I don't know what is going on with my mic (even though I can't hear the static myself). It works one day and not another. I have a spare so I will try using it to see if that helps solves the issue.

[quote name='DomLando']We should do it on a night we can get 8 people. If you want to set up something like that I am in, so let me know.[/QUOTE]
Since it sounds like you guys didn't do it last night... if you do it at an earlier time i.e. 9EST/8CT, I can make it. Of course on the weekends, I can make most times if given advance notice.

[quote name='Fjordson']So I just started playing Medic today, I'm addicted to new unlocks. Something strange keeps happening though: in almost every game after a little while I'll get a kill or get some objected-related points and an unlock will pop up on screen saying that I've unlocked the defibrillator. Is it being upgraded in some way that I'm unaware of? It's confusing since you start out with the defib so I'm not exactly sure what I'm "unlocking". [/QUOTE]
You only start out with the Defib if you have vetern status (when I entered my vetern it gave it to me along with the med pack). If you don't, it unlocks at the point you are seeing it. So to answer your question, nothing will change with it once it unlocks.

I tried Squad Rush for the first time yesterday and boy does that mode suck, extremely boring.
The mic issue happened to me a LOT when I played Left 4 Dead. I had never experienced it in any other game. Sometimes you just have to turn your controller off, unplug your mic, plug the mic back in, turn the controller back on, and it'll be fine. That seems to be the only fix I've found for it, other than completely rebooting your Xbox (which is a pain sometimes).
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']So, of course, my copy comes today, and the VIP code won't work. Awesome.[/QUOTE]

I never put mine in, since I'm leaning towards trading it for something else I'll enjoy.. I figure it's worth more with the VIP code.

Contact EA about it, you may end up with a spare even. They should credit you. This isn't the first time this has happened.
Oh, if you are guys are still looking to boost that achievement, let me know. I don't usually use a mic, but I do think I still have the wired headset around here somewhere.
[quote name='menikmati']If anyone wants to boost after 5pm PST today, send me a FR.[/QUOTE]

im game for that too. just message me here preferrably.
My friends list is lacking BFBC2 players, so please feel free to add me. Working on my Medic now. Just mention CAG in the FR. Generally play 8-11pm EST.
dammit...everytime you guys start talking about boosting on a certain night, I'm either slammed with work or at a Penguins game. Tonight, it's the latter. oh well...I'll be able to jump in on one at some point.
Gotta say I'm already kind of regretting this purchase. I recently got into the first Bad Company and loved the MP, because I was able to jump right into it, even against high-ranking players. I feel at a complete disadvantage now and am not enjoying the MP in the least bit. I know the big thing now is to keep dangling the carrot in front of your face with better unlockables or whatever, but in that case, there should be a better matchmaking system in place. All I keep getting is games with squads 20+ players against me and bunch of other newbs.
It'll be alright man. I felt the same exact way when I first started playing. I would keep getting destroyed every match and felt I had no chance. Once I cranked up my sensitivity, learned the map layouts a bit and found a class I liked; things started to pick up. My brother said the same thing for the first two days, but now he's getting the hang of it and is starting to get better. I'd recommend playing Squad deathmatch for a while until you get a feel for the game, and then go on to the bigger playlists. Trust me!
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Gotta say I'm already kind of regretting this purchase. I recently got into the first Bad Company and loved the MP, because I was able to jump right into it, even against high-ranking players. I feel at a complete disadvantage now and am not enjoying the MP in the least bit. I know the big thing now is to keep dangling the carrot in front of your face with better unlockables or whatever, but in that case, there should be a better matchmaking system in place. All I keep getting is games with squads 20+ players against me and bunch of other newbs.[/QUOTE]

You might just need to get into squads that communicate better. Feel free to add me if you want, I don't get a chance to play all that often but I'll certainly be on this weekend. Getting the feel of different kits and strategies takes some time.
Squad DM or Rush is probably the worst mode you could start with. Personally, I played a couple levels of the campaign to get a feel for it, first. The campaign is considerably more like MP than BC1 is. (albeit you can't rely on the aim assist)

Some tips (after playing for maybe 14 hours total, now)

Automatic weapons have almost no bullet drop for some reason (SMGs included) and almost no recoil if you shoot in very short bursts. This means, take pot shots if you think that red triangle is only obscured and not in cover.

Playing with squadmates who coordinate makes the experience much lighter. By myself, with no communication in my squad, I found myself frustrated 200% more instead of having fun.

Sniper rifles have incredible bullet drop, but can give you very gratifying kills if you get a little experience with them. (there's little to no bullet drop in the campaign, at all, so don't practice there)

Camp if you have to, you have none of the useful stuff at the beginning. All of the unlockables for each class make them so much easier to use.

There is no penalty for leaving. Sometimes you end up on a shitty game (with the other team using exploits or your team simply standing around taking a beating).

The controls for vehicles are completely different.. I didn't even know they had 3rd person in BC2 until I played the campaign. Up on the D-Pad switches views in vehicles.

Press Select to spot enemies (make this a habit, just keep hitting it if you're simply observing, or see a far-off enemy.) to gain lots of points over time. This also is context-sensitive, so aiming at a vehicle for example will
request a ride from the driver. Or ammo/health from an Assault or Medic.

Picking up another kit and using it still gives you experience towards the class you spawned as, so don't hesitate if you run out of ammo.

Takes a bit of getting used to. I'm still 50/50 on trading it off, but it does get a little better. I have most of the unlocks now, at level 10, and I feel like it's gonna get stale when I have everything...
Don't worry. I found starting off as the Assault the best to learn the maps with since the starting weapons are better than the other classes. Plus just throw ammo boxes where your teammates camp (if you play Squad DM, 70% of people camp) and the points rack up faster than your kills do.

Like above, you can always drop the game you are in. The points/kills/deaths/etc you earn up to that point save. It allows you to get a better team. This game is all about teamwork; the second you go alone you will most likely get nailed by 2-3 guys.

For the different modes... I would stick to Rush or Squad DM.
- With Rush, you have the ability to earn way more points since a typical med kit dump for me on defense racks 300/attack as I dump them near m-com stations. When people run in and get shot they get healed and you get a squad defend order bonus and it adds up alot. Same goes for ammo drops. Rush also allows you to start spotting for people as you run into more people. The only draw back is being new you wont be used to helicopters, both defensely or offensively (I still cant fly them; controls are awkward). Also, you will need to watch for snipers and guys camping at your base (as this happens alot). Snipers in this mode arent the best. Just stick to jumping and ducking/standing alternating when in open space, 95% wont hit you.
- With Squad DM, it is what I started with. It is tougher for me than the Rush to start in the sense, you will most likely get dropped on a terrible team and you have to do a lot of game jumping in order to be on a decent team. This isn't Call of Duty so going alone will most likely kill you; you need a good squad and communication in order to do well. I find Squad DM stronger now as people know the hiding spots and the sniping in that mode has gotten way better.

Lastly, Conquest and Squad Rush are the worst two modes to play in until you get experienced. Granted Squad Rush is the worst mode to play anyways. I dont know why it was added.
I don't think either of the squad modes are good ways to jump into the game unless you actually have a couple of friends playing with you. Playing squad DM or Rush against a team that's working together while you play with randoms is frustrating.

lordopus99 didn't recommend Conquest, but I would. Until they fix the ticket bleed it essentially is a larger team deathmatch anyway and you'll get practice defending/attacking objectives. Plus you can get a lot of points for destroying vehicles and defending the flags. If you play that mode as Assualt or Medic just drop an Ammo/Health box near a flag and you'll pick up points. If you get with a random squad, stick to them like glue as everything you do earns more points (squad assists, repairs, heals, avenge/savior kills, etc)
[quote name='whiptcracker']I don't think either of the squad modes are good ways to jump into the game unless you actually have a couple of friends playing with you. Playing squad DM or Rush against a team that's working together while you play with randoms is frustrating.

lordopus99 didn't recommend Conquest, but I would. Until they fix the ticket bleed it essentially is a larger team deathmatch anyway and you'll get practice defending/attacking objectives. Plus you can get a lot of points for destroying vehicles and defending the flags. If you play that mode as Assualt or Medic just drop an Ammo/Health box near a flag and you'll pick up points. If you get with a random squad, stick to them like glue as everything you do earns more points (squad assists, repairs, heals, avenge/savior kills, etc)[/QUOTE]

The reason I didn't recomend it is because of how chaotic it is, especially if you are within a couple blocks of a flag. Some of the levels are complete choke points so you can easily get slaughtered if you dont know the layout.

I noticed a new trend which I call the Call of Noobie... Medic with M60 + MGM Ammo i.e. two body shot kill. Can't stand this. Last game I played there were three of these guys doing that around the second A on Africa Harbor Rush. You have the possibility of killing one or two but hey they just revive each other.
[quote name='lordopus99']
I noticed a new trend which I call the Call of Noobie... Medic with M60 + MGM Ammo i.e. two body shot kill. Can't stand this. Last game I played there were three of these guys doing that around the second A on Africa Harbor Rush. You have the possibility of killing one or two but hey they just revive each other.[/QUOTE]

They're gonna nerf the M60 in an update, apparently.
Eh, they're nerfing the M60 sometime soon but I don't see it as being that much different than people running around with the M40, Carl Gustav, shotgun sniping, etc.
[quote name='lordopus99']I noticed a new trend which I call the Call of Noobie... Medic with M60 + MGM Ammo i.e. two body shot kill. Can't stand this. Last game I played there were three of these guys doing that around the second A on Africa Harbor Rush. You have the possibility of killing one or two but hey they just revive each other.[/QUOTE]

M60 is getting a "balance update" along with the M1911. Thank God, because snipers can still snipe with that fucking pistol. Line up the shot with your scope, then switch to M1911 and blam, dead. So frustrating when you die due to the 'uber sniper pistol'.
Well, I will admit that I definitely jumped the gun a bit. I am finally getting the feel of the game. I've been playing as assault and now that I have some of the upgrades, the guns do not feel nearly as uncontrollable.

I have noticed a lot of the cheap crap you guys are talking about, especially the M60/MGM ammo. One game I was getting destroyed by a group of these guys, so I just bounced. Glad they are going to squash that. I also got sniped by the M1911. Thought it was a glitch or something, because when they showed the guy, I was like, "That bastard is halfway across the map..."
[quote name='lordopus99']
Lastly, Conquest and Squad Rush are the worst two modes to play in until you get experienced. Granted Squad Rush is the worst mode to play anyways. I dont know why it was added.[/QUOTE]

I absolutely LOVE squad rush!
Even if you just meet some people ingame and you know they know what they're doing, it helps. I ended up behind an enemy base as a medic, and noticed my friend (just played a few rounds with him in my squad, communicating etc, then quit, and joined another game he was in but different squads) was there too. We end up running around without any contact, and stealing the defenders' Apache.

Boy, imagine Attackers getting an attack helicopter, and tanks, vs the defender having only a light tank and two exposed crates.

I went 43/10 (13/10 before the heli, I was gunner) that round... It was amazing. Got my last two vehicle unlocks (TWO FULL BARS!) from that, and roughly 30-40 pins. Then we got shot down by a blackhawk when we finally blew the crates (we needed to repair so we were distracted).

That was crazy, but I followed him explicitly because I knew he was decent. He barely even shot rockets, and he mostly just circled and let me keep firing. (we had no communication either)

I've been rolled several times by heli's on the opposing team, so this was a real refreshing experience.

Oh, and Spec 3s stack with people in vehicles, so try to coordinate with the other person if you find yourself in vehicles often. (Most tank gunners like Optics, I personally love Fast Reload, so imagine that combo)

Now I'm jonesing to play again today :(
The MG3 is horrifying. I can't use it at all, even with the LMG+ spec. I'm lucky I got bronze with my sanity intact.

Also, boo knifing. It's my preferred method to dispatch but it's so broken. I hope they release an update fixing that and more soon because my will to play is fading.
bread's done