Battlefield Bad Company 2; Vietnam (1200 points) out; plus 4 new free maps

I'm still thoroughly enjoying this game. For me; I will not be buying another FPS that doesn't have destructible environments again (except REACH of course). I've already gotten plenty of my money's worth.
I'm looking for some BFBC2 friends. Feel free to add me. Just started playing the game last week. I'm really enjoying it thus far.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Anyone in for Demolition Man boosting this weekend? Both Saturday and Sunday are looking pretty open for me, preferably Sunday.[/QUOTE]

Count me in.
Sunday would be a good day for me to join in with the Demolition. Other than that I'll add a few of you guys since I just been hopping into games with Avenger. A lot better than just random squads
I'm in too, just send me a message somehow on what time.

And, if I add you guys...that's THREE Snakes on my friends list! -.-

It was fun playing with you last night, Rhett. Nice finally having someone actually working with me, rather than constantly running away or sniping from awful spots.
Haha, the Saika shotgun's range is way too far reaching. I was playing Recon earlier so I could get 10 motion spot assists for an achievement, but I suck with sniper rifles, so I was using the Saika. I was taking guys out halfway across the map with magnum ammo.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!

It was fun playing with you last night, Rhett. Nice finally having someone actually working with me, rather than constantly running away or sniping from awful spots.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, was fun. Need to play earlier though so we don't end up with such empty games (despite kicking ass and taking dog tags!).

I HATE joining games and ending up squadless. Ontop of losing extra spawn points, I have nobody to follow (I tend to camp/defend despite my class choices if my squad is uncoordinated), nobody to support/assist, and nobody to fly heli's with. I actually ran RIGHT UP TO an Apache, right after someone not in my squad got in it, and he flew off without a gunner. That pissed me off so much.

I don't even mind if we don't communicate, just knowing that we have similar objectives in mind is enough. Not to mention the standard of 'helping squadmates gets me XP!'...

Still debating using my VIP code. I just know that BC2 will get stale when I have nothing else to unlock (the later rank-only unlocks don't seem all that amazing for all the work involved either). Not to mention, SCC comes out next Tuesday...

However, new maps would be great so I don't end up on Atacama Desert or Valparaiso again (HATE those maps!)... Sigh. Speaking of which, any luck with your code Bruce?

Added BravoSnake and Liquid. I imagine 3 Snakes and a Rhett should be pretty deadly.
^Totally. Not having a squad is the worst. I already don't have any friends that bought this for 360 (dirty PC gamers) but when you join a team that had 9 or 10 and are the odd man out, it really sucks.
Oh, yeah, being squadless is the absolute worst. I do like you, Rhett: I just kind of hang around and defend a small area, hoping a few people wander by me. Or just leave the game after awhile if no one joins.

And people taking vehicles with no support is so freaking annoying, especially when you see a moron in a tank get blown up by C4, when a gunner might have easily taken out the enemy that planted it.

Also, thanks for boosting my XP by resupplying from me all night! It's so annoying when you see a squad member that is low on ammo, and he's running away from you lol.

I will most likely be on tonight after 9, so everyone keep an eye out.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Anyone in for Demolition Man boosting this weekend? Both Saturday and Sunday are looking pretty open for me, preferably Sunday.[/QUOTE]

Fine for both. Let me know date and time and I will make it work.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Anyone in for Demolition Man boosting this weekend? Both Saturday and Sunday are looking pretty open for me, preferably Sunday.[/QUOTE]

saturday is awesome for me. afternoon. but im down for sure send me a message and ill make it work.
Ok guys, not trying to be a dick but really, it seems like unless a hard date/time is set this stuff tends to fall through the cracks, so....


So far:
Ok guys, it seems like unless a hard date/time is set this stuff tends to fall through the cracks, so....





So far:
KaneRobot (probably both)
lordopus99 (probably both)
paz9x (at least Saturday)

Saturday could be weak due to short notice but hopefully some people will see this before tomorrow morning. If both have meager turnouts we'll try to schedule again later in the week.
The PS3 folks here have this shit on a spreadsheet. We're just flailing about compared to them.

Should we try to make a CAG night sometime?

I'll be on this weekend if anyone wants a squadmate
[quote name='whiptcracker']The PS3 folks here have this shit on a spreadsheet. We're just flailing about compared to them.

Should we try to make a CAG night sometime?

I'll be on this weekend if anyone wants a squadmate[/QUOTE]

seriously? theyre gangstas. we should get a cag night going. im throwing out thursdays. whatta you guys think?
[quote name='KaneRobot']Ok guys, it seems like unless a hard date/time is set this stuff tends to fall through the cracks, so....





So far:
KaneRobot (probably both)
lordopus99 (probably both)
paz9x (at least Saturday)

Saturday could be weak due to short notice but hopefully some people will see this before tomorrow morning. If both have meager turnouts we'll try to schedule again later in the week.[/QUOTE]

good work kane. ill be there.
Finally getting to where I don't totally suck all the time.

Tired of having no one to squad up with though. Feel free to add me if anyone wants to, though my playtimes are very random.
FYI, if you want to get the demolition man achievement without "boosting," play squad rush and planet C4 around the base of the house, and use the skill that adds extra C4 so you can definitely take down the building in one explosion. Now just wait for the other team to set a charge and knock down the building ASAP...a lot of times you'll actually get 3-4 kills at once this way. You can do it on offense as well if the other team doesn't kill you first. Just planet enough C4 to knock the building down and then go inside and set the charge, then exit, wait for the other team to disarm, then blow up the building.

I was running around with the mortar strike trying to hit the edge of building for a long time and it didn't work too well, but just being an asshole with C4 on rush is the way to go really.

So what is the highest marksmen bonus everyone has received? I think mine was around 400-430 when I quit the game. I literally aimed from the bottom dot to make the shot :)
[quote name='KaneRobot']Ok guys, it seems like unless a hard date/time is set this stuff tends to fall through the cracks, so....





So far:
KaneRobot (probably both)
lordopus99 (probably both)
paz9x (at least Saturday)

Saturday could be weak due to short notice but hopefully some people will see this before tomorrow morning. If both have meager turnouts we'll try to schedule again later in the week.[/QUOTE]

I can be on for Sunday.
I would more than likely be good for Sunday night. Might be on a tad later than that. Saturday is definitely a no-go for me.

If not, I will probably wait until I unlock some things and try the Squad Rush tactic mentioned already.
[quote name='freshzen']FYI, if you want to get the demolition man achievement without "boosting," play squad rush and planet C4 around the base of the house, and use the skill that adds extra C4 so you can definitely take down the building in one explosion. Now just wait for the other team to set a charge and knock down the building ASAP...a lot of times you'll actually get 3-4 kills at once this way. You can do it on offense as well if the other team doesn't kill you first. Just planet enough C4 to knock the building down and then go inside and set the charge, then exit, wait for the other team to disarm, then blow up the building.

I was running around with the mortar strike trying to hit the edge of building for a long time and it didn't work too well, but just being an asshole with C4 on rush is the way to go really.

So what is the highest marksmen bonus everyone has received? I think mine was around 400-430 when I quit the game. I literally aimed from the bottom dot to make the shot :)[/QUOTE]

I would seriously rather have people boost than possibly screw over other folks online. The demo man achievement is a bitch though.
The day I keep a spreadsheet or a detailed log of this stuff is the day I quit gaming. your FR, Dom.

If Saturday doesn't get much of a response before 2 pm EST I'll give it a shot anyway and send messages to anyone I see on that is playing.

Updated list:
KaneRobot (probably both)
lordopus99 (probably both)
paz9x (at least Saturday)
DomLando (at least Sunday)
[quote name='KaneRobot']The day I keep a spreadsheet or a detailed log of this stuff is the day I quit gaming. your FR, Dom.

If Saturday doesn't get much of a response before 2 pm EST I'll give it a shot anyway and send messages to anyone I see on that is playing.

Updated list:
KaneRobot (probably both)
lordopus99 (probably both)
paz9x (at least Saturday)
DomLando (at least Sunday)[/QUOTE]

I will be on both days until we get it.

I agree with whiptcracker on freshzen's comment. I absolutely hate people that C4 their own buildings during real games. I would rather see it being boosted than people trying it on live games. And yes, I am one of those people that actually hit people with negative feedback for it. Play the games as they are meant to be played... if you really want an achievement boost it... if you dont care, get it legit. Don't screw over everyones experience by screwing over your whole team.

I wish developers would stop putting online achievements that require you do weird or repetitve things i.e. demolish or knife friends in BC2. It takes away the online experience when you have people going for achievements during online game. I am fine with the progression ones (if you really care about people playing it) i.e. Unlock 3 Weapons in BC2 or Seriously in GoW
Updated list:
KaneRobot (both)
lordopus99 (both)
paz9x (at least Saturday)
DomLando (at least Sunday)
bigpimpin24 (at least Sunday)
HydroX (late Sunday)
Schmackledorf (Sunday)

[quote name='bs000']Can I come too[/QUOTE]

Uh, yeah, but you need to say when you'll be on.
[quote name='lordopus99']I wish developers would stop putting online achievements that require you do weird or repetitve things i.e. demolish or knife friends in BC2. It takes away the online experience when you have people going for achievements during online game. I am fine with the progression ones (if you really care about people playing it) i.e. Unlock 3 Weapons in BC2 or Seriously in GoW[/QUOTE]

I agree completely. It really blows when you get into a game, and you can tell people are trying to get some really stupid achievement. I hate grind-fest achievements, too, like 10K kills, but at least that does not ruin the game for anyone. You either wanna stay around that long to get that many kills, or you don't. People won't be trying to do wacky shit in the game.
[quote name='whiptcracker']I would seriously rather have people boost than possibly screw over other folks online. The demo man achievement is a bitch though.[/QUOTE]

ding ding. i get fucking pissed when assholes on defense are blowing up their building.
I'll try to be around today (2PM EST) but that's iffy. I can definitely make Sunday at 9PM EST though.

Don't even really care about the achievements, but Demolition Man and Et Tu Brute are the only achievements for the game that I can't get on my own...

I may or may not send The KaneRobot an invite, so if you're on, please send me a friend invite since I likely won't be near my xbox until 2 or so.
Kane, I'll be good for tomorrow anytime since I'm PST so if anyone wants to play some regular matches before, and after than I'm down.

Today is a no good for me since I work, and will be getting off extremely late.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Updated list:
KaneRobot (both)
lordopus99 (both)
paz9x (at least Saturday)
DomLando (at least Sunday)
bigpimpin24 (at least Sunday)
HydroX (late Sunday)
Schmackledorf (Sunday)

well im required to go to costco with the mrs. ill probably be an hour or so late. ill make it tomorrow too so if you guys arent on when i get back ill see you sunday.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Don't see anyone on besides lordopus and I, so it looks like Sunday will be the day.[/QUOTE]

i just got home 3 hours later. ended up buying a new mower. super exciting.
ill be there tomorrow for sure.
if anybody wants to try today send me a message ill be hoem for the rest of the day.
Man, just played 4+ rounds in a row against a pretty bad team, with a pretty bad (but slightly better) team on Rush. Got so many points -.-

I even got, for the first time, a 319 Marksman shot, followed by 4 more 200+ marksman shots, on Arica Harbor with the M24 (pretty fun lining up the mildots with their heads!). Got my GOL and my spotting scope in the same game. Just fantastic sniping opportunities, because none of them (not even AT guys who just fired a shot) would hide. They'd just stand there and take it...

Then I quit since I had been playing for like 3 hours, but that was just awesome. Had a similar game lastnight, went on a rampage with a 4X scope and a T88 rifle.

Recon is just devastating in the right hands. I'm pretty sure the only reason we kept managing to plant successfully was because half of the enemy team were snipers attempting to snipe back.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Updated list:
KaneRobot (both)
lordopus99 (both)
paz9x (at least Saturday)
DomLando (at least Sunday)
bigpimpin24 (at least Sunday)
HydroX (late Sunday)
Schmackledorf (Sunday)[/QUOTE]

Put me down for tomorrow night. I might be able to find a few extra people to help out too.
So, you know whats gay?

Going into Squad Rush and seeing two guys glitch non stop for points. My roommate and I went into a match and they were literally up to almost 20,000 points. fucking sad when you have to lower your self to doing that to rank up IMHO.
[quote name='iRent']What's up with the damn lag?! Half the games are now laggy since the "upgraded" the servers.[/QUOTE]
I've noticed occasional lag, more than there was before, but not too bad. At least I haven't been kicked to the dashboard lately.
[quote name='lilman']I've noticed occasional lag, more than there was before, but not too bad. At least I haven't been kicked to the dashboard lately.[/QUOTE]

I think that only happens when the game tries to load VIP content, but you don't have it unlocked.
bread's done